PCT Simplified


New Member
Hey all,

I'm happy to share with everyone what I wish I found years ago. I've done a lot of research and testing. Doses and timing may vary a little bit depending on your body and cycle, but in general this will keep side effects to a minimum whether you alter it a bit or not. It is at the least an excellent starting point if you don't have a grasp on PCT. Hope it helps! Because I wish I had come across this years ago myself.

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)
Start 14 days after last pin (Test-E/Deca for example)

1. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
HCG, stimulates the production of testosterone in males. When used by women, it allows ovulation. HCG is commonly used during steroid cycles to maintain testosterone production, and after a cycle, to bring natural testosterone levels up. It is often used at 500IU/day for 7 days, either during or post cycle. Exceeding 1000IU daily, invites risk of gynecomastia forming. Average price for HCG is $20-$30 for 5000IU. For optimal results, it should be stacked with nolvadex/arimidex and Clomid.

Use: Weeks 1-3 @ 500iu/day

2. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)
Nolvadex, has a similar use as arimidex. However, it does not reduce estrogen levels as many believe, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors. It is also used post-cycle, it will help prevent gynecomastia, when the testosterone/estrogen levels are lowered/raised. Nolvadex is often used with high dosages of testosterone, dianabol, anadrol and deca durabolin. Average street price for nolvadex ranges from $1.50-$2.50 per 20mg pill. Nolvadex is commonly used at 20mg a day, either post cycle, or when symptoms of gynecomastia appear. As with most anti-estrogens, they work well with other ant-estrogens. Nolvadex can be used with HCG and/or clomid for post cycle recover.

Use: Weeks 1-6 @ 20mg/day

3. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)
Clomid is usually used in conjunction with arimidex or nolvadex post cycle to help restore natural testosterone production, as well as reducing risk of gynecomastia. In men, the application of clomid causes an elevation of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. As a result, natural testosterone production is also increased. A common recommendation for clomid is 100mg a day for 7 days, followed by 50mg a day for 14 days. The addition of HCG, will provide even better results. Average price for clomid ranges from $1-$2 per 50mg tab.

Use: Week 1 @ 100mgs/day, Weeks 2-3 @ 50mgs/day
(Do not use Aromasin and Clomid together during PCT, use one or the other.)

4. Aromasin (Exemestane)
Aromasin makes estrogen receptors useless, and instead of just inhibiting production (as an anti-aromatase would do) it cuts off production totally. Aromasin can also cause androgenic sides, which may help to elevate your mood while you are on PCT. This drug in PCT can effectively remove up to about 85%+ of estrogen from your body. Most importantly, using Aromasin together with Nolvadex doesn’t reduce Aromasin's effectiveness. So now, I think the problem of ANY inhibition possible with HCG is solved, and we can use that 500iu/day dose that is recommended.

Use: Weeks 1-4 @ 20mgs/day
(can also be used during cycle in smaller doses)
(Do not use Aromasin and Clomid together during PCT, use one or the other.)

** Aromasin and Clomid are in red because during PCT, choose one or the other along with Nolva + HCG.

4. Aromasin (Exemestane)
Aromasin makes estrogen receptors useless, and instead of just inhibiting production (as an anti-aromatase would do) it cuts off production totally.
A doctor that doesn't research?

Bansh is an obvious TROLL.

"Exemestane is part of a general group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors. It keeps the body from making estrogen without affecting other hormones."

"Aromatase is an enzyme that synthesizes estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors block the synthesis of estrogen. This lowers the estrogen level"

"Exemestane decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes"

"Lets solve that pesky estrogen problem now….
Lets add in an Aromatase Inhibitor! Which one, though? Well, since we are already using Nolvadex, we can’t use Letrozole or Arimidex, as the Nolvadex will actually greatly decrease the blood plasma levels of them!
So we have to use Aromasin (exemestane) as our AI, because it’s an aromatase inactivator, meaning it makes estrogen receptors useless, and instead of just inhibiting production (as an anti-aromatase would do) it cuts off production totally. Aromasin can also cause androgenic sides (29)(30)(31), which may help to elevate your mood while you are on PCT. This final drug in my recommended PCT can effectively remove up to about 85%+ of estrogen from your body (32). Most importantly, using Aromasin together with Nolvadex doesn’t reduce exemestane’s effectiveness (33). So now, I think the problem of ANY inhibition possible with HCG is solved, and we can use that 500iu/day dose that I wanted to use previously."
You start PCT for Deca/Test E 14 days after last pin?
Yes, here is a chart of half-lives...

You can start HCG a little before that, or even at the end of your cycle to jump start your balls.
So with this logic, you would be good to start PCT 10.5 days after last pin of Test E @ any dose?

Yes, here is a chart of half-lives...

You can start HCG a little before that, or even at the end of your cycle to jump start your balls.
So with this logic, you would be good to start pct 10.5 days after last pin of Test E @ any dose?
It's in general... if you didn't notice at the top of my post, it says:

Doses and timing may vary a little bit depending on your body and cycle
The definition of a TROLL is exactly what you are doing in my forum thread. Don't hate because my information is solid and better than the advice from a doctor.
I was getting there Doc.

All that you have done is copy and paste an article from right here
and attempted to pass this off as some revelation of yours. There is no "simplified" PCT. Everything is subjective. Many factors come into play such as individual response, the androgen used, and the dose/length of cycle. So you can bold and underline all you want but you're still a complete moron.
Simplified as info from
I was getting there Doc.

All that you have done is copy and paste an article from right here
and attempted to pass this off as some revelation of yours. There is no "simplified" PCT. Everything is subjective. Many factors come into play such as individual response, the androgen used, and the dose/length of cycle. So you can bold and underline all you want but you're still a complete moron.

It's simplified because it takes information from many places and is put in one place instead. What is wrong with it? I don't understand why all the criticism. It's a good article, I wish I had come across it many years ago. If you don't want it here then get mr. Dr. to delete it and I'll find another forum to TROLL. It's good general info and following it after any cycle will give better results than no PCT at all. Maybe you two should stop trolling and move on.
The definition of a TROLL is exactly what you are doing in my forum thread. Don't hate because my information is solid and better than the advice from a doctor.
Either a troll or a woefully ill-informed individual would consider his PCT advice better than that of @Michael Scally MD , the internationally-recognized and leading medical expert on anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism (ASIH) aka post cycle therapy (PCT). Only a troll would accuse Dr. Scally of not being familiar with the scientific research in this area; no one knows it better than the doc.
So the title of this thread should have read, "USE THIS PCT, IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING"

Simplified as info from

It's simplified because it takes information from many places and is put in one place instead. What is wrong with it? I don't understand why all the criticism. It's a good article, I wish I had come across it many years ago. If you don't want it here then get mr. Dr. to delete it and I'll find another forum to TROLL. It's good general info and following it after any cycle will give better results than no PCT at all. Maybe you two should stop trolling and move on.
Simplified as info from

It's simplified because it takes information from many places and is put in one place instead. What is wrong with it? I don't understand why all the criticism. It's a good article, I wish I had come across it many years ago. If you don't want it here then get mr. Dr. to delete it and I'll find another forum to TROLL. It's good general info and following it after any cycle will give better results than no PCT at all. Maybe you two should stop trolling and move on.
I don't understand why you are so invested in the woefully-inadequate advice in this article and so determined to reject and insult an internationally-recognized expert on the topic.
I don't understand why you are so invested in the woefully-inadequate advice in this article and so determined to reject and insult an internationally-recognized expert on the topic.

Maybe it was the way he immediately introduced himself to me in his first post above, put me into defensive mode. Expert of something or not, show no respect, receive no respect.
Okay, here's an updated version using some better resources and a sample beginners cycle:

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)
Start 14 days after Test-E/Deca combination

1. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
HCG, stimulates the production of testosterone in males. When used by women, it allows ovulation. HCG is commonly used during steroid cycles to maintain testosterone production, and after a cycle, to bring natural testosterone levels up. It is often used at 500IU/day for 7 days, either during or post cycle. Exceeding 1000IU daily, invites risk of gynecomastia forming. Average price for HCG is $20-$30 for 5000IU. For optimal results, it should be stacked with nolvadex/arimidex and Clomid.

2. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)
Nolvadex, has a similar use as arimidex. However, it does not reduce estrogen levels as many believe, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors. It is also used post-cycle, it will help prevent gynecomastia, when the testosterone/estrogen levels are lowered/raised. Nolvadex is often used with high dosages of testosterone, dianabol, anadrol and deca durabolin. Average street price for nolvadex ranges from $1.50-$2.50 per 20mg pill. Nolvadex is commonly used at 20mg a day, either post cycle, or when symptoms of gynecomastia appear. As with most anti-estrogens, they work well with other ant-estrogens. Nolvadex can be used with HCG and/or clomid for post cycle recover.

3. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)
Clomid is usually used in conjunction with arimidex or nolvadex post cycle to help restore natural testosterone production, as well as reducing risk of gynecomastia. In men, the application of clomid causes an elevation of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. As a result, natural testosterone production is also increased. A common recommendation for clomid is 100mg a day for 7 days, followed by 50mg a day for 14 days. The addition of HCG, will provide even better results. Average price for clomid ranges from $1-$2 per 50mg tab.

4. Aromasin (Exemestane) & Arimidex
Aromasin is a steroidal suicide aromatase inhibitor, which means that it lowers estrogen production in the body by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for estrogen systemization. This drug in PCT can effectively remove up to about 85%+ of estrogen from your body. Most importantly, using Aromasin together with Nolvadex doesn’t reduce Aromasin's effectiveness. Aromasin averages an 85% rate of estrogen suppression, so it's clearly a very effective agent for bodybuilders and other athletes wanting to avoid estrogen related side effects such as gyno, acne, or water-retention brought on by aromatizing steroids. Specifically, Exemestane does this by selectively inhibiting aromatase activity in a time-dependent and irreversible manner. As with most of the compounds in this class, it also causes a reasonable rise in testosterone levels, and as you may have guessed, this rise in testosterone means that Exemestane can also cause androgenic sides. Exemestane is very effective at both lowering estrogen (estradiol) and raising testosterone.

5. Arimidex (Anastrozole)
Arimidex is what we call an aromatase inhibitor (AI). In clinical use, it's used to halt the progression of Breast Cancer in women. It works by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for the production of estrogen. In athletics and bodybuilding, it is used as an ancillary compound to be added to a cycle of Anabolic Steroids. In this respect it is also used for its estrogen reducing properties, but it has the additional benefit of increasing testosterone levels. But can you use it for the entire duration of a cycle? Is it dangerous? Well, certainly reducing estrogen levels in your body is good from a body building point of view, as it reduces water-retention and the potential for gynocomastia (if there's no estrogen in your body, you can't get gyno, regardless of how much progesterone is floating around. Luckily this stuff is very mild on blood lipids (cholesterol) and doesn't affect them adversely, in the studies I've seen.

Weeks 1-12(12weeks): Test-E @ 500mg/week (1cc Monday 1cc Thursday)
Weeks 1-10(10weeks): Deca @ 300mg/week (1cc Monday)
Weeks 1-6(6weeks): Dbol @ 30mg/day (Everyday)
Weeks 1-12(12weeks): Arimidex @ .5mg/day (Everyday)

-=Between Cycle & PCT=-
Weeks 13&14(2weeks): HCG @ 1500iu/week (500iu Mon/Wed/Fri)

Weeks 15&16(2weeks): Nolvadex @ 40mg/day (Everyday)
Weeks 17&18(2weeks): Nolvadex @ 20mg/day (Everyday)
Weeks 15-15(1weeks): Clomid @ 100mg/day (Everyday)
Weeks 16-18(3weeks): Clomid @ 50mg/day (Everyday)