
ben m

New Member
Hi people, im new to this & was hoping i could be pointed in the right direction if im making mistakes. Ive decided to do my first cycle which people have told me test e was a good shout, im 21. 5ft 9 & 11st 10lb. My cycle is 500mg p/w for 10 weeks, pinning on a monday & thursday. I have nolvadex with me incase of estrogen increase. I am recieving both hcg & chlomid within 2 weeks which i was planning on taking the hcg after my cycle or isit better to run mid-end of cycle? Im going to run the chlomid 2weeks after my last injection or 2 weeks after the hcg if its better to also do that after my cycle. not sure what dosage of chlomid is correct for my cycle though & also will this be enough to ensure all my levels are as they should be & i keep my gains or do i need to run a AI in there along side the SERM? THANKS!
I thought you take nolvadex if you start getting pains in your chest for signs of gyno? & i heard so many different things about when to take hcg i was confused. So am i better taking it mid-end of cycle?
Am i wrong about the nolvadex? Just dont want to be making mistakes & what would you say was a good chlomid dosage & is nolva & chlomid enough for pct with the cycle im on? Or do i need AI with them SERMS?
Am i wrong about the nolvadex? Just dont want to be making mistakes & what would you say was a good chlomid dosage & is nolva & chlomid enough for pct with the cycle im on? Or do i need AI with them SERMS?

AI is what lowers estrogen, by stopping the conversion. Hence the word inhibitor. SERM is a selective estrogen receptor mod... meaning it selectively regulates where estrogen can't go.
Nolva blocks it from attacking to your titties, does nothing to your actual estrogen levels.
Clomid n Nolva is good.
Like mentioned before, read the stickies. Like the one you had to scroll past in order to even post here.
You need to get an ai, for me it's aromasin. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Also, don't run hcg during pct, either run it throughout the cycle or start blasting it the last 2-4 weeks of your cycle.

For pct I would run clomid, and that's about it. Since you're only doing a test only cycle.
Okay, well thanks for heads up. Much appriciated!
For the chlomid would this enough & long enough
Week 1&2 150mg every day
Week 2&3 100mg every day
Week 4 50mg every day
150mg you might get a little emotional with little added benefit. I'd keep it at 100mg the first two weeks, then 50mg for 3 weeks. Like I said everyone is different and you might not even get shut down that hard from 10 weeks of test.
Am i wrong about the nolvadex? Just dont want to be making mistakes & what would you say was a good chlomid dosage & is nolva & chlomid enough for pct with the cycle im on? Or do i need AI with them SERMS?

While sorry ben m.. you made the mistake already! 1st starting at @21!, Second, not properly researching about PCT and AI's.. Can't wait for your next post of "HELP- I can't get my dick up!". All I can say is good luck!
Whats wrong with starting at 21? At the end of the day ive come on here for advice cos when ive looked places while redearching ive seen different way so i wanted to hear from experienced users! so why not just stop the snied comments
People will always hate on that aspect. I started at 21 as well. Do what makes you happy.

I think what he is getting at is you didn't do enough research. Like you could have figured all this out using the search tool and not even having to create a thread. So when you have complications down the road, he can say he told you so.

I started at 21 because I had already had a kid, and 1 child is all I want for the rest of my life. Of course my thought on that could change, but I feel pretty strongly about it still. If I wasn't ever planning on blasting and cruising I never would have cycled to begin with because it's literally pointless. I'm on trt for life. And living a much higher quality of life because of it.
Yeah i could of but i found some of it confusing so i wanted to hear it from some experienced users.
what do you mean by blasting & cruising?
How many cycles had you been on tho to mess your own levels up?
Blasting and cruising. IE: never going off test(PINNING FOREVER), when I'm cruising my dose is 150-200mg/week. A typical blast for me is 4 weeks of anadrol and 12 weeks of tren, while upping the test to 500mg.

Before I ever started steroids my levels were averaged out in the 600s, after my first cycle I couldn't get it over 400. After my second cycle they were in the high 200s and a couple of tests were low 300s.