PCTMart - Pharma Grade Test & PCT - EU domestic & International

All these brands made by hikma like westward first example have been being knocked off for years but have active ingredients. It’s an easy sell because they are made in the same country as the real ones
Made an order of testoviron so I can compare it with the pharma I used to get from pharmacy, but it's out of stock... @PCTmart the testoviron you have in the europe warehouse is from Portuguese pharma right ?
Made an order of testoviron so I can compare it with the pharma I used to get from pharmacy, but it's out of stock... @PCTmart the testoviron you have in the europe warehouse is from Portuguese pharma right ?
Usually from Portugal.
Sometimes we bring it from other countries as well.

I will update you about your order, once we got it, it will be shipped pretty quickly too you.

All these brands made by hikma like westward first example have been being knocked off for years but have active ingredients. It’s an easy sell because they are made in the same country as the real ones
As I said, if someone can prove it's a knock-off, I will give him store credits, and the product is gone for good. This goes for ALL of our products. This particular Test we get almost directly from the manufacture.
Usually from Portugal.
Sometimes we bring it from other countries as well.

I will update you about your order, once we got it, it will be shipped pretty quickly too you.

As I said, if someone can prove it's a knock-off, I will give him store credits, and the product is gone for good. This goes for ALL of our products. This particular Test we get almost directly from the manufacture.
Thanks for the fast response.
It wi
Usually from Portugal.
Sometimes we bring it from other countries as well.

I will update you about your order, once we got it, it will be shipped pretty quickly too you.

As I said, if someone can prove it's a knock-off, I will give him store credits, and the product is gone for good. This goes for ALL of our products. This particular Test we get almost directly from the manufacture.
ll be very hard for most guys to prove wrong if it’s dosed accordingly. They would have to go for fine details like the oil for example. Should be a thick cottonseed oil. For example I have some paki Testoviron in Brown amps here. They even tested out on the money but I still am not sure if they are real genuine Testoviron because it’s so hard for a source to get legit products out of Pakistan these days.
Also these
It wi

ll be very hard for most guys to prove wrong if it’s dosed accordingly. They would have to go for fine details like the oil for example. Should be a thick cottonseed oil. For example I have some paki Testoviron in Brown amps here. They even tested out on the money but I still am not sure if they are real genuine Testoviron because it’s so hard for a source to get legit products out of Pakistan these days.
Also westward and actavis May be made in Portugal but they are not for sale there in pharmacies as far as I know. Only North America
Also these

Also westward and actavis May be made in Portugal but they are not for sale there in pharmacies as far as I know. Only North America
That's true, they only sell testoviron from Bayer, sustanon and deca from aspen.
All these brands made by hikma like westward first example have been being knocked off for years but have active ingredients. It’s an easy sell because they are made in the same country as the real ones
Deca is something we can get, but only from Turkey or India.

Coming soon:

Test undecanoate 5ml. 200mg / ml


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Deca is something we can get, but only from Turkey or India.

They don’t sell deca in Turkish pharmacy. You can find retabolil in Bulgaria and some neighboring countries.
Correct, I got confused between Turkey and Bulgaria. The only problem is that this deca is 50mg/ml, while the deca from india is 100mg/ml. We will have soon deca from India, but right now it's quite expensive. We are trying to get it for cheaper so that we can sell it.
You all are very late to the party trying to pass off counterfeit USA Pharm grade Test sold exclusively here in the states.
Watson Test Cyp was the first to be sold by int sources. Ol Ret started DomesticSupply to showcase Watson Test Cyp and then eventually every other USA Pharm grade test available in the USA ONLY and for TRT by prescription only.
Nobody is walking into a pharmacy in Portugal and buying any of the Westward, Activis or Perrigo Test Cyp/Enan. Its for distribution in the USA only.
This has all been hashed out years ago across the Community.
It would be a short lived scam if there wasn't hormone in it. And make no mistake, selling ugl testosterone as USA Pharmacy grade testosterone is a scam. And an old one at that.
You are taking us as fucking idiots....pretty fucked up as a non paying source wanting to get us to send you money. At least be honest and tell us you're selling counterfeits that have been tested and shown to contain real hormone.
Uncle Z call the fake Omnadren "Working Replicas". A little honesty goes a long way. If you continue to lie your stay is not going to much fun. Even for grizzled veteran scammers it gets old pretty quickly having multiple posts a day to you starting off with a "Fuck you liar",.
Don't think about telling me or any member that we don't have to buy if we don't want to and to stop posting about your lies. You're misrepresenting your products. There is ZERO CHANCE THAT YOU ARE SELLING GENUINE USA PHARMACY TESTOSTERONE. THEY ARE COUNTERFEIT.

I'm really sorry that it happened to you.
We care about our customers, we only sell products that we know where they came from. that's why we only sell human grade as well.

We are sure that our testosterone is genuine. If someone orders it and can prove that it's fake (even if there is a 1% chance that it's fake) ill give him store credit and stop selling it.
@BiggerI tried to say the same but they want to stick to the same story. I would at least respect the source if they said they are working replicas. But to tell people they are real and able to carry alot like Sandra and Flora has for years is bs. Anabolics require a prescription in Portugal and I am not buying you are able to get these Hikma products with Us labels on them.
You all are very late to the party trying to pass off counterfeit USA Pharm grade Test sold exclusively here in the states.
Watson Test Cyp was the first to be sold by int sources. Ol Ret started DomesticSupply to showcase Watson Test Cyp and then eventually every other USA Pharm grade test available in the USA ONLY and for TRT by prescription only.
Nobody is walking into a pharmacy in Portugal and buying any of the Westward, Activis or Perrigo Test Cyp/Enan. Its for distribution in the USA only.
This has all been hashed out years ago across the Community.
It would be a short lived scam if there wasn't hormone in it. And make no mistake, selling ugl testosterone as USA Pharmacy grade testosterone is a scam. And an old one at that.
You are taking us as fucking idiots....pretty fucked up as a non paying source wanting to get us to send you money. At least be honest and tell us you're selling counterfeits that have been tested and shown to contain real hormone.
Uncle Z call the fake Omnadren "Working Replicas". A little honesty goes a long way. If you continue to lie your stay is not going to much fun. Even for grizzled veteran scammers it gets old pretty quickly having multiple posts a day to you starting off with a "Fuck you liar",.
Don't think about telling me or any member that we don't have to buy if we don't want to and to stop posting about your lies. You're misrepresenting your products. There is ZERO CHANCE THAT YOU ARE SELLING GENUINE USA PHARMACY TESTOSTERONE. THEY ARE COUNTERFEIT.
I never claimed that the testosterone made by Actavis is sold in Portugal. Calling us scammers without even testing our products is a bit unfair, don't you think? As a side note, we don't ship these products to the U.S.

Also, we don't hold massive quantities of it like many of you guys think. This is stolen stuff from the manufacturer in Portugal. Sometimes we get some goods, sometimes we dont.

We invested a lot into this business and we want to stay here for the long term. People here call it fake and said multiple times they will post a picture of a product they bought in a pharmacy. For example, I'm still waiting for a picture with a QR Code at the bottom of the packaging. Like I said, ANY proof that the product is not genuine will result in it being discontinued. We might even discontinue this product just because people are so upset that we sell it. We don't wanna be seen as scammers orr piss off the community. We are here only to provide HG products.
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Guys another quick update.
Our website is currently down because we are switching a domain registrar. We apologies again for the technical issues.
I think many people dont understand how dirty this industry really is. We had a serious DDOS attack, and now our registrar (which is known to host many websites like ours) just decided to kick us out.

Somebody wants us out.
That's why I was laughing. This asshole is running around reaking all sorts of havoc. He also presumably took down the sst forum and brewly.