Peptide Therapy for Anti-Aging


New Member
Sixty-one year old male new member here interested in peptides for anti-aging (skin, joints, etc.), gut health, fat loss. I know that they are not "magic pills" and that I have to put in the work (diet and exercise). I've already started down that road and have had impressive results using TZ. This has piqued my curiosity as to what else might be possible.
Hey there...

I'm in the same boat as you age-wise and am always on the lookout for longevity information. Here's a few resources that I like...all on Youtube. Sten Eckberg, Andrew Huberman and Lance Hitchings (the best looking 72 year old I've ever seen). Each have a niche of sorts. If you aren't familiar with any of them, their vids will surely keep you busy for awhile.

Full disclosure: I've been on prescribed TRT (t-cyp injections) and HcG (injections) for about 10 years. Still trying to dial it in.

Best of luck.
Thanks, Rick. I was already familiar with Sten Eckberg and agree with what he teaches. It aligns pretty well with what Thomas DeLauer says, who I've followed for a long time. I will check out the others that you have mentioned — Thanks!

BTW, I've just come across a guy who is new to me, Dr. Thomas Gundry. I am currently reading his book, The Energy Paradox. Other doctors say that his theory on lectins being the main culprit in gut permeability are total BS. He does claim that they are present in way more foods than just wheat, which is what I've read before (Wheat Belly). The guy has impressive credentials as a heart surgeon, but he writes a lot of books that are written for a lesser educated audience and he sells his own supplements, which make me suspicious that he might just be another grifter. Any thoughts?
Yes, ... well my only thoughts on Gundry are that I did a deep dive on his concept a few years ago and just found it too difficult to adhere to. I enjoy his approved foods just fine. I just had/have a weakness for his not approved foods.

I've come to a conclusion about a lot of things tho. One being that possibly the reason why people don't see results with whatever protocol they might be on (TRT, insulin sensitivity, etc.) might not have as much to do with the levels of the hormones but the actual sensitivity of the receptors. That's a deep rabbit hole though...and surely one that I'm not qualified to speak on.
Thanks, Rick. I was already familiar with Sten Eckberg and agree with what he teaches. It aligns pretty well with what Thomas DeLauer says, who I've followed for a long time. I will check out the others that you have mentioned — Thanks!

BTW, I've just come across a guy who is new to me, Dr. Thomas Gundry. I am currently reading his book, The Energy Paradox. Other doctors say that his theory on lectins being the main culprit in gut permeability are total BS. He does claim that they are present in way more foods than just wheat, which is what I've read before (Wheat Belly). The guy has impressive credentials as a heart surgeon, but he writes a lot of books that are written for a lesser educated audience and he sells his own supplements, which make me suspicious that he might just be another grifter. Any thoughts?

I'm not particularly a fan of his views on a voiding foods with lectins. Obviously, if you have autoimmune issues like colitis, crohns, etc. and some of the foods he's talking about cause inflammation of the gut, then you should definitely avoid them, but I don't think that all people should avoid these foods just because they contain lectins. I think the issue is the person's tolerance of the food due to genetics and epigenetics issues due to habits/environmental stresses rather than the food simply being intolerable altogether. For example, I can no longer digest or tolerate beans/pulses, but it's entirely due to having a screwed up body. So, fixing my health issues will fix my ability for eat these foods without any problems.
I'm not particularly a fan of his views on a voiding foods with lectins. Obviously, if you have autoimmune issues like colitis, crohns, etc. and some of the foods he's talking about cause inflammation of the gut, then you should definitely avoid them, but I don't think that all people should avoid these foods just because they contain lectins. I think the issue is the person's tolerance of the food due to genetics and epigenetics issues due to habits/environmental stresses rather than the food simply being intolerable altogether. For example, I can no longer digest or tolerate beans/pulses, but it's entirely due to having a screwed up body. So, fixing my health issues will fix my ability for eat these foods without any problems.
Yeah, I've abandoned that guy after watching a YT video where a smart, young female cardiologist debated him on his controversial views and she made him look foolish. He had a tough time defending his views against somebody who knew what they were talking about.
Hey there...

I'm in the same boat as you age-wise and am always on the lookout for longevity information. Here's a few resources that I like...all on Youtube. Sten Eckberg, Andrew Huberman and Lance Hitchings (the best looking 72 year old I've ever seen). Each have a niche of sorts. If you aren't familiar with any of them, their vids will surely keep you busy for awhile.

Full disclosure: I've been on prescribed TRT (t-cyp injections) and HcG (injections) for about 10 years. Still trying to dial it in.

Best of luck.
Thanks for the Lance Hitchings reference. I've been watching his youtube videos and they are right up my alley! I'm 49 and I see that people can really go into the next stage of life with vibrant health or a steady decline. I am super interested in increasing my energy. The lethargy that seems to accompany aging is my nemesis.