Road to 225 bench​

Hit 200 the other day, I was so fucking hyped! I’m getting closer, really excited.

1/14/24 135x6
2/28/24 185x1, 135x12
3/28/24 200x1, 160x5
Alright, feeling better now. Time to get my life and this protocol back to normal (was waking up too late, getting lazy with cardio and supplement timing, etc etc). I don’t see people highlight this, but DNP has the potential to wreck good habits you’ve built up if you allow it to. Things went to shit ever since that cycle, glad I at least stayed consistent with diet and training.
@UncleBuns @DECLAN @readalot @BoloYang2023 to name a few has given you some great advice.. lol sometimes you listen and sometimes you don't.
Lmao so true
your effort and commitment level is inspiring.!
Ayy thanks man!! Still really glad you told me about those assisted pull-ups. One of my favorite exercises now, gonna get a pull up bar and resistance bands soon to see if I can do them at home. Can’t wait to hit my first unassisted one.
Lifted weight gains from technique, CNS, muscle cellular synthesis, increased extracellular volume etc.. are still strength gains.

Keep rolling.
Thanks man! Looking at it in this perspective really encouraged me when I saw this. I’m tossing every powerlifting voodoo technique I can find at this 225 bench lmao. Can’t wait to hit it.
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I’m thinking of running a protocol similar to @Scruf ’s for the rest of my cut, what do you guys think?. I’m now at a similar starting weight, and he had great results. He started with a lot more muscle than I have, but I still think it will work. The only things I would do differently in the beginning is no Enclomiphene, not as much primo if I use that for my estrogen, and higher test (I’m on 210 mg/week test p). I also run replacement dose T3/T4 and Telmisartan, but I think I’ll be able to get off blood pressure medication very soon. I’ve made a lot of progress on my cardiovascular health.
I already know I want to bring HGH back. Recovery, sleep, and skin benefits were phenomenal, and this was the dosing and cardio regimen I was already using when I ran it. My training split is already very similar, I don’t lift fasted anymore though. I always feel great in the calorie range he was eating at.
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I’m thinking of running a protocol similar to @Scruf ’s for the rest of my cut, what do you guys think?
The only thing I would say about that cut is that lifting and staying compliant with carbs and fats that low can be extremely difficult.
The only thing I would say about that cut is that lifting and staying compliant with carbs and fats that low can be extremely difficult.
Glad you pointed this out, I just realized that I’m very far away from that sort of macro split. It’s pretty much been 33/33/33 the last 5 days. I’ve been able to get over 200g protein/day because I’m eating more, but I’d need around 80/10/10 to get the same amount on the proposed cut.
Lifting and calorie compliance has been solid this entire cut though, I guess one more big lifestyle change should be doable. I’m eventually gonna have to get strict on macros anyways. Them yummy carbs though…damn.
I was going to start this protocol tomorrow, but my stepsister told me to wait until Monday so I can April fool’s prank my body, so I’m gonna just run with it.
I’m thinking of running a protocol similar to @Scruf ’s for the rest of my cut, what do you guys think?. I’m now at a similar starting weight, and he had great results. He started with a lot more muscle than I have, but I still think it will work. The only things I would do differently in the beginning is no Enclomiphene, not as much primo if I use that for my estrogen, and higher test (I’m on 210 mg/week test p). I also run replacement dose T3/T4 and Telmisartan, but I think I’ll be able to get off blood pressure medication very soon. I’ve made a lot of progress on my cardiovascular health.
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I already know I want to bring HGH back. Recovery, sleep, and skin benefits were phenomenal, and this was the dosing and cardio regimen I was already using when I ran it. My training split is already very similar, I don’t lift fasted anymore though. I always feel great in the calorie range he was eating at.
FYI, I think that was before he hired Type II-X
You fuckers tricked me into doing this the healthy way, because now I don’t want to lose the muscle I’ve built.
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Huzzah! Yeah aren't traps just the most gratifying muscle to work? I always looked at pics of huge guys and thought "oh that just looks weird, I don't need that" but as soon as I tried it they started popping so quick and I was hooked. They just make such a big difference in your overall profile so easily.
Huzzah! Yeah aren't traps just the most gratifying muscle to work? I always looked at pics of huge guys and thought "oh that just looks weird, I don't need that" but as soon as I tried it they started popping so quick and I was hooked. They just make such a big difference in your overall profile so easily.
They’re a godsend for a fat fuck like me, staring at my tiny little photos forgetting what was there before I cropped 80% of it out lmao.