So I’m supposed to be grinding my cock up against the bar during deadlifts???
Ended up being one of the "issues" often reported to Rippetoe before he wrote Mean Old Mr. Gravity.

Just depends on body anthopometry.

Thread was a roller coaster but I am glad to see your progress... very nice.
Thank you! A big part of me wants to take a much-needed break and hit the fuck out of weights for a while, but the other part of me wants to just get this shit over with because I’m already halfway there.
Keep in mind a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have a finish line and burnout is very real
Averaging 1400, 130-150g protein, goal’s to get it to 160. Only down 7 pounds the last 2 weeks, but the mirror difference is better. Can’t really tell in these pics but my shirts started fitting way different this week.
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I am confused about why you are complaining about "only" seven pounds in two weeks. I would be increasing calories if that were me. Three or four pounds in two weeks is fast.

One good place to start is your protein. You are way low. You are injecting enough testosterone to exceed the levels of a teenage boy. You are lifting. Give your muscles protein. Those are the three things you need to signal your muscles to stay while you shed fat - anabolic hormones, high protein, intense resistance training. You need all three.

140-150 is way low. Your goal of 160 is way low. You should be more like 250, minimum.

eggs, chicken breast, fish, turkey, there are lots of ways to get the protein in.

The goal here is to get lean but keep as much muscle as possible, right? Maybe even add some muscle?
I am confused about why you are complaining about "only" seven pounds in two weeks. I would be increasing calories if that were me. Three or four pounds in two weeks is fast.

One good place to start is your protein. You are way low. You are injecting enough testosterone to exceed the levels of a teenage boy. You are lifting. Give your muscles protein. Those are the three things you need to signal your muscles to stay while you shed fat - anabolic hormones, high protein, intense resistance training. You need all three.

140-150 is way low. Your goal of 160 is way low. You should be more like 250, minimum.

eggs, chicken breast, fish, turkey, there are lots of ways to get the protein in.

The goal here is to get lean but keep as much muscle as possible, right? Maybe even add some muscle?
This is very well said.... unfortunately Mr. Shredder ain't tring to hear none of that shit.. he wants to do the hard way.. the I want to be skinny fast way that is miserable then you are like shit I lost all my muscles now I need to build that back way !! However I will say dude had dedication!!!
Keep in mind a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have a finish line and burnout is very real
Good point thank you for that reminder. I know I’m in this for life, wouldn’t want it any other way. But when I say “get it over with” I’m talking about the insane shit I’ve done to cut this weight bc I am never putting my body through anything like this ever again: bulk, cut, maintenance, I don’t care, I’m never going through this again.
Lot of great messages here and I got some things to say, I’ll respond once I’m better. I’m in a bad way right now I made a big mistake yesterday and let them give me the Covid and flu vaccines, it fucked my shit up. Never been this bad off from vaccines. Going to eat a lot today and relax I gotta get my body better.
Popped the question with my guard down I wasn’t in decision-making mode was just answering mundane questions so my dumbass just says “yeah” on autopilot. She scurries on off all chipper and shit and I’m just sitting there like “why the fuck did I agree to this.”
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I am confused about why you are complaining about "only" seven pounds in two weeks.
Bc it’s me bro you know how I am. But I’ve been using the stuff you told me to for protein, canned chicken’s been my main food this week, gonna buy a 10lb bag of breasts at Sam’s tomorrow.
So November 8, 2023, if I did my math correctly, you weighed 368 pounds.

What do you weigh today?

So that's 19 weeks, 87 lbs, average of more than 4.5 pounds a week.


You are way ahead of being on track.

Just keep on. You are doing very well, and things are headed in the right direction. It takes time. You can't do it all this weekend.

If you want to improve what you are doing, up the protein. If you don't, you are still doing very well and way ahead of track.
So that's 19 weeks, 87 lbs, average of more than 4.5 pounds a week.


You are way ahead of being on track.

Just keep on. You are doing very well, and things are headed in the right direction. It takes time. You can't do it all this weekend.

If you want to improve what you are doing, up the protein. If you don't, you are still doing very well and way ahead of track.
lmfao Uh Oh lol me and mr @malfeasance agree man @ShredSeason dude you have lost more weight in 19 weeks then people who have been trying to lose weight for like 10 -15 years and thats no bullshit thats why people here and I are telling you pump your brakes. Do this the smart way and you won't regain this shit ever. BUt doing shit quick can wreak havoc on the body. Honeslt Most people shit their pants at 1-2 lbs a week.
So that's 19 weeks, 87 lbs, average of more than 4.5 pounds a week.


You are way ahead of being on track.

Just keep on. You are doing very well, and things are headed in the right direction. It takes time. You can't do it all this weekend.

If you want to improve what you are doing, up the protein. If you don't, you are still doing very well and way ahead of track.
Thanks man! Tbh idk if I’ll eat 250g of protein lmao that’s a lot of meat, but I can definitely hit 200/day. These 10 lbs bags of chicken are gonna make it easy as fuck.

DNP’s effects on your skin​

I’ve decided to start highlighting the negatives of DNP. I know some people lurk this thread for their own research, and I don’t want anyone now or in the future that’s planning a cycle to think this stuff is chill when dosed modestly. It’s not. At all. Not even one little bit.

DNP wrecks your skin: annihilates, destroys, it’s fucking insane. I was shocked on both cycles just how bad my face got. It’s still not fully healed from my last one. If you could look at my selfies, you’d see how drastic it is.
This what it did to my complexion in one week.



Rosiness, color, complexion, youthful glow, all completely taken away. My skin went from the healthiest it’s ever been to a gray mess. Look at the wrinkles it created under my eyes. I became years older in one week and looked like I was on a diet of dumpster-dove mcdonalds. Someone today pointed out that my skin’s gone to shit, it’s very noticeable. She doesn’t even know I use DNP.

I’m not going to discourage anyone from using this, we all have our goals and risk tolerances, but more information is always better. There are worse things this chemical’s done, but I figured I’d start off light.
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You can’t see this, but it takes away the plump, moist, roundness too. My face turns into a long, gaunt, ghostly dry abomination. Everything gets deflated and pulled down. The entire shape changes. It’s wild.
Anyone considering DNP should get their hands on this paper.

Extremely well done and incredible for its time or any time.



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