Interesting with the... mystery balls.

Do those show up after a certain activity or time of day? Are they soft? Can you move the top layer of skin to see if they shift with the movement?
Mystery balls lmao

They’re soft, yeah. When they show up it seems to be midday. I’ll try moving my skin the next time I see them.
What is your hypothesis here? Please state.

I would encourage you to see your medical provider.
No hypothesis but I looked up polycythemia and blood clots near the skin surface is one of the symptoms and when I look up “little balls in my veins” google says they’re blood clots.
superficial thrombophlebitis....unsure and I am not providing any medical opinion.

Take care of yourself. You don't want a DVT. Go get checked out.
Mystery balls lmao

They’re soft, yeah. When they show up it seems to be midday. I’ll try moving my skin the next time I see them.

Yes the mystery balls..! But definitely leave them in peace and do not mess around with anything if you suspect something to do with blood clots, rather than something superficial. And inquire with your doctor like @readalot was saying asap.
Also can't find your CBC results. Where are they?
Is anything here helpful at all?
I didn’t order a CBC because I just assumed I’d be able to see my doctor for a physical soon. Didn’t know they were booked for 2 months. My appointment’s on Tuesday.
Is anything here helpful at all?
View attachment 279296
I didn’t order a CBC because I just assumed I’d be able to see my doctor for a physical soon. Didn’t know they were booked for 2 months. My appointment’s on Tuesday.
No just typical low BUN with starvation and low blood glucose.

Make sure your doc gets these ordered...

CBC w/ differential

Take care and stay hydrated.
Updated protocol
Test prop180 mg/weekNo change
Semaglutide2 mg/weekUpped from 1.5 mg
T3/T4 mix25/100 mcg/dayDecreased from 50/200 mcg
Telmisartan80 mg/dayNo change

Sema: Upped it to 2 mg after the DNP e2 madness. Looking to dial it back down to 1.5 after this upcoming week.

Test: Once I’m down some more weight and have something for estrogen control, I’d like to up it to 210 mg/week. I’m done with AIs after my last experience and am thinking about using a very low dose of primo instead. My skin and I feel good with high e2, and the sides are extremely light, so I only want to bring it down by a small amount.

T3: Just stretching out my supply until the next order arrives. 50 mcg wasn’t catabolic and I had no bad sides, so I’ll just go back to that once I get my new order in.

GHK-Cu: I got lazy with this, hard to convince myself to pin multiple times/day when I’m not using GH, and it’s always a mystery if this shit is even doing anything. I’ll get back to it though.

HGH: I’m going to start this back up once I’m positive that I have my blood pressure under control. It did wonders for my sleep and recovery, and any extra help with skin elasticity, fat loss, and muscle preservation is very much appreciated.
How many calories are you eating now? What is your weight loss rate this for the past 2 weeks? @ShredSeason
Averaging 1400, 130-150g protein, goal’s to get it to 160. Only down 7 pounds the last 2 weeks, but the mirror difference is better. Can’t really tell in these pics but my shirts started fitting way different this week.
Looking great dude, awesome process glad you're still kicking. Take some rest, get healthy and get back at it once all is well.
Looking great dude, awesome process glad you're still kicking. Take some rest, get healthy and get back at it once all is well.
Thank you! A big part of me wants to take a much-needed break and hit the fuck out of weights for a while, but the other part of me wants to just get this shit over with because I’m already halfway there.
Averaging 1400, 130-150g protein, goal’s to get it to 160. Only down 7 pounds the last 2 weeks, but the mirror difference is better. Can’t really tell in these pics but my shirts started fitting way different this week.
View attachment 279354
View attachment 279355
Good stuff. Bump your calories up if you are losing 1% of body weight, so you can have leeway when you stall.

Take measurements around navel, chest, and mid section for comparison even fattiest leg areas. Learn how to use calipers if you have time in your hands.

Measurements and pictures will show visual changes on top of what the scale indicates.
Averaging 1400, 130-150g protein, goal’s to get it to 160. Only down 7 pounds the last 2 weeks, but the mirror difference is better. Can’t really tell in these pics but my shirts started fitting way different this week.
View attachment 279354
View attachment 279355
Sick bro. Glad you meeting your goals. Way noticeable progress. Stay safe tho man, sometimes you worry me. Glad you’re staying on top of health issues.
I’m fucked huh?
Lol.. haven't posted to shredder in a minute just wanted to stop in give l little support. Glad you are hanging in there!! I'm not going to get into what I think your doing right or wring as there are several people posting in this thread that know a whole lot more than me. @UncleBuns @DECLAN @readalot @BoloYang2023 to name a few has given you some great advice.. lol sometimes you listen and sometimes you don't. Lol hang I. There your effort and commitment level is inspiring.!
Updated protocol
Test prop180 mg/weekNo change
Semaglutide2 mg/weekUpped from 1.5 mg
T3/T4 mix25/100 mcg/dayDecreased from 50/200 mcg
Telmisartan80 mg/dayNo change

Sema: Upped it to 2 mg after the DNP e2 madness. Looking to dial it back down to 1.5 after this upcoming week.

Test: Once I’m down some more weight and have something for estrogen control, I’d like to up it to 210 mg/week. I’m done with AIs after my last experience and am thinking about using a very low dose of primo instead. My skin and I feel good with high e2, and the sides are extremely light, so I only want to bring it down by a small amount.

T3: Just stretching out my supply until the next order arrives. 50 mcg wasn’t catabolic and I had no bad sides, so I’ll just go back to that once I get my new order in.

GHK-Cu: I got lazy with this, hard to convince myself to pin multiple times/day when I’m not using GH, and it’s always a mystery if this shit is even doing anything. I’ll get back to it though.

HGH: I’m going to start this back up once I’m positive that I have my blood pressure under control. It did wonders for my sleep and recovery, and any extra help with skin elasticity, fat loss, and muscle preservation is very much appreciated.
Congrats on dropping the DNP (for good I hope). Well done.
Oh shit, so that’s what these little balls that keep showing up in my hand every once in my hand are? I figured it was just oil swimming around from a bad pin lmao.
Just mobilized SubQ lipid masses. You see this sometimes in the obese and elderly as well. Nothing too worrying IMO.