I see this fat lying stolen valor loser is back to trying to start fights while he can barely walk…
Never lied in my life dude and not fighting anyone, still sort of fat though 1/2 - 1/3 of the fat down though ... and quite capable back doing great at the gym not least. ... well what can I say, you are still you though - and still the bad judgment of people and situations as ever - good luck with that.

Not here to stay, just wanted to give my post to OP before you guys make him kill himself.
Never lied in my life dude and not fighting anyone, still sort of fat though 1/2 - 1/3 of the fat down though ... and quite capable back doing great at the gym not least. ... well what can I say, you are still you though - and still the bad judgment of people and situations as ever - good luck with that.

Not here to stay, just wanted to give my post to OP before you guys make him kill himself.
Here we go again. Stop hijacking someone’s thread because nobody is interested with yours. If you don’t have self respect at least respect others.
Here we go again. Stop hijacking someone’s thread because nobody is interested with yours. If you don’t have self respect at least respect others.
I'm not the one hijacking treads dude ... you guys are!
As you always were (just go read my entire thread with 0 relevant posts).
I'm simply responding!

Have to admit I have rarely been so amused as at this place. The weekend is already shaping up nicely, I must say. Especially the amateurish kitchen psychological analyses are priceless and hilarious!

Anyway, I have said what I had to say to OJ, but probably he won't listen because it's yours truly saying it... and he will end up doing what you guys will tell him to instead...

Hint: before you get another breakdown - notice, like last time - that just like when one starts a bar brawl, and then, by the way, without a scratch, withdraw - while the rest of the fools beat each other up until early morning - and is still paranoid 24/7 about it 2 months after - so I will do again!

You don't have to have me in your head or awareness at all - just ignore me and I'll go away - anything else is seeking and trying to provoke my attention! I'll promise you that none of you will get as much as a single thought from me as soon as I log off.

Another reason I feel responsible for adding in the post: where that other young ones might be reading in, and you guys are giving horrible advice. This is a harm reduction site, after all, we don't want you guys to make other guys kill themselves as well...

I'm not the one hijacking treads dude ... you guys are!
As you always were (just go read my entire thread with 0 relevant posts).
I'm simply responding!

Have to admit I have rarely been so amused as at this place. The weekend is already shaping up nicely, I must say. Especially the amateurish kitchen psychological analyses are priceless and hilarious!

Anyway, I have said what I had to say to OJ, but probably he won't listen because it's yours truly saying it... and he will end up doing what you guys will tell him to instead...

Hint: before you get another breakdown - notice, like last time - that just like when one starts a bar brawl, and then, by the way, without a scratch, withdraw - while the rest of the fools beat each other up until early morning - and is still paranoid 24/7 about it 2 months after - so I will do again!

You don't have to have me in your head or awareness at all - just ignore me and I'll go away - anything else is seeking and trying to provoke my attention! I'll promise you that none of you will get as much as a single thought from me as soon as I log off.

Another reason I feel responsible for adding in the post: where that other young ones might be reading in, and you guys are giving horrible advice. This is a harm reduction site, after all, we don't want you guys to make other guys kill themselves as well...

Man, we miss you too.

Btw, your novels have 0 contributions to harm reduction in this place. You were gone and nobody cared, I mean BIG FAT ZERO cared! We missed LSD or Dickwang at least they provide entertainment.

So don’t go threatening people around here again, because I will unleash Connoristiny on you and that I don’t wish on anyone lmao!
Man, we miss you too.

Btw, your novels have 0 contributions to harm reduction in this place. You were gone and nobody cared, I mean BIG FAT ZERO cared! We missed LSD or Dickwang at least they provide entertainment.

So don’t go threatening people around here again, because I will unleash Connoristiny on you and that I don’t wish on anyone lmao!
Haven't threatened anyone dude, but sounds like you will be the one of you who would like to meet up with me for coffee RL, and say the same things to me you are saying right here... let's figure out how to make it happen... I'll pay for the coffee btw... :)

I don't care about who misses me dude ... obviously. I'm generous enough to spare you guys the relief, and will soon log off again ... you can go back to feeling miserable about your future and existence.

If you want me around I suggest that you guys exhibit a bit more creativity in your future posts, as the entertainment value is greatly diminishing!

What I do care about: is people talking someone on TRT, who has killed their estrogen production with an AI, to stop taking any steroids, leaving him with zero male hormones in his body!

Or talking someone using a GLP-1 into just stopping using it, from one day to the next!

The dude following that advice WILL kill himself!

To that, I added that there is no reason to jump into a sustainable diet already as fat as he still is; a short maintenance phase is enough.

Lastly, he should be smarter about his training, program it long-term, and keep the volume down to something he can recover from on this low kcal, low amounts of essential fat, and low protein intake - and dump the DNP.

That's my only 5 cents, that you guys turned into 17 minutes of bitching.

That you don't see this advice reducing the harm he will do to himself is your lack of insight, not visa versus.

PS: Now don't stay up too late trying to think of a smart reply; otherwise, you'll just be late for school tomorrow - and I probably will have logged off and won't read it for the next months anyways.!
if I had ever been lazy as a person I'm sure that would hurt to be called btw.
You need clen to compel your body to perform normal daily functions. Shut your stupid lying mouth and get back to your permabulk.
What I think Clen would do is activate my nervous system, and get it wanting to move again. As of such in the past before (years back) I have used it simply to restart gym and walking habits
Bro eats 20 mcgs to convince himself to get up for a shit, fuck outta here.
You need clen to compel your body to perform normal daily functions. Shut your stupid lying mouth and get back to your permabulk.

Bro eats 20 mcgs to convince himself to get up for a shit, fuck outta here.

Naa turned out that I didn't! But so what if I had needed that to get back into moving?!

You have used an entire drugstore to do what I have so far accomplished just as fast on 2,5 mg of triz alone! And you have already fully fucked yourself up like 10 times in a few months!

Besides that you can't even function without Adderall yourself... not going to be the one who pushes you off the cliff here ... actually and truly don't wish for you to die - but to succeed - but you are suffering from one rare fucked in the mind condition.

Btw. you didn't stay out of my thread, why should I then stay out of yours?
Again, you are the guy blind to his own behavior and the consequences of it.
Haven't threatened anyone dude, but sounds like you will be the one of you who would like to meet up with me for coffee RL, and say the same things to me you are saying right here... let's figure out how to make it happen... I'll pay for the coffee btw... :)

I don't care about who misses me dude ... obviously. I'm generous enough to spare you guys the relief, and will soon log off again ... you can go back to feeling miserable about your future and existence.

If you want me around I suggest that you guys exhibit a bit more creativity in your future posts, as the entertainment value is greatly diminishing!

What I do care about: is people talking someone on TRT, who has killed their estrogen production with an AI, to stop taking any steroids, leaving him with zero male hormones in his body!

Or talking someone using a GLP-1 into just stopping using it, from one day to the next!

The dude following that advice WILL kill himself!

To that, I added that there is no reason to jump into a sustainable diet already as fat as he still is; a short maintenance phase is enough.

Lastly, he should be smarter about his training, program it long-term, and keep the volume down to something he can recover from on this low kcal, low amounts of essential fat, and low protein intake - and dump the DNP.

That's my only 5 cents, that you guys turned into 17 minutes of bitching.

That you don't see this advice reducing the harm he will do to himself is your lack of insight, not visa versus.

PS: Now don't stay up too late trying to think of a smart reply; otherwise, you'll just be late for school tomorrow - and I probably will have logged off and won't read it for the next months anyways.!
Well, start packing I will hold you up to your words. Book a flight to YYZ now I will even pick you up from the airport, let me know if I need to hire a forklift to lift your fat ass off the cargo track though.

Post your itinerary for meso, or stop this tough guy act. Btw, did you mean strawberry chai latte or double cheesecake flavored milk tea or whatever you fat asses pass as drinks nowadays.
Well, start packing I will hold you up to your words. Book a flight to YYZ now I will even pick you up from the airport, let me know if I need to hire a forklift to lift your fat ass off the cargo track though.

Post your itinerary for meso, or stop this tough guy act. Btw, did you mean strawberry chai latte or double cheesecake flavored milk tea or whatever you fat asses pass as drinks nowadays.
I'm actually going to Toronto in April anyways, so that's durable xD
Can't wait to see you act as tough in real life.

I drink my coffee black obviously ^^ I'll gladly pay for your Pumpkin Spice Latte though, no problem ... what ever works for you.

Only think I ask of you is to post about it here when you eat your own words.
I'm actually going to Toronto in April anyways, so that's durable xD
Can't wait to see you act as tough in real life.

I drink my coffee black obviously ^^ I'll gladly pay for your Pumpkin Spice Latte though, no problem ... what ever works for you.
No come tomorrow April is too far away, do it!
April is 2-3 weeks, so don't be an idiot or try to crawl out of it like a worm by putting up insane and impossible criterias... I'm meeting a coach of mine, so it could be perfect ... I'm 100% certain you will act differently after meeting me RL, simple as that... I'm a nice guy, don't bite or anything.
April is 2-3 weeks, so don't be an idiot or try to crawl out of it like a worm by putting up insane and impossible criterias... I'm meeting a coach of mine, so it could be perfect ... I'm 100% certain you will act differently after meeting me RL, simple as that... I'm a nice guy, don't bite or anything.
Sure, whatever you say Mr. Tough guy, special forces, genius guy or whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night. Do you want to meet Connoristiny btw?
Sure, whatever you say Mr. Tough guy, special forces, genius guy or whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night. Do you want to meet Connoristiny btw?
Naaa if Connoristiny is you, then I'm not interested dude ... sry

I'm not tough, my posts here have all been anti-macho towards things like being in the special forces, losing fat, training, dieting, and so on ... whereas some of you have your entire self-image built on how tough you are, and how important it is to suffer as much as possible, because all you are been doing lately with your life is back and biceps.
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You have used an entire drugstore to do what I have so far accomplished just as fast on 2,5 mg of triz
I started at 2.5 mg too you’re not special. In fact the only reason you’re on that dose is because I practically built your entire protocol after talking you down from bankrupting yourself on retatrutide. Now sit your broke ass down and enjoy the results of what I gave you. Wipe your greasy ass fingers while you’re at it before another wife slips out your hands.
I started at 2.5 mg too you’re not special. In fact the only reason you’re on that dose is because I practically built your entire protocol after talking you down from bankrupting yourself on retatrutide. Now sit your broke ass down and enjoy the results of what I gave you. Wipe your greasy ass fingers while you’re at it before another wife slips out your hands.
Don’t believe anything he says, he probably just got his wifi privilege back after his mommy grounded him from wetting his bed lol.

He probably put on another 20lbs just eating cheetos watching porn in the basement.
I started at 2.5 mg too you’re not special. In fact the only reason you’re on that dose is because I practically built your entire protocol after talking you down from bankrupting yourself on retatrutide. Now sit your broke ass down and enjoy the results of what I gave you. Wipe your greasy ass fingers while you’re at it before another wife slips out your hands.
The difference is in the amount of drugs you where on, aderal just being one of them... and the volume of exercise you did, like you where only ever going to progress your training for half a year... which is fine, but just makes you a fucking weirdo for criticizing me for the things you are criticizing me for - it's a FULL blown projection dude - like you are taking your self hate out on me!

Talking about greesy fingers and stuff, I'm sure you are imagining your own crooked fingers while typing it etc. etc. etc.

Guess that's how it is when all your life status is on a board like this, and you are eager to fit in with all the other jackals the only place you can (or whatever something like that, which I sadly can't relate to).

And btw I have retatrutide later on in my protocol, but not at all like you where using it... turned out not to be that expensive after all.

I'm not saying I'm special btw - far from it, you didn't invent 2,5 mg of tirz, Lily tells everyone to start on that dose - but that does not matter: I'm saying you are really weird, for saying I'm weak for using Tirz - when you can't even function yourself without Aderal and have used 10 times the medical and even drug support that I ever will - constantly saying you can't make it without xyz (which I don't hold against you btw, I get the forces in your CNS who is set to make you weight 200 kg as soon as you relax) - not to mention you have been fat your entire life, and I have been so for like 3 x 9 months of my entire life.

As for RFL I did that 3 times the right way, before you ever did it wrong this first time - that's not inspired by you either.

I found you interesting for using a VLCD with Tirz though, your log is like observing a lab rat.

Anyways, I think you can make it trough and make a change - and hope you will - again, despite you acting like a fucking idiot!

No matter what I'll soon be out, waste of my time to be here at this point really - things are going flawlessly in my end already.
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The difference is in the amount of drugs you where on, aderal just being one of them... and the volume of exercise you did, like you where only ever going to progress your training for half a year... which is fine, but just makes you a fucking weirdo for criticizing me for the things you are criticizing me for - it's a FULL blown projection dude - like you are taking your self hate out on me!

Talking about greesy fingers and stuff, I'm sure you are imagining your own crooked fingers while typing it etc. etc. etc.

Guess that's how it is when all your life status is on a board like this, and you are eager to fit in with all the other jackals the only place you can (or whatever something like that, which I sadly can't relate to).

And btw I have retatrutide later on in my protocol, but not at all like you where using it... turned out not to be that expensive after all.

I'm not saying I'm special btw - far from it, you didn't invent 2,5 mg of tirz, Lily tells everyone to start on that dose - but that does not matter: I'm saying you are really weird, for saying I'm weak for using Tirz - when you can't even function yourself without Aderal and have used 10 times the medical and even drug support that I ever will - constantly saying you can't make it without xyz (which I don't hold against you btw, I get the forces in your CNS who is set to make you weight 200 kg as soon as you relax) - not to mention you have been fat your entire life, and I have been so for like 3 x 9 months of my entire life.

As for RFL I did that 3 times the right way, before you ever did it wrong this first time - that's not inspired by you either.

I found you interesting for using a VLCD with Tirz though, your log is like observing a lab rat.

Anyways, I think you can make it trough and make a change - and hope you will - again, despite you acting like a fucking idiot!

No matter what I'll soon be out, waste of my time to be here at this point really - things are going flawlessly in my end already.
TLDR fatty