TLDR fatty
If I cared about you I would give you the Pixiebook version that matches your intellectual abilities man: but the post was not for you ^^

And you call me fatty like it's an insult ... really tells all about you.

I'm sure this is what happens in your head "if only I lose x, I will be worth a damn" "if only I gain y amount of muscles, I will be worth a damn" - that's how all losers think dude.

That's also why you find my posts so provoking!

The fact is: I will be super lean in 4-9 months already, it will make my body work and feel better, but you will still be miserable grumpy old you - and you know this obviously.
I'm glad you are still alive and breathing @ShredSeason . It's okay to not feel okay, too. Know how that goes. You're looking great in your photos btw.

I hope you may speak up and share when things are not feeling right physically and/or psychologically... Lots of us here will like to support in ways we can from across the screens.

Also, been wondering, what is your diet like these days? What kinds of foods are your favorites? Any allergies or restrictions?

PS welcome back @DanishPanther ! Have you been able to start on a GLP1 like you were hoping? I see tirzepatide mentioned in a few posts.
I'm glad you are still alive and breathing @ShredSeason . It's okay to not feel okay, too. Know how that goes. You're looking great in your photos btw.

I hope you may speak up and share when things are not feeling right physically and/or psychologically... Lots of us here will like to support in ways we can from across the screens.

Also, been wondering, what is your diet like these days? What kinds of foods are your favorites? Any allergies or restrictions?

PS welcome back @DanishPanther ! Have you been able to start on a GLP1 like you were hoping? I see tirzepatide mentioned in a few posts.
Yeah, I have been running Tirz for about 2 - 2.5 months by now, down at 122 kg starting out from 140 kg, while also adding muscle (at least according to my former and current dexa scan.

Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Best decision I have ever made is using that med for my condition, had it been available to me some years back I would have stayed at 7% bf and never become obese, that's certain... no matter how everyone else in these threads tries to frame it.
Yeah, I have been running Tirz for about 2 - 2.5 months by now, down at 122 kg starting out from 140 kg, while also adding muscle (at least according to my former and current dexa scan.

Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Best decision I have ever made is using that med for my condition, had it been available to me some years back I would have stayed at 7% bf and never become obese, that's certain... no matter how everyone else in these threads tries to frame it.

Right on! :) Really pleased to hear it is working out for you @DanishPanther . I was reading & following your thread before you took a break, but was shy to post much back then :p Anyway.. Tirz seemed like a perfect match to help with your goals. Glad you took the plunge to try it.

Have you felt a mood lift, seeing how effective and useful the tirz is, for igniting the weight loss? And just keeping food out of mind.... It's so useful to reduce temptation/habit towards binge eating.

I think @ShredSeason was experiencing the same type of excitement and appreciation when he got to start with Semaglutide in place of the Reta.
The difference is in the amount of drugs you where on, aderal just being one of them... and the volume of exercise you did, like you where only ever going to progress your training for half a year... which is fine, but just makes you a fucking weirdo for criticizing me for the things you are criticizing me for - it's a FULL blown projection dude - like you are taking your self hate out on me!

Talking about greesy fingers and stuff, I'm sure you are imagining your own crooked fingers while typing it etc. etc. etc.

Guess that's how it is when all your life status is on a board like this, and you are eager to fit in with all the other jackals the only place you can (or whatever something like that, which I sadly can't relate to).

And btw I have retatrutide later on in my protocol, but not at all like you where using it... turned out not to be that expensive after all.

I'm not saying I'm special btw - far from it, you didn't invent 2,5 mg of tirz, Lily tells everyone to start on that dose - but that does not matter: I'm saying you are really weird, for saying I'm weak for using Tirz - when you can't even function yourself without Aderal and have used 10 times the medical and even drug support that I ever will - constantly saying you can't make it without xyz (which I don't hold against you btw, I get the forces in your CNS who is set to make you weight 200 kg as soon as you relax) - not to mention you have been fat your entire life, and I have been so for like 3 x 9 months of my entire life.

As for RFL I did that 3 times the right way, before you ever did it wrong this first time - that's not inspired by you either.

I found you interesting for using a VLCD with Tirz though, your log is like observing a lab rat.

Anyways, I think you can make it trough and make a change - and hope you will - again, despite you acting like a fucking idiot!

No matter what I'll soon be out, waste of my time to be here at this point really - things are going flawlessly in my end already.
Shred posted before and progress pics … where’s yours Rambo lol ?? Let’s hear an excuse
Shred posted before and progress pics … where’s yours Rambo lol ?? Let’s hear an excuse
Exactly, calling everyone haters and shitposting OP yet not showing any progress pic of himself. Talk big yet no balls to show progress pics, you have to walk the talk bro.
Shred posted before and progress pics … where’s yours Rambo lol ?? Let’s hear an excuse
The good thing about being as beautiful, smart, gifted, talented not to forget fiery as yours truly, is that I do NOT have to prove anything to myself or petty slimy people who have long passed their bedtime!
The good thing about being as beautiful, smart, gifted, talented not to forget fiery as yours truly, is that I do NOT have to prove anything to myself or petty slimy people who have long passed their bedtime!
You mean conceited, obnoxious, smelly, pathetic and not to forget narcissistic psychopath lmao. Get over yourself and learn to be humble, I am still waiting for that coffee you’re offering.
I'm glad you are still alive and breathing @ShredSeason . It's okay to not feel okay, too. Know how that goes. You're looking great in your photos btw.

I hope you may speak up and share when things are not feeling right physically and/or psychologically... Lots of us here will like to support in ways we can from across the screens.
Thank you!! I’m really thankful for all the support here during this journey.
Also, been wondering, what is your diet like these days? What kinds of foods are your favorites? Any allergies or restrictions?
More protein shakes than I should be drinking, but it is what it is. I stopped intermittent fasting to make my workouts better and get more protein. Now I eat super small dinners that are usually some form of rice and meat, and I get most of my calories throughout the day eating protein and carbs.

Also look at the adex dosing here...under 1 mg/week if used.

Preferable to get bloodwork; we don't know what your E2 was.
Oh shit, so that’s what these little balls that keep showing up in my hand every once in my hand are? I figured it was just oil swimming around from a bad pin lmao.