Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

I have lifted for 12 years, since 1996 actually
I’ve given up trying to use 20 years of natural bodybuilding and strength training (training with Flemming Guffi, Helio, George Olesen and the likes)
I lifted weights consistently and dieted around 8% DEXA year round for 15 years, naturally
while training with one of the strongest men on earth, he made me take Dianabol for 10 days x 4 or so... and in my last run of RFL I used clenbuterol
I guess your wife isn’t the only thing you can’t keep track of @DanishPanther
@drago-fan-boy-dude, you can’t even keep yourself from shooting posts after post off like a spamming machine-gun, you are in control of absolutely shit, least of all yourself! Can’t you at least control your CNS enough to keep it to one post at a time? …

This is my thread, so wtf are you talking about? and what are you still doing here? I’ll stop as soon as the cunt pack stops engaging ,,, I’ve told you 30 times already, but I poked your egos to spot on for you or the other 6 boy toys to be able to get yourself over it so you can run along…

Now go compensate for your lack of brains with some more tren, and put some higher megadoses of DNP in there, then at least you have an excuse for being this retarded.

The reason you think telling about myself is about narcissism is that you all (and here I’m taking to the pack of idiots not everyone else) are here to roleplay like @DECLAN wrote about was his reason to being here. It’s because you lack any status real life but only have it in here!

I’m sharing to keep people from drowning my thread in things that are fully irrelevant (to late due to guys like you), so they can limit themselves to contribute with what is useful to me and others in my situation… In favor to that, I wouldn’t have minded contributing back, but you guys ruined my motivation for that as well - you simply have zero comprehension skills and is as mature as 16 year old teenagers.

I’m not here to fucking play with you or to let you play with my prick dude.
And I’m def not here to hear what the likes of you have to say, there is hundreds of actual intelligent guys here, they are just not writing on the board because the little handful of pricks chase them off, by playing guru coaches on a forum about peds and bodybuilding on the fucking internet.

Now read that 3 times, instead of responding 9 times to it!
Again I don't read all your HUGE responses...hilarious though.
Lol, I see everyone's been busy and paranoid as always while I was gone.

Just wanted to give a small update, to all the haters:

Hired this fellow Danish guy as a coach - that goes under the nick: Heliotropen or Helio in certain communities, he is famous from training some of the world winners in international fitness and such: etc. the danish Henrik Kristensen back in his prime ... and bla bla bla ... think he is former special ops himself like myself - but not entirely certain (quite sure digging into his fb profile I found some hidden images of him that suggested this)... Was lucky he took his time to help me because he seems to be retired as a coach these day, and it's really been interesting.

By following his advice instead of the advice from the fools in this thread, I'm now down at 122 kg from 140 kg ... Have experienced absolutely no suffering at all, and exercise and everything is going great again, where I was way too heavy to move around before.

Tirzepetide fixed all my problems as expected!
The best decision I ever made was to start it, despite what everyone tried to talk me away from it... I'm running 2,5 mg once a week.

The second best advice was not to overdo the training and activity part!
My goal is long term, and Helio advises me to think in terms of what I can build the next progression on, and to think back worth from my real goal 40 years from now, instead of just burning it all off right now.

Really think it's true, using time on planing and thinking, is worth it ... not only will it make you go where you want faster, it will keep you from going in the wrong direction and ending the wrong place.

Didn't take me long on Tirzepetide to be light enough to walk btw, and then soon after I became light enough again to train... Had already been starting with some pullups and pushups though.

Starting out I had a dexa showing:
140 kg - 308 pounds
Lean Mass 86.0 kg
Fat Mass 53.4 kg
38-39% BF

Now it shows
122 kg - 269 pounds
Lean mass 88.2 kg
Fat Mass: 33,2 kg
27-28% BF

Remind you all that I'm only 178 cm, then again, so is Mike Tyson.

My diet is on gefuel:
1) I try to get as much lean protein (without fat and carbs as I can)
2) Though I try not to feed when I'm not hungry, I do have to force some protein down though.
3) I try to keep kcals and carbs as low as possible.

note: To be honest I feel a bit to low in protein.

Example of a daily meal:

A typical breakfast will be.
Pancakes + coffee shake

2 Eggs
1 banana
20 grams whey
Easis pineable icecream as toppings, 35 kcal

400 ml, laktose free skim milk
30 grams of whey
Instant Coffee

I sip clear whey during the day, trying to get protein up higher.

Veg Soup at night,
500 grams of different suited vegs (Bok choy, brocoly, spinach,
250 grams of skinless chicken breast
Broth dice + spices (soy sauce, chilli, fish sauce).

Sometimes some sugar free gummies, about 40 kcals in total.

This is my typical eating style at the moment, though I have similar recipes that I switch between.

I supplement with magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin K, multivitamin, and electrolytes (I'm careful not taking to much though, like 1/4th teaspoon combined, given that there are like 8 grams in a normal teaspoon you can quickly kill yourself on that stuff).

This diet is no different than what I have lost 10-30 kg on 3 times before, and crashed on as well regaining 10-20 kg more than I lost each time!

But I'm absolutely certain, ABSOLUTELY certain, Tirz will make all the difference here and keep me from binging back.

I lift 2 times a week and try to keep volume low and intensity high.

I go for 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps, depending on feel (not recommended to anyone who has not lifted for ages), always staying 1-3 reps away from failure!

Lateral Raises 2 x 8-15

Pullups (weighted +30 kg)
Biceps curls 2 x 8-15

6-8 min HIT (metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Fri: 6-8 min HIT (Metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Metcons I choose (not shift between, but after if I'm at the gym and what i feel like) between

Metcon 1:
10 kettlebell swings
200 m running repeats with 1 minute rest periods
Entire thing repeated 4-6 times.

Metcon 2:
5 Power cleans
250 m row
So far repeated 3-4 times.

I never take it outside of 10 minutes!

Otherwise, I'm mostly sedentary, which is fine because right now this feels like the maximum I can recover from.

The biggest problem with all the sitting is the blood in my legs and swellings, it's getting a lot better.

I didn't expect to gain any strength on this kcal deficit, but In a very short time, I have almost doubled the strength I started with (still far from my old streng and shape though).

Current levels:
Squat: 220 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Deadlift: 260 kg x 1 reps (2-3 from failure).
Overhead presses: 92 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Bench, not sure, it's not going well for me yet in the bench, my 1rm is probably around 120-130 kgs.
Strongest is my Pullup, did 8 reps with 30+ kg, at my weight that made me feel quite badass again.

Right now I'm working on form in stead of weight, because I'm not back at perfect form.

Remind you all that a few months ago I could barely walk.

I'm impressed that Tirz made it possible for me to do this much on 800-1600 kcals (probably what I swing between I would guess).

Wish I had found that med 5 years ago, and I would never had been obese a day in my life.

No clen or anything has been needed for energy as I feared would be needed, all my energy came back when tirz put me in a kcal defict.

I'm waiting with HGH a few months yet, till I get into problems with recovery.

Later I'm going to add Reta to the Tirz.

PS: Won't go into debates or talks if anyone comments: just putting it up here in case its helpful to others in a similar situation to the one I was in a very short time ago.

PS: Won't be keeping a log or be online... but might do an update the months apart when I will log in.
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You lost 20kg pure body fat while gaining 2kg muscle mass in about a month? You're indeed a medical miracle! Congratulations!
Naaain in 2 - 2,5 months.

I began in the beginning of January, while everyone was projecting and writing posts about how lazy and procrastinating I was.

It's simply not the same when you have become that obese and formerly have been in great shape for many years, then off training for some years.

My maintenance was around 3700 kcals doing nothing at that weight.
Have had a long period of eating perhaps 6-8000s kcals daily.
On Tirz I ate/am eating perhaps 500-1200 (aims for 900-1600) in practice... most of that pure lean protein.
And my activity level very slowly climbed at the same time.

I started my training very minimally (which I'm sure was more than enough to maximize the dose-effect) and kept constant progress ever since, by being smart about the programming.

It's not advanced math ;)

Not exactly controversial either (go watch the biggest losers or whatever).

Tirz have made it very, very easy ... like 100 x as easy as I had thought it would be (read as it was when I did it without it).

None the less.
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Lol, I see everyone's been busy and paranoid as always while I was gone.

Just wanted to give a small update, to all the haters:

Hired this fellow Danish guy as a coach - that goes under the nick: Heliotropen or Helio in certain communities, he is famous from training some of the world winners in international fitness and such: etc. the danish Henrik Kristensen back in his prime ... and bla bla bla ... think he is former special ops himself like myself - but not entirely certain (quite sure digging into his fb profile I found some hidden images of him that suggested this)... Was lucky he took his time to help me because he seems to be retired as a coach these day, and it's really been interesting.

By following his advice instead of the advice from the fools in this thread, I'm now down at 122 kg from 140 kg ... Have experienced absolutely no suffering at all, and exercise and everything is going great again, where I was way too heavy to move around before.

Tirzepetide fixed all my problems as expected!
The best decision I ever made was to start it, despite what everyone tried to talk me away from it... I'm running 2,5 mg once a week.

The second best advice was not to overdo the training and activity part!
My goal is long term, and Helio advises me to think in terms of what I can build the next progression on, and to think back worth from my real goal 40 years from now, instead of just burning it all off right now.

Really think it's true, using time on planing and thinking, is worth it ... not only will it make you go where you want faster, it will keep you from going in the wrong direction and ending the wrong place.

Didn't take me long on Tirzepetide to be light enough to walk btw, and then soon after I became light enough again to train... Had already been starting with some pullups and pushups though.

Starting out I had a dexa showing:
140 kg - 308 pounds
Lean Mass 86.0 kg
Fat Mass 53.4 kg
38-39% BF

Now it shows
122 kg - 269 pounds
Lean mass 88.2 kg
Fat Mass: 33,2 kg
27-28% BF

Remind you all that I'm only 178 cm, then again, so is Mike Tyson.

My diet is on gefuel:
1) I try to get as much lean protein (without fat and carbs as I can)
2) Though I try not to feed when I'm not hungry, I do have to force some protein down though.
3) I try to keep kcals and carbs as low as possible.

note: To be honest I feel a bit to low in protein.

Example of a daily meal:

A typical breakfast will be.
Pancakes + coffee shake

2 Eggs
1 banana
20 grams whey
Easis pineable icecream as toppings, 35 kcal

400 ml, laktose free skim milk
30 grams of whey
Instant Coffee

I sip clear whey during the day, trying to get protein up higher.

Veg Soup at night,
500 grams of different suited vegs (Bok choy, brocoly, spinach,
250 grams of skinless chicken breast
Broth dice + spices (soy sauce, chilli, fish sauce).

Sometimes some sugar free gummies, about 40 kcals in total.

This is my typical eating style at the moment, though I have similar recipes that I switch between.

I supplement with magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin K, multivitamin, and electrolytes (I'm careful not taking to much though, like 1/4th teaspoon combined, given that there are like 8 grams in a normal teaspoon you can quickly kill yourself on that stuff).

This diet is no different than what I have lost 10-30 kg on 3 times before, and crashed on as well regaining 10-20 kg more than I lost each time!

But I'm absolutely certain, ABSOLUTELY certain, Tirz will make all the difference here and keep me from binging back.

I lift 2 times a week and try to keep volume low and intensity high.

I go for 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps, depending on feel (not recommended to anyone who has not lifted for ages), always staying 1-3 reps away from failure!

Lateral Raises 2 x 8-15

Pullups (weighted +30 kg)
Biceps curls 2 x 8-15

6-8 min HIT (metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Fri: 6-8 min HIT (Metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Metcons I choose (not shift between, but after if I'm at the gym and what i feel like) between

Metcon 1:
10 kettlebell swings
200 m running repeats with 1 minute rest periods
Entire thing repeated 4-6 times.

Metcon 2:
5 Power cleans
250 m row
So far repeated 3-4 times.

I never take it outside of 10 minutes!

Otherwise, I'm mostly sedentary, which is fine because right now this feels like the maximum I can recover from.

The biggest problem with all the sitting is the blood in my legs and swellings, it's getting a lot better.

I didn't expect to gain any strength on this kcal deficit, but In a very short time, I have almost doubled the strength I started with (still far from my old streng and shape though).

Current levels:
Squat: 220 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Deadlift: 260 kg x 1 reps (2-3 from failure).
Overhead presses: 92 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Bench, not sure, it's not going well for me yet in the bench, my 1rm is probably around 120-130 kgs.
Strongest is my Pullup, did 8 reps with 30+ kg, at my weight that made me feel quite badass again.

Right now I'm working on form in stead of weight, because I'm not back at perfect form.

Remind you all that a few months ago I could barely walk.

I'm impressed that Tirz made it possible for me to do this much on 800-1600 kcals (probably what I swing between I would guess).

Wish I had found that med 5 years ago, and I would never had been obese a day in my life.

No clen or anything has been needed for energy as I feared would be needed, all my energy came back when tirz put me in a kcal defict.

I'm waiting with HGH a few months yet, till I get into problems with recovery.

Later I'm going to add Reta to the Tirz.

PS: Won't go into debates or talks if anyone comments: just putting it up here in case its helpful to others in a similar situation to the one I was in a very short time ago.

PS: Won't be keeping a log or be online... but might do an update the months apart when I will log in.
Congrats and beat wishes. Did the elliptical help at all?
Congrats and beat wishes. Did the elliptical help at all?
Thank you mate, I'm sure it will be easy and constant progress from now on... Next really hard phase will be when I have lost the 40-60 kgs and have to substain it ...

I'm sure it could have helped, but after 14 days on Tirz it wasn't needed really ... after a month on Tirz I was back able to walk uninhibited and row 250 meters and run 200 meters as well ... and have been doing that for about a month now - now don't get me wrong these short cardio sessions absolutely kills me still ... but there is constant progress ... and I can easily walk 10-20 km's with a backpack again (I aim for that those two days a week as well, but don't always gets that many kms pushed in, probably around 5 km in average right now, slowly getting closer to 10 km, but had a day at 20 km, and two at 10km that was easy).
riveting stuff

Lol, I see everyone's been busy and paranoid as always while I was gone.

Just wanted to give a small update, to all the haters:

Hired this fellow Danish guy as a coach - that goes under the nick: Heliotropen or Helio in certain communities, he is famous from training some of the world winners in international fitness and such: etc. the danish Henrik Kristensen back in his prime ... and bla bla bla ... think he is former special ops himself like myself - but not entirely certain (quite sure digging into his fb profile I found some hidden images of him that suggested this)... Was lucky he took his time to help me because he seems to be retired as a coach these day, and it's really been interesting.

By following his advice instead of the advice from the fools in this thread, I'm now down at 122 kg from 140 kg ... Have experienced absolutely no suffering at all, and exercise and everything is going great again, where I was way too heavy to move around before.

Tirzepetide fixed all my problems as expected!
The best decision I ever made was to start it, despite what everyone tried to talk me away from it... I'm running 2,5 mg once a week.

The second best advice was not to overdo the training and activity part!
My goal is long term, and Helio advises me to think in terms of what I can build the next progression on, and to think back worth from my real goal 40 years from now, instead of just burning it all off right now.

Really think it's true, using time on planing and thinking, is worth it ... not only will it make you go where you want faster, it will keep you from going in the wrong direction and ending the wrong place.

Didn't take me long on Tirzepetide to be light enough to walk btw, and then soon after I became light enough again to train... Had already been starting with some pullups and pushups though.

Starting out I had a dexa showing:
140 kg - 308 pounds
Lean Mass 86.0 kg
Fat Mass 53.4 kg
38-39% BF

Now it shows
122 kg - 269 pounds
Lean mass 88.2 kg
Fat Mass: 33,2 kg
27-28% BF

Remind you all that I'm only 178 cm, then again, so is Mike Tyson.

My diet is on gefuel:
1) I try to get as much lean protein (without fat and carbs as I can)
2) Though I try not to feed when I'm not hungry, I do have to force some protein down though.
3) I try to keep kcals and carbs as low as possible.

note: To be honest I feel a bit to low in protein.

Example of a daily meal:

A typical breakfast will be.
Pancakes + coffee shake

2 Eggs
1 banana
20 grams whey
Easis pineable icecream as toppings, 35 kcal

400 ml, laktose free skim milk
30 grams of whey
Instant Coffee

I sip clear whey during the day, trying to get protein up higher.

Veg Soup at night,
500 grams of different suited vegs (Bok choy, brocoly, spinach,
250 grams of skinless chicken breast
Broth dice + spices (soy sauce, chilli, fish sauce).

Sometimes some sugar free gummies, about 40 kcals in total.

This is my typical eating style at the moment, though I have similar recipes that I switch between.

I supplement with magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin K, multivitamin, and electrolytes (I'm careful not taking to much though, like 1/4th teaspoon combined, given that there are like 8 grams in a normal teaspoon you can quickly kill yourself on that stuff).

This diet is no different than what I have lost 10-30 kg on 3 times before, and crashed on as well regaining 10-20 kg more than I lost each time!

But I'm absolutely certain, ABSOLUTELY certain, Tirz will make all the difference here and keep me from binging back.

I lift 2 times a week and try to keep volume low and intensity high.

I go for 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps, depending on feel (not recommended to anyone who has not lifted for ages), always staying 1-3 reps away from failure!

Lateral Raises 2 x 8-15

Pullups (weighted +30 kg)
Biceps curls 2 x 8-15

6-8 min HIT (metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Fri: 6-8 min HIT (Metcons)
Walking as long as I can fit in

Metcons I choose (not shift between, but after if I'm at the gym and what i feel like) between

Metcon 1:
10 kettlebell swings
200 m running repeats with 1 minute rest periods
Entire thing repeated 4-6 times.

Metcon 2:
5 Power cleans
250 m row
So far repeated 3-4 times.

I never take it outside of 10 minutes!

Otherwise, I'm mostly sedentary, which is fine because right now this feels like the maximum I can recover from.

The biggest problem with all the sitting is the blood in my legs and swellings, it's getting a lot better.

I didn't expect to gain any strength on this kcal deficit, but In a very short time, I have almost doubled the strength I started with (still far from my old streng and shape though).

Current levels:
Squat: 220 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Deadlift: 260 kg x 1 reps (2-3 from failure).
Overhead presses: 92 kg x 3 reps (1 from failure).
Bench, not sure, it's not going well for me yet in the bench, my 1rm is probably around 120-130 kgs.
Strongest is my Pullup, did 8 reps with 30+ kg, at my weight that made me feel quite badass again.

Right now I'm working on form in stead of weight, because I'm not back at perfect form.

Remind you all that a few months ago I could barely walk.

I'm impressed that Tirz made it possible for me to do this much on 800-1600 kcals (probably what I swing between I would guess).

Wish I had found that med 5 years ago, and I would never had been obese a day in my life.

No clen or anything has been needed for energy as I feared would be needed, all my energy came back when tirz put me in a kcal defict.

I'm waiting with HGH a few months yet, till I get into problems with recovery.

Later I'm going to add Reta to the Tirz.

PS: Won't go into debates or talks if anyone comments: just putting it up here in case its helpful to others in a similar situation to the one I was in a very short time ago.

PS: Won't be keeping a log or be online... but might do an update the months apart when I will log in.
What the actual fuck.
If you knew how weak this makes you look you'd be vomiting.
Everyone told you to focus your fat ass on diet and training. Don't come back here in the middle of a GLP party and brag about how much weight you've lost despite our advice, as if it's supposed to knock our socks off.
People told you to focus on diet and training because once you come off the tirz you're going to get fat again if you're using it as a crutch - and using it as a crutch is your only fuckin plan here.
This was the saddest display of weakness I've seen in a while. I'm floored by the fact that this was supposed to somehow own everyone on the thread who gave you different advice. What a god damn laugh.
Some of the people on this forum, man holy fuck. I think my cycle is starting to kick in because I could charlie horse the hell out of you for this.
What the actual fuck.
If you knew how weak this makes you look you'd be vomiting.
Everyone told you to focus your fat ass on diet and training. Don't come back here in the middle of a GLP party and brag about how much weight you've lost despite our advice, as if it's supposed to knock our socks off.
People told you to focus on diet and training because once you come off the tirz you're going to get fat again if you're using it as a crutch - and using it as a crutch is your only fuckin plan here.
This was the saddest display of weakness I've seen in a while. I'm floored by the fact that this was supposed to somehow own everyone on the thread who gave you different advice. What a god damn laugh.
Some of the people on this forum, man holy fuck. I think my cycle is starting to kick in because I could charlie horse the hell out of you for this.
Coming from you that's a compliment ...
Everything you write is about as dumb as you think it's smarts yourself!

You have the brain of a fucking teenager dude!
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Hard-hitting material from you as usual.
You're a weak idiot, bud.
Plain and simple.
Grow some fucking balls and have some self-respect.
It's funny how the types of you don't have a clue about what balls is, though I'm sure someone is slapping you in your face with theirs on a regular basis.

If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would quiet yourself.

As long as I'm doing the opposite of impressing you, I'm sure I'm doing everything right ;)
As long as I'm doing the opposite of impressing you, I'm sure I'm doing everything right ;)
Hell yeah, buddy. That's the kind of attitude that got you where you are today, there's no limit to where it can take you tomorrow. Keep doing what you've done and you'll keep getting what you've got.
See you in another 2 years when you're back here under a new name asking about the newest weightloss drug.
Hell yeah, buddy. That's the kind of attitude that got you where you are today, there's no limit to where it can take you tomorrow. Keep doing what you've done and you'll keep getting what you've got.
See you in another 2 years when you're back here under a new name asking about the newest weightloss drug.
You are the strangest kid on the block... I swear I have never ever meet anyone as weird RL ... only in a dark sub forum on the internet.

You very well know what put me where I was in november and it happened in 9 months, BY doing what you want me to continue during ... you are blank as a board dude!

I told you after decaced of being in a shape you will never achive - trauma and stess caught up with my nervous system, 100 x increased my appetite.

Under those conditions I diet down RAPIDLY on 900-1200 kcals 3 times, took about 9 months each time and I was able to stay there with diet and training for a year each time ... where after I ended up fatter each time in record time!

Tirz IS the entire game changer when it comes to that ... I don't care if you have quit life long use heroine - you would not have made it as far as I did in the same situation ... you will never grasp or realise this tough!

Tirz makes my appetite NORMAL - like you are acting under normal appetite. It lowers the setpoint in my nervous system that wants me to weight 160 kg, into what my body is normally used to!

As for all the other macho crap ... you are a kid!
Go to theraphy, it's easy to see why you have those needs to "feel tough", by being on a fucking diet - jesus!
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