New Member
Right, like any of us believes that you have friends!I believe everything you’ve said beyond the fact you’re a bedridden fatass is make pretend bullshit.
My friends are ex sof. You know what they *all* have in common? None of them are fat fucks. Into their mid to late 40s they remain the most athletic people I’ve ever met. You are a liar.
You completed the morbid obese bedridden mission!!!
If that’s the case I’m glad you’ve already given up on yourself.
Your stolen valor is fucking disgusting.

The charecters in your Rambo movie is not real dude.
What we all have in common is brutal unapologetic-honesty and a sense for reality over fiction… and we never ever gives up on our goals - that does not mean we solve every task by being macho, we use our brains.
American SOFs might differ, those I meet were not very skilled, rather braindeed, but sure Macho … though they all stopped being macho when they were together with Legion SOFs … I was liked for my creative ways to hunt subjects down, not for being especially macho… but it gives that when I think something is brutal, and undoable, then it will certainly also be so for the likes of you ..(and this point was my only reason to even mention it).
I would honestly say around 80% of those I served with in the Danish hunter-force are obese today, suffers from PTSD and much worse - many is criminals or drug addicts - most live out in nature and stays away from all humans, becomes guides or teaches how to hike in the wild, a few is intact enough to work in security - its just not spoken about (and I’m not friend with them privately since the day I stopped, none of them are: though I do have former officers like Ratneck who still backs me) - try to look into their future - they all tried to keep up like I did, but most of them are extremely traumatized (because most serves allot longer than I did, I was kicked from refusing to jump 60 meters into the middle of the ocean with a broken leg to persue an enemy diver. the premiere leutenant pulled a gun at me, and tried to make holes in me … the others had to contain him .., so my loyalty to the force is rather split today - it’s 20 years ago, so).
You wouldn’t get that if you have not had the task of clearing an area of land mines or carry an 80 kg backpack up a cliff wall, having to sleep on it for a week with enemies right below you .,, or stay in a Rabbit hole for a week on a flat field surrounded with enemies. … it’s fun to hunt people down though … I was good at that as well.. so plenty of good experiences as well.
Its true in the force there is mantras such as “hunterforces does not get PTSD” and other bullshit, but thats damaging and old fashioned, Elite soldiers are still humans mostly like others, it just takes a bit more to make us quit.
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