I could stop using DNP. TRT and Ozempic changed my life, doubt anyone here sees a need to remove those. Other than DNP, I don’t know what else I’m doing that is unhealthy.

Predictions are a funny thing, the ones that come true are the only ones that are remembered.
People said I’d quit, I didn’t.
People said this weight would never come off, I’m 83 pounds down.
People said I’d get weak, I got stronger.
People said I’d lose muscle, I gained.
People said a lot of things. I’m still here killing my goals.

All this crazy shit I’ve done, and the thing that ended up fucking me was prescribed by my own doctor. He wrote me a script for 1 mg a day, imagine what would have happened if I listened to him.
I don't doubt your dedication and I'm honestly impressed you're able to keep up that level of self torture as long as you have. I do think this situation was due to the hell you're putting your body through. You're going to do it your way, but you're going to hit more walls and you're going to hit them a lot harder each time if you carry on like this. I was following more at first hoping you would change course to healthier and more sustainable methods, but it's honestly hard for me to read what you're doing to yourself. I don't think there's any glory in it and it seems mostly masochistic.

I'm still rooting for you but damn dude, I don't really want to read about someone destroying themselves for a maniacal goal that could be achieved in a pleasant and much healthier way. Take care of yourself bro. Don't you want to reach your goal and then then live an awesome long life after that? You're lowering your odds of reaching the goal and living a healthy life with what you're doing.
Turns out, it was anastrazole crashing my estrogen.

What was your arimidex dose and frequency?

I could stop using DNP.


ended up fucking me was prescribed by my own doctor

blood work confirmed this hypothesis?

hell that is crashed e2,

but I owe it myself to feel the health rewards of this hard work instead of blunting them with DNP and body obsession/dysmorphia

Let's start with the DNP removal. Hat tip you Sir. Hang in there and I wish you health and hope you feel better.
Warned you against lowering estrogen (the mistake everyone using steroids makes, next to not keeping steady levels), training too much (volume-wise) not only can't you recover, but you also can't progress like that for long (and the dose effect will be too small from the "extra training" anyways), too high trt doses for at fat-loss phase, and DNP is simply a wrong choice.

All you should have done was lowering your anabolic load, lower your training volume, and keept away from the DNP, that's about that.

Now, you should probably do a short maintenance phase to recover, while also cutting down on training volume and intensity for some weeks.

Besides, that I disagree with everyone else in this thread.
It's not time yet to work on what's sustainable when it comes to your diet.
You can save a year or two by getting closer to your end goal, before switching to what's sustainable.

How hard is it really to add more food to a great foundational low kcal diet anyway: that's all that is needed to make your diet more sustainable.

As for training, you should switch to a more sustainable training regime though, that matches the kcal intake you are on and progresses volume and frequency over years to keep the progression going.

No matter what getting off the GLP1's is INSANE advice from people that clearly don't get your situation or these meds! These meds will keep you from being in a diabetic state, keep your blood sugar stable, and most importantly keep you from crashing and binging your weight back (the mistake I made too many times myself).

You simply didn't start out in the same condition they have been in, therefore they won't get it! - There is no taxing on the system from GLP1's, only lack of taxing: why it's the preferred meds to give to obese people with diabetes 2 today. not just for losing weight but for their heart, kidneys, liver, and so on.

If you quit the GLP1, you will regain all you have lost in a few months guaranteed... kcal maintenance will turn into kcal surplus and will get out of your control fast.

If you quit the TRT completely you will truly kill yourself, because your system will now be full without any testosterone or androgens: simply lower the dose instead, till you reach a level where your estrogen is tollerable!!! That's what any real expert in steroids will tell you to do.

Time it, so you wait to lower the TRT UNTIL your estrogen levels are recovered from the AI's ...

If your blood pressure can deal with it and your water in the body (not sure how severe that is), then use 2 UI of HGH for a few months while being in maintenance for a few weeks, in a few weeks you will recover from all the damages ... you can lower the dose of SEMA to fit maintenance but don't stop it.

It won't take as long as people think, when I had Lyle as a coach to teach me and help me plan before my execution, before starting out myself: he showed me a study where elite soldiers went for months without any food, without any sleep and with 24 hours a day forced activity, like walking with a heavy backpack: they crashed 100%!!! Worse than what you describe yourself at! But it only took them about 14 days at maintenance to recover (everything), and that's with no drugs, just a maintenance diet and rest, very low-effort cardio.
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Warned you against lowering estrogen (the mistake everyone using steroids makes, next to not keeping steady levels), training too much (volume-wise) not only can't you recover, but you also can't progress like that for long (and the dose effect will be too small from the "extra training" anyways), too high trt doses for at fat-loss phase, and DNP is simply a wrong choice.

All you should have done was lowering your anabolic load, lower your training volume, and keept away from the DNP, that's about that.

Now, you should probably do a short maintenance phase to recover, while also cutting down on training volume and intensity for some weeks.

Besides, that I disagree with everyone else in this thread.
It's not time yet to work on what's sustainable when it comes to your diet.
You can save a year or two by getting closer to your end goal, before switching to what's sustainable.

How hard is it really to add more food to a great foundational low kcal diet anyway: that's all that is needed to make your diet more sustainable.

As for training, you should switch to a more sustainable training regime though, that matches the kcal intake you are on and progresses volume and frequency over years to keep the progression going.

No matter what getting off the GLP1's is INSANE advice from people that clearly don't get your situation or these meds! These meds will keep you from being in a diabetic state, keep your blood sugar stable, and most importantly keep you from crashing and binging your weight back (the mistake I made too many times myself).

You simply didn't start out in the same condition they have been in, therefore they won't get it! - There is no taxing on the system from GLP1's, only lack of taxing: why it's the preferred meds to give to obese people with diabetes 2 today. not just for losing weight but for their heart, kidneys, liver, and so on.

If you quit the GLP1, you will regain all you have lost in a few months guaranteed... kcal maintenance will turn into kcal surplus and will get out of your control fast.

If you quit the TRT completely you will truly kill yourself, because your system will now be full without any testosterone or androgens: simply lower the dose instead, till you reach a level where your estrogen is tollerable!!! That's what any real expert in steroids will tell you to do.

Time it, so you wait to lower the TRT UNTIL your estrogen levels are recovered from the AI's ...

If your blood pressure can deal with it and your water in the body (not sure how severe that is), then use 2 UI of HGH for a few months while being in maintenance for a few weeks, in a few weeks you will recover from all the damages ... you can lower the dose of SEMA to fit maintenance but don't stop it.

It won't take as long as people think, when I had Lyle as a coach to teach me and help me plan before my execution, before starting out myself: he showed me a study where elite soldiers went for months without any food, without any sleep and with 24 hours a day forced activity, like walking with a heavy backpack: they crashed 100%!!! Worse than what you describe yourself at! But it only took them about 14 days at maintenance to recover (everything), and that's with no drugs, just a maintenance diet and rest, very low-effort cardio.
Shut your fat lazy ass up. Coming in here after months of hiding out to say I told you so, LOL.
Shut your fat lazy ass up. Coming in here after months of hiding out to say I told you so, LOL.
More to keep everyone else from killing the guy! Including himself!
He is the biggest asshole of your all and I don't like him much, but no one deserves to be lead to kill themselves.

And who is hiding cunt? ... just because I'm not wasting my time on this place or losers like you!... Let's make this clear, and I have offered others the same in here before: I'm willing to meet up with who ever real life, just pm me, and we figure it out.
What was your arimidex dose and frequency?


blood work confirmed this hypothesis?

Let's start with the DNP removal. Hat tip you Sir. Hang in there and I wish you health and hope you feel better.
1 mg then 1 mg about a week later followed by 0.25 mg the next day.
respond to the other questions when you have time. Blood work?
No, car thing has messed a lot up. My symptoms exactly matched though and I’m recovery is right in line with the half lives. 1.25 mg over 2 days after 1 mg the week before is a massive dose.
More to keep everyone else from killing the guy! Including himself!
He is the biggest asshole of your all and I don't like him much, but no one deserves to be lead to kill themselves.

And who is hiding cunt? ... just because I'm not wasting my time on this place or losers like you!... Let's make this clear, and I have offered others the same in here before: I'm willing to meet up with who ever real life, just pm me, and we figure it out.
Nobody wants to meet your fat, lazy, slovenly ass in real life.
Still in denial. Can't wait until the Tirz effectiveness runs out and you start gaining it all back.
You are such a nice person dude - fits right into the gang; would not wish such a thing for my worst enemy ... this is why some of you guys don't have any friends and have to use all your time in here being grumpy and mean to people. :)