lol did you just quote everything lol but didnt say anything lol
Yes I did because it made no sense. Whatever man, I’m happy with hitting a new PR. It was the first one I’ve ever cared about, and I was really stoked that I hit it. This should have gone without saying, but 160 was not planned as a 1RM. I was ramping up to 180. 160 ended up feeling light as fuck, so I decided to go for 185, and it worked out great.
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Yes I did because it made no sense. Whatever man, I’m happy with hitting a new PR. It was the first one I’ve ever cared about, and I was really stoked that I hit it. This should have gone without saying, but 160 was not planned as a 1RM. I was ramping up to 180. 160 ended up feeling light as fuck, so I decided to go for 185, and it worked out great.
congrats on the pr btw lol.
congrats on the pr btw lol.
You were deadass one of the reasons I went for it lmao cause you told me to do them like 5 days ago. After I lifted it I was stoked thinking “only 40 lbs away from 225 I’m getting pretty close!”. Then I watched a video yesterday and saw that I’ll have to be able to hit 185 for around 7 reps before I’m strong enough to lift 225 and I was like “well fuck.” lmao. Got a fun long road ahead of me.
Glad tren’s working out for you though. Honestly I’d love to use it from 210-180 to preserve muscle during that final stretch of the cut, but it scares the shit out of me. Ik that sounds crazy bc I’m on DNP, but yeah.
Glad tren’s working out for you though. Honestly I’d love to use it from 210-180 to preserve muscle during that final stretch of the cut, but it scares the shit out of me. Ik that sounds crazy bc I’m on DNP, but yeah.
so now figure out what your set need to be around 70-90% of the 1rm and re adjust after next one
so now figure out what your set need to be around 70-90% of the 1rm and re adjust after next one
Okay, yeah 150 would be around 80%. I started filming some of my sets, noticed the bar is moving slightly backwards at the top of my lifts on my bench sets, so I’m losing energy having to restabilize before the next rep. Would have never noticed if I didn’t film. Gotta figure out how to fix that. Grip’s also a little too wide.
@ShredSeason Ok so what i was trying to say is lost of breath or shortness of breath is bad news. This should only be occuring during VO2 MAX training. which is designed to specifically build up lung capacity which weight training doesnt really focus on. Cardio aka HITT cardio does this. I was using tren as an example because everyone says they get shortnesss of breath off of it I don;t unless im doing VO2 max training which i should of have shortness of breath any which way. lol Sorry i slept and i am not as foggy minded lol..
DNP Cycle day 9 | sw 296.5 | cw 289
7.5 pounds down so far, and I’m holding onto a lot of water, because I’m intaking a lot of sodium via food & electrolyte drinks to combat depletion and carbing up a lot more than I do off DNP. Very pleased with the results so far, and I’ve still managed to get a decent amount of protein.

Monday’s my last day, and I’m ready for this cycle to be done with. The diet fatigue and fatigue in general is enormous this time around, hard training takes the feelings of depletion and fatigue to the next level. Health markers are good though, and I’m not having any scary side effects. Shortness of breath has gotten a lot better as the cycle’s gone on, because I’ve gotten better at meeting my body’s micronutrient needs.

I have to push myself insanely hard to get through training with high performance on this stuff, training and diet adherence is going to feel like a breeze in comparison once it’s out of my system.
Last night’s home gym leg day
Had to get creative to get leg curls and presses done in my basement, but it worked out ok. Overall good workout, especially the calf raises. To add weight, I put plates in a backpack and wore it from at the front of my body. Deadlifting form is improving a lot. I’ve been watching videos and filming my sets. Did a ton of practice reps on low weights. One problem I’m having is the bar seems to get away from my legs when I start my pull, I see it moving forward a bit right at the beginning. What causes that?

Deadlift strength training 1x2 (185 lbs), 1x1 (255 lbs), 1x1 (315 lbs)

Deadlift 3x5, 4, 1 (255 lbs), 1x5 (205 lbs)

Standing leg press 1x15 (45 lbs plate), 1x15 (90 lbs plates), 1x15 (90 lbs plates) + 6 (45 lbs plate) + 5 (Bodyweight)

Seated incline leg curl 1x30 (10 incline), 2x20 (12 incline)

Standing beam calf raise 1x15 (80 lbs plates), 2x15 (105 lbs plates)

Left-legged standing beam calf raises 2x20 (Bodyweight)
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Grip was massive limiting factor on deadlifts. I’m a musician, improving my grip strength and forearms has been tremendously helping me increase my endurance while playing my instrument during tough songs. Because of this, I never wanted to use straps, but I think it’s reasonable to at least start using them for pulls. It was affecting the quality of my sets way too much to justify continuing without them imo.
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Grip was massive limiting factor on deadlifts. I’m a musician, improving my grip strength and forearms has been tremendously helping me increase my endurance while playing my instrument during tough songs. Because of this, I never wanted to use straps, but I think it’s reasonable to at least start using them for pulls. It was affecting the quality of my sets way too much to justify continuing without them imo.
Use the straps. I see some strong mofos pulling shit raw that my weak ass forearms could never handle…. And because I always use straps/cobra grips/versa grips and never work on my forearm strength, I’ll never be able to handle more weight raw.

I think it’s supposed to be a balancing act though.
Only 3 more days of this, fuck. I am so ready to be done with this cycle. Objectively I’m fine, nothing scary is happening, but the fatigue just sucks. Still enjoying my days and getting good workouts, but lack of energy really does wear on you.

Push night
Bench press 4x7, 7, 6, 5 (150 lbs)
Incline bench press 3x9 (110 lbs)
Dumbbell fly 3x9 (24 lbs)
Plate lateral raise —> dumbbell lateral raise dropsets 3x8 (25 lbs) + 15 (17 lbs), 8 + 8, 8 + 10
Dumbbell triceps extension 3x10, 8, 11 (33 lbs)
Dumbbell lateral raise 2x12 (17 lbs)

Great workout. Shoulders and triceps got obliterated.
Can someone help me figure out this nagging injury issue I’m having? When I'm in a barbell squat position, my right shoulder hurts. The pain is in my right delt area, but it’s not the actual muscle. It happens when I lift my arms into that position without the bar too, so I know it’s not just a grip issue. Left arm is fine. This was happening before I started cutting or training, I think it’s been like this for years now. I’m having a hard time looking it up online, and my doctor won’t see me until the 19th, so I’m hoping one of you can point me in the right direction of what might be going on and what I should do to rehab it.
If there’s a modified grip I can use for now until I fix whatever’s going on, that’d be awesome! I wanna start squatting again. This problem happens during a bunch of other daily movements too, inside and outside of the gym, but it’s not as bad as when I’m trying to do squats or barbell calf raises.
I think I caused it by how I’ve always slept with it hyperextended under my pillow, bodyweight crushing it into a wild stretched position. I’ll stop doing that.
The pain isn’t severe during lifts, but it is while sleeping in that position. It’s been waking me up in the middle of the night for years now. I’ll stop doing that.