The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

So much conflicting info going around about this stuff though. I was watching one of Mike Izraetel’s videos the other day, he says not to do it after lifts because it supposedly messes with the body’s ability to send shit to the muscles. One thing I miss about GH is it motivated me to get my cardio done in the morning fasted. Fuck 2 workouts and showers/day though, eats up too much time for me.

I’m an RP fan as well. Actually in the middle of a RP app workout right now.

If I followed all the advice of the few people I actually respected and valued their insight, I’d be running in circles like a chicken with my head cut off.

try this shit for yourself. Make your own informed decision based on actual, real world, tangible results. Not a talking head from someone who doesn’t know anything about you.
I got into a head on collision with a semi truck a few years ago in upstate New York, thousands of miles from where I live. Turns out, New York suspended my license because I guess I was supposed to get a medical exam. I walked away uninjured, so I never bothered getting checked out. I had no idea it was suspended until I tried to renew it. So now I’m sitting here with my dick in my hand until my doctor can see me on the 19th of March. So I can’t drive myself to the gym anymore until all that is straightened out. Gonna have to make the home gym work when no one’s available to give me a ride.

That is a wild way to find out about your license status! Can you request to get any of the restrictions and exam order in writing, like for peace of mind and legal documentation sake?

Ridiculous you were not contacted in any more official way. Glad you were okay at the time at least. (After the crash, void injury. But I guess also glad there was no issues when you found out about the suspended license. My heart might implode finding out that way, oh man.)

What kind of medical exam will you have to go through with your doctor on March 19th? Anything to plan ahead for, or just routine stuff?
That is a wild way to find out about your license status! Can you request to get any of the restrictions and exam order in writing, like for peace of mind and legal documentation sake?

Ridiculous you were not contacted in any more official way. Glad you were okay at the time at least. (After the crash, void injury. But I guess also glad there was no issues when you found out about the suspended license. My heart might implode finding out that way, oh man.)

What kind of medical exam will you have to go through with your doctor on March 19th? Anything to plan ahead for, or just routine stuff?
I’m just grateful to be alive, I’ve never heard of anyone surviving that uninjured, I still don’t understand how it’s possible. I fell asleep behind the wheel, so my doctor has to evaluate if I have a sleep disorder (I don’t.)
I’m just grateful to be alive, I’ve never heard of anyone surviving that uninjured, I still don’t understand how it’s possible. I fell asleep behind the wheel, so my doctor has to evaluate if I have a sleep disorder (I don’t.)

That is amazing. Being alive and breathing with safe and sound body & mind really is the greatest gift. Especially after reminders of how messed up things may be. Glad you are doing alright and experiencing positive changes lately. :)

I wonder if they will have you do a sleep study?
@Big_bowl0tren i think im gonna try 30 ed and see but idont want any bad sides im running 40 eod and i feel great no sides at all. but i feel as if sides would of already shown up as its acetate... on another note @ShredSeason be happy your alive. Also this tren A seems to make me nicer lmfao odd? My sleep isnt honestly that effected as its always been shit lol. but my mood is better. Idk why people say they sleep with fat girls on it i still find all the same girls sexy, im just not diving right into banging a fat bitch because i like fit bitches lol. if they are thick thats different. this is also my own experience buddy. so take it for what it is.
I think I’ve been eating my own ass to feed myself. Took a good look at it in the mirror for the first time in a while, and I was horrified. It’s almost gone boys. Next to my tits, my ass was always my prized possession. Big, juicy, plump, I had that cake. I didn’t even bother training glutes, it was just a given that I got that donk. Not anymore. Flat as fuck, it’s unrecognizable.

I’ve been wondering how the fuck my blood protein is high when I’m fasted. I’ve been eating myself out to feed muscles to the rest of my body this entire time. Tits are still fire though, perky as fuck. Gonna start doing hip thrusts and fire hydrants, I’m not going out like this.
I had a nicer ass than this in the 220s. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it sooner. It supplied life to the rest of my body, but at what cost?
@Big_bowl0tren i think im gonna try 30 ed and see but idont want any bad sides im running 40 eod and i feel great no sides at all. but i feel as if sides would of already shown up as its acetate... on another note @ShredSeason be happy your alive. Also this tren A seems to make me nicer lmfao odd? My sleep isnt honestly that effected as its always been shit lol. but my mood is better. Idk why people say they sleep with fat girls on it i still find all the same girls sexy, im just not diving right into banging a fat bitch because i like fit bitches lol. if they are thick thats different. this is also my own experience buddy. so take it for what it is.
If your feeling great at the dose and aren’t having sides I’d just stay running that. Haha tren shouldn’t make you nicer up the fuckin dose! Im fucking with you. Just wait though the more you up the dose the more you’ll catch yourself checking out chicks you normally wouldn’t bat your eye at.
I’m an RP fan as well. Actually in the middle of a RP app workout right now.

If I followed all the advice of the few people I actually respected and valued their insight, I’d be running in circles like a chicken with my head cut off.

try this shit for yourself. Make your own informed decision based on actual, real world, tangible results. Not a talking head from someone who doesn’t know anything about you.
Yeah I love Dr Mike, I’ve learned so much from his channel. Getting a nice, full stretch on the muscles feels amazing, and I’m getting way better mind muscle connection controlling my eccentrics.

I did see this guy that doesn’t like him lay into his routine, claiming Mike effectively turns every lift into a lower back/posterior chain movement with how he always extends his back. He argues this is why Mike has a protruding gut, low mobility, and why his erectors are so overdevveloped in relation to the rest of his back
Those are some nutty erectors lmao. Love the guy either way, his channel is a treasure trove of information. I personally don't do the back extending or follow his reps in reserve guidelines. As someone that’s been lazy for a long time, I like what going to technical failure does for my mental gains.
Yeah I love Dr Mike, I’ve learned so much from his channel. Getting a nice, full stretch on the muscles feels amazing, and I’m getting way better mind muscle connection controlling my eccentrics.

I did see this guy that doesn’t like him lay into his routine, claiming Mike effectively turns every lift into a lower back/posterior chain movement with how he always extends his back. He argues this is why Mike has a protruding gut, low mobility, and why his erectors are so overdevveloped in relation to the rest of his back
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Those are some nutty erectors lmao. Love the guy either way, his channel is a treasure trove of information. I personally don't do the back extending or follow his reps in reserve guidelines. As someone that’s been lazy for a long time, I like what going to technical failure does for my mental gains.
now is it true technical failure its not like forearm failure or some dumb shit like that or the limiting muscles weakening before the main muscles being targeted?
now is it true technical failure its not like forearm failure or some dumb shit like that or the limiting muscles weakening before the main muscles being targeted?
True technical failure, yeah. I was having problems with forearm failure on shrugs, but @swiftque helped me fix that. My mind muscle connection with triceps and lats aren’t good enough yet to know if they’re what’s failing on things like extensions and bent over rows, but it seems to be going well. I get good soreness afterwards.
@BoloYang2023 Was also having a problem with the muscles in my feet failing well before calves on sled press raises. Doing them on a beam fixed that, but it takes too many reps. I’m gonna try adding weight with a barbell and standing on plates next time.
you mean your suffering from planter fasciitis
No, it’s muscle burn that goes away after the set. My feet are fine in everyday life. The weight burns out the muscles I’m using to keep my feet on the press long before my calves get tired. If I lower the weight, the amount of reps become way too large. Shame, because I get a great stretch and range of motion using the sled. Btw I’m talking about the ones you do with only the balls of your feet on the sled, not the whole foot.
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so you need to target the inner calf as well as work on strengthening the load ability and mobility of the ankle more again this is where a coach comes in if you don;t know how to fix the problem when its easy to fix with some mechanical movements.
DNP fatigue is crazy. 3 hours to finish a 1 hr workout. I feel good though. I’m going to have to cut out pull and leg compounds until this cycle is over and just add more isolations, they’re just way too fatiguing and lightheaded on this compound and deficit.

Back, biceps, rear delts
barbell rows 3x11, 8, 8 (130 lbs)
One arm dumbbell rows 3x12, 15, 12 (53 lbs)
Barbell curls 1x6 (70 lbs), 2x8, 6 (65 lbs)
Ez bar curls 3x8, 8, 7 (60 lbs)
Barbell reverse curls 3x8, 6, 8 (60 lbs)
I’m going to have to cut out pull and leg compounds until this cycle is over and just add more isolations, they’re just way too fatiguing and lightheaded on this compound and deficit.
Anything that bends me over annihilates me, I’ll still do assisted pull ups.
DNP fatigue is crazy. 3 hours to finish a 1 hr workout. I feel good though. I’m going to have to cut out pull and leg compounds until this cycle is over and just add more isolations, they’re just way too fatiguing and lightheaded on this compound and deficit.
It’s almost like your body’s trying to tell you something right? But no let’s pull all the hard exercises so we can keep leveraging insecticide to the upmost extent we can