Fuck that guy.
He didn’t like something I said on QSC thread so he went and disliked everyone of my post in that thread. I woke up like 90+ downvotes one morning and it was from that clown. I went ahead and returned the favor with the downvotes on his profile. I’m enjoying having a him follow my post like he’s my side bitch.
I remember always seeing you pop off on retards on that thread lmao, funny shit
DNP Cycle day 2 | sw 296.5 cw 296
Outpacing the initial water gain must be a good sign. Today will be my first day of training, gonna see how that preworkout turns out. Everything is pretty moderate now, but the shortness of breath fucking sucks.
Blood pressure
body temperature
O2 sat
pulse rate?

Shortness of breath is nothing to take lightly. I will continue to plead with you to drop the DNP.
Blood pressure
body temperature
O2 sat
pulse rate?

Shortness of breath is nothing to take lightly. I will continue to plead with you to drop the DNP.
Blood pressure: 149/89 (after caffeine)
Body temperature: 97.9
Oxygen: 97%
Pulse (before caffeine): 81
Pulse (after caffeine): 93
again dnp at your level is not needed we all keep telling you man yes people use it but tbh most people who see the most out of DNP are Olympia competitors before show litereally and even then they would have a well built plan if they were going to run it
on another note i just got 180 servings american made fucking AMAZING protein mix powder its like beef and egg and casien and iso whey and its all grass fed and organic and FIRE! it was 6 bags at 20 a pop
on another note i just got 180 servings american made fucking AMAZING protein mix powder its like beef and egg and casien and iso whey and its all grass fed and organic and FIRE! it was 6 bags at 20 a pop
You sound swole. What's your BUN and creatinine run?
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Chest day
Yeah lifting on DNP isn’t easy, out of breath after every set. Still had fun though, felt good. I failed the 6th rep on my last set of incline bench, but it was pretty chill since I’m just pushing victim weight. Haven’t benched for a while, got 135 for 10, up from 135 for 6 on Jan 14. I definitely think I can get over 12 reps when I’m not on DNP. I’m hoping I can hit 185 for 1 rep once this cycle is done. Technique is getting better but still a little suspect, wasting some energy stabilizing on some reps. I just want to work up to 225 so I can feel like a proper adult.

Bench press 3x10, 6, 6 (135 lbs)
Ez bar front raises 1x20 (30 lbs), 2x8, 12 (45 lbs)
Lateral raises 3x12, 9, 10 (17 lbs)
Incline bench press 3x8, 6, 5 (115 lbs)
Seated dumbbell tricep extensions 3x8, 6, 6 (33 lbs)

50 minutes cardio prelifts
I didn’t mean to burn this much lmao

Dinner canned chicken tortilla wrap, 1/2 protein shake, collagen powder

2 tbsp honey intraworkout

Post workout 90% lean ground beef tortilla wrap, protein shake, collagen powder, 11g shredded cheese

Before bed protein shake, collagen powder

total calories: 1,379
Protein: 173 g
DNP cycle day 3
Yesterday’s weight 296
Today’s weight 293

Lmao yeah this stack works, 1% of my body weight gone overnight.
Chest day
Yeah lifting on DNP isn’t easy, out of breath after every set. Still had fun though, felt good. I failed the 6th rep on my last set of incline bench, but it was pretty chill since I’m just pushing victim weight. Haven’t benched for a while, got 135 for 10, up from 135 for 6 on Jan 14. I definitely think I can get over 12 reps when I’m not on DNP. I’m hoping I can hit 185 for 1 rep once this cycle is done. Technique is getting better but still a little suspect, wasting some energy stabilizing on some reps. I just want to work up to 225 so I can feel like a proper adult.

Bench press 3x10, 6, 6 (135 lbs)
Ez bar front raises 1x20 (30 lbs), 2x8, 12 (45 lbs)
Lateral raises 3x12, 9, 10 (17 lbs)
Incline bench press 3x8, 6, 5 (115 lbs)
Seated dumbbell tricep extensions 3x8, 6, 6 (33 lbs)

50 minutes cardio prelifts
so im going to say the obvious i feel like which no one has sad so im surprised. Why are you doing cardio Prelift unless its spaced out by like 5-7 hours. Just saying you should be focused and make sure that during your lifting time you have high high intensity. As well as if you don't feel the muscle working its probably not, secondly you should do 1 rep max at least 2 times beginning middle and end of your mesocycle training period. or what ever periodization you have decided to go with. But like most actually lifters i think 1RM is dumb i prefer 3RM this way you can then design your workouts around that and keep your weight at 70-80 % of the weight so you can then gradually keep pushing it up and your be able to know how your actually doing by the numbers. Also a heads up alot of ADULTS dont do 225 lol. just saying
so im going to say the obvious i feel like which no one has sad so im surprised. Why are you doing cardio Prelift unless its spaced out by like 5-7 hours. Just saying you should be focused and make sure that during your lifting time you have high high intensity. As well as if you don't feel the muscle working its probably not, secondly you should do 1 rep max at least 2 times beginning middle and end of your mesocycle training period. or what ever periodization you have decided to go with. But like most actually lifters i think 1RM is dumb i prefer 3RM this way you can then design your workouts around that and keep your weight at 70-80 % of the weight so you can then gradually keep pushing it up and your be able to know how your actually doing by the numbers. Also a heads up alot of ADULTS dont do 225 lol. just saying
I have told him to do cardio post training, buddy’s going to do whatever it takes to get to his goal even if he’s absolutely mangled by the end of it, just gotta let nature run its course atp