I didn’t mean to burn this much lmao
View attachment 277821

Dinner canned chicken tortilla wrap, 1/2 protein shake, collagen powder

2 tbsp honey intraworkout

Post workout 90% lean ground beef tortilla wrap, protein shake, collagen powder, 11g shredded cheese

Before bed protein shake, collagen powder

total calories: 1,379
Protein: 173 g
So i see you have 173 grams of protein is this your target weight? If it is not and lets say you want 200 or 205 lean af then please up the protien intake to that without CUTTING calories out so you may need to add more. Secondly if you want 100% lean beef boil beef and then season it after you strain it. sounds gross but its legit the best way to get the most bang for your buck.
I have told him to do cardio post training, buddy’s going to do whatever it takes to get to his goal even if he’s absolutely mangled by the end of it, just gotta let nature run its course atp
true i mean either one is fine. but never ever Pre lift cardio as you want to develop muscle and yes if your doing legs do 15 mins of cardio before its fine itll warm it up but then thats even pushing it. But yea post lift is good because he will get the most bang for his buck but i was hoping he would split it up so he could get more bang for his buck calorie burning wise. but meh. your right I keep trying to convince him to find a coach. A NEW coach charges very little because they want to build clients up first then the price starts to go up but he wont listen to me on that either. lol
I always thought cardio pre lifting wouldn’t be that much of a difference, but always kept it at the end because *internet say so*.

Well. Y’all fuckers are right. The other day I did cardio, just LISS and that was all that was planned. Then I had some time come available and worked out right after a little light treadmill action. Big difference in performance, and that was upper body!!

Your cardio won’t be effected nor benefit diminished doing it post training. But cardio will affect your lifting. No idea why anyone would do it first outside of a short bit for a “warm up”.
I think I’ve been eating my own ass to feed myself. Took a good look at it in the mirror for the first time in a while, and I was horrified. It’s almost gone boys. Next to my tits, my ass was always my prized possession. Big, juicy, plump, I had that cake. I didn’t even bother training glutes, it was just a given that I got that donk. Not anymore. Flat as fuck, it’s unrecognizable.

I’ve been wondering how the fuck my blood protein is high when I’m fasted. I’ve been eating myself out to feed muscles to the rest of my body this entire time. Tits are still fire though, perky as fuck. Gonna start doing hip thrusts and fire hydrants, I’m not going out like this.
I always thought cardio pre lifting wouldn’t be that much of a difference, but always kept it at the end because *internet say so*.

Well. Y’all fuckers are right. The other day I did cardio, just LISS and that was all that was planned. Then I had some time come available and worked out right after a little light treadmill action. Big difference in performance, and that was upper body!!

Your cardio won’t be effected nor benefit diminished doing it post training. But cardio will affect your lifting. No idea why anyone would do it first outside of a short bit for a “warm up”.
Glad you conceptualized this for me, I’m gonna start doing it post lifts from now on. I had no idea it was affecting performance that much. I’m getting back into striking and want to start fighting once I’m in good shape, so improving endurance is very important to me, but I care more about how I look, so I’ll definitely lift pre-cardio from now on.
@BoloYang2023 @BCBuilder Thank you for the good advice, I’ll do it post-lifts from now on. Lifting before cardio has always felt weird as fuck, after cardio my body’s warm and my mind’s in the mode of pushing myself. I’ll just hit the bag light and do some stability training for 5-10 minutes beforehand from now on, should do the trick.

@BoloYang2023 I won’t know what my goal weight is until I get my body scan. I’m guessing 170-180? Just depends on how much muscle I have. I wanna be cut as fuck. I’m 6’0”, and I’m pretty sure I have a medium bone structure, wrists are 7.5” right now, probably 7.25 once the rest of my weight’s gone. Don’t know how dense they are though.
Leg day + hammer curls
Something’s wrong with the leg extension attachment on my bench. Working sets are down from 180 lbs to 95, ROM and control is fucked. Managed a halfway decent burn though. I cooked my hams calves, so overall the night was a dub.

Hammer curls 3x15, 10, 8 (28 lbs)
Beam calf raises 3x30 (wild ass burn)
Incline leg curls 3x30, 20, 20
“Leg extensions” 3x15 (95 lbs), 1x15 (50 lbs)
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I got into a head on collision with a semi truck a few years ago in upstate New York, thousands of miles from where I live. Turns out, New York suspended my license because I guess I was supposed to get a medical exam. I walked away uninjured, so I never bothered getting checked out. I had no idea it was suspended until I tried to renew it. So now I’m sitting here with my dick in my hand until my doctor can see me on the 19th of March. So I can’t drive myself to the gym anymore until all that is straightened out. Gonna have to make the home gym work when no one’s available to give me a ride.
Glad you conceptualized this for me, I’m gonna start doing it post lifts from now on. I had no idea it was affecting performance that much. I’m getting back into striking and want to start fighting once I’m in good shape, so improving endurance is very important to me, but I care more about how I look, so I’ll definitely lift pre-cardio from now on.

I was convinced these meat heads were stupid. But they got this one right.

I track workouts religiously and It was very easy to see. On the feels and numbers.
I was convinced these meat heads were stupid. But they got this one right.

I track workouts religiously and It was very easy to see. On the feels and numbers.
So much conflicting info going around about this stuff though. I was watching one of Mike Izraetel’s videos the other day, he says not to do it after lifts because it supposedly messes with the body’s ability to send shit to the muscles. One thing I miss about GH is it motivated me to get my cardio done in the morning fasted. Fuck 2 workouts and showers/day though, eats up too much time for me.
You could try 30 ED see how you respond and adjust dose if you need be.
so far what’s your thought on Tren?
tomorrow ill be a full week of pins as i started wednesday lol. but i feel great man , my sleep has always been shit so i aint worried about that being more shit lol i usually sleep 6 hrs a night over 8 lol so its rough regardless.