Lower your t3 dose. With low calories you will destroy your muscles you have built recently
Increased calories the past 3 weeks, 138g protein the past 7 days. I got a bunch of canned chicken @malfeasance and have a bunch of steak and lean ground beef dishes portioned out in my freezer, gonna up the protein to 180g/day.
Increased calories the past 3 weeks, 138g protein the past 7 days. I got a bunch of canned chicken @malfeasance and have a bunch of steak and lean ground beef dishes portioned out in my freezer, gonna up the protein to 180g/day.
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It’s calories not proteins. T3 isn’t too effective on burning fat. You have dnp. That’s doing all the work and your diet. Just rake a replacement dose and call it a day
New DNP cycle starts in less than 7 hours. This will run for around 11 days. Here are the compounds we’ll be working with this time:

DNP400 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg/day
Semaglutide1.5 mg/week
Testosterone Prop.25 mg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
Adderall IR20 mg/day
I’m very nervously excited about this one. I’m eating enough now to not run into the problems I had with DNP last time, so I should be fine. I’ll be updating daily on how things are going.
Seeing this protocol makes me realize why you're so intense about things, get obsessed about the drugs/losing weight as fast as possible and being kind of maniacal. It's because you're ripped on amphetamines all day dude!

That protocol looks like a horrible idea to me. Way too much health risk to squeeze out maybe a little bit more fat loss. Not worth it in any way. Drop the DNP and the amphetamine and drop the thyroid medicine unless you know you are deficient and taking it for legitimate replacement.

You are still quite obese, you really don't need any drugs to lose weight when you're obese. TRT, semaglutide, and HGH if you wish is more than enough for your goals and much safer.

Still following and wishing you luck but damn dude, you're really hammering on your body for no good reason. If you slow your roll/drug use you'll get the same fat loss, feel better, and in the end you will be much healthier overall. You're basically trying to trade the ill health effects from obesity for the ill health effects of irresponsible drug use. Not worth it.

Amphetamines are not known to help people make good choices or be patient.
Seeing this protocol makes me realize why you're so intense about things, get obsessed about the drugs/losing weight as fast as possible and being kind of maniacal. It's because you're ripped on amphetamines all day dude!
Idk why but I laughed my ass off at this, you’re not wrong. And I’m already very extreme without them.
Drop the amphetamine
It’s not for weight loss. I’ve been on it on and off for 11 years, I’m prescribed it for my ADD.
and drop the thyroid medicine unless you know you are deficient and taking it for legitimate replacement.
I got tested, my levels were hypothyroid.
TRT, semaglutide, and HGH if you wish is more than enough for your goals and much safer.

Amphetamines are not known to help people make good choices or be patient.
You're basically trying to trade the ill health effects from obesity for the ill health effects of irresponsible drug use.
Hopefully nothing permanent, I’m fine with doing a little short-term damage.
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DNP Cycle day 1 | starting weight: 296.5
Pussyfooted around for a few hours but finally decided to just send it, first 400 mg dose is down. One of my capsules was cracked, and I got the nausea right after. My stomach started burning, about as bad as after you take a shot. I felt like I was going to throw up and started feeling the saliva buildup. It was nothing too bad, but it was enough for me to pause my injections and get some food down really quick. Throwing up would have wasted my afternoon T3 dose. Drinking stomach bile mixed with DNP and T3 didn’t sound too appetizing, so I did what I could to keep everything down. I feel better now.
I’ve dropped 22 pounds in the last 22 days since adding T3/T4. My first DNP cycle was ruined by doing it with hypothyroid levels. Now that my metabolism is back in working order, I think we’re going to see some incredible results. All resting energy and workout expenditure calculators actually estimate me losing around a pound of fat/day with what I’ve been doing lately, and the results have backed that up so far.
Calorie goal for this run is 1200-1600, 1800 if I need it, same thing I’m already doing. The only thing I’m changing with my food is no longer intermittent fasting until lunch. This drug will fuck the life out of youif you slip into a fasted state, I’m not making that mistake again. Outside of the times I was fasted, my last DNP run was actually pretty enjoyable. It should be a good time, hopefully adding my 20 mg adderall dose to my usual coffee w/raw honey preworkout is enough to stop my performance from going down.
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Calorie goal for this run is 1200-1600, 1800 if I need it, same thing I’m already doing. The only thing I’m changing with my food is no longer intermittent fasting until lunch. This drug will fuck the life out of youif you slip into a fasted state, I’m not making that mistake again. Outside of the times I was fasted, my last DNP run was actually pretty enjoyable. It should be a good time, hopefully adding my 20 mg adderall dose to my usual coffee w/raw honey preworkout is enough to stop my performance from going down.
again 1800 would be key lets behonest your calorie intake used to be like 5k or more id say maybe even 8k with no exercise
@BoloYang2023 @dirthand Thats just what my doctor prescribes me. I only take the 30 mg extended every day nowadays, but I’m thinking of taking my instant dose preworkout to cancel out DNP’s performance loss. My workouts have been so fucking good lately, I wanna keep that up.
so wait your saying your gonna take something that doesnt allow you to bring the same intensity to your workouts? now now lets use our brain here sir we know that the intensity of a workout is what gets the gains and helps burn calories dont be the dumbass that literally just moves weight . focus on intensity and muscle growth so that you dont have a shit load of loose skin hanging around. we all want to see you win bro, but shit your like my little bit of good i try to impart on lol! sad ma
50 mg/day is noticeable but I must be too old to get those mind blowing pumps I keep reading about. About all that really gets set on fire is my hdl-c, lipid particle counts, and SHBG.
You’ve ran Anavar?
I see alot of dudes taking 100mg. I take 15mg just pre workout and I feel it’s full effects. Most I’ve done is 30mg and that was too much.
Anything else I can tolerate dosages well but not var. something about it and my body chemistry I hyper respond it. know a few chicks taking 3 x the dose I take.
You’ve ran Anavar?
I see alot of dudes taking 100mg. I take 15mg just pre workout and I feel it’s full effects. Most I’ve done is 30mg and that was too much.
Anything else I can tolerate dosages well but not var. something about it and my body chemistry I hyper respond it. know a few chicks taking 3 x the dose I take.
lol i gotta take like 500 mg of anavar and tbol lmfao just saying i dont react well to that shit lmfao
You’ve ran Anavar?
I see alot of dudes taking 100mg. I take 15mg just pre workout and I feel it’s full effects. Most I’ve done is 30mg and that was too much.
Anything else I can tolerate dosages well but not var. something about it and my body chemistry I hyper respond it. know a few chicks taking 3 x the dose I take.
its serial dude that shit does nothing but waste my money and makes me stink like shit from sweating it out. maybe the var and tbol ive gotten was bunk which i could possibly agree upon as my original source had bunk shit.
its serial dude that shit does nothing but waste my money and makes me stink like shit from sweating it out. maybe the var and tbol ive gotten was bunk which i could possibly agree upon as my original source had bunk shit.
Possibly could have a been. Although my buddy can take 50mg of the same stuff I take and feels close to nothing from it.
Bolo shit my dude 500mg of anavar is a shit ton!!! I ran it for about 4 weeks or so. Started out at 25 a day then 60 a day like the last 8 days or so ran 100mg a day. Was my first time taking it so played with the dose a little definently felt the pump at all doses probly go with 50 a day next time I cycle it for a couple weeks. Shredder how's that DNP Addy combo treating you?? @ShredSeason. @BoloYang2023
@Big_bowl0tren what's up with your fan boy following u around with the the little red thumb everywhere you post. Lol
Bolo shit my dude 500mg of anavar is a shit ton!!! I ran it for about 4 weeks or so. Started out at 25 a day then 60 a day like the last 8 days or so ran 100mg a day. Was my first time taking it so played with the dose a little definently felt the pump at all doses probly go with 50 a day next time I cycle it for a couple weeks. Shredder how's that DNP Addy combo treating you?? @ShredSeason. @BoloYang2023
@Big_bowl0tren what's up with your fan boy following u around with the the little red thumb everywhere you post. Lol
Fuck that guy.
He didn’t like something I said on QSC thread so he went and disliked everyone of my post in that thread. I woke up like 90+ downvotes one morning and it was from that clown. I went ahead and returned the favor with the downvotes on his profile. I’m enjoying having a him follow my post like he’s my side bitch.
You’ve ran Anavar?
Yes, I've used oxandrolone a few times for 4 to 8 weeks at dosages between 15 and 50 mg/day. I've captured some of the experiences and will do another one here soon with a focus on blood markers.

Yes, I've used oxandrolone a few times for 4 to 8 weeks at dosages between 15 and 50 mg/day. I've captured some of the experiences and will do another one here soon with a focus on blood markers.

I will check that out. Run some more compounds so we can benefit from your experiments haha.
I will check that out. Run some more compounds so we can benefit from your experiments haha.
I would but somewhat limited in terms of the legal options that are available at compounders.

May do a longer run with stanozolol this year.

Cliffs notes on first oxandrolone run here:
Shredder how's that DNP Addy combo treating you??
I’m feeling a lot of shortness of breath this time around, kind of sucks. Piss is yellow and heat started in the evening, I’m already about to shut off my heater and open some windows. Just woke up and have a little of that dried out sponge feeling. I think my thyroid being shut down last time and not eating blunted a lot of the normal sides of this shit, gonna find out why everyone hates being on it this time around.
DNP Cycle day 2 | sw 296.5 cw 296
Outpacing the initial water gain must be a good sign. Today will be my first day of training, gonna see how that preworkout turns out. Everything is pretty moderate now, but the shortness of breath fucking sucks.