Went to my dark place last night.

1 hr treadmill
Barbell curls 2x8 (60 lbs)
Hammer curls 2x13, 9 (20 lbs)
Rear delt dumbbell flys 3x16, 12, 10 (15 lbs)
Assisted pull-ups 5x8, 5, 3, 3, 3 (-175 lbs)
Dumbbell shrugs 2x12 (60 lbs)
Machine curls 1x8 (100 lbs) + 2 (85 lbs) + 1 (70 lbs) + 2 (55 lbs)
Leg extensions 2x12, 10 (180 lbs)
Seated leg curls 2x8 (150 lbs)
Seated leg press calf raises 2x25, 16

Thought I was going to throw up after calf raises, very cool to experience that. Getting 4 oz of steak down when I got home was brutal, but of course I knew I had to eat. I felt better after I forced down some sodium and potassium. Went on the couch and passed the fuck out after that, felt good once I woke up.

This is the first time jogging on the treadmill since I got this heavy. At one point I jogged for 20 minutes straight, had no idea I was capable of that. I wasn’t gasping for air either. Those assisted pull ups are amazing @dirthand , finally felt my lats activating. I’m going to need to build up a lot of strength and technique if I’m going to be able to do unassisted once I’m at 200. Today I work on abs and maybe finish my legs instead of doing my usual push. My stepdad wants to do push with me on Friday, because he’s never used machines before, so I’m going to show him the ones I use.

I got my uncle working out and on Reta, got my mom into the gym, and got my grandad working out more. I’m excited to see them change their lives and hope they stick with it. I told my uncle about the risks of Reta, but he’s crazier than I am, so of course he went on it. Me? I’m loving Ozempic, I’m glad I built up a tolerance to GLPs before going on it, I was able to miss the bad sides that way.
I woke up 2.75 pounds lighter today, I must have dropped some water weight along with the fat. I drank absurd amounts at the gym, so I don’t think I’m dehydrated. I’m guessing I’ll start dropping some decent water once I start managing my estrogen tomorrow. Starting very low, I’ll get another sensitive test in 2-4 weeks. @BoloYang2023 I’m going to try those floor presses tomorrow.
I'm not an expert on routine and thi gs but what I can say is good job for hanging in there and being consistent man!!
Thank you!! I have the people in this forum to thank for that. When I started this journey, I was just starving myself towards my goal weight.
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Went to my dark place last night.

1 hr treadmill
Barbell curls 2x8 (60 lbs)
Hammer curls 2x13, 9 (20 lbs)
Rear delt dumbbell flys 3x16, 12, 10 (15 lbs)
Assisted pull-ups 5x8, 5, 3, 3, 3 (-175 lbs)
Dumbbell shrugs 2x12 (60 lbs)
Machine curls 1x8 (100 lbs) + 2 (85 lbs) + 1 (70 lbs) + 2 (55 lbs)
Leg extensions 2x12, 10 (180 lbs)
Seated leg curls 2x8 (150 lbs)
Seated leg press calf raises 2x25, 16

Thought I was going to throw up after calf raises, very cool to experience that. Getting 4 oz of steak down when I got home was brutal, but of course I knew I had to eat. I felt better after I forced down some sodium and potassium. Went on the couch and passed the fuck out after that, felt good once I woke up.

This is the first time jogging on the treadmill since I got this heavy. At one point I jogged for 20 minutes straight, had no idea I was capable of that. I wasn’t gasping for air either. Those assisted pull ups are amazing @dirthand , finally felt my lats activating. I’m going to need to build up a lot of strength and technique if I’m going to be able to do unassisted once I’m at 200. Today I work on abs and maybe finish my legs instead of doing my usual push. My stepdad wants to do push with me on Friday, because he’s never used machines before, so I’m going to show him the ones I use.

I got my uncle working out and on Reta, got my mom into the gym, and got my grandad working out more. I’m excited to see them change their lives and hope they stick with it. I told my uncle about the risks of Reta, but he’s crazier than I am, so of course he went on it. Me? I’m loving Ozempic, I’m glad I built up a tolerance to GLPs before going on it, I was able to miss the bad sides that way.
Shrugs at that weight has gotta be pointless.

Nevertheless good on you for putting in the work.
Shrugs at that weight has gotta be pointless.

Nevertheless good on you for putting in the work
I actually have the opposite perspective, lmk what you think about it. In my view, shoulders and traps are the best thing for a fat guy to build up. Nothings gonna offset your stomach better than broader shoulders. I know I’ve been fitting into my shirts way better since I’ve started training.
I actually have the opposite perspective, lmk what you think about it. In my view, shoulders and traps are the best thing for a fat guy to build up. Nothings gonna offset your stomach better than broader shoulders. I know I’ve been fitting into my shirts way better since I’ve started training.
Your shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors than any other muscle groups in your body. They will naturally get bigger from AAS usage with minimal work.

But I was mostly commenting because you are shrugging 60lb dumbbells. You’re already a big dude. There’s no way shrugging 60 lb dumbbells are putting any tension on your traps at all.

I bet the weight you need to shrug with dumbbells to activate your traps may require straps. You’re 300 pounds. No way your working set is 120lbs for 12 reps.

Edit: you’re curling barbells not dumbbells.
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Your shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors than any other muscle groups in your body. They will naturally get bigger from AAS usage with minimal work.

But I was mostly commenting because you are shrugging 60lb dumbbells. You’re already a big dude. There’s no way shrugging 60 lb dumbbells are putting any tension on your traps at all.

I bet the weight you need to shrug with dumbbells to activate your traps may require straps. You’re 300 pounds. No way your working set is 120lbs for 12 reps.

Edit: you’re curling barbells not dumbbells.
Lmao you caught me, yeah they’re not enough. I usually use 75s and take those to 15 reps sometimes, this gym doesn’t go above 60 though. With 75s, it’s usually an accessory muscle like forearms that fail first. I’m gonna have to look into straps, never used them. I’ll be able to increase resistance with those?
Lmao you caught me, yeah they’re not enough. I usually use 75s and take those to 15 reps sometimes, this gym doesn’t go above 60 though. With 75s, it’s usually an accessory muscle like forearms that fail first. I’m gonna have to look into straps, never used them. I’ll be able to increase resistance with those?
I understand. You gotta work with what you got. I cut out shrugs. But genetically I have ridiculous calves and trap insertions. I do work the calves though. The traps just grow from other things.

Lifting straps will allowing you make up for limitations on your grip strength (forearms) on pulling movements.

I use cobra grips which are like knock offs of the original versa grips. They have a bigger pad so I like them better.

Straps work just fine and are what most people use. I have the forearms of a teenage girl so I can’t do many rows variations or deadlifts without some assistance.
Chest, triceps, shoulders
Holy shit the pumps felt insane this workout.

Machine shoulder press 3x11, 8, 8 (50 lbs)
Lateral raises 3x12, 10, 8 (15 lbs)
Tricep pushdowns 1x9 short handle (60 lbs), 1x2 rope (60 lbs) + 3 (50 lbs), 1x4 short handle (60 lbs) + 4 (50 lbs), 1x8 short handle (40 lbs)
Tricep extensions 3x10, 8, 8 (25 lbs)
Chest press 3x4, 3, 2 (110 lbs) + 1 (85 lbs) + 1 (70 lbs) + 1 (55 lbs)
Machine flys 3x15, 12, 25 (40 lbs), 1x15 (60 lbs)
Treadmill 45 minutes prelifts 146 avg bpm

Protein shake + collagen powder
5 oz New York strip steak
2 tbsp raw honey pwo
Protein shake + collagen powder post workout
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Chest, triceps, shoulders
Holy shit the pumps felt insane this workout.

Machine shoulder press 3x11, 8, 8 (50 lbs)
Lateral raises 3x12, 10, 8 (15 lbs)
Tricep pushdowns 1x9 short handle (60 lbs), 1x2 rope (60 lbs) + 3 (50 lbs), 1x4 short handle (60 lbs) + 4 (50 lbs), 1x8 short handle (40 lbs)
Tricep extensions 3x10, 8, 8 (25 lbs)
Chest press 3x4, 3, 2 (110 lbs) + 1 (85 lbs) + 1 (70 lbs) + 1 (55 lbs)
Machine flys 3x15, 12, 25 (40 lbs), 1x15 (60 lbs)
Treadmill 45 minutes prelifts 146 avg bpm

Protein shake + collagen powder
5 oz New York strip steak
2 tbsp raw honey pwo
Protein shake + collagen powder post workout
did you floor press
Current weight: 296 lbs
20 pounds down so far this month, this is wild. Strength isn’t going down, getting the best sessions I’ve ever had this month.

Progression since end of January
Leg press: 560x8 —> 616x8
Lateral raise: 10x18 —> 15x12
Leg extensions: 160x10 —> 180x12
Barbell curls: 60x6 —> 60x8
Hammer curls: 20x6 —> 20x13
Triceps extensions: 20x18 —> 25x12
Rear delt flys: 10x18 —> 15x16
Seated leg curls: 140x15 —> 150x13

I’m very strict with full range of motion and controlled eccentrics. If form begins to break down, I’m either done with the set or doing partials to squeeze the last bit out of the muscle.

One problem I notice last night during flys is that I wasn’t being explosive on concentrics, must have happened subconsciously when I started controlling the eccentrics. I’m going to pay attention to that on my movements from here on out.
I always used to think I had good form before I started training again. Getting serious about it is showing me how much I have to learn. This is kind of the first time in my life where I’ve focused on weightlifting as my main sport instead of doing it to help with other things or just throwing them around in my basement. Truly shocked I never had a bad injury.