I started creatine yesterday, so I’m going to be putting on some water. I’m not doing a loading phase, just to be nicer to my mental health lmao, but at least the water will be going to the right places.
I started creatine yesterday, so I’m going to be putting on some water. I’m not doing a loading phase, just to be nicer to my mental health lmao, but at least the water will be going to the right places.
I noticed such minimal water gain from creatine that it was basically imperceptible. It’s good you’re ramping up slow if you’re worried about the mental ding. Creatine is one of the very few supplements I would recommend to basically everyone. My girl says it helps her anxiety and she takes it more for positive mental sides than anything else.
Back, biceps, rear delts
Instant pumps all over my arms, holy shit. Assisted pull-ups are feeling very nice, thanks again @dirthand . Felt my lats working and stretching good. @swiftque glad you noticed the lightweight on my shrugs, I’m liking these barbell shrug sets a lot more. Interested to see how they feel when I don’t throw them at the very end of my workout, because I was fucking gassed. Thought I might drop the bar on the last set lmao put my arms through hell today, felt good.

Treadmill 45 mins 143 bpm
Assisted pull-ups 4x8, 6, 4, 4 (-175 lbs)
Bent over barbell rows 1x8 (120 lbs)
Rear delt flys 2x12, 8 (20 lbs), 1x8 (15 lbs)
Machine curls 2x16, 8 (80 lbs)
Barbell curls 2x3, 4 (60 lbs)
Straight bar reverse curls 2x15, 9 (40 lbs)
Machine curls 1x4 (95 lbs) + 2 (80 lbs) + 4 (50 lbs) + 4 (40 lbs), 1x4 (95 lbs)
Smith machine shrugs 1x3 (200 lbs), 2x8, 9 (160 lbs)
Treadmill 5 mins 165 bpm
its the activation man it works on form of the actual pushing motion instead of incorporating other minor muscles and usage of core as the ground stabilizes you completely no stabilizers needed
I think my stepdad might murder me. He’s a near-Olympic level taekwondo black belt and teaches at an MMA gym. I’m chilling with him and my mom this weekend. Yesterday, I told him once I drop some more pounds maybe he can start working with me on my striking again. “Sure! Can hold the pads for me tomorrow?” Sure thing. Sounds like fun. Then came the evening.

Stepdad: “yeah we’ll do some pads and you can work on your punches.”
Me: fuck.
Me: “oh, yeah haha for sure man sounds good. Tomorrow’s my rest day though so I’m gonna go easy.”
Stepdad: “Sure thing!”

Then nighttime
Stepdad: “yeah so we’ll just hit the pads for an hour. ”
Me: “HAHA you can have fun with THAT I ain’t about to throw punches for an hour”
Stepdad: “oh ok no problem as long as you can hold the pads”
Me: “sure thing”

This morning
Me: “I see you brought the pads upstairs.”
Stepdad: “yeah! I brought them up last night.”
Me: “Sounds good man. Today’s my rest day though, so I’m not gonna go hard on it”
Stepdad: “Oh yeah sure thing! We’ll hit them for 2-3 hours.”
Me: “For sure bro.”
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I think my stepdad might murder me. He’s a near-Olympic level taekwondo black belt and teaches at an MMA gym. I’m chilling with him and my mom this weekend. Yesterday, I told him once I drop some more pounds maybe he can start working with me on my striking again. “Sure! Can hold the pads for me tomorrow?” Sure thing. Sounds like fun. Then came the evening.

Stepdad: “yeah we’ll do some pads and you can work on your punches.”
Me: fuck.
Me: “oh, yeah haha for sure man sounds good. Tomorrow’s my rest day though so I’m gonna go easy.”
Stepdad: “Sure thing!”

Then nighttime
Stepdad: “yeah so we’ll just hit the pads for an hour. ”
Me: “HAHA you can have fun with THAT I ain’t about to throw punches for an hour”
Stepdad: “oh ok no problem as long as you can hold the pads”
Me: “sure thing”

This morning
Me: “I see you brought the pads upstairs.”
Stepdad: “yeah! I brought them up last night.”
Me: “Sounds good man. Today’s my rest day though, so I’m not gonna go hard on it”
Stepdad: “Oh yeah sure thing! We’ll hit them for 2-3 hours.”
Me: “For sure bro.”
he is basically saying fuck your rest day lmfao. hahahahah :'D
New DNP cycle starts in less than 7 hours. This will run for around 11 days. Here are the compounds we’ll be working with this time:

DNP400 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg/day
Semaglutide1.5 mg/week
Testosterone Prop.25 mg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
Adderall IR20 mg/day
I’m very nervously excited about this one. I’m eating enough now to not run into the problems I had with DNP last time, so I should be fine. I’ll be updating daily on how things are going.
New DNP cycle starts in less than 7 hours. This will run for around 11 days. Here are the compounds we’ll be working with this time:

DNP400 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg
Semaglutide1.5 mg/week
Testosterone Prop.25 mg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
Adderall IR20 mg/day
I’m very nervously excited about this one. I’m eating enough now to not run into the problems I had with DNP last time, so I should be fine. I’ll be updating daily on how things are going.

Be safe man. Wish you’d skip the dnp cause you’re killing it on progress without it, but I know you gonna do you lol.
New DNP cycle starts in less than 7 hours. This will run for around 11 days. Here are the compounds we’ll be working with this time:

DNP400 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg/day
Semaglutide1.5 mg/week
Testosterone Prop.25 mg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
Adderall IR20 mg/day
I’m very nervously excited about this one. I’m eating enough now to not run into the problems I had with DNP last time, so I should be fine. I’ll be updating daily on how things are going.
dude how are you not wired out of your fucking mind on all that adderall lmfao! and again with the DNP.... not hating just saying your trying to rush and rush and rush. you understand that im assuming it took you a little while to put all that weight on correct? itll take a little while to remove it all or try and dump it all quick fast and be left with a fuck ton of loose skin.
New DNP cycle starts in less than 7 hours. This will run for around 11 days. Here are the compounds we’ll be working with this time:

DNP400 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg/day
Semaglutide1.5 mg/week
Testosterone Prop.25 mg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
Adderall IR20 mg/day
I’m very nervously excited about this one. I’m eating enough now to not run into the problems I had with DNP last time, so I should be fine. I’ll be updating daily on how things are going.
It looks like you were on the right track man. Why add the DNP? This isn’t a race man, take things slow and worry about your health. People get addicted to seeing that number on a scale.
@BoloYang2023 @dirthand Thats just what my doctor prescribes me. I only take the 30 mg extended every day nowadays, but I’m thinking of taking my instant dose preworkout to cancel out DNP’s performance loss. My workouts have been so fucking good lately, I wanna keep that up.
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