Well this plan fell apart quick. Kinda slimy that they don’t put that on the supplement labels. It seems like it has the same amount of calories as real ass whey protein isolate, sneaky little fuckers.
Psmf diet can work great for people with higher bodyfat. Just be sure to take your supplements and enough protein and fats. Don’t run dnp along side it
Psmf diet can work great for people with higher bodyfat. Just be sure to take your supplements and enough protein and fats. Don’t run dnp along side it
Thank you! Going to look into this, sounds like exactly what I’m looking for! And yeah, I almost died running 600 mg DNP on low calorie, won’t be making that mistake again. Wild experience.
The waves of shame and disappointment are stronger and longer lasting than the goodness of the cookie. Oh well. Excited about this psmf stuff.
Reduce your cardio to 30min a day of zone 2 cardio (for proper recovery) and progress on your lifts as well. You are a beginner lifter running gear. You will recomp very easy. Adding carbs before weight lifting makes it even more effective. It will take a little longer than your current approach but the end results will be better.
Reduce your cardio to 30min a day of zone 2 cardio (for proper recovery) and progress on your lifts as well. You are a beginner lifter running gear. You will recomp very easy. Adding carbs before weight lifting makes it even more effective. It will take a little longer than your current approach but the end results will be better.
So doing 30 instead of 45 would help me recover from lifts better? I wonder if I would have more energy for my lifts too. A lot of times I’m gassed out after the 4th movement.
So doing 30 instead of 45 would help me recover from lifts better? I wonder if I would have more energy for my lifts too. A lot of times I’m gassed out after the 4th movement.
Lower to a point your recovery is on point. Feeling tired after a few movements is normal. It’s important that your muscle is not sore before a lifting session. The muscle you are going to train that is
Lower to a point your recovery is on point. Feeling tired after a few movements is normal. It’s important that your muscle is not sore before a lifting session. The muscle you are going to train that is
Gotcha, they’re never sore once it’s time to hit them again unless I accidentally target them learning a new core exercise or something. This back extention machine targeted the fuck out of my quads last week and I woke up sore the next day having to hit legs. On top of it the person showing me told me that they work my abs. I was so pissed lmao. Same thing happened to my chest and shoulders from captains chair leg and knee raises.
sw 338 cw 302 daily change -3 lbs
3 pounds overnight, this is better than DNP. It’s amazing what the body does when you beat its metabolism into submission, tell its stomach to shut the fuck up, and kill yourself in the gym. I lost 9 pounds in January. 12 days into February, and I have already lost 14 pounds. Full dose of T3/T4 began Feb 1st, weight’s been falling off a cliff ever since. My idea about T3 ended up being right, it makes a drastic difference for someone that’s been on a longterm extreme deficit. Here’s my current cycle:
Testosterone Propionate25 mg/day
T3/T450/200 mcg/day
Adderall XR30 mg/day
My ADD rx has been added to the list for logging purposes. I am currently not taking my 20 mg afternoon dose, haven’t needed it this entire cut, interestingly enough. My heart is doing so much better since dropping Reta, I can finally take my medication with peace of mind and enjoy my coffee. Muscle catabolism is a major worry with T3. Strength hasn’t gone down so far and visible muscles seem to be looking good, but I’m going to start getting monthly body scans to monitor this. With my test levels and amount of training + intensity, I don’t think I’ll lose muscle, especially with this PSMF stuff, but we’ll see.
I’m doing a really good job targeting all my muscles except the lats, haven’t figured that one out. Anyone have tips to feel it more or build a connection? I feel like my form on pull downs and cable rows are good, but I never feel a pump or soreness, so something must be off.
My biggest concern with this fast is muscle loss, but I have a crazy idea that just might work.

I’m going to be supplementing with essential amino acid supplements, dosed at 4x the daily serving, along with collagen. The EAA supplement will provide around the same amount of amino acids that’s in 120g g of protein from whey. The theory is that my body will technically have everything it needs to create protein, along with fats, carbs via hepatic gluconeogenesis, an abundant amount of calories via fat cells, and a good amount of micronutrients from vitamin and mineral supplementation. Technically, I should have everything one needs to build muscle. Fat cells also contain protein, around 18-62 g/pound of fat, assuming 4 calories/gram of protein and 3500 calories/pound of fat, Between all of that, increased endogenous GH secretion that fasting provides, supraphysioligal test levels, muscle building insulin benefits of GLP-1s, creatine, and of course hard training, it seems like my body will have everything it needs for some noob gains, assuming it knows what to do with these amino acids. It sounds absolutely insane, but I’m honestly interested to see if it works. My mouth won’t be eating calories, but my body will. The goal is to outpace muscle catabolism with muscle synthesis, with >1500 test levels and increased GH secretion limiting that catabolism.

I’m getting a Fit3D body scan this week and in a month, so we’ll be able to see if my crazy idea works out.
Dude, you aren't going to build anything fasting. Not sure why you want to reinvent the wheel. Your theory here is flawed in many ways. I know you won't listen, but a steady moderate calorie deficit is the best and healthiest method for you. You will lose muscles fasting and training hard. If you're going to fast I would drop cardio to LISS only and drop the lifting to a minimal. If you go hard at your training like you usually do, you're putting yourself at risk for injury as well because your ability to recover is going to be shit.

You're not going to be able to overcome the reality of your body's anatomy and physiology with idealistic theories about drug use. Drugs are not magic and should not be the focus of a successful plan.
Also I took out bench press, deadlifts, squats, and bent over rows to save on fatigue while I’m losing. Is this ok? The rows and especially deadlifts were killing me. The only free weights I’m doing now are dumbbells and barbell curls.
Dude, you aren't going to build anything fasting. Not sure why you want to reinvent the wheel. Your theory here is flawed in many ways. I know you won't listen, but a steady moderate calorie deficit is the best and healthiest method for you. You will lose muscles fasting and training hard. If you're going to fast I would drop cardio to LISS only and drop the lifting to a minimal. If you go hard at your training like you usually do, you're putting yourself at risk for injury as well because your ability to recover is going to be shit.

You're not going to be able to overcome the reality of your body's anatomy and physiology with idealistic theories about drug use. Drugs are not magic and should not be the focus of a successful plan.
I really don’t want to decrease cardio and training though, would 1400 calories high protein be considered a moderate deficit or at least enough food for me to train normally and maybe even get some noob gains? I can get 150g of protein from 600 calories of tuna and whey isolate and still have 800 calories leftover for whatever I want for dinner. If I did that, I’d be getting at the minimum 180 g of protein/day, usually over 200. I already did the tuna a few times on vacation, it’s way too much food to eat 600 calories of unless I blend it into a shake or something wild like that, but a can and a half or so a day and a protein shake or 2 wouldn’t be bad.
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I really don’t want to decrease cardio and training though, would 1400 calories high protein be considered a moderate deficit or at least enough food for me to train normally and maybe even get some noob gains?
My best ballpark is if you are in obese/very overweight range shoot to lose 2 lb of far per week. So, 1000 calorie a day deficit MAX. Once you body fat percent is towards normal you need to be more conservative, 500 deficit a day is a great number then. Trying to lose fat rapidly and build muscle work against each other. You can do both moderately or you can focus on one of them but you can't do both to a high level at the same time. It just won't happen. If I was you I would prioritize fat loss but not to an extreme. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat, I would do 500 callorie deficit per day with high protein intake and your training, and just realize that you're going to have to be patient, but you'll get there and when you do you're going to be looking good. You can continue on this extreme fat loss protocol, but when you get down to a healthy fat level, you're probably not going to look very good. Personally, I prefer the middle road, but it requires a lot more patience.
My best ballpark is if you are in obese/very overweight range shoot to lose 2 lb of far per week. So, 1000 calorie a day deficit MAX. Once you body fat percent is towards normal you need to be more conservative, 500 deficit a day is a great number then. Trying to lose fat rapidly and build muscle work against each other. You can do both moderately or you can focus on one of them but you can't do both to a high level at the same time. It just won't happen. If I was you I would prioritize fat loss but not to an extreme. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat, I would do 500 callorie deficit per day with high protein intake and your training, and just realize that you're going to have to be patient, but you'll get there and when you do you're going to be looking good. You can continue on this extreme fat loss protocol, but when you get down to a healthy fat level, you're probably not going to look very good. Personally, I prefer the middle road, but it requires a lot more patience.
I guess I’ll just focus on trying to preserve as much LBM as possible and building experience for when it’s time to build then, I hate being fat too much to spend extra time trying to preserve 100% of whatever negligible amount of muscle I have. What’s the point of spending more time to lose weight when you could just lose it way faster and then use that extra time to build the muscle back once it’s gone?
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I’m doing a really good job targeting all my muscles except the lats, haven’t figured that one out. Anyone have tips to feel it more or build a connection? I feel like my form on pull downs and cable rows are good, but I never feel a pump or soreness, so something must be off
If I go a while without doing any push-ups and then do some my lats get sore as hell. Pullups do it to. If you have a weighted pullup machine at your gym try that until you loose enough weight to be able to do them regular
I guess I’ll just focus on trying to preserve as much LBM as possible and building experience for when it’s time to build then, I hate being fat too much to spend extra time trying to preserve 100% of whatever negligible amount of muscle I have. What’s the point of spending more time to lose weight when you could just lose it way faster and then use that extra time to build the muscle back once it’s gone?
That's a reasonable goal. You need to do a reasonable deficit though. Extreme deficit is very harsh on your body and unhealthy. 1,000 calorie a day deficit is a lot but I think it will work as long as you get proper protein intake and make sure you're getting diverse nutrient intake. If you continue to do extreme calorie deficit eventually something is going to give or break and it's not going to be pretty. You didn't get that overweight quickly and you're not going to lose the weight quickly.

There's nothing wrong with having a cookie now and again dude! As long as your overall trajectory is in the right direction, it's not a big deal man.
If I go a while without doing any push-ups and then do some my lats get sore as hell. Pullups do it to. If you have a weighted pullup machine at your gym try that until you loose enough weight to be able to do them regular
Perfect! I’ll start doing assisted pullups and lat prayers, was watching some videos, and they said they’re good for building mind muscle connection. Really excited to start seeing progress on the pull-ups and hopefully feeling my lats. I’ll be fucking stoked if I can hit a real one by 220.
Also i dont do glps lmfao im good bro i got to a nice 6 pack before on just cyp and bulked over 4.5 months and added 50 lbs and im just gonna use the tren to cut back down. I didnt lose all abs just the bottoms and the top 4 are ok ish so then tren will help my cut i figured

I thought this was Shreds thread and log ….