Damn dude. 7 days I would be super impressive. I’ve never made it past 3 myself. I’ll be interested in your links and tracking on this. I find periodic few day fasts amazingly helpful for of all things my mental health (also inflammation in general).
I feel you, I’ve never made it past day 3, it gets so brutal.
Consider alpha-yohimbine, cardarine, and injectable L-carnitine as a stack. I recall reading some reddit posts about a girl getting herself out of obesity range playing around with these compounds.
Fasting and exercise included.

Keep pushing!

Edit: and something about stupid amounts of caffeine too. Like hundreds and hundreds of mgs a day. Idk it was a long time ago.
Just don’t do this because you’ve increased calories a bit ok? That’s crossing a bride into ed territory rapidly, I think fasting has its place but not if you’re doing it as a punishment or to offset the fact you actually bumped your calories up a bit and are struggling mentally with it
You’re right, I’m trying not to think of it that way. I had to pin 2 mg of Sema before I flew back, figured I’d take advantage of it. I’m targeting certain health benefits and looking forward to the mental journey of it all. I’m also doing it for spiritual reasons, working through some personal demons and trying to get closer to the light. I’ve had the itch to do something extreme for a while now. It was either going to be this or another DNP run, I was so close to convincing myself to go for it. I think this is better for now though.
Consider alpha-yohimbine, cardarine, and injectable L-carnitine as a stack. I recall reading some reddit posts about a girl getting herself out of obesity range playing around with these compounds.
Fasting and exercise included.

Keep pushing!

Edit: and something about stupid amounts of caffeine too. Like hundreds and hundreds of mgs a day. Idk it was a long time ago.
Thank you! Yohimbe’s side effects scare the shit out of me, especially what it does to the brain. I have been excited about the idea of doing ungodly amounts of cardio an a Cardarine, injectable L-Carnatine, Anavar, clen cycle once I’m at a lower bodyweight. It sounds like a lot of fun and a different kind of cycle than what I’m used to.
Thank you! Yohimbe’s side effects scare the shit out of me, especially what it does to the brain. I have been excited about the idea of doing ungodly amounts of cardio an a Cardarine, injectable L-Carnatine, Anavar, clen cycle once I’m at a lower bodyweight. It sounds like a lot of fun and a different kind of cycle than what I’m used to.
Well I've only ever used rauwoliscine (alpha-yohimbine) and it made me a little anxious. I think it's over blown.

But honestly why not jump right on cardarine for 6 weeks? Leverage another pathway of fatloss without impacting any of your biomarkers in a negative way.
It's cheap, it works, it's easily available and it's a hell of alot healthier and safer than DNP.
My biggest concern with this fast is muscle loss, but I have a crazy idea that just might work.

I’m going to be supplementing with essential amino acid supplements, dosed at 4x the daily serving, along with collagen. The EAA supplement will provide around the same amount of amino acids that’s in 120g g of protein from whey. The theory is that my body will technically have everything it needs to create protein, along with fats, carbs via hepatic gluconeogenesis, an abundant amount of calories via fat cells, and a good amount of micronutrients from vitamin and mineral supplementation. Technically, I should have everything one needs to build muscle. Fat cells also contain protein, around 18-62 g/pound of fat, assuming 4 calories/gram of protein and 3500 calories/pound of fat, Between all of that, increased endogenous GH secretion that fasting provides, supraphysioligal test levels, muscle building insulin benefits of GLP-1s, creatine, and of course hard training, it seems like my body will have everything it needs for some noob gains, assuming it knows what to do with these amino acids. It sounds absolutely insane, but I’m honestly interested to see if it works. My mouth won’t be eating calories, but my body will. The goal is to outpace muscle catabolism with muscle synthesis, with >1500 test levels and increased GH secretion limiting that catabolism.

I’m getting a Fit3D body scan this week and in a month, so we’ll be able to see if my crazy idea works out.
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Well I've only ever used rauwoliscine (alpha-yohimbine) and it made me a little anxious. I think it's over blown.

But honestly why not jump right on cardarine for 6 weeks? Leverage another pathway of fatloss without impacting any of your biomarkers in a negative way.
It's cheap, it works, it's easily available and it's a hell of alot healthier and safer than DNP.
I might just do this after this fast. I really want to use it push my cardio to an insane level and increase my vo2 max. It sounds like fun, I like that idea a lot more than another DNP run, and I bet I’d lose more weight anyways.
My biggest concern with this fast is muscle loss, but I have a crazy idea that just might work.

I’m going to be supplementing with essential amino acid supplements, dosed at 4x the daily serving, along with collagen. The EAA supplement will provide around the same amount of amino acids that’s in 120g g of protein from whey. The theory is that my body will technically have everything it needs to create protein, along with fats, carbs via hepatic gluconeogenesis, an abundant amount of calories via fat cells, and a good amount of micronutrients from vitamin and mineral supplementation. Technically, I should have everything one needs to build muscle. Fat cells also contain protein, around 18-62 g/pound of fat, assuming 4 calories/gram of protein and 3500 calories/pound of fat, Between all of that, increased endogenous GH secretion that fasting provides, supraphysioligal test levels, muscle building insulin benefits of GLP-1s, creatine, and of course hard training, it seems like my body will have everything it needs for some noob gains, assuming it knows what to do with these amino acids. It sounds absolutely insane, but I’m honestly interested to see if it works. My mouth won’t be eating calories, but my body will. The goal is to outpace muscle catabolism with muscle synthesis, with >1500 test levels and increased GH secretion limiting that catabolism.

I’m getting a Fit3D body scan this week and in a month, so we’ll be able to see if my crazy idea works out.
Not an expert at test, only really know gh and all the peptide jazz, but I’d imagine at your high sports trt dose (.lol) and with your gh (if you’re on that again) that you’ll probably hold onto everything. With test you might even grow, especially because I believe you’re coming from an untrained state yah? I think I was growing, and my girl tells me I grew, just with 4iu even at a decent cut. She could just be nice and I could just be vain though. On that front I think you’re ok.

The ED comment is for real tho. Don’t punish yourself. The goal is to find equilibrium with your diet and thus conquering it, not by punishing. And that shit sucks too. I’m sure I fit some disorder in college in a desperate attempt to maintain my looks while being a unhealthy broke college student:

Plus I think ppl take years of practice to get to a week. Maybe that’s a good long term goal rather than short?

Glad you achieving your weight goals and keeping your drug use more sane. Hope you keep off the dnp and just stick with the tried and true hormone work you’re utilizing. Is your A1C. (I think that’s it, the blood sugar, I’m tired) improving with glp-1 and your drastic weight change? Are you noticing health improvements in general? You’re getting into the exciting part imo as you’ve gotten a stable stride imo.

Anyway, glad to see you back and that tou continue to Christian Bale this shit.
Leg Day + Abs (fuck me)
Treadmill 45 minutes 166 avg BPM
4x Leg press 4x8, 6, 6, 6 (616 lbs)
3x Leg extention 1x8 (180 lbs), 2x8, 6 (145 lbs)
3x Seated leg curls 2x13, 9 (150 lbs), 1x9 (150 lbs) + 3 (135 lbs) + 5 (120 lbs) + 6 (105 lbs) + 12 (90 lbs) + 15 (75 lbs)
3x Sled press calf raises 3x16, 12, 12 (386 lbs)
2x Sled press left leg calf raises 2x12, 9 (206 lbs)
3x ab crunch machine 3x12 (170 lbs)

I forgot how much fasted lifting sucks. Took me 85 minutes to get through them (should have taken no more than an hour), and intensity was down. Doing 166 bpm cardio instead of my usual 140 LISS didn’t help.

Got too dehydrated afterwards despite drinking a lot of water, going to drink electrolytes before working out from now on.

Leg press weight too big, target rep range was 12-15. Dropping down to 576 next time.

Leg extention weight too big, target rep range was 8-12. Dropping back down to 160

Ab machine crunches were not taken close to failure. I was gassed the fuck out, and I fucking hate abs.

I’m doing one legged calf raises to correct an imbalance from an Achilles tendon rupture in 2019 and December’s torn ligament scare. My right calf is 1 inch bigger than my left.

Food: nothing
Net calories: -1,960
sucks. Took me 85 minutes to get through them (should have taken no more than an hour)
Don’t be harsh on yourself. You were just on vacation yah? I’m always rusty going back in even after a few week break. My girl gives me shit for taking longer.

Got too dehydrated afterwards despite drinking a lot of water, going to drink electrolytes before working out from now on.
I think at that level of exertion you’re putting in that intra electrolytes, maybe even a cheap and easy carb like berries or something, could help you muster up more umph., I doubt it will impact fat loss in any meaningful way. You’re pushing some big boy ass weight, so although fat loss is a primary goal, muscle gain is a big big big secondary goal that you should nurture almost as much. Cause seriously, you already beating my off-natty ass (cycle gh 3 months on 3 off) that’s been going steady 3ish years lol.
Bro iv never taken these compounds before or had a diet like that but this looks like absolute torture and suffering for you and your body.
Not an expert at test, only really know gh and all the peptide jazz, but I’d imagine at your high sports trt dose (.lol) and with your gh (if you’re on that again) that you’ll probably hold onto everything. With test you might even grow, especially because I believe you’re coming from an untrained state yah? I think I was growing, and my girl tells me I grew, just with 4iu even at a decent cut. She could just be nice and I could just be vain though. On that front I think you’re ok.

The ED comment is for real tho. Don’t punish yourself. The goal is to find equilibrium with your diet and thus conquering it, not by punishing. And that shit sucks too. I’m sure I fit some disorder in college in a desperate attempt to maintain my looks while being a unhealthy broke college student:

Plus I think ppl take years of practice to get to a week. Maybe that’s a good long term goal rather than short?

Glad you achieving your weight goals and keeping your drug use more sane. Hope you keep off the dnp and just stick with the tried and true hormone work you’re utilizing. Is your A1C. (I think that’s it, the blood sugar, I’m tired) improving with glp-1 and your drastic weight change? Are you noticing health improvements in general? You’re getting into the exciting part imo as you’ve gotten a stable stride imo.

Anyway, glad to see you back and that tou continue to Christian Bale this shit.
Exogenous growth during a fast is a waste imo, the body increases GH production by as much as 5x during an extended fast. Interestingly enough, IGF-1 levels seem to remain unchanged. I don’t understand how this is possible or what it means for muscle and comparing fasted increased GH with exogenous GH.

What were you doing to mantain your looks during college, I have all sorts of problems with the mirror too, I even question pictures, thinking I look the same as I did 33 lbs ago. But I’ll take body dysmorphia over binge eating and everything else I was going through before all this.

I was mostly untrained before all this, I played sports (basketball, baseball, and soccer) and was very active for around 9 of the last 18 years. I didn’t do anything to build muscle though, my previous attempts at lifting didn’t cut it. It did help me a lot with form and breathing though, can’t imagine learning all that right now.

I didn’t know it takes that long to get to a one-week fast. So far, I’ve done a 72 hour, 60 hour, 2 or 3 48 hours, and a bunch of 24 hours. My thought is that if I can just get past day 4, it’ll be easy.

My blood glucose has done a complete 180, I was pre diabetic, now it’s at a 67 (70-99 ref range), my mental health has drastically improved, and my cardiovascular improvements shock me every day. I truly don’t know how I accepted the life I was living before. Energy has also dramatically improved. Thank you for the encouragement!
Don’t be harsh on yourself. You were just on vacation yah? I’m always rusty going back in even after a few week break. My girl gives me shit for taking longer.

I think at that level of exertion you’re putting in that intra electrolytes, maybe even a cheap and easy carb like berries or something, could help you muster up more umph., I doubt it will impact fat loss in any meaningful way. You’re pushing some big boy ass weight, so although fat loss is a primary goal, muscle gain is a big big big secondary goal that you should nurture almost as much. Cause seriously, you already beating my off-natty ass (cycle gh 3 months on 3 off) that’s been going steady 3ish years lol.
Yeah berries or some other fast sugar would be a godsend. Everyday is leg day for a fat fuck, I have many years of training lmao. My push and pull day numbers are very noob. I always ask myself why I kill myself on leg day, I ask myself why I do a lot of things lmao. With the deficits I’m running, I wouldn’t be surprised if I lose muscle after all of this. The experience and mental gains is worth it though, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
Bro iv never taken these compounds before or had a diet like that but this looks like absolute torture and suffering for you and your body.
Suffering is beautiful, know thyself. But in all seriousness the GLP with my ADD meds + test makes this pretty easy. I’m used to feeling like absolute shit being hypogonadal and obese, probably makes this period seem relatively good. There are some quite sucky parts, but overall I feel great.
Suffering is beautiful, know thyself. But in all seriousness the GLP with my ADD meds + test makes this pretty easy. I’m used to feeling like absolute shit being hypogonadal and obese, probably makes this period seem relatively good. There are some quite sucky parts, but overall I feel great.
Well mate as long as your happy just be careful and keep an eye on yourself
You should be aware that eaa supplements contain calories just like protein powders. Eaa are just building blocks of proteins.
Best thing to do is to keep your protein up and have atleast 50g of fats. This is basically a modified psmf diet.
so as i was staring at the tren this am i couldnt bring the pin to the vial lmfao. I just couldnt i was weighing the pros and the cons and decided im just gonna look for some legit tren base or some pharam dbol or pharma anavar lol or just stop eating little cheats lmfao ie extra pb lol mainly this tbh lmfao
so as i was staring at the tren this am i couldnt bring the pin to the vial lmfao. I just couldnt i was weighing the pros and the cons and decided im just gonna look for some legit tren base or some pharam dbol or pharma anavar lol or just stop eating little cheats lmfao ie extra pb lol mainly this tbh lmfao
GOOD! Var would be so much healthier than Tren lmao, and hopefully you’re one of the people whose appetite gets nuked by it. I wanna run a dBol mass cycle one day, stories I hear from people are nutty.
Yeah guys I’m not gonna lie, I woke up hungry as absolute fuck and ate a cookie. Guess we’re not going for 7 days lmao, this one ended at 36 hours. It’s crazy how much harder exercise makes these fasts. Going to start cramming as much protein into my mouth as I can today and reassess later. I’m not sure what my calorie target will be, we’ll see what my body says I need. That’s been a good gauge so far.
You should be aware that eaa supplements contain calories just like protein powders. Eaa are just building blocks of proteins.
Best thing to do is to keep your protein up and have atleast 50g of fats. This is basically a modified psmf diet.
Well this plan fell apart quick. Kinda slimy that they don’t put that on the supplement labels. It seems like it has the same amount of calories as real ass whey protein isolate, sneaky little fuckers.