I guess the ancillaries must be helping too. I know GLPs do something for building muscles that I don’t understand, I have a hard time figuring out TypeIIx’s articles. DNP helped preserve muscle through the wild part of my cut, and of course GH.
I take most of my sets to failure, 1-3 RIR at the very most. 8-12 rep range, sometimes that falls between 6-18. I’m getting better at dialing in the weight to hit my 8-12 goal, but I don’t force it to 8 if form starts breaking down, and I go over 12 if I still have more in the tank.
I’m running a PPL split, and I’ve removed bench press, deadlifts, bent over rows and squats until I’m done cutting. I found them to be too fatiguing in my deficit, especially deads. Replaced bench with machine chest press and machine shoulder press, squats and deads replaced with leg press and my usual quad/ham lifts.
>2100 ng/dl off 200 mg test equivalent is wild lmao
That is peak.

Anything under 2000 ng/dl mean would not be an outlier for 200 mg/week TC equivalent.

For your reference:

@BoloYang2023 btw Idk if you had the chance to peek my bloodwork, but here it is
View attachment 277157
so get your e2 incheck but some people get great gains with high e2 so idk id say get it in check and lower it and see how you feel. also what is your calorie intake at? DNP? lmfao jeeze us man but its your body this always makes me think of running the tren ace i got lmfao! but then i know i can just diet properly for like legit 60-90 days and drop all the unwanted weight.
so get your e2 incheck but some people get great gains with high e2 so idk id say get it in check and lower it and see how you feel. also what is your calorie intake at? DNP? lmfao jeeze us man but its your body this always makes me think of running the tren ace i got lmfao! but then i know i can just diet properly for like legit 60-90 days and drop all the unwanted weight.
Yeah I’d like to keep it high-ish for its anabolic and cardioprotective effects, but I do think I need to lower it some. I sent a ss of this past week’s calories. I ate more since I was on vacation and was hungrier from running out of my ADD meds and all the physical activity. I pinned 2 mg of Sema yesterday though since I didn’t want to fly back with vials, and I refilled my Adderall script today, so it seems I won’t be eating much this week lmao. My appetite is nuked.