Yes I remember that you said you were going on vacation. Be safe and keep us in the know!! Good job on the weightloss!
Thanks bro i will. I’ve been training really hard and learning, lifted 11/16 days here, cardio 13/16 days. I love having a gym, so much better than my basement.
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That E2! I would be suffering with that #.
It’s insane right?? Somehow my nips are fine, dick works fine, moods good, etc. Maybe my test is so high that it’s able to handle it? I have no idea where it’s at, I wasn’t expecting to be >1500 on 25-30 mg of test p/day.
It’s insane right?? Somehow my nips are fine, dick works fine, moods good, etc. Maybe my test is so high that it’s able to handle it? I have no idea where it’s at, I wasn’t expecting to be >1500 on 25-30 mg of test p/day.
It takes time to develop especially on low calorie diet with low igf1. Lower it a little with aromasin.
It’s insane right?? Somehow my nips are fine, dick works fine, moods good, etc. Maybe my test is so high that it’s able to handle it? I have no idea where it’s at, I wasn’t expecting to be >1500 on 25-30 mg of test p/day.
High responder to test. I would take a 25mg exemastane and at least 12.5mg e3.5d but you probably need more to get that E2 down. Or drop test down and add some AI. That's a big reason you Blood pressure is high.
High responder to test. I would take a 25mg exemastane and at least 12.5mg e3.5d but you probably need more to get that E2 down. Or drop test down and add some AI. That's a big reason you Blood pressure is high.
Wow thanks man, gonna take it seriously now. I didn’t know it could give high blood presssure, makes more sense now why it’s been so resistant to my training and weight loss.
High responder to test.
Yeah I’d rather control e2 than drop test dose bc I feel great and it’s been really good at maintaining my lbm and performance through this deficit. I increased calories by a bit and I’ve definitely gained some muscle in my shoulders chest and calves. Filling into my shirts a lot better now.
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I wasn’t expecting to be >1500 on 25-30 mg of test p/day.

High responder to test

Test P is 80% testosterone and Test C is 69%. Test E is 70%.

25 mg/day of Test P is 175mg/week. That would be equivalent to

175 × 0.8 / 0.69 = 203 mg/week of Test C.

The other factor with Test P is its apparent elimination half life is 0.8 to 0.9 days. So even with ED injection the peak to trough variation can be 40%.

Would need to know how many hours after injection you drew blood to get better understanding of what your mean T levels are. Serum peak is reached in as short as 4 to 6 hours.

Pharmacokinetically speaking, Test P is a completely different animal that Test E or C.

Hope this helps someone understand their bloodwork. Make sure you are getting LCMS if you want quantitative results above 1500 ng/dl.
Test P is 80% testosterone and Test C is 69%. Test E is 70%.

25 mg/day of Test P is 175mg/week. That would be equivalent to

175 × 0.8 / 0.69 = 203 mg/week of Test C.

The other factor with Test P is its apparent elimination half life is 0.8 to 0.9 days. So even with ED injection the peak to trough variation can be 40%.

Would need to know how many hours after injection you drew blood to get better understanding of what your mean T levels are. Serum peak is reached in as short as 4 to 6 hours.

Pharmacokinetically speaking, Test P is a completely different animal that Test E or C.

Hope this helps someone understand their bloodwork. Make sure you are getting LCMS if you want quantitative results above 1500 ng/dl.
Well that’s the thing, their instructions said not to pin test the day of drawing, so it had been over 24 hours since my last injection. Pretty wild results lmao. I assume those instructions were geared towards cyp/enanthate/undecanoate users, but I still waited just in case.
Well that’s the thing, their instructions said not to pin test the day of drawing, so it had been over 24 hours since my last injection. Pretty wild results lmao.
Ok that is helpful. So you don't really know where your peak is. Odds are your peak TT is way over 2100 ng/dl and your peak FT is very high.
Ok that is helpful. So you don't really know where your peak is. Odds are your peak TT is way over 2100 ng/dl and your peak FT is very high.
>2100 ng/dl off 200 mg test equivalent is wild lmao. No wonder I’m blasting the fuck through 17+ sets 5-6 days/week after 45 minutes on the treadmill. I wanted to see if I could pull some noob gains in a deficit like this and it’s very surprisingly working. I’m going to start getting dexa scans to verify progress, but I’m very happy with the results of these past 30 days.