This is assuming you’ll lose it faster doing it what you’re doing, when I’d stake my bank account and bodybuilding progress betting that you won’t
Wait what??? Fuck my life. Why? I’m just going off the idea that bigger deficit = faster weight loss. If my body needs 3000 cal but I eat 800, I’ll lose faster than if I ate 2000. I don’t get how a 1,000 cal deficit could outperform a 2200 cal deficit.
Wait what??? Fuck my life. Why? I’m just going off the idea that bigger deficit = faster weight loss. If my body needs 3000 cal and I eat 800, I’ll lose faster than if I ate 2000.
this whole thread has been people telling you that a proper balanced diet will get you much further than insane deficits and harsh drug regiments.

if you’re trying to make a lasting worthwhile change that you can maintain and continue for years, @malfeasance has given you some of the best advice you could ask for, you’re only going to lose weight as fast as your body is willing, why not make your time productive and gain some muscle and good habits, and actually enjoy life and working out?
Wait what??? Fuck my life. Why? I’m just going off the idea that bigger deficit = faster weight loss. If my body needs 3000 cal but I eat 800, I’ll lose faster than if I ate 2000. I don’t get how a 1,000 cal deficit could outperform a 2200 cal deficit.
You’re looking at it strictly as numbers when that’s simply not the way to do it, if you’re trying to fuel a furnace to keep a room warm, keeping a slow sustained burn is going to keep it a lot warmer than only giving it enough to run every 18 hours and just hoping the room warms itself in the meantime, your body will simply adjust its expenditure to fit your intake, your intaking less than literally a 10 year old child, do the math dude, less is not more
Do I win a prize for being the 1000th comment suggesting you eat more calories and more protein? Like @BCBuilder is saying, if you eat more you will still lose at the same pace, feel better, and likely be able to put on some muscle.
I saw your post on your extreme habits of gorging before and it's awesome that you got away from that. Going to the other end of the spectrum and being anorexic is not the answer though. In either end of the extreme their are bad outcomes.

I legit respect your commitment and motivation. If you apply that commitment in a healthier fashion you will go so much further though! Patience, consistency, and choices that lead you in the right direction without harming your health are the keys to the kingdom.

Still following and cheering you on! Please take it easy on yourself and eat more. Add more veggies in too, fiber and more well rounded nutrient intake will help you feel better as well. It takes time, a lot more time than you want it to, but you will get there and it's pointless to punish yourself on the journey.
Wait what??? Fuck my life. Why? I’m just going off the idea that bigger deficit = faster weight loss. If my body needs 3000 cal but I eat 800, I’ll lose faster than if I ate 2000. I don’t get how a 1,000 cal deficit could outperform a 2200 cal deficit.
see big deficit is good when you have large amounts of muscle even then its hard to maintain thats why people take those glp=1 agonsit because it helps control the crazy hunger spikes. So your body is signaling everything that you need more calories . And remember again that yes deficit is how you lose body fat but the thing about this is again a bigger deficit cant be maintained because your body will begin to hold onto much of the nutrients and fats to not process. your body ends up adapting to everything. lol you was eating like 5k calories before bro you can easily drop weight if you get to 2 k calories. most people under estimate how much they used to actually eat. and like alot of us said using these drugs are great if you was a bit leaner youd really see them shine. that is all no one wants to watch you toss all this money down the drain.
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see big deficit is good when you have large amounts of muscle even then its hard to maintain thats why people take those glp=1 agonsit because it helps control the crazy hunger spikes. So your body is signaling everything that you need more calories . And remember again that yes deficit is how you lose body fat but the thing about this is again a bigger deficit cant be maintained because your body will begin to hold onto much of the nutrients and fats to not process. your body ends up adapting to everything. lol you was eating like 5k calories before bro you can easily drop weight if you get to 2 k calories. most people under estimate how much they used to actually eat. and like alot of us said using these drugs are great if you was a bit leaner youd really see them shine. that is all no one wants to watch you toss all this money down the drain.
Maybe once I hit 280 i won’t be so desperate to keep losing as quick as humanly possible. I look a lot better at 280 than I do at 3–.
In a way, 310 —> 280 does a lot more for me actually looking better than 370 —> 310. I’m getting closer, I just want this stage of the weight loss completed. I think my money’s been well spent so far. GLP-1s and TRT have been life changing, HGH was helpful even though it pissed me off. Clenbuterol is the only thing that might truly end up going to waste, because I don’t even know if I’ll use it at 220. Had to fill my MOQ though, I should have got something fun like Modafinil or Galantamine!
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Maybe once I hit 280 i won’t be so desperate to keep losing as quick as humanly possible. I look a lot better at 280 than I do at 3–.
In a way, 310 —> 280 does a lot more for me actually looking better than 370 —> 310. I’m getting closer, I just want this stage of the weight loss completed. I think my money’s been well spent so far. GLP-1s and TRT have been life changing, HGH was helpful even though it pissed me off. Clenbuterol is the only thing that might truly end up going to waste, because I don’t even know if I’ll use it at 220. Had to fill my MOQ though, I should have got something fun like Modafinil or Galantamine!
Best of luck but this is purely about a number and has nothing to do with health, people are trying to reason with your insane lack of calorie intake yet you refuse to listen, how many more times do you need to feel your body nearly quitting before you listen dude? All the lightheadedness and dizziness is not normal and far unhealthier than your weight, when’s the last time your rhr was under 120?
Best of luck but this is purely about a number and has nothing to do with health, people are trying to reason with your insane lack of calorie intake yet you refuse to listen, how many more times do you need to feel your body nearly quitting before you listen dude? All the lightheadedness and dizziness is not normal and far unhealthier than your weight, when’s the last time your rhr was under 120?
No luck needed, the weight is coming off regardless, just a question of how we get there. I hope that what I’m doing isn’t unhealthier than my weight. Not everything is bad, in a lot of ways I feel better than I ever have. I do think I’ve gone too low, I got pissed off at people saying I’m underestimating my calories, so now I think “what if these 500 calories is actually 800, I better just stop now.” My rhr is usually around 110, it fluctuates between 100-120.

I could increase to 1200…not the 1400 you mentioned, but it’s better than 537.
No luck needed, the weight is coming off regardless, just a question of how we get there. I hope that what I’m doing isn’t unhealthier than my weight. Not everything is bad, in a lot of ways I feel better than I ever have. I do think I’ve gone too low, I got pissed off at people saying I’m underestimating my calories, so now I think “what if these 500 calories is actually 800, I better just stop now.” My rhr is usually around 110, it fluctuates between 100-120.

I could increase to 1200…not the 1400 you mentioned, but it’s better than 537.
so the question is why not boost 200 more calories? Look man we all want to see you crush it man honestly. Shit i know the things im doing is killing me and my mental state is killing me even more due to the large amounts of cortisol and my shitty recovery because i stay in a orange alert status constantly. But, bro if there is one thing i'd like to pass along to people in this life is to trust the process and enjoy it man. And know that everyone offering you information have been in a situations with their selves and the mental fuckery towards weight and food. Or even with other things in their lives. But also man just imagine you took the advice and did 2000 calorie or even 1800 calories a day and started to realize you can train harder bringing more intensity or volume to the workouts. As well as helping with cognitive clarity through out the day and the ability to want to do more things during the day alone. Which in results you'd have more energy and burn more calories just through out the day because your not so exhausted.
the ability to want to do more things during the day alone. Which in results you'd have more energy and burn more calories just through out the day because your not so exhausted.
Yes this is the thing yall are saying that’s making me consider increasing. If I can replace all of the lost deficit with more burned calories, then I’ll do it.
its science bro google it google TDEE and thats how your lose fat man and move calories and RMR and BMR
I know, my TDEE is 4,203. This is what I’ve based my entire weight loss on, the bigger the difference between my TDEE and calories consumed, the more weight lost.
I’m getting it from a tdee calculator…

I workout around 2 hours/day. Sedentary, my TDEE is 2900.
So you think you burn 1300 calories every workout? While trying your best not to pass out? Not trying to be a dick but you’re kinda dreaming if that’s the case man
@ShredSeason yea man i gotta agree with Bc on this one too man. Lets be honest do you know what true training to failure feels like? this is muscular failure not cardiovascular failure because with as many calories as your eating there is no way man. Your literally leaving a ton of gains on the table. yes we are in this thread as its fat loss based. But muscle helps lose fat and scuplt the body into a better look for your mental state.
So you think you burn 1300 calories every workout? While trying your best not to pass out? Not trying to be a dick but you’re kinda dreaming if that’s the case man
This calculator says so and my watch says the exact same thing. Either way it doesn’t matter. I’m not running 500 calorie deficits like you guys, so I’m losing a fuck ton either way. If my body is somehow running through 45-60 minutes of cardio, 15+ sets, and 8,000+ steps/day while only burning 200 calories, my deficit is still massive.
This calculator says so and my watch says the exact same thing. Either way it doesn’t matter. I’m not running 500 calorie deficits like you guys, so I’m losing a fuck ton either way. If my body is somehow running through 45-60 minutes of cardio, 15+ sets, and 8,000+ steps/day while only burning 200 calories, my deficit is still massive.
Damn bro, I had a lot of faith that you’d warm up to the idea that starving yourself isn’t effective, it’s sad to see you trade one eating disorder for another but whatever makes you happy, I’m done giving my 2¢ on this one