Any reason you’re training fasted? I make it a point to get at least two carb meals in before the gym, also if you are trying to do anything with fat oxidation you’re better off doing fasted cardio but regardless you’re better off eating before training imo
I don’t want to do my lifts fasted, but I’m finding it hard to do it any other way with my OMAD regimen. I’ve tried eating a bit before lifts, but then I don’t have enough calories left over for a decent dinner.
I don’t want to do my lifts fasted, but I’m finding it hard to do it any other way with my OMAD regimen. I’ve tried eating a bit before lifts, but then I don’t have enough calories left over for a decent dinner.
Reconsider your dieting strategy, there comes a point of a deficit where you’re just going to make it harder to be active and burn a good amount of calories, above all your body would most likely benefit from it, more muscle tissue means more daily expenditure
@ShredSeason This is true if you establish muscle then your RMR will be higher which means you burn more calories doing nothing literally sleeping and basically talking. So pack on the muscle but do it slow and steady keep the diet as clean as possible and keep it lean proteins and consume only healthy fats and base carbs around workouts only. so Highest carb meals should be before workout and after workout. Ive been feeling wiped the fuck out since i dont sleep well and in the last two days ive been sleeping an insane amount lmao and i dropped 1.5 lbs lol.
Reconsider your dieting strategy, there comes a point of a deficit where you’re just going to make it harder to be active and burn a good amount of calories, above all your body would most likely benefit from it, more muscle tissue means more daily expenditure
I just don’t know how though. I give myself 800 calories max for the day, so if I 400 calories before lifts, I’m stuck barely being able to eat dinner. I could take my flax seeds (110 cal) and protein powder (190 cal) prelifts, but would 300 calories of seeds and powder even make a difference?

I definitely feel how hard being fasted makes lifting. No energy, no hype, feeling like I’m going to pass out, it fucking sucks. So if 300 cal would actually help, I will 100% do it. I’ve gotten to the point where there’s no point in even listening to music, because my brain doesn’t even have enough juice to get me pumped lmao.
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@ShredSeason This is true if you establish muscle then your RMR will be higher which means you burn more calories doing nothing literally sleeping and basically talking. So pack on the muscle but do it slow and steady keep the diet as clean as possible and keep it lean proteins and consume only healthy fats and base carbs around workouts only. so Highest carb meals should be before workout and after workout. Ive been feeling wiped the fuck out since i dont sleep well and in the last two days ive been sleeping an insane amount lmao and i dropped 1.5 lbs lol.
I’m seeing 7-50 extra calories burned daily per pound of muscle. That’s way to big of a range.Do you have an idea of what the real number actually is?
@BCBuilder @BoloYang2023 I’m also assuming that I’ll gain 0.0 pounds of muscle while I’m in a deficit. Does that not apply to me though since my body is untrained? If I could build some muscle without being in a surplus, that would be really cool.
I’m seeing 7-50 extra calories burned daily per pound of muscle. That’s way to big of a range.Do you have an idea of what the real number actually is?
Depends purely on how much you move throughout the day, but when you’re completely starved of calories you’re not going to be burning any extra calories through movement whatsoever lol. Your body cannot run on 800 calories, it’s trying to tell you that and you’re doing everything in your power to ignore it, yes losing weight for your health is important, doing so in a way that is so against the way our bodies want to function makes no sense

800 calories isn’t even enough to feed a little girl, if you want to lift, live, work like a little girl go right ahead, but even just going to 1400 or 1600 calories a day would help an incredible amount with day to day enjoyment of life while still maintaining a huge deficit
I’m seeing 7-50 extra calories burned daily per pound of muscle. That’s way to big of a range.Do you have an idea of what the real number actually is?
this is tough. honestly it wouldnt be realistic because you would need to be able to carefully monitor the muscles during usage and everything, As well as certain muscles are larger than others and definitely burn more calories than others while being used , you could if you was a pro athlete as they have suits and shit that monitor muscles and what not but i am thinking you dont have access to things like this. Do you know how much actual muscle mass you have>
Depends purely on how much you move throughout the day, but when you’re completely starved of calories you’re not going to be burning any extra calories through movement whatsoever lol. Your body cannot run on 800 calories, it’s trying to tell you that and you’re doing everything in your power to ignore it, yes losing weight for your health is important, doing so in a way that is so against the way our bodies want to function makes no sense

800 calories isn’t even enough to feed a little girl, if you want to lift, live, work like a little girl go right ahead, but even just going to 1400 or 1600 calories a day would help an incredible amount with day to day enjoyment of life while still maintaining a huge deficit
Oh wow, yeah I’ve averaged 538 the past 7 days, 800 is just my max. I figure my body can eat my fat, there’s more than enough for it to choose from, all you can eat buffet.

1400 calories does sound juicy though, I’d feel so much better on that, especially during work and lifts.
and you can build muscle in a deficit, but again you have to eat to build muscles. You need to understand that even those that in contest prep eat more than 800 calories a day. And they are in GIANT deficits and still packing on some muscle. You being new could have a killer amount of muscle added if your training and diet was dialed in. Especially if you have good genetics. Newb muscle makes me fucking jelly lmfao. because now that its been like 10 years on and off and the last 4 consistent ive realized its tough to stack on muscle lmfao, but THe belief of being in a deficit to lose weight is correct but it is also the fact that people have usually built some muscle under their fat layer, this is why they call them bulks and cuts. You just need to add muscle and slowly peel the fat off. Doesn't have to me super fast but I know you want it super fast. I feel like i eat in a huge deficit now and its 2300 calories from a 3400k bulk, my Maintenace is 2800.. But you gotta add muscle to raise your RMR and BMR which will even raise your TDEE with your exericse. I would try and get in 1 gram of protein per lb... but in some studies they state that you should use 1 gram of protein per lb of your desired weight.
Oh wow, yeah I’ve averaged 538 the past 7 days, 800 is just my max. I figure my body can eat my fat, there’s more than enough for it to choose from, all you can eat buffet.

1400 calories does sound juicy though, I’d feel so much better on that, especially during work and lifts.
It can eat your fat sure, but it’s only going to use so much at a time no matter how hard you throw a deficit at yourself, there comes a point where you’re just lacking energy and I’d say that’s pretty obvious seeing as how your barely making it through workouts without passing out
So to be honest man why dont you toss up here your orginal eating habits for us. We won't judge you but it iwll give us all a general idea of what your caloric intake was. This will help us figure out what kind of caloric deficit is needed. yes we know you want something extreme. But, lets be honest here first man if you start out with like 2400 calorie diet from what you had that put on all the weight you had I am sure to your body it would be considered EXTREME. this would then have you feeling MUCH happier and better in the gym and most likely all around in your life. Alot of people i know that BB will even tell me that when they enter prep sometimes their mental states tank. this is because getting SO LEAN is extremely hard on the mental. Some people handle it like champs. But, to be honest most don't. I can be honest when i get down close to 180 my mental begins to tank quiet a bit but balances out when im chilling at 190. yes 10lbs makes a huge difference in my mental state because 10lbs is a huge amount of difference in my calorie intake.
So to be honest man why dont you toss up here your orginal eating habits for us.
Lmao oh boy, sure! Here is the an idea of what was going on this summer. Fast food, every single day. I’d gorge myself with one massive binge.

If it was McDonald’s, 2-3 McDoubles with 2-3 spicy chicken sandwiches, 2 large fries, and 2 large chocolate shakes. If it was Taco Bell I don’t even know, over $50 dollars of food each time. If it was Little Caesar’s, I’d eat a large pizza and an order of crazy bread, extra butter parm. Any pizzeria I’d eat a large in one sitting with some sort of side.

Then I’d midnight snack with a smaller binge (~1400-2200 calories). If I ate too late, I’d wake up choking on my own vomit, not being able to breathe for 10+ seconds. Fun stuff.
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Also I always like to be a realest and lets say that every lb of muscle burns 7 calories not 50 as that is a extremely high amount of calories, this way you won't be let down and when the numbers drop as they will it will be way more satisfying. So you gotta follow SMART when setting goals and be REAL about time lines and things you want out of training. Even using AAS alot of people will set un realistic goals because they see people who are huge again they dont factor in the fact of genetics. This does actually play a huge role in AAS. not saying people cant get huge it just might take them longer and more cycles and way more food then some others. but again throw up your daily eating habits from before you started this omad. Then lets evaluate how your diet should look because as long as your exercising and in a deficit your gonna lose weight, but see this way you could actually be packing on muscle as well. lets be honest you don't wanna waste your years of awesome growth using test even at TRT lvls some people get amazing muscle gains especially being new
So you basically confirmed what i knew. Lets just go to like a regular 2k calorie diet man. you will still lose. shit if you want the 1400 cals go ahead but i think @BCBuilder will still agree with what im saying here. your calorie intake was so high that legit a basic 2k calorie diet will help you lose weight still. but you want 1400 cals go for that either way you would be able to figure out your target weight you want to be and figure out the 1gram of protein for that weight and go for it. carbs are needed and so are fats. YOUr cns system runs off fats. so dont cut fats but also carbs are needed as well to help deliver the protein to your muscles as well as ATP. yes there is different processes of breaking down fat and carbs for energy but again this itself takes food to do as well. lol
Also I always like to be a realest and lets say that every lb of muscle burns 7 calories not 50 as that is a extremely high amount of calories, this way you won't be let down and when the numbers drop as they will it will be way more satisfying. So you gotta follow SMART when setting goals and be REAL about time lines and things you want out of training. Even using AAS alot of people will set un realistic goals because they see people who are huge again they dont factor in the fact of genetics. This does actually play a huge role in AAS. not saying people cant get huge it just might take them longer and more cycles and way more food then some others. but again throw up your daily eating habits from before you started this omad. Then lets evaluate how your diet should look because as long as your exercising and in a deficit your gonna lose weight, but see this way you could actually be packing on muscle as well. lets be honest you don't wanna waste your years of awesome growth using test even at TRT lvls some people get amazing muscle gains especially being new
This does sound very tempting…the mental block I run into whenever I think about stuff like this is I think ok, let’s say I put on an extra 5 pounds of muscle. How much would that actually help me, is it really worth losing this weight slower when I could just plow through it fast as fuck and then start building?
So you basically confirmed what i knew. Lets just go to like a regular 2k calorie diet man. you will still lose. shit if you want the 1400 cals go ahead but i think @BCBuilder will still agree with what im saying here. your calorie intake was so high that legit a basic 2k calorie diet will help you lose weight still. but you want 1400 cals go for that either way you would be able to figure out your target weight you want to be and figure out the 1gram of protein for that weight and go for it. carbs are needed and so are fats. YOUr cns system runs off fats. so dont cut fats but also carbs are needed as well to help deliver the protein to your muscles as well as ATP. yes there is different processes of breaking down fat and carbs for energy but again this itself takes food to do as well. lol
This clears up a lot about what fats and carbs do, thanks! I’ve always wondered why bodybuilders care about fat. I would eat 180-200g of protein if I were going off goal weight.
It can eat your fat sure, but it’s only going to use so much at a time no matter how hard you throw a deficit at yourself, there comes a point where you’re just lacking energy and I’d say that’s pretty obvious seeing as how your barely making it through workouts without passing out
I’m also pissed off about my time on GH. It put on so much water that I was basically not losing anything. So now I feel ripped off as if there’s missing pounds I earned that GH stole from me, so now that feeling of making up for lost time is compounding with my already insatiable desire to get this garbage off me as soon as possible. It’s a shit show lol.
This does sound very tempting…the mental block I run into whenever I think about stuff like this is I think ok, let’s say I put on an extra 5 pounds of muscle. How much would that actually help me, is it really worth losing this weight slower when I could just plow through it fast as fuck and then start building?
This is assuming you’ll lose it faster doing it what you’re doing, when I’d stake my bank account and bodybuilding progress betting that you won’t