Get a doc to prescribe you a beta blocker, mine went over a 100 once so I bugged my doc to prescribe me metropolol even at a low dose.
Thanks bro, will do. At least I know I’m not the only one

Edit: fuck. I just realized I can’t. My doctor would try to take me off my ADD meds. The adderall script must be preserved at all costs. I’ll just grab some nebivolol, less than $20 at pharmacy I use from here.
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Thanks bro, will do. At least I know I’m not the only one

Edit: fuck. I just realized I can’t. My doctor would try to take me off my ADD meds. The adderall script must be preserved at all costs. I’ll just grab some nebivolol, less than $20 at pharmacy I use from here.
hmm.. so when is vacation?
hmm.. so when is vacation?
I’m there right now, turns out, we were leaving 2 days before I thought we were, and I found out my drivers license was expired, and I found out my healthcare was expired. Was a shit show getting everything together last minute lmao. But we made it through.
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Day 36 Back, biceps, shoulders (fasted)
Dumbell curls 2x8
Hammer curls 2x8,12
Concentration curls 2x8,20
Dumbell rows 3x15,10,11
Rear delt raises 3x__
Shrugs pause reps 2x12,8

Total sets: 11
45 minutes treadmill prelifts
Stood up too fast before working out and came close to falling over. Lightheaded, was seeing stars for 10-15 minutes.

Dumbell rows were gassing me out in a way that did not feel right. Felt lightheaded, wobbly, sickly. I had rear delt raises planned, but I decided to cut those out, pump out my shrugs, and call it a day. Thumbs are a little shaky typing this. Almost felt a little delirium walking back to my room, things are a bit dreamlike right now, I’m confused. I kind of feel that frozen in place thing I experienced on 600 mg of DNP, not as bad yet. Shit.
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Food (845 calories)

3 sausage links, ~45 cals of sausage gravy
1/2 of a Whataburger sweet & spicy junior bacon cheeseburger, 1/2 of a small fry
As per your post of being behind schedule, forget the schedule, you’re only going to lose weight as fast as your body is willing at the end of the day, work with it rather than trying to beat it into submission, trust the process and try to stop getting so attached to a timeline that’s most likely rather unrealistic
Semaglutide is insane. 730 AM, and I woke up with light acid reflux from yesterday’s dinner over 14 hours ago. I feel it in my stomach, it’s a bit upset. I literally cannot eat.

Dosing day was a day to look forward to with Tirz and Reta, I’d always countdown the time. With Sema, it’s like I’m counting down the time until my dad comes home from work and spanks the fuck out of me for mouthing off to my mom. I fucking love this drug boys…
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As per your post of being behind schedule, forget the schedule, you’re only going to lose weight as fast as your body is willing at the end of the day, work with it rather than trying to beat it into submission, trust the process and try to stop getting so attached to a timeline that’s most likely rather unrealistic
Thank you brother, lifting is saving me. When I’m working out, everything is tossed to the side, I’m able to enjoy the journey without obsessing over the destination, and I realize the time I spend working on my body is what I need to be optimizing for. I am still retarded as fuck, but just this one month training has done a lot for my goals and perspective, a lot of the self hatred for where I am has been replaced with self love for where I’m going.
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Yeah man, just now finding out that’s the cause of it, sucks. What’s your RHR?
mine is at around 80-82 now.
I already use 10mg nebivolol daily and since it is still "in range" i live with it.
not every increase in HR is dangerous
have you had a cardiologist checkup lately?
if not, i would recommend one
whats your nighttime hr?
I haven’t, no. I’ll make an appointment once they turn my insurance back on, won’t be home for 2 weeks though. The pic I posted was from 11pm, just before bed.

edit: wow, my insurance literally got turned back on 5 minutes after this post, guess it’s time to make an appointment.
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Day 38 | sw 338 | cw 315.6 | 6-day change -7 lbs
Final day of GH, pinned my last 2.4 IU, time for a few-week break. Hitting fasted cardio right now. It’s just not the same without @DanishPanther’s thread, I’ll have to find another retard to troll.
Arm Day (fasted)
Dumbell curls 3x5, 7, 20 burnout
Hammer curls 3x8-12
Concentration curls 3x8-12
Tricep pushdowns 1x15, 2x8
Tricep extensions 3x8
Shrugs pause reps 2x15, 8

Sets: 17
1 hr bike prelifts, 655 cal, 147 avg bpm

I’m trying out a chest, back, arms, legs routine instead of my usual push pull legs.

Doing a couple sets of shrugs after every workout, I figure building my traps and shoulders is the best way to fill out my shirt and look better as I’m losing weight.
Arm Day (fasted)
Dumbell curls 3x5, 7, 20 burnout
Hammer curls 3x8-12
Concentration curls 3x8-12
Tricep pushdowns 1x15, 2x8
Tricep extensions 3x8
Shrugs pause reps 2x15, 8

Sets: 17
1 hr bike prelifts, 655 cal, 147 avg bpm

I’m trying out a chest, back, arms, legs routine instead of my usual push pull legs.

Doing a couple sets of shrugs after every workout, I figure building my traps and shoulders is the best way to fill out my shirt and look better as I’m losing weight.
Any reason you’re training fasted? I make it a point to get at least two carb meals in before the gym, also if you are trying to do anything with fat oxidation you’re better off doing fasted cardio but regardless you’re better off eating before training imo