My heart feels better now, and I’m no longer stimmed out. I was hesitant to start stacking this early, but I think I made the right call. I’m taking advantages of this early-stage supression while it lasts, so protein intake is down for now.
Lmfao damn the sleep thing started everything. honestly lol nvm wont speak my honest opinion everyone will be like go to therapy learn to love yourself blalablablablablabla. Anyways I know i gotta get my sleep undercontrol on the bright side i take no sleep meds i dont like em. but yes lol i gotta put my tinfoil hat on for this "puts on tinfoil hat" Its all a plot by the govt and crazy fanatical church gas lighters to turn me into a project of their wierd ass narrative lmfao :D LMFAO
I wanna hear your honest opinion lmao
@ShredSeason you shouldnt love it.... you should use it to try and start creating healthy habits and also work on the mind control food has when your body is hungry because it will come back. I am just saying the honest opinion is I truthfully Don't Love or care about myself. I honestly ask the higher power daily for letting me pass on. I want to become a soldier to go be sent off to die for something meaningful. My life literally HAS ZERO meaning. I am a Electrician who gets paid like a Slave. Yes, i put myself in this situation and I dont point my finger at anyone else. I have been one for so long now its stupid to jump trades but i realize this trade fucking blows. I also have been alone for the last 8 years of my life. I have literally interacted with about 15 ppl and only about 6 ppl in the last 4 years. I consistently Push people away because i have been through some fucking trauma that has made me not trust humans, and basically i have it burned into my mind next person that fucks me ..... we wont finish that one. but yea lol this is also why i dont take tren lmfao or any 19-nors. I also could be a small target of some giant gas lighting bullshit by some fucking group of absolute snitch ass mother fuckers lol. BUT also put your tinfoil hat on before reading this lmfao...
Day 35 Chest, Triceps, Shoulders (fasted)
Dumbell press 3x12, 4, 12
Lateral raises 3x8
Tricep push downs 2x6, 12
Dumbell flies 2x8, 5
Seated dumbell tricep extensions 2x12, 16
Shoulder shrugs 3x15, 12, 15

Total sets: 15
This looking a bit better @BCBuilder ?

Treadmill 50 minutes pre-lifts: 620 cals, 156 average bpm
@ShredSeason you shouldnt love it.... you should use it to try and start creating healthy habits and also work on the mind control food has when your body is hungry because it will come back. I am just saying the honest opinion is I truthfully Don't Love or care about myself. I honestly ask the higher power daily for letting me pass on. I want to become a soldier to go be sent off to die for something meaningful. My life literally HAS ZERO meaning. I am a Electrician who gets paid like a Slave. Yes, i put myself in this situation and I dont point my finger at anyone else. I have been one for so long now its stupid to jump trades but i realize this trade fucking blows. I also have been alone for the last 8 years of my life. I have literally interacted with about 15 ppl and only about 6 ppl in the last 4 years. I consistently Push people away because i have been through some fucking trauma that has made me not trust humans, and basically i have it burned into my mind next person that fucks me ..... we wont finish that one. but yea lol this is also why i dont take tren lmfao or any 19-nors. I also could be a small target of some giant gas lighting bullshit by some fucking group of absolute snitch ass mother fuckers lol. BUT also put your tinfoil hat on before reading this lmfao...
No tinfoil hat needed bro, I related to every single word, every single one. I wouldn’t be testing fate like this if I didn’t…

We can’t fully control how we feel internally, but we can control what we do externally. This is so much easier said than done, but I encourage you to go for what you want man. Grind on your off time, do whatever you have to do to build the profession that you want. I could still be making a steady wage right now, but I want to be my own man. Am I making a lot of money? Fuck no. But I’m building a life I enjoy. All that stress and “wasted” 8 years is going to mean nothing once we’re doing what we love and cashing the fuck out doing it. You will end up making way more money doing what you love than you will continuing to do what you hate, experience be damned.

Pick something concrete like that and get after it. The trauma and self worth are the types of things that truly do benefit from therapy and most importantly time. But if you instead focus on the biggest concrete thing you hate about your life and attack it like a deranged madman, that inward stuff will gradually get better along with it.

And yeah bro, no 19 nors, I have to mantain that restraint too.

As for the other part of your reply, I figured you were going through something like this based on what you said a few days ago. You’ll drive yourself mad trying to figure it out, best to stay to your grind but remain observant.
Day 35 Chest, Triceps, Shoulders (fasted)
Dumbell press 3x12, 4, 12
Lateral raises 3x8
Tricep push downs 2x6, 12
Dumbell flies 2x8, 5
Seated dumbell tricep extensions 2x12, 16
Shoulder shrugs 3x15, 12, 15

Total sets: 15
This looking a bit better @BCBuilder ?

Treadmill 50 minutes pre-lifts: 620 cals, 156 average bpm
Certainly looks more manageable, give yourself a range of reps as you dial in your strength and then continually try to add one or two reps in either one or both/ all three of your sets, if you notice a huge falloff on set 3 consider longer rest or taking it as a sign to lower volume slightly
Certainly looks more manageable, give yourself a range of reps as you dial in your strength and then continually try to add one or two reps in either one or both/ all three of your sets, if you notice a huge falloff on set 3 consider longer rest or taking it as a sign to lower volume slightly
Will do, thanks! 8-12 is the range I’m looking to be at once I dial in how much weight to use, 12-15 for things like shrugs. Once I’m hitting my top rep goal on most sets, is that when it’s time to bump up the weight by 5 or so?
Will do, thanks! 8-12 is the range I’m looking to be at once I dial in how much weight to use, 12-15 for things like shrugs. Once I’m hitting my top rep goal on most sets, is that when it’s time to bump up the weight by 5 or so?
I don’t play too strict when it comes to adding weight or reps, my goal is essentially to add in some metric either by weight or reps, sometimes I add weight even if I’m not right at the top of my rep range according to last day just based off of subjective gauging of strength, as much as your log can help you progress, don’t die by it, don’t be afraid to do a heavy ass set of 6 if things are stalling etc etc
@ShredSeason indeed well i want my own gym. lol or ill do the military But again THE military where im at has too many fucking rules lmfao i call them rules you all calll them regulations lol. Also yea man well thats good your kicking ass. Glad you get a vacation Go bang a hott 22 year old for me lmfao! :D unless your married then ask your wife and bring her into the fold as well lmfao!


Day 36 sw 338 | cw 317.4 | og sw 368 | 3-day change -2 lbs
Officially over 50 pounds down in just 11 weeks. I am proud of myself, but it doesn’t compare to what I feel when I realize that my back isn’t in excruciating pain from just doing the fucking dishes anymore, or that I’m not struggling to wipe my own ass. Pathetic. Never going back. Those are the real wins.

Fuck a new year new me. It’s grind season boys, and I’m excited to fucking kill it. I will be haunted by what I let myself become for the rest of my life, and I would not have it any other way.
We are still very much behind schedule though, so it’s time to kick this shit into high gear.

Step 1 is getting rid of the rest of this water. I know I’m still holding onto a lot because of my scale logs and common sense of what happens when an obese fuck goes on top reference range TRT and HGH.

Step 1 is also fixing constipation. I’m carrying a decent amount of extra weight with that.

Step 1 is ALSO getting blood drawn for the labs I ordered, got delayed again btw @BoloYang2023 , long story.
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Step 2 is T3/T4, the most effective addition for me. Since metabolic slowdown is the biggest drawback to my weight loss method, it will make a much bigger difference than it does for someone on a normal cut. I’m waiting to get labs drawn and figure out how to protect my heart.

I don’t want hyperthyroid levels, not interested in catabolism or permanent damage, but if I ping levels to the top of the reference range, I can make this weight fall the fuck off, unhindered by my body trying to slow it down.

I’ll continuously monitor levels. Tests are only $13, I’ll get them done every 2 weeks if needed.

Thyroid function is the biggest regulator of metabolism. There are a few other minor things the body does to slow it down, I’ll be doing things to optimize that too. My goal is to have a completely optimized metabolism without risking anything too crazy.
so another one who gets a high increae in HR from glp-1 agonists
i get around +10 bpm increase from 2,4mg sema weekly and around +8 from 10mg tirzepatide weekly.
but all in all energy is still great etc
so another one who gets a high increae in HR from glp-1 agonists
i get around +10 bpm increase from 2,4mg sema weekly and around +8 from 10mg tirzepatide weekly.
but all in all energy is still great etc
Yeah man, just now finding out that’s the cause of it, sucks. What’s your RHR?
so another one who gets a high increae in HR from glp-1 agonists
i get around +10 bpm increase from 2,4mg sema weekly and around +8 from 10mg tirzepatide weekly.
but all in all energy is still great etc
Same here, about 10-20 for me on semaglutide.
Same here, about 10-20 for me on semaglutide.
How are you protecting your heart through this? I’m getting nattokinase and coq10 to add to my beet root extract. I don’t want to use something like nebivolol to decrease it, that’ll decrease metabolism, kind of defeats the purpose of using sema in the first place.
How are you protecting your heart through this? I’m getting nattokinase and coq10 to add to my beet root extract. I don’t want to use something like nebivolol to decrease it, that’ll decrease metabolism, kind of defeats the purpose of using sema in the first place.
I am at 60-70 when on metropolol since i have naturally elevated rhr. It gets bumped to 80-90 while on sema, still normal but a little near the top range.

It goes down when I incorporate more cardio as my cut goes on, i could actually lessen my beta blocker dosage too.
@ShredSeason indeed well i want my own gym. lol or ill do the military But again THE military where im at has too many fucking rules lmfao i call them rules you all calll them regulations lol. Also yea man well thats good your kicking ass. Glad you get a vacation Go bang a hott 22 year old for me lmfao! :D unless your married then ask your wife and bring her into the fold as well lmfao!
Do it. You guys have a massive leg up on everyone else from the practical knowledge you’ve gained on this forum and your training. Seems like a no brainer decision tbh. Lmao I think I have an idea on what regs you’re talking about. And I’ll ask my left hand about permission for banging that 22 year old.
I am at 60-70 when on metropolol since i have naturally elevated rhr. It gets bumped to 80-90 while on sema, still normal but a little near the top range.

It goes down when I incorporate more cardio as my cut goes on, i could actually lessen my beta blocker dosage too.
Mine doesnt go below 100…sometimes up to 122…I’m probably fucked huh