I totally agree but what if 20 years from now we look back at all the sides of semaglutide (heartburn, gastroperesis, maybe cancer) and think that was barbaric?

Shit man I used DNP in the 1990's. This is a lesson that what we think is normal now may be seen as retarded in the future.
Yeah it’s a roll of the dice for sure. For me, if it doesn’t cause cancer, then it’s worth it. When I used to binge, I was waking up not being able to breathe, choking on my own stomach bile and puke in a panic, throat on fire for over a half hour afterwards. It was scary. These drugs would have to cause a lot of damage to top stuff like that.
Primary care no problem. One of the lowest risk benzos from addiction standpoint. Use it 2 or 3 times a week at most. Low dose.
I had a script for it when I was a teenager, bullshitted the fuck out of my doctor to get them to write it though tbh. I could see myself enjoying benzos too much, so I stay away from them. The risk of blacking out and the withdrawals people experience scares the life out of me.
Bowel obstruction/intestinal blockage.

Great points. Would not touch. Never be the guinea pig on new drug that has clinical trial data no longer than a year.

Oh, yeah I was doing 200, I guess that would be a little different lmao. Can someone actually get a script written for clonazepam? I always assumed someone pretty much has to go to DNM with how locked down doctors are about prescribing that kind of stuff nowadays.
Primary care no problem. One of the lowest risk benzos from addiction standpoint. Use it 2 or 3 times a week at most. Low dose.

But god I hate benzos for this. They're great for panic attacks and anxiety, but what good have they ever done for sleep quality long-term
Never be the guinea pig on new drug that has clinical trial data no longer than a year.
It is pretty wild when I think about how I’m on a phase III trial drug from China. It’s just a bunch of amino acids, basically a natural supplement, can’t be that bad is usally the perfect amount of bullshitting myself to put it in the back of my head and get on with my day.
what good have they ever done for sleep quality long-term
Make it exponentially fucking worse.

I hated the process of it, but sleep hygiene has changed my life. Went from 4 hours to 6-8, doubled rem and slow wave, and quit all sleeping meds and caffeine just from listening to Huberman’s sleep hygiene program. I seriously fucking hated changing some of those habits though.
I totally agree but what if 20 years from now we look back at all the sides of semaglutide (heartburn, gastroperesis, maybe cancer) and think that was barbaric?

Shit man I used DNP in the 1990's. This is a lesson that what we think is normal now may be seen as retarded in the future.

I'm curious to see what the long term conclusions for semaglutide are. I worked in a high end gym for a while so a good 20% of my members were the soccer moms playing labrats for weight loss drugs. They all lost weight but it seems like everyone had different side effects like
- hair loss
- reduced kidney function
- stomach issues
- lost too much weight and became weak / sick

That's just to name a few. But I did notice they were all being prescribed to take the drug indefinitely. Nobody was cycling it. They just kept taking it until they needed a higher dose, then upped the dose. One lady said she was on it for 8 months before she got too sick to continue. After working in the pharmacy industry for a while too I realized they're willing to let people fuck up their long term health if it makes a profit. As long as they make enough money to pay lawsuit settlements and still be rich, they'll send it to the market and tell people to take it forever. It's not some conspiracy BS it's just how it goes.
I'm curious to see what the long term conclusions for semaglutide are. I worked in a high end gym for a while so a good 20% of my members were the soccer moms playing labrats for weight loss drugs. They all lost weight but it seems like everyone had different side effects like
- hair loss
- reduced kidney function
- stomach issues
- lost too much weight and became weak / sick

That's just to name a few. But I did notice they were all being prescribed to take the drug indefinitely. Nobody was cycling it. They just kept taking it until they needed a higher dose, then upped the dose. One lady said she was on it for 8 months before she got too sick to continue. After working in the pharmacy industry for a while too I realized they're willing to let people fuck up their long term health if it makes a profit. As long as they make enough money to pay lawsuit settlements and still be rich, they'll send it to the market and tell people to take it forever. It's not some conspiracy BS it's just how it goes.
All industries will fuck the consumer for profit with reckless abandon, but the pharmaceutical industry seems to be the grossest of them all.

I think the hair loss is caused by the extreme deficits, not necessarily the drugs themselves. I use collagen and GHK-Cu to mitigate this, and most importantly supplement in ~all of my micros. Stomach issues are the most prevalent side effect in my experience. Not overeating + not snacking before bed gets rid of all of them except constipation. That has to be combatted with magnesium and flax seeds, sometimes that’s not even enough, and I’ll need laxatives. Even that is not a sure fire fix though, and thanks to gastric slowing, it takes an inordinate amount of time to work.

I’ll have lab results soon, so we’ll be able to look at GFR and see what these drugs are doing to my kidneys. I drink cranberry juice and tons of water, hopefully that’s keeping them healthy.
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You’re right, gonna start the chicken today. It was my first day on Sema, so I wanted to take advantage of the absolutely nuked appetite. Gotta get that protein though. What’s the minimum I should get every day on a cut like this?

I am glad to have confirmation that water retention is the issue I’ve been having, since I know I didn’t lose 3 lbs of fat overnight. I’m up to a full dose of Telmisartan and GH is down to 2IU, going to take a short break soon. Estradiol labs coming in soon. I’m looking forward to seeing what weight I’m at once this extra water is gone.

Minimum? I would be looking at - what is the maximum? The higher the protein the better when cutting.

You mentioned 180. I would push it to 200 and, once you get used to it, 250 grams daily.

I kept mine over 300 on prep and pushed to 350 when I could.

I’ll try man, I’m working on not letting it affect me so much, definitely a work in progress. I’ll srart paying more attention to the 7-day trends.

Don't worry about daily fluctuations. They literally do not matter. Your plan is what matters. Stick to the plan. Over time, with consistency, you will get where you want to be if your plan is designed to get you there.

How does protein powder have less protein per cal than chicken? Just realized that.
Several reasons. First, supplement manufacturers lie. Second, chicken has a few grams of fat. Protein powder claims it does not. Fat is 9 calories per gram. Protein is only 4 calories per gram.

Depends on the protein powder. 400-450 calories of chicken breast has around 80 grams of protein. 440 calories of the isolate protein I use has 100 grams of protein..
Supplement manufacturers lie. The FDA is really not holding them to account. They might be called upon to have a sample pass a nitrogen test, with nitrogen substituting for complete protein. You know what else passes a nitrogen test? Hair. Fingernails. Can you grow muscle on hair and fingernails? By the way, there are not that many raw material manufacturers out there. All of the supplement manufacturers buy from the same few raw materials suppliers. How much checking and testing do you think they are doing to see if the one that is 5% cheaper has the same level of protein as the more expensive one (or if the more expensive one has the amount of complete protein that is claimed)?

Protein powders can be “spiked” with amino acids like taurine, glycine and arginine to pass regulatory tests, meanwhile deceiving the everyday consumer. They are relatively inexpensive additives. It is a sneaky way to make a protein supplement appear to contain more pure protein than it does. The test actually measures the amount of nitrogen in a product, then converts that into a protein measurement. Every amino acid contains nitrogen, so the nitrogen amount is inflated by the additives, which results in an exaggerated protein content reported for the product.

Because nutrition labels classically have a lot of leeway on what they can put there, I think they round the number as far as I know? That’s why spray oil is somehow devoid of calories yet you’re spraying oil in a pan so reason tells you that’s false
Supplement manufacturers lie, and, yeah, even the things you buy in the grocery store, like spray oil, play games with the serving sizes to manipulate what the label says. Your example hit the nail on the head. Spray for one fourth of a second (who does that???) and there are less than 5 calories, so they can round down to zero.

I see changing serving sizes altering what appears on the nutrition label constantly.

But, we know if you grill chicken breast, weigh it cooked, and you know how many grams or ounces it is, then we know how much complete protein you are getting. Nobody is marketing super high protein spiked chicken breast, just for bodybuilders! Then spiking it with various amino acids to bump up the claim of protein on the label (or ground up hair or fingernails). Nope, chicken is chicken, and we know the breast is made out of muscle, and if it is cooked we know that even the water weight is gone. Stick a saucer on your kitchen scale, hit the tare button, and, once it zeroes, slap that chicken breast on there. Whatever it weighs, plug it into MyFitnessPal (free!) and you now know how much protein you are eating, and you need not rely on lies and marketing from bullshit supplement manufacturers.
Will repost the actual paper given the seriousness of this potential complication:

The risk of chronic intestinal obstruction in humans cumulates over time, with the highest occurrence appearing 1.6 years following GLP-1RA treatment5. However, clinical trials on GLP-1RAs usually do not last for more than a year and relevant studies revealed that the incidence of constipation is independent of short-term doses of GLP-1RAs14. We thus extracted a plot of the relationship between the incidence of constipation and the duration of treatment for four GLP-1RAs (Fig. 2) using the data from high-quality randomized controlled clinical trials. The result indicates that constipation was positively correlated with the duration of therapy (r2 = 0.8–0.9).

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Figure 2. The incidence of drug-induced constipation correlated with time from the data of four different doses of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in 11 randomized and placebo controlled clinical studies15-25.

Since intestinal obstruction is a fatal condition that requires surgery, clinicians should be aware that the emergence of chronic adverse events of GLP-1RAs may involve the small intestine. If the underlying cause of which remains unknown, erroneous inferences will likely to be drawn. This is of particular importance as the use of GLP-1RAs in treating multiple disorders is expanding tremendously.

FDA finally did their job a little:

Train wreck happening in slow motion. Reminds me of this:
Will repost the actual paper given the seriousness of this potential complication:

FDA finally did their job a little:

Train wreck happening in slow motion. Reminds me of this:
That paper is not very good. There's a lot of conjecture in it and "maybe" this will happen "maybe" that will happen. It reads like clickbait science. Seems like people trying to get attention by riding the GLP 1 wave. Poorly written and very little actual human data to prove their points.
The new research, based on health insurance claims from 2006 to 2020 from more than 5,000 patients in the U.S., looked at how many people developed one of four serious gastrointestinal problems — biliary disease, gastroparesis, pancreatitis or bowel obstructions — after they were prescribed one of the weight loss drugs.

Lmfao damn the sleep thing started everything. honestly lol nvm wont speak my honest opinion everyone will be like go to therapy learn to love yourself blalablablablablabla. Anyways I know i gotta get my sleep undercontrol on the bright side i take no sleep meds i dont like em. but yes lol i gotta put my tinfoil hat on for this "puts on tinfoil hat" Its all a plot by the govt and crazy fanatical church gas lighters to turn me into a project of their wierd ass narrative lmfao :D LMFAO
That paper is not very good. There's a lot of conjecture in it and "maybe" this will happen "maybe" that will happen. It reads like clickbait science. Seems like people trying to get attention by riding the GLP 1 wave. Poorly written and very little actual human data to prove their points.
Anecdotally, it makes sense. I was both on OxyContin + hydrocodone for 2 months after rupturing my Achilles tendon. The constipation these drugs cause are on par with what I experienced on those. Oftentimes when I eat, it’s like the food falls into a black hole, never to be seen again. I’m confident I would be having major problems by now if I was not drastically limiting food intake like I am.
Lmfao damn the sleep thing started everything. honestly lol nvm wont speak my honest opinion everyone will be like go to therapy learn to love yourself blalablablablablabla. Anyways I know i gotta get my sleep undercontrol on the bright side i take no sleep meds i dont like em. but yes lol i gotta put my tinfoil hat on for this "puts on tinfoil hat" Its all a plot by the govt and crazy fanatical church gas lighters to turn me into a project of their wierd ass narrative lmfao :D LMFAO
Minimum? I would be looking at - what is the maximum? The higher the protein the better when cutting.

You mentioned 180. I would push it to 200 and, once you get used to it, 250 grams daily.

I kept mine over 300 on prep and pushed to 350 when I could.

Don't worry about daily fluctuations. They literally do not matter. Your plan is what matters. Stick to the plan. Over time, with consistency, you will get where you want to be if your plan is designed to get you there.

Several reasons. First, supplement manufacturers lie. Second, chicken has a few grams of fat. Protein powder claims it does not. Fat is 9 calories per gram. Protein is only 4 calories per gram.

Supplement manufacturers lie. The FDA is really not holding them to account. They might be called upon to have a sample pass a nitrogen test, with nitrogen substituting for complete protein. You know what else passes a nitrogen test? Hair. Fingernails. Can you grow muscle on hair and fingernails? By the way, there are not that many raw material manufacturers out there. All of the supplement manufacturers buy from the same few raw materials suppliers. How much checking and testing do you think they are doing to see if the one that is 5% cheaper has the same level of protein as the more expensive one (or if the more expensive one has the amount of complete protein that is claimed)?

Supplement manufacturers lie, and, yeah, even the things you buy in the grocery store, like spray oil, play games with the serving sizes to manipulate what the label says. Your example hit the nail on the head. Spray for one fourth of a second (who does that???) and there are less than 5 calories, so they can round down to zero.

I see changing serving sizes altering what appears on the nutrition label constantly.

But, we know if you grill chicken breast, weigh it cooked, and you know how many grams or ounces it is, then we know how much complete protein you are getting. Nobody is marketing super high protein spiked chicken breast, just for bodybuilders! Then spiking it with various amino acids to bump up the claim of protein on the label (or ground up hair or fingernails). Nope, chicken is chicken, and we know the breast is made out of muscle, and if it is cooked we know that even the water weight is gone. Stick a saucer on your kitchen scale, hit the tare button, and, once it zeroes, slap that chicken breast on there. Whatever it weighs, plug it into MyFitnessPal (free!) and you now know how much protein you are eating, and you need not rely on lies and marketing from bullshit supplement manufacturers.
Golden info. So it seems like the best option is meat and leaving protein powder for times when you’re in a pinch and need something.

Semaglutide update​

Oh wow, people weren’t lying, this stuff nukes appetite, obliterated. I LOVE it. I’m averaging 470 calories/day since decreasing Reta’s dose and adding 0.5 mg Semaglutide.

Day 32 food: 376 calories
A slice of pizza
Day 33 food: 522 calories
protein shake, 0.5 cup noodles, 1 cup spaghetti sauce with meat
Day 34 food: 425 calories
0.5 cup white rice, 3.75 oz pork chop, 2 tostones, 12g garlic sauce
Day 35 food: 556 calories
Chik Fil A chicken club sandwich, a waffle fry