I’ll try man, I’m working on not letting it affect me so much, definitely a work in progress. I’ll srart paying more attention to the 7-day trends.
so im holding 227 right now but i began at 238 new years. and i do 1 hr cardio a day. BUT keep in mmind my recovery aka sleep is fucking dog shit! lol and i know this i cant fix it this is why im thinking hgh next 6 months after this 6 month of cjc and ipa. But, i am also watching the mirror and my legs and quads and watching veins pop and abs and the v slowly come back. so weigh is important. but so is body composition. Also as @malfeasance said as well its a lifestyle change.. The numbers on the scale is important but the most important is the quality of life this will give you. Lol again we agree lol see im not such a dirtbag lmfao. also dude having fun foods is ok. but just know that you can make your clean foods fun as well. Add a awesome sauce on it. something you like every blue moon.
It is a mind fuck, for a more accurate measure of change, rely on measurements by tape and calipers.

Everyone who cuts go through it, except the seasoned competitors who already are familiar with it.
Glad you reminded me! Another thing I gotta add to my list of things to pack, I’m excited to have another metric to measure progress. Helps a lot knowing other people go through this too, because yeah it’s definitely been a mind fuck, hopefully learning to not let it get to me so much will give me a healthier mindset towards my weight loss.
Depends on the protein powder. 400-450 calories of chicken breast has around 80 grams of protein. 440 calories of the isolate protein I use has 100 grams of protein..
Didn’t know about isolate, thanks! It might just be possible to hit 180g on this deficit after all.
Why would we? Nearly 50 pounds down, training hard every week. no need to permanently alter my body.

Like I said, crossing lines. At one point, you probably thought you could do it with diet alone, then crossed a line and got back into the gym.

Then you thought supplements were another line. You crossed it. Then drugs.

Then injecting yourself with experimental compounds.

Surgery is just another line.

I respect your decision. We all have lines.
Like I said, crossing lines. At one point, you probably thought you could do it with diet alone, then crossed a line and got back into the gym.

Then you thought supplements were another line. You crossed it. Then drugs.

Then injecting yourself with experimental compounds.

Surgery is just another line.

I respect your decision. We all have lines.
So true man, the game we play with ourselves…really mirrors the AAS experience too: just one cycle bro
@songsofpyramids @AlexDavis43 Someone said something about gastric surgeries, think it was Tessa, they said that in 20 years, people will look back on the times of weight loss surgeries and see them as barbaric, like how we look at lobotomies, that GLPs will render them obsolete.

I tend to agree. I’m already reading articles about the number of surgeries going down, and I’m seeing people working in the cosmetic industry saying they’re seeing a drastic decrease, that everyone’s moving to Sema. We’ve never had drugs that truly control appetite like these new GLPs, they do seem like the first truly effective weight loss drugs, to the point of seeming miraculous in comparison to things like Phentermine, they’re the panacea people always desired. I do think we’re in a new era of weight loss.
Trazodone or clonazepam or alternate each a couple times per week?

I have had decent success with my latest test cruise. Even 200 mg/week plays hell with sleep.

Ugh but we have other goals, too. Yes those compounds may help on occasion, but would strongly recommend considering sleep hygiene.

Because those compounds aren't generally good for overall health & body composition.
The only weight loss surgery I’d consider is liposuction after I’ve lost all my weight, just to permanently remove the extra fat cells. I haven’t looked into this yet though, dont know about the safety and efficacy.
@songsofpyramids @AlexDavis43 Someone said something about gastric surgeries, think it was Tessa, they said that in 20 years, people will look back on the times of weight loss surgeries and see them as barbaric, like how we look at lobotomies, that GLPs will render them obsolete.

I tend to agree. I’m already reading articles about the number of surgeries going down, and I’m seeing people working in the cosmetic industry saying they’re seeing a drastic decrease, that everyone’s moving to Sema. We’ve never had drugs that truly control appetite like these new GLPs, they do seem like the first truly effective weight loss drugs, to the point of seeming miraculous in comparison to things like Phentermine, they’re the panacea people always desired. I do think we’re in a new era of weight loss.

I totally agree but what if 20 years from now we look back at all the sides of semaglutide (heartburn, gastroperesis, maybe cancer) and think that was barbaric?

Shit man I used DNP in the 1990's. This is a lesson that what we think is normal now may be seen as retarded in the future.
Low dose....25 mg before bed.

0.25 or 0.5 mg clonazepam.
Oh, yeah I was doing 200, I guess that would be a little different lmao. Can someone actually get a script written for clonazepam? I always assumed someone pretty much has to go to DNM with how locked down doctors are about prescribing that kind of stuff nowadays.