Day 32 Worried
I leave for vacation with family on the 26th. The place doesn’t have a gym, and I won’t have a car. My granddad will take me to the gym, but he only goes 3x/week. Cardio I’ll just walk, but I’m worried about lifting. I’m just now building momentum, I feel like now is the most important time for me to stay consistent.

I do a 6x/week routine, push pull legs. I’m sure he’d be fine with going an extra day for 4x/week. Here’s one idea:
Day 1: Push, Pull
Day 3: Legs
Day 5: Push, Pull
Day 7: Legs
2 long ass workouts a week doing both push and pull, so I still hit everything 2x/week. Is this stupid as fuck?

My other idea:
Day 1: Push, Pull
Day 3: Push
Day 5: Pull
Day 7: Legs
This sacrifices a leg day, but I hit upper body 2x/week. Realistically, every day is leg day for me, and I’ll have to put in a lot of upper body work to get it in proportion with legs once it’s time to build. But is this just my mind trying to avoid leg day…
What should I do?
This doesn’t even adresss the logistics issues with the drugs…this all came out of nowhere. I wasn’t going to go until I realized I have enough miles to fly back for $6.
Will there be a park nearby? Figure out body weight and calisthenic exercises to substitute. I've gotten good workouts in with just my body and TRX straps on a tree branch. 1 week isn't going to matter much in the long run. Just do your cardio, keep your diet clean, and do what you can. You won't lose lifting gains from 1 week. A lot of times when I have a week off I come back feeling stronger and better.

Edit: forgot that it's legit winter in a lot of places. If it's iced out where you will be then body weight calisthenics.
At your weight the only thing you have to do is move... even walking is fine while you're away. Don't overcomplicate things.
You been going so hard a week off with some light body weight workouts might help you recover and hit it stronger when you’re back.

I’m no expert on the logistics of things beyond the hgh, but I seriously doubt a week off would do much beyond dry you out a bit.
@ShredSeason you can always mail it to where you are going. If you mail it the day before you go and you will be there to look out for it. Just a thought
That’s what I was thinking at first, but if the place has a bunch of lockboxes for their mail like how some condos and apartments do, you think I’ll get a key for our mailbox once I’m there?
Is there a reason no one is talking about gastric bypass?

Some contraindications in @ShredSeason's patient history or something?

Or is surgery crossing a line we already crossed a lot of lines ago
Way out of left field lmao. People encouraging me to keep putting in the work and get healthier, and you fly in out of nowhere suggesting I go under the knife? Nah bro, that’s a bit much, even for me.

Day 31

Back, biceps, rear delts​

Barbell curls 1x5, 1x4, 1x12
Seated cable rows 1x30, 1x15, 1x20
Rear delt raises 1x20, 1x15, 1x20
Preacher curls 1x15, 1x7, 1x12
Bent over barbell rows 2x8, 1x10

Sets: 15
Time: 1 hour
Calories: 485 + 507 cal 45 min AM fasted cardio (bike)


280 gram skinlesss chicken breast
1/2 cup fried rice
Pwo whey protein shake
116g protein, 30g carbs
Macro split: 16/24/60 CFP
Total calories: 797
Net calories: -1,039

No longer lifting fasted after cardio
Fucked up the amount of weight for cables
Adjusting until I’m able to get good 12-15 rep sets for cables and 8-12 rep sets for lifts.
Lot more stamina for longer sets not lifting fasted
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Could you do me a favor ?
- change your usual cardio session with a swimming session !
Tell me how you feel even with just one session, please.