Sadly I’ve only heard rumors of dickwang, and yeah he really does it to himself. I’m just glad he’s gone from this thread.
Well glad your doing well and not dying but for real i started 40 mins fasted cardio in the am and 30 mins post workout lmfao and i almost puked today on the stepmill at 107 steps per min lol which is lvl 15 lmfao i decided this would be sane as this tiny cute girl could do it so could i... I lied to myself lmfao :D hahah so i think imma just keep it at lvl 12 which is 91 step per min lmfao... Also reporting on week 3 of the cjc and ipa combo i sleep well during the week, also def getting tighter in the mid region i have dropped 10 lbs roughly since the new year. And I poop ALOT! lol... but on the weekends without it I be SLEEPY as a mfer lmfao. i am thinking after this 5 month cycle i might go Hgh I am also using sust and primo coming near final stretch of my 20 week blast... All i gotta say is now that i use reliable sources its amazing how long the primo actuallys last lol its almost like its dosed correctly lmfao!
Getting started is the easiest thing in the world, people in our situation with more than 50kg to lose, it's compliance over time that kills us!
Says the guy who can’t even muster up the smallest amount of will power to get started.

If it’s so easy, then why can’t you do it you lazy fuck.

Just fuck off man seriously, you’re just embarrassing yourself.

Do you not see the fucking irony of you sitting here and complaining about how you cannot do anything about your situation but yet you’re telling other members how easy it is to do it?

Just shut the fuck up dude. Literally no one here believes anything you say you are so full of shit then you’re gonna come on here and talk to members who are actually trying and putting in effort and say shit like that?

You are easily the worst member on this entire forum, and that truly says something. Congratulations
This is honestly just sad lmao
The level of delusion and pathetic he displays is worthy of a psyche paper. I’m increasingly convinced he’s just an elaborate troll at this point. Never quite met this mix of super pathetic and downtrodden fueled with such intense narcissism and self-grandeur. Hope they get the mental health care they so clearly need…
Day 31 sw 338 | cw 321.5 | daily change -0.5 lbs | og sw 368
3 naps so far, I am dead tired, dead yesterday too. Day 3 of Telmisartan, so it kind of has to be the cause. Does it get better with time? I really don’t know what I’ll do if this keeps up.

Only other side is occasional light headless. I thought I might pass out after my fourth set of deads the other day, body tingling, wild ass shit. Today I stood up too fast and was stumbling around, came even closer to passing out. I don’t really mind this though, it’s only happened twice and I kind of like the feeling. Easy to avoid regardless. But the lethargy has to fucking go.
Today’s meal
111g skinless boneless chicken breast,
1/2 cup white rice
mango puree
bell peppers and onions
small sugar-free coffee drink

Macro split: 17/28/55 CFP
Carbs: 30 g (fucking perfection)
Fat: 22 g (couldn’t care less about this tbh)
Protein: 96 g (the goal is to get this to 180)

Total calories: 736 (yes I know this isn’t helping the symptoms I mentioned above)
Net calories: -507 so far, still got chest day

Going to have to really push to get through these lifts today, should be fun though. Fuck skull crushers, I’m not doing those tonight. I’ll find something else for triceps.
Just wondering what your target calories are? You said it already that you know that's why you are getting light headed. It is my opinion that you can up your calories so your energy level is better and at your size the weight will still melt off. 2.5 years ago I lost 88lbs in about 6 t0 8 months eating in a 25% deficit doing 1 hour cardio a day. I know you want it fast and only you know your limits so hang in there keep up the hardwork and don't give up. The food sounds a whole lot better than the pizza and half hamburgers that I read you were eating last month. Lol.
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Just wondering what your target calories are? You said it already that you know that's why you are getting light headed. It is my opinion that you can up your calories so your energy level is better and at your size the weight will still melt off. 2.5 years ago I lost 88lbs in about 6 t0 8 months eating in a 25% deficit doing 1 hour cardio a day. I know you want it fast and only you know your limits so hang in there keep up the hardwork and don't give up. The food sounds a whole lot better than the pizza and half hamburgers that I read you were eating last month. Lol.
88 in 6-8 is wild, good shit man. Lmao the diet has definitely come a long way yeah! I have my daily goal of 800 cal, but I listen to my body. After writing that log I ate another 250 calories of chicken, really glad I did, it’s giving me what I need to get through these sets.
The level of delusion and pathetic he displays is worthy of a psyche paper. I’m increasingly convinced he’s just an elaborate troll at this point. Never quite met this mix of super pathetic and downtrodden fueled with such intense narcissism and self-grandeur. Hope they get the mental health care they so clearly need…
His mom and daughter (or sister, the story changes from time to time) are both schizophrenic. Very genetic disease, I think it’s becoming clear what’s really going on here…
Chest, triceps, shoulders
Cable push downs 4x6-8
Lateral raises 1x20, 3x12
Bench 3x5, 1x3, 1x1, 1x1
Incline 1x10, 1x4, 1x3 (roll of shame), 1x8
Lying barbell tricep extentions 6x3-5
Barbell shrugs 1x12, 1x15

Total sets: 26
Total time: Who knows, spent way too much time fucking around down here.

Notes: increased flat bench working sets by 5 lbs. Going to keep increasing by 5 until I hit a wall. Need to work on my stabilization for inclines.
Chest, triceps, shoulders
Cable push downs 4x6-8
Lateral raises 1x20, 3x12
Bench 3x5, 1x3, 1x1, 1x1
Incline 1x10, 1x4, 1x3 (roll of shame), 1x8
Lying barbell tricep extentions 6x3-5
Barbell shrugs 1x12, 1x15

Total sets: 26
Total time: Who knows, spent way too much time fucking around down here.

Notes: increased bench working sets by 5 lbs. Going to keep increasing each workout until I hit a wall. Need to work on my stabilization for inclines.
That’s a whole lot of volume with how little kcals you’re taking in, keep in mind the more micro tears etc you cause the more energy it will take to recover, and burning kcals is a lot easier during cardio rather than weight training, just something to consider, I do like 8-10 sets a workout on a surplus, 26 on a 1500+ cal deficit doesn’t make a lot of sense imo
That’s a whole lot of volume with how little kcals you’re taking in, keep in mind the more micro tears etc you cause the more energy it will take to recover, and burning kcals is a lot easier during cardio rather than weight training, just something to consider, I do like 8-10 sets a workout on a surplus, 26 on a 1500+ cal deficit doesn’t make a lot of sense imo
It definitely felt like too much, wasn’t happy with the quality of a lot of those sets. What do you suggest I drop it down to? My average right now is 18-22.
It definitely felt like too much, wasn’t happy with the quality of a lot of those sets. What do you suggest I drop it down to? My average right now is 18-22.
An example of my chest/shoulder day:
Cable lat raise 2 sets 8-10
Machine shoulder press 2 sets, 5-8 then 6-10
Incline smith bench 2 sets 5-8, then 6-10
Neutral grip chest press 2 sets 5-8, then 6-10
Pec dec 2 sets 8-10

If I’m cutting and not in a place to build muscle, I at the very least try to match the last day, currently I’m at a deficit and still increasing either by rep count or weight for all my movements, using this to maintain a higher training intensity will at the very least help retain tissue if you aren’t going to be building much, hard to say when you’re really overweight (not a dig) because your body uses calories a bit differently and I wouldn’t be that surprised if you could grow some tissue with adequate protein intake
An example of my chest/shoulder day:
Cable lat raise 2 sets 8-10
Machine shoulder press 2 sets, 5-8 then 6-10
Incline smith bench 2 sets 5-8, then 6-10
Neutral grip chest press 2 sets 5-8, then 6-10
Pec dec 2 sets 8-10

If I’m cutting and not in a place to build muscle, I at the very least try to match the last day, currently I’m at a deficit and still increasing either by rep count or weight for all my movements, using this to maintain a higher training intensity will at the very least help retain tissue if you aren’t going to be building much, hard to say when you’re really overweight (not a dig) because your body uses calories a bit differently and I wouldn’t be that surprised if you could grow some tissue with adequate protein intake
Thanks! That’ll be a good template to work off of. It would be awesome if I could build a little, I’m trying to up protein to 180 g, maybe that + training + my TRT and GH will be enough.
Thanks! That’ll be a good template to work off of. It would be awesome if I could build a little, I’m trying to up protein to 180 g, maybe that + training + my TRT and GH will be enough.
wait did i just read this right lol :D Ohhh young grasshopper your learning so well we have more and more faith your going to get there
wait did i just read this right lol :D Ohhh young grasshopper your learning so well we have more and more faith your going to get there
Lmao small steps at a time, so far it seems like my only option to get near this and still meet my deficit would be to eat tons of tuna. I’d probably eat 600 calories of it, that way I’ll still have 200 calories left to eat something I enjoy for dinner. 600 would be 150 g of protein, plus whatever I have for the rest of my calories.
Day 32 | sw 338 | cw 321 | daily change -0.5 lbs | og sw 368
2.5 pounds down in the last 3 days, told y’all I wasn’t overeating smh.


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