Thanks man! I’m noticing the difference in the mirror, shirts are fitting a lot better, I guess that’s what matters. Taking care of my hypertension with telmisartan and getting my estrogen under control should help a lot. I’m drastically decreasing carbs too.

Was texting my mom earlier, she has a body tape measure, she’s gonna drop it off tonight. Glad you told me where to measure.
Believe me it’s all about the grind, I am not going to lie that I didn’t do what you are doing right now, everyone here had that moment where they wake up and stood on the scale and saw no movement, check themselves in front of the mirror and looked worse; thought to themselves what am I starving myself for, doing cardio for or lifting these damn metal things for?

It’s normal to second guess yourself, but you should keep in mind you didn’t get where you are in a month or 6, it took you years to balloon to that size. It’s only realistic to give yourself at least 3 months to see drastic change.

So, keep grinding, make your checks here maybe every week. Don’t keep on changing protocols, stick with your diet and develop a routine you can adhere to.

You will be amazed at what a months worth of work can do to you mentally and physically.
Believe me it’s all about the grind, I am not going to lie that I didn’t do what you are doing right now, everyone here had that moment where they wake up and stood on the scale and saw no movement, check themselves in front of the mirror and looked worse; thought to themselves what am I starving myself for, doing cardio for or lifting these damn metal things for?

It’s normal to second guess yourself, but you should keep in mind you didn’t get where you are in a month or 6, it took you years to balloon to that size. It’s only realistic to give yourself at least 3 months to see drastic change.

So, keep grinding, make your checks here maybe every week. Don’t keep on changing protocols, stick with your diet and develop a routine you can adhere to.

You will be amazed at what a months worth of work can do to you mentally and physically.
i was also taught that you should take a average every week if the scale just goes up and down weigh before bed and first thing every day write it down and take the average and watch the average drop its better imo. ever try this @DECLAN
ok lets do blood work first then review k? I mean full panel everything from kidney values to SHBG to Lipids To the whole damn shabang and post here and we will all guide you with the best knowledge we have. taking off trt isnt what is needed trt is great cause test helps but if your lvls arent in the right range then its not really helpful ya know?
Awesome! Yeah I’d really appreciate if y’all would help with that. Where do you guys get these your labs done? I want to find something as affordable as I can, but I don’t want the labs to be worthless.
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Awesome! Yeah I’d really appreciate if y’all would help with that. Where do you guys get these your labs done? I want to find something as affordable as I can, but I don’t want the labs to be worthless.
check out marek or privatelabs there is aton of them ask around marek is good imo because you can make the test up each time for the things you want
check out marek or privatelabs there is aton of them ask around marek is good imo because you can make the test up each time for the things you want
This is perfect! In my Marek cart I got SHBG, HBa1c, hepatic function, lipid panel, total/free testosterone, sensitive estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, basic thyroid panel, and comprehensive metabolic panel. Anything else I’d need?
Were you doing 4iu before your break ok or were you having issues with water? I’d drop dose pretty hard, down to like 2iu first thing am, then rise up .4-.5iu a week till you get back to dose. That should knock out the water retention.

For fat loss you might want to just blast it all as one bolus in the am. Personally, I get the best feels split dose 2iu 2iu, but I’m in the midst of transitioning out of a cut into a growth phase.

I’m not an expert on the ai question (I don’t do aas), but I definitely think that’s worth fishing around to the experienced members for an answer because you will definitely have more issues aromatizing at your weight.
I was doing 4IU before my break too, pretty sure I was retaining quite a bit. At the end of the day, it’s just water. As long as I don’t get any other sides, I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like I have a physique to protect at this bodyfat % lmao
i was also taught that you should take a average every week if the scale just goes up and down weigh before bed and first thing every day write it down and take the average and watch the average drop its better imo. ever try this @DECLAN
I am doing carb cycling whenever I go strict with my diet, cutting especially. My weight fluctuates every day due to different carb/caloric intake.

Thus, I only weigh once as soon as I wake up, during my high day, fasted and under the same condition every week so there is consistency with the body measurements.

Anyway, once you get the hang of it you would notice the pattern on how much you are losing and when you stall that you need adjustments. At the rate OP is going and how much he needs to lose, he has lots of lee way before he needs to adjust anything.

I am not a coach or have been contest shape lean at all, but I can say that simple adherence to a caloric deficit coupled with lifting and cardio will produce visible fat loss in just a month.
Fasted workout (back, biceps, rear delts)
45 min indoor bike
Barbell curls 4x5-10, Rear delt raises 4x12, Seated cable rows 4x12-20, Preacher curls 4x6-10, Bent over barbell rows 4x5-8
10 min cooldown walk
Time: 2 hours
Calories burned: 1,146

Food: 706 calories

381g 80% lean meatloaf
Macro split 40/0/60 protein, carbs, fats
67 g protein, 44 g fat

PM cardio
Nope, fucking tired. Gonna rest these glutes for leg day tomorrow.

Net calories: -440
This is perfect! In my Marek cart I got SHBG, HBa1c, hepatic function, lipid panel, total/free testosterone, sensitive estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, basic thyroid panel, and comprehensive metabolic panel. Anything else I’d need?

HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance) is a calculation based on fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels. It's used to estimate insulin resistance.

A higher HOMA-IR value suggests greater insulin resistance. This test is often used in research and clinical settings to evaluate metabolic health.
Day 28 sw 338 cw 323.5
This is really starting to get to me. 0 pounds lost in the last 2 weeks. Last week I gained 2 pounds overnight after a 24 hour fast, up 2 pounds in the last 2 days. I shouldn’t have to eat 400 mg of DNP to drop pounds on the scale. I just don’t understand what’s going on. Could water retention really be outpacing this steep of a deficit?? I’m squeezing the fuck out of my skin by my thumb, and it pops back right away, so I just don’t know what to think.

23 days severe deficit/zero food, 4 days moderate deficit, 1 day mantainence, working out, it doesn’t add up. I even talked to someone in my family, they said they see a difference in me since I started working out. I do too, which is wild, because I never notice. No difference on the scale though. Maybe I’m finally starting to aromatize a fuck load from TRT, my nips are fine though. I gotta figure this out. I basically only lost weight on my 400 mg DNP week, something’s fucked.

Thread 'Weight gain over night.' Weight gain over night.
This is perfect! In my Marek cart I got SHBG, HBa1c, hepatic function, lipid panel, total/free testosterone, sensitive estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, basic thyroid panel, and comprehensive metabolic panel. Anything else I’d need?
Yah, they basically have it all at really reasonable prices for no insurance honestly.
I was doing 4IU before my break too, pretty sure I was retaining quite a bit. At the end of the day, it’s just water. As long as I don’t get any other sides, I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like I have a physique to protect at this bodyfat % lmao
I would assume most the bloat is the hgh. I use dandelion root/leaf for a diuretic when I need it, but perhaps you should be a little wary of that in your current state of flux.
This is great, found all those tests for just $40 more than what I thought I had to pay just to check test and shbg. Fuck letsgetchecked lmao.
Day 29 Leg Day (quad focused)
45 min indoor bike
Barbell squats 5x8
Leg extensions 5x8-10, 1x15 back off
Barbell calf raise 4x12, 1x15
Deadlifts 5x5
15 min cooldown walk
Calories: 1,275

Very happy with how well I targeted my quads, felt great feeling how much weaker I was walking downstairs after I finished. Leg extensions feel good enough to start increasing weight 5 lbs each exercise.
Took more speed and time to get HR to target during cardio. Wondering if cardiovascular function is already improving, seems a bit early for that though.

I was gassed the fuck out during lifts, took longer than it should have to get through it. I’m thinking of adding a few hundred calories of fast-acting carbs after cardio, just to give my body something to work with during lifts. What do you guys think?
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Not worried about my weight anymore, it’s obvious I’m retaining a ton of water from aromatization and HGH. Getting labs and then going from there. I’m happy with TRT and GH’s benefits and lack of other sides, they’re working wonders for recovery, so I’m just gonna keep my doses where they’re at. Then fat’s falling off quick. Water should sort itself out with time as my body acclimates, diet improves, estrogen is balanced, and hypertension is controlled with Telmisartan. Started today, 40 mg.
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Took more speed and time to get HR to target during cardio. Wondering if cardiovascular function is already improving, seems a bit early for that though.

I was gassed the fuck out during lifts, took longer than it should have to get through it. I’m thinking of adding a few hundred calories of fast-acting carbs after cardio, just to give my body something to work with during lifts. What do you guys think?

Stay away from carbs...

Even GH works 1000x better for cutting, if you quit carbs.
Took more speed and time to get HR to target during cardio. Wondering if cardiovascular function is already improving, seems a bit early for that though.

Cardiovascular function can improve very quickly from starting. There is no such thing as "too early."

It can go away quickly, too.

I notice a difference even if I take a break for a few weeks and go back to doing cardio. Heart rate and effort are high at first, but they both begin improving each and every workout, and soon I need to increase the intensity to get my heart rate back up to where I want it.

Don't let anybody tell you differently. You are seeing the results on yourself on your own heart rate.

Keep losing weight, and keep doing cardio.
Today’s meal
6 oz roast pork loin: 330 calories
70 g (cooked) noodles: 125 calories
4 oz roast pork loin (later): 220 calories
Total protein: 80 g
Total carbs: 20 g
Macro split 15/50/35 carbs protein fat
Total calories: 675
Total net calories: -1,102

Average steps this week (power outage Saturday)


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