Day 32 sw 338 cw 322.5 2 dat change +1.5 lbs
Celebrating cousin’s birthday today they’re having pizza I guess I’ll have one slice then eat chicken and protein shakes for the rest of my calories
Updated protocol
Retatrutide4 mg/weekDown from 6 mg/week
Semaglutide0.5 mg/week0.25 mg 2x/week to replace Retatrutide
Testosterone propionate175 mg/week25 mg/day, nips gtg
HGH2IU/day (morning)Down from 4iu/day
Telmisartan80 mg/dayHypertension

Why mess with GLP-1 doses
My heart can’t handle 6 mg of retatrutide at this time. My RHR goes up to 122 bpm, never under 100. I’m constantly getting heart rate alerts on my watch. I’m scared. Cardio has not helped, I wish it did.

Why lower GH dose
I’m just running out, I’ll titrate back up to 4 once more comes in. I have nothing but positive things to say about GH and TRT.

Stop changing things around
I wish I could, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy Retatrutide, I wouldn’t have found a phase III trial drug source if I didn’t. My risk tolerance is obviously high/I’m fucking retarded, but I’m done feeling my heart race 24/7. I’m scared. I need to dial this back and calm the fuck down.

Why are you getting fatter
I’m not. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not hallucinating that I’m eating 800 cals when it’s actually 3800 like some people have implied. No, metabolic slowdown has not brought my TDEE below 1000. And yes my workouts are real, 2hrs/day+, shirt always drenched. I work hard.

This was supposed to be the extreme fat loss cycle, I think it still is. I still mantain it’s scientifically impossible for me to not have dropped tons of fat this month, and the way my shirts are fitting supports that. Maybe it really is just aromatizing water retention compounded by HGH’s retention. I’m guaranteed to aromatize at this weight. My legs don’t look like engorged dicks though, so who knows.

Future plans
Getting labs and going from there. The first step will be controlling estrogen, fixing blood pressure, and this heart rate. Training has changed my outlook on compounds. I no longer want hyperthyroid amounts of T3, I don’t want the catabolism. I’d no longer use 400 mg of DNP, I don’t want the decrease in performance. I am still a reckless fuck at heart, so of course I have been side eyeing those boxes of T3/T4. I would love to shred through the rest of this weight with an optimized metabolism. But that’s simply out of the question until my heart’s fixed.
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2.5-5MG of nebivolol is great for managing heart rate. Although at your size it may just lower with weight loss. GH always raises my RHR and purportedly Reta does as well.

Also don't under estimate steps when its you're only option. You'll burn more calories going for a brisk walk for and hour than you will lifting weights for an hour.
Updated protocol
Retatrutide4 mg/weekDown from 6 mg/week
Semaglutide0.5 mg/week0.25 mg 2x/week to replace Retatrutide
Testosterone propionate175 mg/week25 mg/day, nips gtg
HGH2IU/day (morning)Down from 4iu/day
Telmisartan80 mg/dayHypertension

Why mess with GLP-1 doses
My heart can’t handle 6 mg of retatrutide at this time. My RHR goes up to 122 bpm, never under 100. I’m constantly getting heart rate alerts on my watch. I’m scared. Cardio has not helped, I wish it did.

Why lower GH dose
I’m just running out, I’ll titrate back up to 4 once more comes in. I have nothing but positive things to say about GH and TRT.

Stop changing things around
I wish I could, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy Retatrutide, I wouldn’t have found a phase III trial drug source if I didn’t. My risk tolerance is obviously high/I’m fucking retarded, but I’m done feeling my heart race 24/7. I’m scared. I need to dial this back and calm the fuck down.

Why are you getting fatter
I’m not. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not hallucinating that I’m eating 800 cals when it’s actually 3800 like some people have implied. No, metabolic slowdown has not brought my TDEE below 1000. And yes my workouts are real, 2hrs/day+, shirt always drenched. I work hard.

This was supposed to be the extreme fat loss cycle, I think it still is. I still mantain it’s scientifically impossible for me to not have dropped tons of fat this month, and the way my shirts are fitting supports that. Maybe it really is just aromatizing water retention compounded by HGH’s retention. I’m guaranteed to aromatize at this weight. My legs don’t look like engorged dicks though, so who knows.

Future plans
Getting labs and going from there. The first step will be controlling estrogen, fixing blood pressure, and this heart rate. Training has changed my outlook on compounds. I no longer want hyperthyroid amounts of T3, I don’t want the catabolism. I’d no longer use 400 mg of DNP, I don’t want the decrease in performance. I am still a reckless fuck at heart, so of course I have been side eyeing those boxes of T3/T4. I would love to shred through the rest of this weight with an optimized metabolism. But that’s simply out of the question until my heart’s fixed.
have you every looked at true stories of how people survive in extreme situations for a long time? like being trapped in ice or pinned by a boulder. the human body is a insane organism.. if properly taken care of early on with no late onset diseases and or crippling issues it will adapt to survive in almost any condition. now these survival instincts will signal the body to hold onto every little bit of nutrition that is put into the body and it can even signal your metabolism to slow sow down so by doing so your body now requires way way less calories so the extra calories being put in will then be stored as fat! Ill look into thes old case studies and find them on the net and link them for you. but this is very true. so be mindful.
2.5-5MG of nebivolol is great for managing heart rate. Although at your size it may just lower with weight loss. GH always raises my RHR and purportedly Reta does as well.

Also don't under estimate steps when its you're only option. You'll burn more calories going for a brisk walk for and hour than you will lifting weights for an hour.
10,000/day usually IMG_8012.jpeg
I didn’t know that about GH, thank you. It’s amazing to me how brisk walks burn more than lifting, it takes so much less exertion.
I fished thru some stuff and found my old log from when I lost the weight. It actually took a little longer than I had told you. 17058575711204399314874731776761.jpgHowever I did it over a course of a year eating 2200 cal. My point is that I don't want you to get burned out or discouraged. I would like to see you hang I. There for the long haul . I think you are definantly doing good. I just remember thinking that I would lose the wait and arrive to a point and it would be over. 3 5 years later I still haven't "arrive" but what has happened is I ENJOY my fitness journey. Keep up the good work.
I fished thru some stuff and found my old log from when I lost the weight. It actually took a little longer than I had told you. View attachment 275543However I did it over a course of a year eating 2200 cal. My point is that I don't want you to get burned out or discouraged. I would like to see you hang I. There for the long haul . I think you are definantly doing good. I just remember thinking that I would lose the wait and arrive to a point and it would be over. 3 5 years later I still haven't "arrive" but what has happened is I ENJOY my fitness journey. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the encouragement bro, it means a lot, because it really did have me down earlier. I’m in it for the long haul though, gonna stay on the journey and see where it takes me.
Thanks! That’ll be a good template to work off of. It would be awesome if I could build a little, I’m trying to up protein to 180 g, maybe that + training + my TRT and GH will be enough.
Add some chicken. An extra meal with 6 ounces (170 grams) of chicken breast with some sugar free barbecue sauce or just sprinkle it with lemon pepper. Add some spinach leaves and chopped up tomatoes and baby carrots. There is an extra 53 grams of protein, according to myfitnesspal

and no fats or carbs to speak of (6 grams of fat)

add some Jasmin rice for carbs to fuel your weight training

and then you would not be tempted to eat pizza. Hey, I have been there at the birthday party eating chicken and rice I brought with me while everybody else is eating pizza
Add some chicken. An extra meal with 6 ounces (170 grams) of chicken breast with some sugar free barbecue sauce or just sprinkle it with lemon pepper. Add some spinach leaves and chopped up tomatoes and baby carrots. There is an extra 53 grams of protein, according to myfitnesspal

and no fats or carbs to speak of (6 grams of fat)

add some Jasmin rice for carbs to fuel your weight training

and then you would not be tempted to eat pizza. Hey, I have been there at the birthday party eating chicken and rice I brought with me while everybody else is eating pizza
Thanks!! Never even thought about doing any of those things with chicken, I’ll try it! Why Jasmin vs reg brown?
Either one will work. Jasmin is a little easier on the digestive system when you need to eat a lot of rice to get your insanely high carbs in.

But I ate brown rice for my entire first cycle
Day 33 sw 338 cw 319.5 daily change -3 lbs
Oh WOW, life is good again!

I swear something in the universe trying to pull me back to the dark side…

Yesterday’s food
A slice of pizza
Yesterday’s workout
25 minutes bike
Kill yourself in the gym and eat clean? Stall. Starve yourself? Lose 3 pounds.
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Just keep in mind that this is or should be a lifestyle change. Starve yourself will definitely cause rapid weight loss (duh), but it is difficult to sustain.

Adding in some food like I suggested above in post #449 will help you stay on course and will have the added benefit of better body composition at the end of this when compared to simply starving.

Body composition is important.
Just keep in mind that this is or should be a lifestyle change. Starve yourself will definitely cause rapid weight loss (duh), but it is difficult to sustain.

Adding in some food like I suggested above in post #449 will help you stay on course and will have the added benefit of better body composition at the end of this when compared to simply starving.

Body composition is important.
You’re right, gonna start the chicken today. It was my first day on Sema, so I wanted to take advantage of the absolutely nuked appetite. Gotta get that protein though. What’s the minimum I should get every day on a cut like this?

I am glad to have confirmation that water retention is the issue I’ve been having, since I know I didn’t lose 3 lbs of fat overnight. I’m up to a full dose of Telmisartan and GH is down to 2IU, going to take a short break soon. Estradiol labs coming in soon. I’m looking forward to seeing what weight I’m at once this extra water is gone.
I’m in prep and this past week I went from 247 down to 243, back up to 247 and then holding 243 again the past two days, this is all on a pretty large deficit with 40 mins of cardio every training day, you’re better off watching the mirror and averaging your weight over the past 7 days to see a consistent downwards trend rather than having the scale dictate your mood every morning, still weigh yourself but use the 7 day average not day to day variance
I’m in prep and this past week I went from 247 down to 243, back up to 247 and then holding 243 again the past two days, this is all on a pretty large deficit with 40 mins of cardio every training day, you’re better off watching the mirror and averaging your weight over the past 7 days to see a consistent downwards trend rather than having the scale dictate your mood every morning, still weigh yourself but use the 7 day average not day to day variance
I’ll try man, I’m working on not letting it affect me so much, definitely a work in progress. I’ll srart paying more attention to the 7-day trends.
I’ll try man, I’m working on not letting it affect me so much, definitely a work in progress. I’ll srart paying more attention to the 7-day trends.
It is a mind fuck, for a more accurate measure of change, rely on measurements by tape and calipers.

Everyone who cuts go through it, except the seasoned competitors who already are familiar with it.

Keep at it, there’s no way but up bud. I will join you guys cutting in a week, time to shed too.
How does protein powder have less protein per cal than chicken? Just realized that.
Because nutrition labels classically have a lot of leeway on what they can put there, I think they round the number as far as I know? That’s why spray oil is somehow devoid of calories yet you’re spraying oil in a pan so reason tells you that’s false