The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

This is my 11th day off of Ozempic, the DNP hunger is getting insane. It is wild how quickly this compound burns through food. Your stomach empties so fucking quick. I’m going to dose my Sema today. It was nice peaking behind the curtain and feeling what this compound is really doing, and I feel fucking great knowing I didn’t binge into a surplus, but it’s time to get back to the regular scheduled programming. This wasn’t even planned. I got to my normal dosing day and just couldn’t fucking eat, not even with DNP, so I decided to wait a day or two. Next thing I know it’s 11 days, and I want to eat every single carb I see.
Almost yeah!
You were just complaining about losing your ass, and you’re going to turn around and make your workouts even easier and less affective? Walk me through that thought process, cause I feel most people would be like hmm I can’t function and output work or effort to any degree, maybe if I drop the dnp dose I can do both and synergize the affects! But you just go haha dnp go brrrr. Why are you so insistent on using dosages of compounds that maim you and make it so you’re ineffective? You’re making them work against you rather than simply utilizing them
You were just complaining about losing your ass, and you’re going to turn around and make your workouts even easier and less affective? Walk me through that thought process, cause I feel most people would be like hmm I can’t function and output work or effort to any degree, maybe if I drop the dnp dose I can do both and synergize the affects! But you just go haha dnp go brrrr. Why are you so insistent on using dosages of compounds that maim you and make it so you’re ineffective? You’re making them work against you rather than simply utilizing them
Thing is I can’t do bent over compounds off DNP either. I’ve tried working on my breathing, and they still annihilate me in a way that does not feel healthy. The rest of my workout suffers greatly afterwards too. It’s a deficit thing, this never used to happen when I wasn’t restricting calories. At 1800 calories it’s still no bueno. Assisted pull-ups hit me better than rows anyways, so I’m not worried about pull day as long as I’m not in my basement. Leg day worries me, but if I did extensions, ham curls, calf raises, abductor machines, and hip thrusts, I’d be pretty solid, right? I wasn’t doing anything for abductors and glutes this whole time.
Thing is I can’t do bent over compounds off DNP either. I’ve tried working on my breathing, and they still annihilate me in a way that does not feel healthy. The rest of my workout suffers greatly afterwards too. It’s a deficit thing, this never used to happen when I wasn’t restricting calories. At 1800 calories it’s still no bueno. Assisted pull-ups hit me better than rows anyways, so I’m not worried about pull day as long as I’m not in my basement. Leg day worries me, but if I did extensions, ham curls, calf raises, abductors, and hip thrusts, I’d be pretty solid, right?
No, your current protocol is making building muscle next to impossible, and the being annihilated from tough movements in a way that doesn’t feel healthy, that’s your fucking dnp dose, not the exercises. You’re talking to someone that has cut on 2 hours of cardio a day and 1500 calories, the exhaustion is not a normal part of a defiicit, it’s evidence of too steep of a deficit and a poor training model. That’s it.
No, your current protocol is making building muscle next to impossible, and the being annihilated from tough movements in a way that doesn’t feel healthy, that’s your fucking dnp dose, not the exercises. You’re talking to someone that has cut on 2 hours of cardio a day and 1500 calories, the exhaustion is not a normal part of a defiicit, it’s evidence of too steep of a deficit and a poor training model. That’s it.
If you were able to do them just fine on 300 less calories than me and an hour more of cardio, then I don’t know what else to do. If my training model is poor, then that’s news to me. I don’t know what else to change besides moving my cardio timing like you told me to, which I did. My split, movements, and rep ranges look normal to me. I guess I could decrease volume, but then we’re back to the “making your workouts even easier” thing.
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I already know my diet and drug protocol is retarded, I won’t argue with anyone on that. But I’ve been under the impression that my training protocol is pretty decent. I get sore as fuck, I’m seeing great results, and I’m fully recovered before the next workout. Idk what else could be desired.
I already know my diet and drug protocol is retarded, I won’t argue with anyone on that. But I’ve been under the impression that my training protocol is pretty decent. I get sore as fuck, I’m seeing great results, and I’m fully recovered before the next workout. Idk what else could be desired.
Your mission right now is steady reasonable progress on the fat loss for the next 60 pounds of fat without the DNP. There's a time for the balls to the wall resistance training and that time ain't now.

Take care of yourself. Consistent elliptical work would be great right now. Combine that with programming yourself with new sustainable eating approach.
I already know my diet and drug protocol is retarded, I won’t argue with anyone on that. But I’ve been under the impression that my training protocol is pretty decent. I get sore as fuck, I’m seeing great results, and I’m fully recovered before the next workout. Idk what else could be desired.
I’m speaking more of you routinely feeling run down and shitty, you can get great results without feeling that way, it’s not that everything you do with training is inherently bad, it’s just pretty clear you have a personality that always looks for another additional thing to leverage or add or optimize or do better, and as a result you miss the forest looking for the trees.

You’ll lose 10 lbs in a month and turn around and completely change what you’re doing with the though process that it could go faster, not that you could simply feel better and get the exact same results, how deep you are in the trenches does not and will not translate to progress, it’s just difficult for the sake of being difficult
I’m speaking more of you routinely feeling run down and shitty, you can get great results without feeling that way, it’s not that everything you do with training is inherently bad, it’s just pretty clear you have a personality that always looks for another additional thing to leverage or add or optimize or do better, and as a result you miss the forest looking for the trees.

You’ll lose 10 lbs in a month and turn around and completely change what you’re doing with the though process that it could go faster, not that you could simply feel better and get the exact same results, how deep you are in the trenches does not and will not translate to progress, it’s just difficult for the sake of being difficult
Thank you for clarifying, yeah I definitely have a “shiny new object” problem. Since I recently got back into sports, muscle retention and weight loss is no longer the sole focus. Increasing endurance and performance are very important too now, so I’m going to need to take a more measured approach what I’m doing.
Your mission right now is steady reasonable progress on the fat loss for the next 60 pounds of fat without the DNP. There's a time for the balls to the wall resistance training and that time ain't now.

Take care of yourself. Consistent elliptical work would be great right now. Combine that with programming yourself with new sustainable eating approach.
Any reason why elliptical would be preferred? Lately I’ve been liking treadmill, walking, and hitting the bag for my cardio.
Any reason why elliptical would be preferred? Lately I’ve been liking treadmill, walking, and hitting the bag for my cardio.
Good job. Just easy on the joints (you'll need those later on). Never realized joint pain could get so nasty. I would have dropped a lot more weight sooner but hindsight...
3 new bench PRs!!
Hit 185 last night!!! Heaviest I’d done before that was 150 for 3 on Jan 31. Right arm is weak as fuck from throwing jabs all week, was lagging behind and twitching like a motherfucker lmao, but we got it up. Did not feel like a max effort lift, I think I can hit 200 with 2 good arms and not being on DNP. Good ass workout, felt great after. Road to 225 is getting closer! I’ve never been able to lift much more than 135.

Bench press 1x1 (160 lbs pr), 1x1 (185 lbs pr), 1x12 (135 lbs pr), 2x7, 8 (135 lbs)
Ez bar front raise 3x9, 8, 8 (50 lbs)
Lateral raise 1x15 (17 lbs), 2x10 (23 lbs)
Incline bench 3x10, 7, 5 (110 lbs)
Dumbbell fly 3x10, 8, 9 (24 lbs)
Plate triceps extension 3x9, 8, 10 (35 lbs)
DNP cycle day 8
Cum isn’t glowing in the dark yet, I’m targeting that full neon look by Saturday.

Sides are pretty moderate. I never get night sweats on this stuff, I don’t sweat when I’m not working out, and the heat isn’t anything crazy. That being said, I’m keeping my house at 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Fatigue is by far the worst side effect. I feel tired and lazy as fuck. No scary weird shit happening like last time though, not going into fasted states made a world of difference.

Shortness of breath was the most alarming side, common with DNP though. It comes and goes randomly, I’d say 95% of the time I don’t have it. I have no idea what triggers the randomness. I’d still say it’s pretty mild. You’re not gasping for air or truly struggling to breathe, it’s just uncomfortable. For those of you that have ever vaped, it’s the exact same feeling you get after taking too big of a hit, just less intense. O2 saturation is 97%, 100% yesterday morning, body temp is at 98.5.

Monday’s my last day on this cycle, and I’m looking forward to being over with. The fatigue absolutely sucks, and you just feel kind of out of it most of the time. You get sick of it after a while.

Cardio output is absolutely nuked, but you kind of get used to it. Lifting performance is actually solid, just gotta work around constantly getting out of breath. Someone that trains in 15-25 rep ranges definitely would not have a good time lmao.
DNP cycle day 8
Cum isn’t glowing in the dark yet, I’m targeting that full neon look by Saturday.

Sides are pretty moderate. I never get night sweats on this stuff, I don’t sweat when I’m not working out, and the heat isn’t anything crazy. That being said, I’m keeping my house at 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Fatigue is by far the worst side effect. I feel tired and lazy as fuck. No scary weird shit happening like last time though, not going into fasted states made a world of difference.

Shortness of breath was the most alarming side, common with DNP though. It comes and goes randomly, I’d say 95% of the time I don’t have it. I have no idea what triggers the randomness. I’d still say it’s pretty mild. You’re not gasping for air or truly struggling to breathe, it’s just uncomfortable. For those of you that have ever vaped, it’s the exact same feeling you get after taking too big of a hit, just less intense. O2 saturation is 97%, 100% yesterday morning, body temp is at 98.5.

Monday’s my last day on this cycle, and I’m looking forward to being over with. The fatigue absolutely sucks, and you just feel kind of out of it most of the time. You get sick of it after a while.

Cardio output is absolutely nuked, but you kind of get used to it. Lifting performance is actually solid, just gotta work around constantly getting out of breath. Someone that trains in 15-25 rep ranges definitely would not have a good time lmao.
so i gottta chime in on this. Shortness of breath is a horrible side to have. for obvious reasons. could be high bp, heart over working because of lack of oxygen being pushed around body.... BUT im taking 210 mgs of tren a week feel great ZERO sides besides my tolerance for bullshit is now like -10, oh and i take like 5 poops a day lol. and i had to chime in on this after loooking at that lifting log,,,, So you tried for 1 rp max and went 160 for 1 and upped weight for another 1 rep max.... I dont think i need to point out whats wrong with this structuring. Even MIKE says 1rep max is silly its best to shoot for 3 rep max but hey what does he know lol... Secondly DNP is honestly not worth it but i know your gonna do it anyways. I dont even get night sweats on tren ace just saying. again only side is wanting to smack ppls teeth down their throats more often. And my dick works great now too lol Also i sprint for 20 minutes every day post workout usually get about 2-2.5 miles in working back up to 4 miles a day, and thats on tren and no DNP just sayig.