If there’s a modified grip I can use for now until I fix whatever’s going on, that’d be awesome! I wanna start squatting again. This problem happens during a bunch of other daily movements too, inside and outside of the gym, but it’s not as bad as when I’m trying to do squats or barbell calf raises.
There are tons of variations, try a few and see what feels good to you- front barbell squats, zercher squats where you hold the bar in the crook of your elbows, goblet squats. Also if you have a way to set them up I've been hearing lots of good things about belt squats lately- might be especially good for you with your big caloric deficit, supposed to be less fatiguing.
This guy may have died for sure. Not a frequent flyer on this forum but have followed his thread due to the amusement and utter stupidly of his weight loss approach.

That being said, I hope he simply fell off and is okay...but reality is the body can only take so much abuse until it collapses into itself like a deck of cards.
This guy may have died for sure. Not a frequent flyer on this forum but have followed his thread due to the amusement and utter stupidly of his weight loss approach.

That being said, I hope he simply fell off and is okay...but reality is the body can only take so much abuse until it collapses into itself like a deck of cards.

Hmm... He has an important doctors appointment coming up next week or so.. But also mentioned having to make due with home workouts for a while instead of the gym. Til he gets his driver's license renewed.

How are you feeling @ShredSeason ? We miss your updates and hope all is well..!
Nah he is fine, just probably busy with life. Fell off his extreme plan, he’ll be back to update about his derailment and needs to get back at it.
Hey everyone, I’m not dead and I will never fall off the wagon. Things finally caught up to me, my life has been a living nightmare. I’ll update you all on what’s been happening after I get some rest.
Hey everyone, I’m not dead and I will never fall off the wagon. Things finally caught up to me, my life has been a living nightmare. I’ll update you all on what’s been happening after I get some rest.

Hey! Thanks for checking in... Curious to find out what is up. Living nightmare huh o_O Wish you have support whatever is going on. Please take care over there.
Things took a dark turn around 12 days ago. Suicidal thoughts, zero motivation or emotion, waking up in pools of sweat, etc. My mood was fucked, it was taking everything in me to not snap at people for no reason. I didn’t know what was going on. My joints hurt, everything in my body felt dry. I’ve done a lot of wild shit on this cut, so I just assumed that I was fucked. Turns out, it was anastrazole crashing my estrogen.

With the insane deficit protocol I’ve been running for the last 4 months, my body didn’t have what it needed go through this, so it fell apart. First I injured my rotor cuff (still fucked), next day pulled a muscle in my couple days after that hurt my forearm, next day pulled another muscle in my back, and today I strained a muscle in my glute. Skin quality went to absolute shit, and I don’t even know what my dick’s been up to lately, bro packed his bags and went on vacation.

Estrogen helps control my appetite a lot. Ravenous hunger, calories shot up to around 2,000, and I had no idea why. Eating all this food was really fucking with my mentals. Thankfully I never ate above maintenance and kept a decent deficit most days.

Things finally starting to get better My mood’s improving and my appetite’s finally going down to its normal level. Joints and skin is slowly getting better too. Be careful with AIs guys, especially those of you that run aggressive cycles. It truly does stack onto everything you were already putting your body through and will derail your progress if you get unlucky, this has not been fun.
Things took a dark turn around 12 days ago. Suicidal thoughts, zero motivation or emotion, waking up in pools of sweat, etc. My mood was fucked, it was taking everything in me to not snap at people for no reason. I didn’t know what was going on. My joints hurt, everything in my body felt dry. I’ve done a lot of wild shit on this cut, so I just assumed that I was fucked. Turns out, it was anastrazole crashing my estrogen.

With the insane deficit protocol I’ve been running for the last 4 months, my body didn’t have what it needed go through this, so it fell apart. First I injured my rotor cuff (still fucked), next day pulled a muscle in my couple days after that hurt my forearm, next day pulled another muscle in my back, and today I strained a muscle in my glute. Skin quality went to absolute shit, and I don’t even know what my dick’s been up to lately, bro packed his bags and went on vacation.

Estrogen helps control my appetite a lot. Ravenous hunger, calories shot up to around 2,000, and I had no idea why. Eating all this food was really fucking with my mentals. Thankfully I never ate above maintenance and kept a decent deficit most days.

Things finally starting to get better My mood’s improving and my appetite’s finally going down to its normal level. Joints and skin is slowly getting better too. Be careful with AIs guys, especially those of you that run aggressive cycles. It truly does stack onto everything you were already putting your body through and will derail your progress if you get unlucky, this has not been fun.
With dark thoughts and stuff like that it's time for you to end this and get off all that shit and get yourself sane. Your body must be telling you something and best to listen to it.
With dark thoughts and stuff like that it's time for you to end this and get off all that shit and get yourself sane. Your body must be telling you something and best to listen to it.
It’s just a part of my life. In my best moments, I deal with it the best I can. Came very close to ending it all a couple times in the past.
It’s just a part of my life. In my best moments, I deal with it the best I can. Came very close to ending it all a couple times in the past.
I really don’t want to sit here and do a I told you so, but literally everything everyone predicted happening to you from this protocol was just confirmed by you, give your head a shake and stop while you still have the option, you’re still going to lose weight if you’re committed, but as it stands your family will be looking for a coffin for a maybe 250 lb person once your body has finally had enough
I really don’t want to sit here and do a I told you so, but literally everything everyone predicted happening to you from this protocol was just confirmed by you, give your head a shake and stop while you still have the option, you’re still going to lose weight if you’re committed, but as it stands your family will be looking for a coffin for a maybe 250 lb person once your body has finally had enough
I could stop using DNP. TRT and Ozempic changed my life, doubt anyone here sees a need to remove those. Other than DNP, I don’t know what else I’m doing that is unhealthy.

Predictions are a funny thing, the ones that come true are the only ones that are remembered.
People said I’d quit, I didn’t.
People said this weight would never come off, I’m 83 pounds down.
People said I’d get weak, I got stronger.
People said I’d lose muscle, I gained.
People said a lot of things. I’m still here killing my goals.

All this crazy shit I’ve done, and the thing that ended up fucking me was prescribed by my own doctor. He wrote me a script for 1 mg a day, imagine what would have happened if I listened to him.
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I could stop using DNP. TRT and Ozempic changed my life, so I see no reason to remove those. Other than DNP, I don’t know what else I’m doing that is unhealthy.

Predictions are a funny thing, the ones that come true are the only ones that are remembered.
People said I’d quit, I didn’t.
People said this weight would never come off, I’m 83 pounds down.
People said I’d get weak, I got stronger.
People said I’d lose muscle, I gained.
People said a lot of things. I’m still here killing my goals.

All this crazy shit I’ve done, and the thing that ended up fucking me was prescribed by my own doctor. He wrote me a script for 1 mg a day, imagine what would have happened if I listened to him.
You are seriously deluded if you think whatever your doctor prescribed you is the sole reason this happened, your body is falling apart from overtraining and under eating and you’re over here saying it’s a doctor trying to manage your estrogen that caused it all, do you hear yourself? Genuinely? No one here is against you reaching your goals, but no one here wants to watch someone slowly end themselves to be a weight they could reach safely and effectively and not get there by leveraging every single possible little thing they can get their hands on and simply staying healthy and consistent, being unhealthy at 200 pounds isn’t going to feel any better than 260 whatever, and when you get there and realize that it’s going to really suck unless you change your priorities from weight to health
You are seriously deluded if you think whatever your doctor prescribed you is the sole reason this happened, your body is falling apart from overtraining and under eating and you’re over here saying it’s a doctor trying to manage your estrogen that caused it all, do you hear yourself? Genuinely? No one here is against you reaching your goals, but no one here wants to watch someone slowly end themselves to be a weight they could reach safely and effectively and not get there by leveraging every single possible little thing they can get their hands on and simply staying healthy and consistent, being unhealthy at 200 pounds isn’t going to feel any better than 260 whatever, and when you get there and realize that it’s going to really suck unless you change your priorities from weight to health
I already acknowledged that my protocol added lighter fluid to the hell that is crashed e2, I’m not going to keep saying it every time. Calories have been up for a while now, in line with what I see a lot of you guys running at 240+. Overtraining is definitely an issue, gonna take me some time to adjust and learn what’s sustainable. I do actually want to be healthy. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching after realizing how much better I felt when I started TRT in 2022 vs this time around. I still feel infinitely better than I did rotting away at 368, but I owe it myself to feel the health rewards of this hard work instead of blunting them with DNP and body obsession/dysmorphia.
I already acknowledged that my protocol added lighter fluid to the hell that is crashed e2, I’m not going to keep saying it every time. Calories have been up for a while now, in line with what I see a lot of you guys running at 240+. Overtraining is definitely an issue, gonna take me some time to learn what’s sustainable. I do actually want to be healthy. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching after realizing how much better I felt when I started TRT in 2022 vs this time around. I still feel infinitely better than I did rotting away at 368, but I owe it myself to feel the health rewards of this hard work instead of blunting them with DNP and body obsession/dysmorphia.
That’s all anyone here is trying to say man, people are concerned for your health not doubting you, no one here wants to see you fail and no one wants to see you die, I’m glad you’re coming around to a more sensible approach