The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

DNP’s effects on your skin​

I’ve decided to start highlighting the negatives of DNP. I know some people lurk this thread for their own research, and I don’t want anyone now or in the future that’s planning a cycle to think this stuff is chill when dosed modestly. It’s not. At all. Not even one little bit.

DNP wrecks your skin: annihilates, destroys, it’s fucking insane. I was shocked on both cycles just how bad my face got. It’s still not fully healed from my last one. If you could look at my selfies, you’d see how drastic it is.
This what it did to my complexion in one week.

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Rosiness, color, complexion, youthful glow, all completely taken away. My skin went from the healthiest it’s ever been to a gray mess. Look at the wrinkles it created under my eyes. I became years older in one week and looked like I was on a diet of dumpster-dove mcdonalds. Someone today pointed out that my skin’s gone to shit, it’s very noticeable. She doesn’t even know I use DNP.

I’m not going to discourage anyone from using this, we all have our goals and risk tolerances, but more information is always better. There are worse things this chemical’s done, but I figured I’d start off light.
Damn dude, this is a solid PSA not to fuck with dnp. I mean, I was scared of that t anyway but the fact that it’ll exacerbate my vanity means it’s def a no go.
Thanks man! Tbh idk if I’ll eat 250g of protein lmao that’s a lot of meat, but I can definitely hit 200/day. These 10 lbs bags of chicken are gonna make it easy as fuck.
It may seem like it if you try to do it all at once, tomorrow.

You are at 150, then tomorrow plan your portions to do 160. In a day or two, 175.

Then 185. 190, 200, 215, and so on.

Just keep increasing it. You should be able to get used to each increase relatively quickly, then bump it up a little more.

170 grams of chicken breast (only 6 ounces, not that much chicken) is 53 grams of protein, but no carbs and only 6 grams of fat.

If you have eggs and egg whites in the morning to get 50 grams, only three meals with chicken after = 209 grams of protein. That's only 4 meals.

Add another meal in, or, like I have done at times in my life, eat another 6 ounces of chicken by itself before bed, and now you are at 262 grams of protein for the day.

And I haven't even included protein from other sources, like oatmeal and rice and anything else you are eating.

A protein shake (good quality, known brand not marketing BS spiked) post workout and you are now well over 300 grams of protein.
It may seem like it if you try to do it all at once, tomorrow.

You are at 150, then tomorrow plan your portions to do 160. In a day or two, 175.

Then 185. 190, 200, 215, and so on.

Just keep increasing it. You should be able to get used to each increase relatively quickly, then bump it up a little more.

170 grams of chicken breast (only 6 ounces, not that much chicken) is 53 grams of protein, but no carbs and only 6 grams of fat.

If you have eggs and egg whites in the morning to get 50 grams, only three meals with chicken after = 209 grams of protein. That's only 4 meals.

Add another meal in, or, like I have done at times in my life, eat another 6 ounces of chicken by itself before bed, and now you are at 262 grams of protein for the day.

And I haven't even included protein from other sources, like oatmeal and rice and anything else you are eating.

A protein shake (good quality, known brand not marketing BS spiked) post workout and you are now well over 300 grams of protein.
Oof, gonna have to up that fiber too, I’m gonna go for it. Thanks for writing this up, would probably still be doing pizza OMAD if you didn’t call me out back in December.
Haven’t lost weight in a week, muscles stopped fully recovering before the next lift. Fatigue is better, but I’m still not 100%. I’m so tempted to throw in the white towel to Mother Nature and spend 2-4 weeks eating at maintenance and hitting the fuck out of heavy compounds to try to squeeze out another ounce or two of noob gains. What do you guys think? Today’s my last lift for the week, I’d probably take a 3 day break to really rest up my body, get my meal planning locked down, and get ready to go hard as fuck. What do you guys think?
When I look back to how I felt November and January compared to how I feel now, it makes me sad. I’ve worked hard enough to earn the right to feel good.
Haven’t lost weight in a week, muscles stopped fully recovering before the next lift. Fatigue is better, but I’m still not 100%. I’m so tempted to throw in the white towel to Mother Nature and spend 2-4 weeks eating at maintenance and hitting the fuck out of heavy compounds to try to squeeze out another ounce or two of noob gains. What do you guys think? Today’s my last lift for the week, I’d probably take a 3 day break to really rest up my body, get my meal planning locked down, and get ready to go hard as fuck. What do you guys think?
I think eating at maintenance and chilling on the cut for a month would likely be really good for you. Staying active with the compounds you’re on I wouldn’t be shocked if you keep dropping fat and putting on lean mass even at maintenance. I’m at the end of a month and a half deload while eating at maintenance myself cause I was pushing myself too hard and it making me kinda miserable (also got hella busy). In 2 weeks I’ll be starting my hgh back up and going heavy, but I needed a little vacation from the lifestyle so I didn’t burn out. Letting yourself get so miserable and keeping pushing it will just lead to a wall at some point imo.

DNP’s effects on your skin​

I’ve decided to start highlighting the negatives of DNP. I know some people lurk this thread for their own research, and I don’t want anyone now or in the future that’s planning a cycle to think this stuff is chill when dosed modestly. It’s not. At all. Not even one little bit.

DNP wrecks your skin: annihilates, destroys, it’s fucking insane. I was shocked on both cycles just how bad my face got. It’s still not fully healed from my last one. If you could look at my selfies, you’d see how drastic it is.
This what it did to my complexion in one week.

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View attachment 279755

Rosiness, color, complexion, youthful glow, all completely taken away. My skin went from the healthiest it’s ever been to a gray mess. Look at the wrinkles it created under my eyes. I became years older in one week and looked like I was on a diet of dumpster-dove mcdonalds. Someone today pointed out that my skin’s gone to shit, it’s very noticeable. She doesn’t even know I use DNP.

I’m not going to discourage anyone from using this, we all have our goals and risk tolerances, but more information is always better. There are worse things this chemical’s done, but I figured I’d start off light.
You sure it’s the DNP and not just starving yourself? Extreme caloric restriction does that too. Not enough protein to support tissue growth and repair especially when exercising can manifest itself even in the absence of dnp.

I am not saying its not dnp but let us be realistic and not blame something without proper facts.
You sure it’s the DNP and not just starving yourself? Extreme caloric restriction does that too. Not enough protein to support tissue growth and repair especially when exercising can manifest itself even in the absence of dnp.

I am not saying it’s not dnp but let us be realistic and not blame something without proper facts.
100% sure it’s DNP. Since I have so much fat to nourish my body and supplemented in its micros + collagen, my skin improved drastically during this cut, to the point of it looking better than it ever has. It’s one of my biggest changes, so noticing DNP’s effects on it was easy. I’ve done DNP twice, both times it’s happened. It’s noticeable within just a few days.
100% sure it’s DNP. Since I have so much fat to nourish my body and supplemented in its micros + collagen, my skin improved drastically during this cut, to the point of it looking better than it ever has. It’s one of my biggest changes, so noticing DNP’s effects on it was easy. I’ve done DNP twice, both times it’s happened. It’s noticeable within just a few days.
It has its drawbacks for sure, thats why people discouraged you from using it on the get go.

Skin improvement, autophagy, and elasticity​

Some of you have asked for updates on my autophagy research. I’ve improved my skin a lot, even on this insane cut. Here’s how I did it:

1. Supplementing in all micros. You can see my protocol earlier in the thread, I take a lot of stuff. If you were malnourished, the improvement is almost immediate.

2. HGH: People’s reports aren’t exaggerated, it makes your skin look great

3. Collagen works! I’ve been on and off it throughout this cut, it’s noticeable every time.

4. Estrogen makes your skin look good as fuck in a glowing, youthful full way, obv not for the hard and dry look though.

5. GHK-Cu: I still don’t know if it’s doing anything

6. Cardio: someone told me my skin looked better when I did a lot of cardio, could be coincidence

7. Fasting: Controversial, but you can read countless anecdotal reports on fasting’s effects on improving the skin and nagging injuries.

8. Front loading vitamin D: Watch some videos from doctors, it’s safe to push these doses high. You’re probably deficient, and it’s fat soluble, so it takes a fuck load of time to get this in range. I front loaded with 50,000 IU/day for around a month before dropping it down to 10,000.

What I’m researching​

1. Primobolan instead of an AI: Studies show primo improves protein collagen synthesis. Once I’m ready to start, I’ll be going for an extremely low dose, not even enough to bring my estrogen down to “optimal” ranges. I want it at the highest level I feel good at, because that improves skin too and prevents injury. It’ll also help keep your appetite down through the cut, at least it does for me. You can’t have your cake and eat it too though, I highly doubt the dose you’ll end up using if you want to keep your e2 high will be anabolic on any noticeable level.

2. Anavar: This is the king of all AAS when it comes to protein collagen synthesis. It raises it by drastic amounts, and it’s used for burn unit victims, so you know it’s not bullshit. You can read countless reports of people tightening up their skin with Var. My idea has been to do a couple cycles in the latter half of this cut for elasticity. I’ll need my health markers proven solid and a healthy lifestyle locked down before I’m willing to start though.

3. Dry fasting: this is the most controversial and extreme thing I’ve researched, but the miraculous things people say about it are hard to deny. The idea is your body looks around for water and ends up breaking down fat and damaged tissue to get what it needs. I would need a lot more research and health before I considered this though. Not drinking water is crazy.

The goal​

Maintain as much skin elasticity as humanly possible through an extreme cut.

Training for skin preservation​

This will only work in a drastic way for people that went into their cut obese and un/detrained like I did, but if you’re that guy, it’s gonna do miracles. I’ve reworked all my splits to focus almost entirely on heavy ass compound movements. The idea is “I’m untrained, on test, and have a ton of fat to feed my body. The more raw mass I can put on, wherever the fuck it lands, the tighter my skin will end up.”

Squats, deads, bench, barbell rows, assisted pull ups, standing OHPs, I focus on things that signal to the body that it needs raw mass all over the place. My last push day included 11 sets of bench press/incline and just 2 sets of isolations (besides lateral raises, I spam the fuck out of those lol). My last leg day consisted of 5 sets of squats, 4 sets of deads, and some calf raises.


I’ve gained a lot of muscle during this cut and keep making strength gains, which is crazy. People keep pointing out the muscle I’m gaining, especially in my chest, shoulders, and upper back. Posture and the way my clothes fit has completely transformed.

Strength progression​

Barbell curls were 60x6 Feb 1, yesterday I hit 70x10, strict as fuck. Other isolations are going up too. Big 3 have increased, but my technique and form has improved too much to tell what’s strength and what’s not.

Preserving muscle and elasticity​

Noob gains, test, and the absurd amounts of fat on my body are still carrying me through this cut, but I know the day will soon come when that shit stops working. I’m guessing my goal weight is somewhere around 195. I predict that once I get below 230, it’ll become very difficult to preserve mass. I’m planning my future protocol with that in mind and am working to get my health, lifestyle, and markers solid so that I can handle this once the time comes.
Barbell curls were 60x6 Feb 1, yesterday I hit 70x10, strict as fuck. Other isolations are going up too. Big 3 have increased, but my technique and form has improved too much to tell what’s strength and what’s not.
Lifted weight gains from technique, CNS, muscle cellular synthesis, increased extracellular volume etc.. are still strength gains.

Keep rolling.
Take a break for three or four days if you need it. Do some light cardio. Read a good book. Visit some friends. Keep your diet plan, but add in some calories, planned, not too much, maybe even one dessert or something over those 3-4 days. Don't go all crazy or completely off plan, and keep tracking.

Maybe it is time to stop all of the hormones and chemicals for a while. Resume training and keep doing cardio. Keep pushing the training.

Then when you resume any enhancement stuff, come at it a little more sanely, and slowly, incrementally introducing, for example, testosterone slightly higher than the regular human male reference range.

Make this a lifelong change, not a sprint where you burn out and go back to the way you were.

You have come a long ways.

Chill out a little. Frankly, you have been losing weight so quickly, you can back off a lot of stuff and still make good progress at 1.5-2 pounds a week, which is what you should be doing.

We're here for you, but as you have probably noticed, most of us think there is plenty of stuff you could be optimizing (like getting your protein higher than bikini competitors).

Frankly, that shitty feeling is probably just you overdoing it.

Don't abandon things - just set your plan on a little slower trajectory to get where it is you want to be.

And don't set a weight goal right now. You have no idea what 195 would look like right now. You know how you want to look when this is done, and I would decide to look like I want to look regardless of what the scale says. Nobody wants to look like shit but say, "Hey, I weigh XXX pounds."

Just reassess goals and health and redo your plan and start getting back on it.

2 pounds of weigh gone a week is really, really good progress. Please hear me.

4-8 pounds a week is not sustainable for the very long term.

Be in this for the very long term.
Sorry for not really replying at all these last 2 weeks guys. I’m going through some heavy life shit right now, feel like everything I care about’s being taken away from me. Really exposing insecurities that I buried away with this cut, fuck. I’m choosing to use it to grow though, no fucking way am I running away and being broken again. I went into this cut wanting to destroy parts of myself, parts of myself that are unacceptable, parts that disgust me, and that goes way beyond my weight. I knew it would be brutally difficult to do this, I guess I’m being given the opportunity to truly do that now. Just gonna be grateful and keep going.
Still killing it with my diet and training. Protein’s up to 225 g/day, getting it to 250. Making strength gains. Calories are at 2500-2700 for now. TDEE calculators puts me at 3,937, but who really knows anymore after what I did to my metabolism. My goal for the next month is to truly recover and build muscle. I don’t know if I’m supposed to eat at maintenance to do that, and I don’t know if my goal should be recomp or small deficit. I’ve never done anything like this, I’ve never dieted without going balls out, so I have no idea what I’m doing.
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Sorry for not really replying at all these last 2 weeks guys. I’m going through some heavy life shit right now, feel like everything I care about’s being taken away from me. Really exposing insecurities that I buried away with this cut, fuck. I’m choosing to use it to grow though, no fucking way am I running away and being broken again. I went into this cut wanting to destroy parts of myself, parts of myself that are unacceptable, parts that disgust me, and that goes way beyond my weight. I knew it would be brutally difficult to do this, I guess I’m being given the opportunity to truly do that now. Just gonna be grateful and keep going.
Hope you're doing well. Not everything has to be punishing and self-torture. Sometimes taking the moderate path, taking it easy on yourself and being nice to yourself will yield even greater results than punishing yourself. Sounds like you have a growth mindset and ready to move forward which is the only real way forward. I keep following your thread because a lot of what you're going through is very similar to my life 20 years ago. I failed at so many things so many times I lost count but I just kept getting up and trying again and eventually I learned how to succeed more than fail. You're on your way man. Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on.
Sorry for not really replying at all these last 2 weeks guys. I’m going through some heavy life shit right now, feel like everything I care about’s being taken away from me. Really exposing insecurities that I buried away with this cut, fuck. I’m choosing to use it to grow though, no fucking way am I running away and being broken again. I went into this cut wanting to destroy parts of myself, parts of myself that are unacceptable, parts that disgust me, and that goes way beyond my weight. I knew it would be brutally difficult to do this, I guess I’m being given the opportunity to truly do that now. Just gonna be grateful and keep going.
Come out and say it …. Wife / Girl leave ya? Whenever somebody falls off or doesn’t reply for a while same response is going thru some personal issues. Members may be able to help you who have gone thru similar issues. Nothing is too difficult to overcome


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