Perrin Aybara
Man, with 655x3 at 9RPE you're already at a 700 dead for sure. My last meet prep I hit 615x3 and pulled 690. I was also really fatigue and worn down when peaking came around.
Also, what are kneeling squats? And it is absolutely crazy how quickly tendonitis happens so fast. Do a ton of face pulls and curls before you squat and bench. It's what I've been doing along with some other things and it's helped a ton
So far my best set was 635x2 at RPE 7-8, I think you saw that video. Based on that should be close. I'm just trying to be conservative. I was thinking of starting a thread on predicting peaked maxes from reps in training. Some interesting topics to bring this section back to life.
But kneeling squats you set your rack height where you unrack the bar on your knees. Put a mat under your knees, too. Then sit back on your calves and feet, then using your glutes and hamstrings extend upright fully back on your knees. I added the band around the hips anchored to the rack to force a harder contraction.