MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Any feedback on the EU store? How is the shipping time, and are signatures required? (like I said before, I had to sign for my package with the international store, due to the location) I would be interested on hearing some reviews..
Any feedback on the EU store? How is the shipping time, and are signatures required? (like I said before, I had to sign for my package with the international store, due to the location) I would be interested on hearing some reviews..

yes, Signature is required from EU
What’s average shipping time, with customs?

It has been just about two weeks since first orders (shop opened two weeks ago) so maybe first packs have landed or will be landing soon.

My own personal has not yet landed.

I would expect it will be typical T/A for international mail -- same as any overseas mail.
Remember, if an item is needed urgently the fasted T/A is from the domestic shop (And no worry about customs) -- cost is a little bit more but in return you get the most convenience:
USA Domestic Store || EU Domestic Store || International Store
Remember, if an item is needed urgently the fasted T/A is from the domestic shop (And no worry about customs) -- cost is a little bit more but in return you get the most convenience:
USA Domestic Store || EU Domestic Store || International Store

A little bit more!? $150 for Anavar! :eek::eek::eek:

i talk mad shit, but i suppose in a pinch, i would be grateful that i could get my pack without the excessive wait time.
A little bit more!? $150 for Anavar! :eek::eek::eek:

i talk mad shit, but i suppose in a pinch, i would be grateful that i could get my pack without the excessive wait time.

haha I hear ya.
Well, yes, the Var is a more extreme example (but we all already know Var is a more expensive compound).
I would only pay that in a pinch as you have said.
So I totally agree.
But I think some of the other items are more reasonable.
Of course it is not possible to get prices as low as a domestic UGL brewer (and, I use some good domestic UGL myself for some specific items, so I am NOT knocking them at all), but PCOM does have very high quality standards, industrial scale equipment, and must cover the expenses of shipping (eat losses to customs) and pay domestic warehouse workers etc -- all this adds into the cost.

I hope you understand what I mean -- it is not a matter of price gouging or anything; just have to at least cover expenses and try to turn a profit (no one is in this as a charity lol :) )
haha I hear ya.
Well, yes, the Var is a more extreme example (but we all already know Var is a more expensive compound).
I would only pay that in a pinch as you have said.
So I totally agree.
But I think some of the other items are more reasonable.
Of course it is not possible to get prices as low as a domestic UGL brewer (and, I use some good domestic UGL myself for some specific items, so I am NOT knocking them at all), but PCOM does have very high quality standards, industrial scale equipment, and must cover the expenses of shipping (eat losses to customs) and pay domestic warehouse workers etc -- all this adds into the cost.

I hope you understand what I mean -- it is not a matter of price gouging or anything; just have to at least cover expenses and try to turn a profit (no one is in this as a charity lol :) )

Haha “domestic warehouse workers” i’m picturing dudes on forklifts wearing uniforms with the three blue stripes, straight comedy
Haha “domestic warehouse workers” i’m picturing dudes on forklifts wearing uniforms with the three blue stripes, straight comedy

how did you know the uniform???
wait, you are guessing -- is it blue stripes on white background, silver/grey, or black background?
Is 20mg of there dbol giving great results ? I ask because other sources are 20mg a pill and cheaper to dose higher .

A Mercedes cost more than a Kia and the Kia might get you to work with a little less gas -- but you get what you pay for in terms of quality.

It is not always about price per mg.
How pure is the other source's cheaper pill?
Was it tested? HPLC results etc?
How good/pure were their raws? What else are you getting? Chemical residue? heavy metals?


Check these results out (I know they are from some time ago, but still show the purity Pharmacom puts out) and you may come to your own conclusion :)

[HPLC] Pharmacom "Dianabolos 10" Dianabol 10mg Tabs (methandrostenolone/methandienone) 17-NOV-2015

Hopefully, some with first hand experience using the product can comment -- unfortunately, I have not used dbol for a long time because of gyno fear. Maybe I try it again soon with big aromasin dosage to control aromatization conversion.
A Mercedes cost more than a Kia and the Kia might get you to work with a little less gas -- but you get what you pay for in terms of quality.

It is not always about price per mg.
How pure is the other source's cheaper pill?
Was it tested? HPLC results etc?
How good/pure were their raws? What else are you getting? Chemical residue? heavy metals?


Check these results out (I know they are from some time ago, but still show the purity Pharmacom puts out) and you may come to your own conclusion :)

[HPLC] Pharmacom "Dianabolos 10" Dianabol 10mg Tabs (methandrostenolone/methandienone) 17-NOV-2015

Hopefully, some with first hand experience using the product can comment -- unfortunately, I have not used dbol for a long time because of gyno fear. Maybe I try it again soon with big aromasin dosage to control aromatization conversion.

I’ve tried the PSL Dbol and the Dbol from pcom and definitely feel like I got way better results with 40MG of pcom gear than PSL. I had to bump the PSL to 50mg and still didn’t feel like it was an equal but I’m not trying to knock PSL. They have some good test and other gear but I’ve been way happier with the pcom quality and service and pricing too. I recommend Pharmacom Dbol over any other brand! You gotta do you though.. [emoji106]
Got my first ever gear order yesterday. Pcom shipped the same day as some peptides, from the same city, but USPS screwed up and somehow the PCom stuff came days later. PCom was 100% the entirety of their side of the deal though.
Got my first ever gear order yesterday. Pcom shipped the same day as some peptides, from the same city, but USPS screwed up and somehow the PCom stuff came days later. PCom was 100% the entirety of their side of the deal though.

They’ve never let me down. You’ll love their quality too!!
Got my first ever gear order yesterday. Pcom shipped the same day as some peptides, from the same city, but USPS screwed up and somehow the PCom stuff came days later. PCom was 100% the entirety of their side of the deal though.

Congrats on your TD!
Enjoy and let the gains begin brother :)