MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Thank you, I was VERY happy with my purchase. When looking for a source this a lot different than traditional contraband (which I have experience with). The brand name and confidence in shipping/confidence was well worth the price.

On your website it says something about how there is no minimum order, but if you order <$100 it will charge you 10% per item until it reaches $100. I never really understood what exactly this meant in the first place (Does it just add 10%? does it add 10% over and over until it reaches $100?)

Either way it doesn't seem to happen because I ordered <$100 with no goofy stuff, but as a customer it did confuse me for a minute figured I'd let you know.
I only like to pin my quads and glutes. Delts are a little hard to aspirate with one hand.

Agreed! I’ve always rotated Glutes and if I was sore or run tight on spots I used quads. When I run a cycle I do daily shots of smaller MG so it keeps my levels peaked. Delta suck! lol
Hi everybody, long time lurker here. How y'all doing? First off, @Lean_N_Mean congrats for ur recovery and gains bro. Really remarkable.

Anyhow, I'm about to place an order for some Test E. No problem here. We all know Pharmacom Test E is legit. What worries me is that I can't get hold of either Arimidex or Nolvadex from my local source and I don't know whether the ones Pharmacom sells are g2g. Anyone ever tried them?

I can easily score pharma grade T3, Proviron and Clomid but can't get hold of any Arimidex and Clomid. Needless to say these compounds are pivotal for my cycle which needs to be complete before I start.

Maybe some of you guys have a first hand experience with either or both the compounds I mentioned. It's really important so please if anyone has some info chime in, because if reassured about quality I'll add them to my cycle right away.

Thank you.



We do not carry Nolva; instead we carry Toremifene (Fareston Profile) :

Hi everybody, long time lurker here. How y'all doing? First off, @Lean_N_Mean congrats for ur recovery and gains bro. Really remarkable.

Anyhow, I'm about to place an order for some Test E. No problem here. We all know Pharmacom Test E is legit. What worries me is that I can't get hold of either Arimidex or Nolvadex from my local source and I don't know whether the ones Pharmacom sells are g2g. Anyone ever tried them?

I can easily score pharma grade T3, Proviron and Clomid but can't get hold of any Arimidex and Clomid. Needless to say these compounds are pivotal for my cycle which needs to be complete before I start.

Maybe some of you guys have a first hand experience with either or both the compounds I mentioned. It's really important so please if anyone has some info chime in, because if reassured about quality I'll add them to my cycle right away.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot bro it was good to get to my normal weight again and pass that even the pcom gear. I’ve gotten that clomid and Arimidex from pcom and their definitely G2G! I was using several 17Nor oils and they came In handy a few times even though I done tend to have those issues mostly. Guess I’m lucky that way. You can’t go wrong with any of their gear and I’d just order it discrete from the INT warehouse. Good luck with your gains and let us know how it goes with your order on the thread. [emoji106]
Thanks a lot bro it was good to get to my normal weight again and pass that even the pcom gear. I’ve gotten that clomid and Arimidex from pcom and their definitely G2G! I was using several 17Nor oils and they came In handy a few times even though I done tend to have those issues mostly. Guess I’m lucky that way. You can’t go wrong with any of their gear and I’d just order it discrete from the INT warehouse. Good luck with your gains and let us know how it goes with your order on the thread. [emoji106]

Nice to hear that. I have a couple of buddies who switched to Pharmacom in 2016 from other UGLs and they literally blew up. The change was dramatic. So I trust the brand although I've read a few negative reviews but I guess no one is perfect, right?

My buddies usually load up on injectables but I don't think they ever tried orals, that's why I asked. If orals turn out to be bad, underdosed or bunk I could seriously harm myself and my cycle would be ruined.
Nice to hear that. I have a couple of buddies who switched to Pharmacom in 2016 from other UGLs and they literally blew up. The change was dramatic. So I trust the brand although I've read a few negative reviews but I guess no one is perfect, right?

My buddies usually load up on injectables but I don't think they ever tried orals, that's why I asked. If orals turn out to be bad, underdosed or bunk I could seriously harm myself and my cycle would be ruined.

Ya the pct and liver toxic orals are probably the most important. I’ve heard from some people that they had bad results running low doses like 200mg of Test a week and they were in like the 1000 blood level range. I never have seen the baseline tests for them though so they could require 200mg just to be normal levels. lol you’re always good to ask those kinds of questions here. @RThoads is the best one to ask for any test results or lab tests.. everything I’ve ever ran of theirs is amazing though!
Ok, I go now to to visit some family.
Maybe I be back late night to check on things if I am not too tired when I return.
But if not, have a good weekend all :)
Hello everyone. New to the forum and making my first order with basic. Had a few questions, I live in a hot spot (not sure if I’m allowed to say where exactly) but will discreet shipping help a lot? Was planning on doing discreet anyways just wanted to make sure I’m doing everything possible to get my pack. Also, for international orders, is signature required? Thanks for the help everyone!
Thanks for providing the lab tests. I know that most people will take it with a grain of salt, as they should, but it's always nice to have. Shows that you care.
Thanks for providing the lab tests. I know that most people will take it with a grain of salt, as they should, but it's always nice to have. Shows that you care.

I actually never seen this level of care from any other UGL. Now, I know that it could very well be that only a few vials from that batch are accurately dosed but it's also true that Pharmacom has for the most part a tremendously good reputation. Heard good things about Dragon Pharma even tho I never tried them myself but on their website I've never found any trace of lab tests.

The only thing I'd like to ask is if lab tests that were done in 2016 are still to be taken as valid in 2018.
@Alemxzx tests done about 2 years ago have miniscule importance and should not be taken seriously. Any given lab is as good as it's last batch, remember that.

That's what I figured all along. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Thank you.

What's your take on Pharmacom anyway? Read some of the previous posts but I don't recall stumbling across any of yours. In case you already passed judgment on this matter I'm sorry, I'm new.
Generally, I post sporadically in this thread. I have never ordered from them but I have heard good things overall, there is a reason why this thread has so many pages and overall happy customers. On top of that there are many years in the game and thus they have great experience. Also, their reps drop huge knowledge bombs here and there and it's always good to read.

I would have placed an order myself if their EU warehouse was open by the time I was searching for a source. Their international warehouse was not an option for me due to high custom risks, also a friend of mine who ordered had his pack seized, so there is that.

Take the time to explore more threads in the underground and in the forum in general and make an educated choice. Don't just look for comments that you want to hear regarding this or any other source.
Generally, I post sporadically in this thread. I have never ordered from them but I have heard good things overall, there is a reason why this thread has so many pages and overall happy customers. On top of that there are many years in the game and thus they have great experience. Also, their reps drop huge knowledge bombs here and there and it's always good to read.

I would have placed an order myself if their EU warehouse was open by the time I was searching for a source. Their international warehouse was not an option for me due to high custom risks, also a friend of mine who ordered had his pack seized, so there is that.

Take the time to explore more threads in the underground and in the forum in general and make an educated choice. Don't just look for comments that you want to hear regarding this or any other source.

I have buddies who tried Pharmacom and got outstanding results. Before finding this lab they tried many different UGLs. The difference was day and night. Same calories intake, same workout sessions but results greatly varied. I personally never tired their gear. I always used Alpha Pharma so far. But I'm a very conservative roid user. My cycles are mild, Testosterone only as far as injectables go.
Hi everybody, long time lurker here. How y'all doing? First off, @Lean_N_Mean congrats for ur recovery and gains bro. Really remarkable.

Anyhow, I'm about to place an order for some Test E. No problem here. We all know Pharmacom Test E is legit. What worries me is that I can't get hold of either Arimidex or Nolvadex from my local source and I don't know whether the ones Pharmacom sells are g2g. Anyone ever tried them?

I can easily score pharma grade T3, Proviron and Clomid but can't get hold of any Arimidex and Clomid. Needless to say these compounds are pivotal for my cycle which needs to be complete before I start.

Maybe some of you guys have a first hand experience with either or both the compounds I mentioned. It's really important so please if anyone has some info chime in, because if reassured about quality I'll add them to my cycle right away.

Thank you.
Bro.. research chemicals! PM me and I’ll tell you a of couple good ones. You can get a shit ton of either one for cheap! I also use a domestic source that is awesome.
Bro.. research chemicals! PM me and I’ll tell you a of couple good ones. You can get a shit ton of either one for cheap! I also use a domestic source that is awesome.

Yeah, I ordered some ana to have on hand from a reputable rc/peptide site...shouldn't I have nothing to worry about? I mean clearly ana/clomid/peptides aren't that illegal or hard to obtain so the purity shouldn't be an issue, the only issue should be if it was diluted properly, and if you're dealing with pro's that shouldn't be much of an issue right? That post kind of made me worried, I thought PCT, SERMS, all that were things you didn't really have to worry about purity/quality over, I mean you can order them with a credit card/e-check...

That said I'm pretty new to steroids but I've been in the online mail scene since 06 so I know a thing or two (I knew Biggerben69 from back then, I was a fricken kid!). You guys are talking about PCom being really trustworthy, so I was wondering: Aren't there certain compounds that are rare/typically shittier quality/often fake? Like I remember back in the day hearing a lot of people wouldn't fuck with anavar because it was usually fake or of such low quality, while drugs like Test and Tren you didn't really have to worry about it.
Yeah, I ordered some ana to have on hand from a reputable rc/peptide site...shouldn't I have nothing to worry about? I mean clearly ana/clomid/peptides aren't that illegal or hard to obtain so the purity shouldn't be an issue, the only issue should be if it was diluted properly, and if you're dealing with pro's that shouldn't be much of an issue right? That post kind of made me worried, I thought PCT, SERMS, all that were things you didn't really have to worry about purity/quality over, I mean you can order them with a credit card/e-check...

That said I'm pretty new to steroids but I've been in the online mail scene since 06 so I know a thing or two (I knew Biggerben69 from back then, I was a fricken kid!). You guys are talking about PCom being really trustworthy, so I was wondering: Aren't there certain compounds that are rare/typically shittier quality/often fake? Like I remember back in the day hearing a lot of people wouldn't fuck with anavar because it was usually fake or of such low quality, while drugs like Test and Tren you didn't really have to worry about it.
Your pct meds should be pharmaceutical grade.