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1 week after adding in the masteron pharma mix and holy shit I feel amazing! This is my first time ever using masteron and I wish I would have sooner. It's like being high as fuck on life lol
Yeah, I ordered some ana to have on hand from a reputable rc/peptide site...shouldn't I have nothing to worry about? I mean clearly ana/clomid/peptides aren't that illegal or hard to obtain so the purity shouldn't be an issue, the only issue should be if it was diluted properly, and if you're dealing with pro's that shouldn't be much of an issue right? That post kind of made me worried, I thought PCT, SERMS, all that were things you didn't really have to worry about purity/quality over, I mean you can order them with a credit card/e-check...

That said I'm pretty new to steroids but I've been in the online mail scene since 06 so I know a thing or two (I knew Biggerben69 from back then, I was a fricken kid!). You guys are talking about PCom being really trustworthy, so I was wondering: Aren't there certain compounds that are rare/typically shittier quality/often fake? Like I remember back in the day hearing a lot of people wouldn't fuck with anavar because it was usually fake or of such low quality, while drugs like Test and Tren you didn't really have to worry about it.

Halo I'd say is a difficult drug to source. Expensive therefore profitable to fake. But the typical steroid user won't need that. As for Pharmacom goes I never tried their gear, at least not yet. Received good feedbacks from some of my buddies tho. Currently I have some BVS Labs vials that got checked out as authentic but I don't know whether to pull the trigger on them or keep sourcing.

But anyway, legit Halo is difficult to find. I'd add Tbol as well.
Halo I'd say is a difficult drug to source. Expensive therefore profitable to fake. But the typical steroid user won't need that. As for Pharmacom goes I never tried their gear, at least not yet. Received good feedbacks from some of my buddies tho. Currently I have some BVS Labs vials that got checked out as authentic but I don't know whether to pull the trigger on them or keep sourcing.

But anyway, legit Halo is difficult to find. I'd add Tbol as well.

I've been sourcing for over a year, have 5+ years of gear stocked up from three different Labs , spread out from 4 sourcses all international, one being this source here. I'd like to try a domestic source next. I've yet to try my first cycle, just making shore I'm coverd because it will be the new life style when I do start.
Halo I'd say is a difficult drug to source. Expensive therefore profitable to fake. But the typical steroid user won't need that. As for Pharmacom goes I never tried their gear, at least not yet. Received good feedbacks from some of my buddies tho. Currently I have some BVS Labs vials that got checked out as authentic but I don't know whether to pull the trigger on them or keep sourcing.

But anyway, legit Halo is difficult to find. I'd add Tbol as well.

Our Halo was tested by SIMEC and the results were pretty good (confimred the correct compound and 10mg tabblet had 9.14mg actual Halo).


Please elaborate. Like an energetic feeling? Sense of well-being? Feeling of omnipotence?
If you have ever done LSD before it's like that feeling of happiness right before you start actually hallucinating. It's like a throbbing feeling in your ears. I guess you could call it sense of well being. Just very happy I guess
For me, masteron seems to negate the negative effects of nandrolone.
On nandrolone, I get very sluggish, lazy, and classic deca dick etc.
The mast seems to add a DHT that helps balance vs the 19-nor and I feel much better.
In general, it also increases my sexy drive and general feeling of well being (I am NOT saying it makes me healthier -- maybe opposite, I do not know -- but I "feel" healthy and younger on it).
If you have ever done LSD before it's like that feeling of happiness right before you start actually hallucinating. It's like a throbbing feeling in your ears. I guess you could call it sense of well being. Just very happy I guess

Looking more for something close to DMT lol
Lmao never done that lol. It's not like I'm tripping it's that bubbly good feeling in your ears. I dont know how to describe it other than high on life lol

Sounds interesting. Well as Joe Rogan would say, you gotta try DMT. "It's like mushrooms times a million plus aliens". That dude cracks me up no end. It's true tho. If Masteron can equal that, wow.:D

Maybe one day I'll try it. Not the mix tho as it contains Tren which I will never want to try. I'm actually about to place an order with Pharmacom so I might throw in some Mast but I really need to research more on it. I know that the combination with Proviron and Var would be a blast but unsure whether it fits my recomp goals.

Nice to hear it's working so great for you.
Sounds interesting. Well as Joe Rogan would say, you gotta try DMT. "It's like mushrooms times a million plus aliens". That dude cracks me up no end. It's true tho. If Masteron can equal that, wow.:D

Maybe one day I'll try it. Not the mix tho as it contains Tren which I will never want to try. I'm actually about to place an order with Pharmacom so I might throw in some Mast but I really need to research more on it. I know that the combination with Proviron and Var would be a blast but unsure whether it fits my recomp goals.

Nice to hear it's working so great for you.
I shouldn't have compared it to lsd it's not like a drugged feeling at all. It's just like having that " I feel the best ever all day long" feeling. This mix doesn't have any tren in it. Its mast e and p only. I am on a very mild cycle now only 300 test e and 20 mgs of var. Nice steady lean gains. I have tried proviron before and it doesn't work this way for me. Everyone said it made you feel good but it just made me irritable.
Sounds interesting. Well as Joe Rogan would say, you gotta try DMT. "It's like mushrooms times a million plus aliens". That dude cracks me up no end. It's true tho. If Masteron can equal that, wow.:D

Maybe one day I'll try it. Not the mix tho as it contains Tren which I will never want to try. I'm actually about to place an order with Pharmacom so I might throw in some Mast but I really need to research more on it. I know that the combination with Proviron and Var would be a blast but unsure whether it fits my recomp goals.

Nice to hear it's working so great for you.
Joe Rogan is the fuckin man
I shouldn't have compared it to lsd it's not like a drugged feeling at all. It's just like having that " I feel the best ever all day long" feeling. This mix doesn't have any tren in it. Its mast e and p only. I am on a very mild cycle now only 300 test e and 20 mgs of var. Nice steady lean gains. I have tried proviron before and it doesn't work this way for me. Everyone said it made you feel good but it just made me irritable.

I know that for lacking of better words you were exaggerating. So yeah the comparison with LSD is far fetched but I get your point. Btw I take the Var you are using is from Pharmacom, correct? Working well?

Joe Rogan is the fuckin man

Yh. Dunno if you're into stand up comedy but on his last special his closing bit on Bruce Jenner had me in stitches. Only Bill Burr can make me laugh more :D
Yh. Dunno if you're into stand up comedy but on his last special his closing bit on Bruce Jenner had me in stitches. Only Bill Burr can make me laugh more :D
Oh yeah. Lol. My new fav comedian is Tom Segura. I think that's how you spell it. He has stuff on Netflix. Dude is fuckin hilarious.
I know that for lacking of better words you were exaggerating. So yeah the comparison with LSD is far fetched but I get your point. Btw I take the Var you are using is from Pharmacom, correct? Working well?

Yh. Dunno if you're into stand up comedy but on his last special his closing bit on Bruce Jenner had me in stitches. Only Bill Burr can make me laugh more :D
Yes steady lean gains! Only negative sides is heartburn