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I look forward to figuring out this situation and hopefully it leads to positive outcomes and improvement for everyone.

Investigating this result holds the source, the raws supplier, and even testing services to higher standards and all that leads to is even better higher quality products and services for all of us.

For these reasons, instead of stress and negativity, I view this situation as a positive opportunity for continuous improvement in these important areas of interest to all of us here.

Also, understand no one here is against one another -- we all want the same things with good testing, high quality products, and most of all the freedom to make the choices we choose to make in our lives, our interests, our health, and our goals, without government overreach.
why do none of the other pissibility have any chance?
I'm not being a snarky smartass when I say this, I truly mean it:

You have given me a brilliant idea with this misspelling and I feel like I must thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Also I hope this whole issue gets sorted out for the positive benefit of the community here, for everyone involved on every side. Good luck to all.
I'm not being a snarky smartass when I say this, I truly mean it:

You have given me a brilliant idea with this misspelling and I feel like I must thank you from the bottom of my heart.

lol :) it all good my friend. I did not even notice. it is a funny typo -- myabe i invent a new term? ;)
stupid autocorrects and spell checkers sometimes make things worse.

Also I hope this whole issue gets sorted out for the positive benefit of the community here, for everyone involved on every side. Good luck to all.

Thanks. it will all get sorted out and we will all come out in a better position as a result.
pharmacon is no longer the same drug it was 6 years ago, I don't know how people keep buying above the high price it has
What does this even mean? They have consistently passed lab testing from anaboliclab for years. Other than this letrozole issue, they have consistently passed testing from Jano also.
Do they have recent testing on their batches? Everything on their website from lab testing is from 2017 mostly.
Independent testing is what matters anyways. Any lab can produce the results they want within a batch. Should they be testing their raws? Without a doubt (I am not sure if they are or not currently) more information will need to be required to know. This may explain what occured with this recent letrozole issue, but with that said their gear has consistently passed independent testing.
Is there any recent independent labs. I’ve gone through the last 40 pages and haven’t seen any. Just concerning, as I thought these guys were really on it. Pharma grade gear basically, just sucks.
Any reviews/testing on their aromasin or Tbol lately?
I’ve never ran anything other than test lol. I’ve blasted with 350,500, and 750mg of test a week. I’ve learned that I enjoy a dose slightly above my trt protocol around 250-275mg. I’m finally looking to add something to the mix, from everything I’m reading it sounds like primo is the safest one with the least amount of sides. If it helps, I’m looking for a dry/vascular look.

I agree about primo -- it is excellent. also, as you are aware, primo can not convert to estrogen. So primo will not cause any additional estrogen. However, what I meant is that EQ will actually lower total estrogen after it is run long enough for metabolites to build (downstream metabolites of boldenone lower estrogen); also, bold will reduce to yeild DiHydroBoldenone (DHB) which some find to act much like primo but just much more anabolic (some even compare its effect to a "tren but "cleaner" with less undesired effects). Both primo and EQ are great compounds, just a different.

I've just been on TRT with a litte added primo for a long time now and may be done with cycles just because of my age and some health concerns. but if I ever run an acytual cycle again, I really would like to try moderate test, high Primo, and High EQ.
IF i was in good shape and really wanted to look polished at the end of all that, I could add small mast-p and tren-a for the last 4 to 6 weeks with small daily pins for a toal of a only few hundred mg a week.
Is there any recent independent labs. I’ve gone through the last 40 pages and haven’t seen any. Just concerning, as I thought these guys were really on it. Pharma grade gear basically, just sucks.
Any reviews/testing on their aromasin or Tbol lately?

here are a couple independant results that were resntly posted in this thread that customers had performed (without any arrangement with the source) through jano's services:



There are more results here and on other boards (I know i have seen them) but they are not collected in one easy to find place or way and i do not have the links saved; nonetheless, if you search and ask around maybe you can find more. Please feel free to share anything here if you do find some recent results.

I do not remember seeing any aromasin or tbol in teh past couple years. but, maybe i missed them or do not remember them -- there are many boards and on each people may post in all different sections or logs etc, so maybe there are some posted somewhere that i did not see.

Maybe consider asking @janoshik for some help; he may know where some of his own results are located and if he offers testing service which he may be able to do some new testing for you for a small fee.
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I agree about primo -- it is excellent. also, as you are aware, primo can not convert to estrogen. So primo will not cause any additional estrogen. However, what I meant is that EQ will actually lower total estrogen after it is run long enough for metabolites to build (downstream metabolites of boldenone lower estrogen); also, bold will reduce to yeild DiHydroBoldenone (DHB) which some find to act much like primo but just much more anabolic (some even compare its effect to a "tren but "cleaner" with less undesired effects). Both primo and EQ are great compounds, just a different.

I've just been on TRT with a litte added primo for a long time now and may be done with cycles just because of my age and some health concerns. but if I ever run an acytual cycle again, I really would like to try moderate test, high Primo, and High EQ.
IF i was in good shape and really wanted to look polished at the end of all that, I could add small mast-p and tren-a for the last 4 to 6 weeks with small daily pins for a toal of a only few hundred mg a week.
How do these compounds like eq and primo effect e2 that’s raised due to hcg? I take my test/hcg/adex eod due to lowish (20-22 range) shbg. Test itself barely effects my e2. Before I added hcg, I only needed about .10 mg of adex eod on 250 mg of test a week. Hcg sky rocketed my e2, through trial and error I settled on a dose of 100 iu eod which gives the right balance of the cosmetic effect and also seems to be the dose where I can manage my e2 the best. I need about .50-75mg of adex eod to keep my e2 in range.
How do these compounds like eq and primo effect e2 that’s raised due to hcg? I take my test/hcg/adex eod due to lowish (20-22 range) shbg. Test itself barely effects my e2. Before I added hcg, I only needed about .10 mg of adex eod on 250 mg of test a week. Hcg sky rocketed my e2, through trial and error I settled on a dose of 100 iu eod which gives the right balance of the cosmetic effect and also seems to be the dose where I can manage my e2 the best. I need about .50-75mg of adex eod to keep my e2 in range.
Primo does not aromatize, whereas EQ does aromatize. I will make this very simple. The higher dosage of aromatizing compounds you inject will = a higher probability of raised E2 (outside of the reference range).
What oils are in your test e500? I’m looking to cut it with something as it’s causing some discomfort pip. If you guys have a recommendation for which oil would be best it would be super appreciated.
Today there are issues with availability of our site Every other connection says this domain is not found. There are some technical issues at our hosting. Sorry for inconvenience. We are working. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Any spend 300 bucks get 200 bucks worth of free product deals going on?
we do not plan to run it any time soon. Now we have up to 25% discounts for orders paid by crypto. Also we are using a new shipping way for orders towards the USA and first 2 batches of orders were already processed and tracking number show all of them succesfully passed customs without issues. New way requires much more expenses from us, but we did not change shipping price so far.
What oils are in your test e500? I’m looking to cut it with something as it’s causing some discomfort pip. If you guys have a recommendation for which oil would be best it would be super appreciated.
Grape seed oil in all oil-based products + around 5% ethyl oleate.


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