MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Today there are issues with availability of our site Every other connection says this domain is not found. There are some technical issues at our hosting. Sorry for inconvenience. We are working. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

we do not plan to run it any time soon. Now we have up to 25% discounts for orders paid by crypto. Also we are using a new shipping way for orders towards the USA and first 2 batches of orders were already processed and tracking number show all of them succesfully passed customs without issues. New way requires much more expenses from us, but we did not change shipping price so far.

Grape seed oil in all oil-based products + around 5% ethyl oleate.

You should probably update the website. i thought i was on a fake site after seeing 5 month old promo's still being advertised.


Each milliliter contains:
- Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg / ml.
- Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg / ml.
- Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg / ml.

PHARMA MIX 3 is a unique combination of drugs designed specifically for extreme muscle growth and strength. Because of its features and high efficiency, it is only suitable for experienced users and professional athletes.

Differences PHARMA MIX 3:
+ Convenient to use as frequent injections are not required.
+ Quickly increases power performance.
+ Visibly increases muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Today there are issues with availability of our site Every other connection says this domain is not found. There are some technical issues at our hosting. Sorry for inconvenience. We are working. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

we do not plan to run it any time soon. Now we have up to 25% discounts for orders paid by crypto. Also we are using a new shipping way for orders towards the USA and first 2 batches of orders were already processed and tracking number show all of them succesfully passed customs without issues. New way requires much more expenses from us, but we did not change shipping price so far.

Grape seed oil in all oil-based products + around 5% ethyl
What happened to the loyalty discount? Now that's removed and it only BTC discount? My guess is your orders are gonna drop hard without any real promotions. Products are excellent but with all the others options available with timely delivery and competitive pricing, Good luck.
What happened to the loyalty discount? Now that's removed and it only BTC discount? My guess is your orders are gonna drop hard without any real promotions. Products are excellent but with all the others options available with timely delivery and competitive pricing, Good luck.
Especially on the domestic side. $78 for test E? You can get Pharma grade sustanon or Iranian test for cheaper lol.
Do you happen to have Proviron available from the US warehouse, or only international?

The Basicstero site currently shows proviron is in stock in the US Warehouse.
HEre is the product listing:
please note: price for 1 blister, 50 pills (NOT a full box of 100).
Thanks for the info!
How do you think Mix 4 + Bold 300? Can run them together?

yes, they would go great together. MIX4 is simply a mix of Test and NAndro esters. So adding it with bold (EQ) will give a stack of Test + Nandro + Bold which is one of my favorites.
How do these compounds like eq and primo effect e2 that’s raised due to hcg? I take my test/hcg/adex eod due to lowish (20-22 range) shbg. Test itself barely effects my e2. Before I added hcg, I only needed about .10 mg of adex eod on 250 mg of test a week. Hcg sky rocketed my e2, through trial and error I settled on a dose of 100 iu eod which gives the right balance of the cosmetic effect and also seems to be the dose where I can manage my e2 the best. I need about .50-75mg of adex eod to keep my e2 in range.

Primo does not have any effect upon E2 of which I am aware.
By this I mean, from what I know (and we all continue to learn new things but at this time) primo is simply not participating in the conversion to E2, stimulating E2, inhibiting E2, increasing or decreasing E2.

Boldenone can be a substrate for aromatization and converts to E2 at about half the rate compared to that of testosterone. This means, the boldenone as a substrate for conversion, will contribute to an increase in E2 (unless the aromatization process has already been saturated and reached its rate limit by another factor regardless of additional substrate).
However, downstream metabolites resulting from the break-down of the boldenone will decrease E2 conversion. Also, the 5-alpha-reductase downstream product is the reduced form of Bold known and DHB which (like other DHT derivatives) can not covert to E2. This DHB is a powerful steroid.
Some of the other boldenone metabolites will act as power AI.
At first you have mostly Boldenone in your system and it will be a substrate for E2 production as mentioned, which should increase the E2 level. Then, over time as metabolites build up in the system, the metabolites with AI properties will reach a level where their inhibition of E2 production overtakes the boldenones contribution to increased E2; at some point the net result of the increased E2 from boldenone amortizing paired with the decrease in E2 production as a result of the metabolites with AI-like properties will result in an overall lower level of E2.
It is not the boldenone itself that lowers E2; over time the breakdown products from boldenone will lower E2.

HCG raises E2 primarily by raising testosterone levels (again, from my understanding, but I am sure there may be more details). HCG stimulates the products of more testosterone, then this additional testosterone is a substrate for aromatization. If this was the end of the story, the answer would be simple (that primo does nothing to help with HCG’s effect on E2 and bold would eventually lower HCG’s effect by the boldenone metabolites inhibiting substrate aromatization conversion to E2).

The problem with HCG is that it may be more complicated than simply stimulating more E2 substrate (testosterone). I have read that AI’s do not have the same level of benefit in regards to HCG users and E2 issues. Some claim the testosterone produced by the Leydig cells is immediately converted to E2 locally in the testis and not dependent on traveling to the liver and other tissues where it may encounter aromatase. There may even be some direct estrogen production (but I am ignorant regarding these details).
Some of these research papers suggest to me that it may be possible there are additional and more immediate reasons HCG increases estrogen:
Serum estradiol after single dose hCG administration correlates with Leydig cell reserve in hypogonadal men: reassessment of the hCG stimulation test - PubMed
Plasma estradiol concentrations and effect of HCG on plasma estradiol and testosterone in normal subjects and patients with endocrine disorders - PubMed

If this is the case, and HCG has a more direct path to increase estrogen, Boldenone (and most likely many other compounds including dedicated AIs) may not on this estrogen.
Nonetheless, one may still lower other sources of estrogen by traditional means (or even novel tactics such as the boldenone metabolites; or a sum of multiple approaches) and may see a net reduction in total estrogen although the HCG has increased a specific source of estrogen.
You should probably update the website. i thought i was on a fake site after seeing 5 month old promo's still being advertised.

View attachment 143244

My guess is that must just simply be the most recent news specific to the US Warehouse.

The news posts are much like a message board and have a date showing when it was posted (they persist as a message-board post not a temporary advertisement or an update needed sort of thing):

For example, the INTL. Warehouse has some more recent news (it all just depend upon when there is news/announcements relevant to the specific warehouse section):
@RThoads are they planning on making one log in? Will % discounts be carried over from int to US, when that happens?

yes, I am told the current plan is to make one log in.
I do not have any other details about the new site at this time but i would think there will still be disounts (is my guess that will not change significantly); i have not heard anything about the dicounts.
I am sure Frank (@Pharmacom Labs) will announce when more details are known.
What happened to the loyalty discount? Now that's removed and it only BTC discount? My guess is your orders are gonna drop hard without any real promotions. Products are excellent but with all the others options available with timely delivery and competitive pricing, Good luck.

I do not think loyalty discount was removed.
See the screenshot below from about 5 minutes ago; I still see my loyalty discount applied to the cart I just made (it is listed as "previous orders discount).
Also, i do see the includes additional BTC discount stacked to give a total of 20%.

From my understanding, those who make larger orders and stack multiple discounts please know, I think stacked discounts will max-out at a 25% cap though.
What oils are in your test e500? I’m looking to cut it with something as it’s causing some discomfort pip. If you guys have a recommendation for which oil would be best it would be super appreciated.

GSO carrier oil with some EO.

Test500 is rough -- only for the experienced users that understand and accept PIP. I ran it for a 16 cycle once and that cycle seemed like forever. Was the most amazing results I ever had, but there were day where I felt like I got shot with a crossbow.
ZERO chance of anyone running is solo and not having PIP.

I foudn that simply mixing it in the barrel with my other compounds for the stack helped greatly. I ran 1cc of the Test500 + 1cc EQ + 1/2cc Deca. I pulled them all up, then i'd swicth points (like I always do anyway) from the draw needle to a smaller guage pin; with the cap on the pin I pulled a little air into the barrel (just a little so it has a bubble like a level -- so I could get the oils movign around) and mixed it all up by turning the pin upside down and back and forth (just shaking it up).
just holding in my hand for a while doing this warmed it all up a littel too, while I whiped the target site clean with alcohol.
I pushed it up just until all teh air was gone and a drop of oil rolled down the pin and i was ready to go.
This reduced the PIP significantly and I did complete 16 week this way to look, what i feel, was the best I will ever look.
Hey Pharmacom team. I have an odd question. I've bought a lot of gear from you guys over the years, mostly Test and orals. However, I once bought a couple of vials of Pharma Mix 2 that I never used. I didn't know ANYTHING about Tren and so realized I had bought gear that was over my head. Now, with several cycles under my belt I'm interested in trying Tren and specifically the bottles of Mix 2 that I've had hanging around in my medicine cabinet. BUT…the expiration date is 1 year past and I don't know if it is effective or poison or what. Please advice.6065FB1B-5C60-4C70-ADAA-3C6A2E931DB9_1_105_c.jpeg
GSO carrier oil with some EO.

Test500 is rough -- only for the experienced users that understand and accept PIP. I ran it for a 16 cycle once and that cycle seemed like forever. Was the most amazing results I ever had, but there were day where I felt like I got shot with a crossbow.
ZERO chance of anyone running is solo and not having PIP.

I foudn that simply mixing it in the barrel with my other compounds for the stack helped greatly. I ran 1cc of the Test500 + 1cc EQ + 1/2cc Deca. I pulled them all up, then i'd swicth points (like I always do anyway) from the draw needle to a smaller guage pin; with the cap on the pin I pulled a little air into the barrel (just a little so it has a bubble like a level -- so I could get the oils movign around) and mixed it all up by turning the pin upside down and back and forth (just shaking it up).
just holding in my hand for a while doing this warmed it all up a littel too, while I whiped the target site clean with alcohol.
I pushed it up just until all teh air was gone and a drop of oil rolled down the pin and i was ready to go.
This reduced the PIP significantly and I did complete 16 week this way to look, what i feel, was the best I will ever look.
The Pharma mix 4 has zero pip and it’s 600mg which is a shock. The mix 6 however had a nice bite to it.
Second question for Pharmacom team or anyone…What is the intended use differences between Mix 2 and Mix 6. They're similar but Mix 6 is using Winstrol and longer esters. I'm still learning a lot and am curious about what the thinking was for the differences. Is it just that customers didn't want to pin EOD?
Second question for Pharmacom team or anyone…What is the intended use differences between Mix 2 and Mix 6. They're similar but Mix 6 is using Winstrol and longer esters. I'm still learning a lot and am curious about what the thinking was for the differences. Is it just that customers didn't want to pin EOD?
There is no winstrol in Mix 6. Only difference between Mix2 and Mix6 is the ester. So yeah its for the people that dont want to pin as often.