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Strangely I don't got stronger on anavar -.- it made me grow a bit over time and some cosmetic aspect. That's it I like something like winny ore workout. However I would like to try tbol for the facts you mentioned!
What are your thoughts on injection frequency for an mix ester product. 100prop /200enan?

The first picture is from the expired NPP which is some years old and expired 06/2020.
The second picture is of the new batch of test e (the results you can find some post before with 310mg/ml).
Btw I had to open the test vial to make a photo so I hope you appreciate it ;P
However there is a difference of the rubber stoppers. I'll till now worked only with the old one (picture 1) and haven't had any problems. We'll see how the other stopper behaves. But j doubt there we'll be any problems. I can say I used one 10 ml vial of test e for almost 5 months and got no leaking or other stuff!

i would have thought for the bloated price they're asking they would at least use better quality caps that don't leave jagged metal teeth behind. Why am i not surprised?
@RThoads @Pharmacom Labs
Hey after the fast conclusion from E2 I'm tempted to order from W1. How is the situation there ?
Last I heard W1 is operational and shipping packs.

If you are in the EU, then W1 should work.
Stock my be limited at times because of difficulty to import restock to the warehouse; but the good thing is that anything in stock is actually physically located at the warehouse and ships directly to the end destination (unlike W2 with middle-point stop and forward).
I did read some reports of guys having pack returned to sender -- I think different countries have different rules etc. so you may have to do some research regarding your home/destination country.

However, I am in the USA so I do not have any recent personal experience with W1 (W1 cannot to ship to USA since CV19 restrictions).
My understanding just comes from reading what others have reported from their experiences.
So its still the same low quality stoppers lmao,thanks for the pics.If you use anavar you should definitely supplement with creatine because the main strength boost comes from the enhanced creatinephosphate to atp production.I personally dont like masteron ,it gives me too many sides like horrible acne,prostate growth/inflammation,insomnia etc for being just a cosmetic compound (im a hight dht converter) .Injection frequency shouldn'tmatter that much with a mix,because there is always long estered masteron keeping your levels stable even if the propionat clears off after 4-5 days or so.The propionat is more of a "kickstart",i would just go with e3d.
Interestingly I've heard today on an q and a video with b Chavez that on steroids you don't have to use necessarily creatine because steroids upregulate the creatin synthes enzymes. I can link you the video if you want. It's interesting! Everyone can take from it what he wants!
Good night
i would have thought for the bloated price they're asking they would at least use better quality caps that don't leave jagged metal teeth behind. Why am i not surprised?
You beat me to it. Using a vial of E300 now and it is super annoying that it catches and shreds my alcohol swab.
Glad I'm not the only one. Have to pick off little strands after.

Never run out of alcohol pads is all i can say. If you have to use a cotton ball or a Q-tip with those vial caps, you'll be picking off strands for an hour.

Happened to me once. Thought i got them all. Proceeded with filling my syringe. Thanks to force of habit i held it up to the light before going any further and spotted a strand attached to the needle.

Trying to pull it off of the needle without touching the needle was fun. Fuck those shitty caps. If PoTG and TGI could afford caps that flip off cleanly, surely the Russian steroid mafia who's all about high quality can too.
You beat me to it. Using a vial of E300 now and it is super annoying that it catches and shreds my alcohol swab.

Here is what I do when that happens. Actually, now I simply do this teh first time I open any product from all brands and any size vials, including HCG, GH, prescriptions etc. just for the convenience of never have anything snag when I wipe the tops. See post quoted below.

I personally pull a little of a angle, not straight up, to try to help avoid this result.

but if/when it happens, I simply use a clean/sterilized tweezers and push down the metal tightly against the stopper (see pic below).

I often have to do this regardless because even if the metal is not bent, there are often times little sharp edges from where the cap was connected -- I push those all down tight and flush into the stopped so when I wipe with alcohol pads the material does not catch and snag on the metal tabs.

Simply use a clean metal implement (such as tweezers) and sterilize it with alcohol; then, push down around the metal, every millimeter or so, rotating around the circle until it is all pushed flat against the stopper.
then it will give you a nice smooth and flat surface work from when you whip and sterilize before each use.

Nice delivery time by the way, thanks for sharing your experience.
I do not have much experience with the mixes; I hope you enjoy mix-4.
Here is what I do when that happens. Actually, now I simply do this teh first time I open any product from all brands and any size vials, including HCG, GH, prescriptions etc. just for the convenience of never have anything snag when I wipe the tops. See post quoted below.

Or Pcom could stop trying to pinch pennies and shell out for superior caps.

Why does the end user have to turn the whole thing into a project just to safely use the god damn gear they overpaid for?
Or Pcom could stop trying to pinch pennies and shell out for superior caps.

Why does the end user have to turn the whole thing into a project just to safely use the god damn gear they overpaid for?
Im more worried about the stoppers tbh, imagine paying 125 bucks on a primo 200 vial and then a piece of rubber from the stopper falls into the solution on the first draw, because pcom decided to cut corners at the expense of customer safety.But then again they sell expired shit and leaking vials so obviously zero fucks given by them.
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Never run out of alcohol pads is all i can say. If you have to use a cotton ball or a Q-tip with those vial caps, you'll be picking off strands for an hour.

Happened to me once. Thought i got them all. Proceeded with filling my syringe. Thanks to force of habit i held it up to the light before going any further and spotted a strand attached to the needle.

Trying to pull it off of the needle without touching the needle was fun. Fuck those shitty caps. If PoTG and TGI could afford caps that flip off cleanly, surely the Russian steroid mafia who's all about high quality can too.
I could imagine a cotton ball just getting annihilated on those caps. I'll stock up on a few boxes of alcohol pads once I start to run low. But I agree, they should use different caps, stoppers, etc. but we all know they wont.
If we're making a laundry list. Here's what I have so far. Let me know if I missed anything:
1. Constant website issues.
2. Way longer shipping times than competitors.
3. Expired gear.
4. Leaky/bulging stoppers.
5. Shitty caps.
6. Prices.
7. Lack of recent lab tests.

1. Jacked Russian Photos posted immediately after someone has a complaint.
(secretly hoping this post triggers the Jacked Russian bot to post one)
Here is what I do when that happens. Actually, now I simply do this teh first time I open any product from all brands and any size vials, including HCG, GH, prescriptions etc. just for the convenience of never have anything snag when I wipe the tops. See post quoted below.
I appreciate the post, but I shouldn't have to make modifications to the caps just to sterilize it. Pcom is the only brand I've had with this issue.
Or Pcom could stop trying to pinch pennies and shell out for superior caps.

Why does the end user have to turn the whole thing into a project just to safely use the god damn gear they overpaid for?
I gave good advice of an easy way to eliminate any alcohol pads or cotton from snagging. This what I show all my own in-person clients as good practice to eliminate snags (usually in regards to GH -- which, by the way, is NOT even PCOM brand).

I do this on all vials -- peptides, GH, HCG etc. NOT just AAS.

All I did is offer a suggestion to help you guys; I found this very useful myself and It works for me so I thought it may be helpful to share the tip.

If you do not want to do it, no problem at all -- do as you wish.