MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Thinking about giving them another chance. Have they at least got their shit together enough for a domestic order?
Be careful. They are just getting worse and worse. Not recommended to order from here!!! Shipping takes 3 months, their service is terrible. You can find cheaper stuff with 2 days shipping, like CAT. Pharmacom is one of the worst stuff ever manufactured.
Be careful. They are just getting worse and worse. Not recommended to order from here!!! Shipping takes 3 months, their service is terrible. You can find cheaper stuff with 2 days shipping, like CAT. Pharmacom is one of the worst stuff ever manufactured.

Don't agree with you as the quality. Their gear is very good and quality wise I'm very happy with them. However yeah seems that they have some problems lately with shipping and communication.

Update on the expired (6/2020) npp.
Almost one week in 50mg EOD and it starts to kick in. The pumps are getting better my recovery as well. My weight climbs slowly. No water retention till now but I assume I won't have problems with water. I haven't gad them with 650 test e. So we'll see as it continues
But I can say I like very much how it works until now!
Pharmacom Labs prooved again: their wh1 eu shipment should take 3 days.
After 3 weeks, they cannot even provide a tracking number. Their terrible customer service barely respont do messages. This is the worst steroid site ever. Terrible service, expensive and bad products. I do not recommend to anyone.
Has someone who waited 1 months after the package was supposedly shipped, I can say that you are wrong. The worsts steroids site are the one who will send you fake or bunk gear. The products I got are real AF. You can’t say that they are expensive cuz if you you come to PCOM it mean that you are ready to spend more money for real gear. It was the reason I ordered from them in the first place. Secondly if you compare the prices to others sources who won’t send you real gear then the price is cheaper + you can sleep without fearing an infection or worst.
So YEAH they are overwhelmed by too much order from around the world. Yeah their customer service is SHITTY AF, but what you get is real quality gear.
I was pissed off juste like you and I am still. But I won’t complain about the quality of what I got.

This source does not take orders via email.
I have been made aware of a potential scammer sending emails pretending to by Pharmacom and offer "bulk pricing."
IF anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email, it is a scam.

Just make sure you are using the correct address.
Here is my correct personal referral link in the "code" box below:
@RThoads @Pharmacom Labs
My order from the 19th of August from w2 arrived today. It took "only" 4 weeks I expected 6-8 :). Everything is fine I got everything I ordered and one gift. Well done!
Btw the products are not expired, even that wouldn't be a problem for me. Of course I prefer not expired stuff but it's more for the mental aspect :D exp date 2025/4.
I searched and found this very recent testing result of Testosterone Enanthate (raws used to produce the Test-E300) in the quote below.
This is the most recent testing result about Test-E I find posted anywhere.
I do not recall seeing anything posted about the Masteron Mix.
There are so many boards and telegram channels etc. but a lot is in different languages -- if I ever find something I can understand, I will be sure to share it.

Btw I got this batch of test e :) nice
@RThoads @Pharmacom Labs
My order from the 19th of August from w2 arrived today. It took "only" 4 weeks I expected 6-8 :). Everything is fine I got everything I ordered and one gift. Well done!
Btw the products are not expired, even that wouldn't be a problem for me. Of course I prefer not expired stuff but it's more for the mental aspect :D exp date 2025/4.
How are the stoppers looking?Would be highly appreciated if you could take a pic
Yes please, just want to see if they discontinued using these low quality stoppers on their new batches. Have fun with the tbols btw :) good stuff ,the endurance boost is crazy at 50 mg.
I'll post a pic tomorrow im already in bed.
Btw Its not tbol. I would like to try it though can you speak a bit about it ? :) I didn't liked the anavar much gave me only a cosmetic enhancement. I love winstrol 5-10mg pre workout gives me a lot of aggression an power. Do you feal the same on winstrol?
I'll post a pic tomorrow im already in bed.
Btw Its not tbol. I would like to try it though can you speak a bit about it ? :) I didn't liked the anavar much gave me only a cosmetic enhancement. I love winstrol 5-10mg pre workout gives me a lot of aggression an power. Do you feal the same on winstrol?
Tbol and anavar are very similar compounds almost like "twin steroids" .The only difference is that tbol gives you more endurance while anavar more strength.So if you didnt like anavar, you wont like tbol either.But i like the endurance boost,it helps me reducing resting time between sets therefore increasing training intensity.
Strangely I don't got stronger on anavar -.- it made me grow a bit over time and some cosmetic aspect. That's it I like something like winny ore workout. However I would like to try tbol for the facts you mentioned!
What are your thoughts on injection frequency for an mix ester product. 100prop /200enan?

The first picture is from the expired NPP which is some years old and expired 06/2020.
The second picture is of the new batch of test e (the results you can find some post before with 310mg/ml).
Btw I had to open the test vial to make a photo so I hope you appreciate it ;P
However there is a difference of the rubber stoppers. I'll till now worked only with the old one (picture 1) and haven't had any problems. We'll see how the other stopper behaves. But j doubt there we'll be any problems. I can say I used one 10 ml vial of test e for almost 5 months and got no leaking or other stuff!


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Strangely I don't got stronger on anavar -.- it made me grow a bit over time and some cosmetic aspect. That's it I like something like winny ore workout. However I would like to try tbol for the facts you mentioned!
What are your thoughts on injection frequency for an mix ester product. 100prop /200enan?

The first picture is from the expired NPP which is some years old and expired 06/2020.
The second picture is of the new batch of test e (the results you can find some post before with 310mg/ml).
Btw I had to open the test vial to make a photo so I hope you appreciate it ;P
However there is a difference of the rubber stoppers. I'll till now worked only with the old one (picture 1) and haven't had any problems. We'll see how the other stopper behaves. But j doubt there we'll be any problems. I can say I used one 10 ml vial of test e for almost 5 months and got no leaking or other stuff!
So its still the same low quality stoppers lmao,thanks for the pics.If you use anavar you should definitely supplement with creatine because the main strength boost comes from the enhanced creatinephosphate to atp production.I personally dont like masteron ,it gives me too many sides like horrible acne,prostate growth/inflammation,insomnia etc for being just a cosmetic compound (im a hight dht converter) .Injection frequency shouldn'tmatter that much with a mix,because there is always long estered masteron keeping your levels stable even if the propionat clears off after 4-5 days or so.The propionat is more of a "kickstart",i would just go with e3d.
So its still the same low quality stoppers lmao,thanks for the pics.If you use anavar you should definitely supplement with creatine because the main strength boost comes from the enhanced creatinephosphate to atp production.I personally dont like masteron ,it gives me too many sides like horrible acne,prostate growth/inflammation,insomnia etc for being just a cosmetic compound (im a hight dht converter) .Injection frequency shouldn'tmatter that much with a mix,because there is always long estered masteron keeping your levels stable even if the propionat clears off after 4-5 days or so.The propionat is more of a "kickstart",i would just go with e3d.
Some years ago they used this one you can see on picture 1 then they apparently changed for some reasons. I'll see how this one behave with the older one I haven't had any problems!
I use year around creatine so that shouldn't be the problem. But it could be due to my use of milk thistle during the anavar cycle -.-
I don't use mast for cosmetic reasons. Yeah too some degree of course. I use it as an anabolic to build muscle! ;) It's a poor man primo.
You said you're a big dht converter but with mast it shouldn't be a problem. I go this way with my cycles: 300mg test and the rest are anabolics dependent on your bodyweight.
Btw have you experience with dbol?
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