MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Hopefully quality has stayed consistent since I been using them since 2015. The only thing I thought was weird was the stopper change but I’ve yet to see any difference other than the pressure it takes to puncture and the seemingly less quality top itself. However this isn’t a deal breaker for me and as long as the community can still agree they have good stuff besides 1-2 tests out of many, I’m fine with that to an extent. however with the primo prices through all of this is the biggest thing and I don’t mind paying more for quality I’m just hoping that it continues. All this said as an advocator of these guys because I have had plenty of success and would hate to see anything less of you guys!
I think there may have been different stopper suppliers over the years. Like with any production business, parts suppliers may have to change from time-to-time.
But, based upon the quote below, I believe the source has already moved away from the flat/smooth stoppers that people did not like in some batches.
These are new stoppers. I mentioned this earlier. Due to issues with old stoppers we changed suppliers. These stoppers will not have such problem like old ones. All newly produced products will be supplied with such stoppers. They are safe.
NOTE: this is a separate and different topic than the rare event when stoppers dimple inward due to being pulled inward by lower internal pressure after the hot higher pressure contents from production cool and reduce internal pressure. This may occur with any stoppers and I have seen it in batches as far back as 2016 or earlier -- nothing is wrong in these cases as the contents are still sealed and sterile. In this case, I simply add a little back-pressure into the vial and thoroughly wipe the top with alcohol multiple times and allow to dry (as one should be doing anyway for external sterility) to removed any condensation that may have developed under the cap).

Last time I ordered international from them I don’t remember the EU country that they ship from to the US. Yet as of now I have a fairly large(for me) order from wharehouse 2 that’s been in chicago customs for a couple weeks and I’m usually not worried and will wait a couple more it’s just I realized the country it was shipped from was one of the less safe ones out of eu. From my many prior years dealing in darknet international orders I always avoided that country. I’m just worried and if I would have known which country I may not have ordered. Would you boys at pharmacom ever consider posting from a neighboring country of wharehouse 2?

Sorry for the wall of txt and hope to hear some dialogue even if it’s through PM’s.
Chicago customs is the worst in my opinion.
A couple weeks there and you still have a chance your will move, and there has been massive delays and inconsistencies in the entire postal system since Covid, but after a few weeks there it is likely your pack has been seized.

I have seen packs sit for up to a full month in customs and then start moving again to eventually land at the destination without any issues (had a few over the past couple years with similar time-frames):

However, that is rare -- usually with Chicago if it has not moved out of customs in a couple weeks, it is seized.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

Please see my post quoted below for some important details and advice regarding seized packs in case you have never experienced it before:
If you do get a letter from homeland security or US Customs and Border patrol, Do NOT reply to any seizure letters and you will have no trouble.
This letter simply means your package was seized. But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

If you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues. For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent something to a wrong address. You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do not speak to anyone (especially anyone affiliated with law enforcement agencies or the postal service etc), make any statement, or any claims in regards to the pack or seizure -- never reply to the letter.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
*Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

I hope some of this may be helpful.
Update: W2 Holiday break is now over.
W2 warehouse staff is back on the job and working to ship out existing orders that were placed during the downtime.
And, of course, W2 is also available for new orders :)

Dear customers,

We remind and notify you that the Spring Festival (the so-called Chinese New Year) in China is approaching soon. Officially, it runs from Tuesday 24 January to Thursday 10 February. Delivery services will not work during this period.
For this reason, orders placed ONLY from Warehouse 2 (Warehouse 1 is not affected, as well as US Domestic Warehouse) will be shipped on January 22 for the last time before the holidays. We will continue to accept orders during the Spring Festival, but they will not ship until approximately February 10th.

Chinese New Year will delay the processing of orders from Warehouse 2. Please take this into account!


Beisstero's Crew
How can you fully believe it if you were shown an edited picture with numbers only? Absolutely anyone can put it in their own interests. Do you think Jano can't cooperate with our opponents and work for them?
Man are you even listening to yourself right now, lmao.

It was a blind sample sent in by a customer, I’m sure the customer photoshopped the report to make you guys look bad, you’re right.

Customers would rather buy from a company who makes a mistake and owns up to it and fixes it rather than buying from a company run by people who act like tin foil hat retards and play as dumb as a fucking rock making up absolutely ludicrous statements.
Hello, I placed an order 12.22.21 and had not received my package nor a tracking number through email. Checking my order in my profile, I found my tracking number and it had been in the same tracking spot for 3 weeks now. I called the office and they said a package intercept was placed on by the sender and to call them? I have reached out through DM to you guys as well. Adding here for visibility.
Yes I’m fully aware of all the intricacies on customs and what not. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m starting to get a little concerned and if it’s seized that would be terrible. I seriously hope a second seizure would be unlikely. however seeing where w2 is located I can see how a higher than normal rate of seizures could happen. Not that I’m an expert but standard rule of thumb around the darknet is that the w2 location is in a very scrutinized area likely for seizures.

I’m not trying to hinder anything as I would love to see you guys keep fighting the good fight. I just would like to hear on why you choose to ship from there. Seems like far less seizures shipping from neighboring countries.
Hello, I placed an order 12.22.21 and had not received my package nor a tracking number through email. Checking my order in my profile, I found my tracking number and it had been in the same tracking spot for 3 weeks now. I called the office and they said a package intercept was placed on by the sender and to call them? I have reached out through DM to you guys as well. Adding here for visibility.
Please contact the source's customer service directly to explore this situation.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
*Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.
Replying to automated emails etc. will not work to contact the source.
The way to contact the source is by using the "Contact Us" page on the Basicstero site.

***Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).

Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful
Yes I’m fully aware of all the intricacies on customs and what not. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m starting to get a little concerned and if it’s seized that would be terrible. I seriously hope a second seizure would be unlikely. however seeing where w2 is located I can see how a higher than normal rate of seizures could happen. Not that I’m an expert but standard rule of thumb around the darknet is that the w2 location is in a very scrutinized area likely for seizures.

I’m not trying to hinder anything as I would love to see you guys keep fighting the good fight. I just would like to hear on why you choose to ship from there. Seems like far less seizures shipping from neighboring countries.
The shipping origins have changed over the years and have comes from a variety of places including neighboring countries such as in eastern and central EU as well as all the way from Asia etc.
The source works with the best available options it has and things change over time because of factors beyond the source's control.
Nonetheless, there are constant efforts in always trying to ensure success, improve, and find good opportunities but it is not always easy or simple to secure, staff, and set-up a new location.
Roger that just makes me more curious to ask beforehand in the future. I know things should be a steady state of change for opsec. Was just kind of keeping my fingers crossed on it going thru!! Might have to order something domestic to keep me good. You guys ever consider using the well known crypto called xmr or monero?
Hi, I really want to help you, please tell me, have you tried using other syringes or needles, did this helps reduce the destruction of rubber stoppers? Also, please write to me in private messages your order number, batch numbers from bottles and expiration date, in your photos I see old-style rubber stoppers, as far as I know there were no problems with them that you describe.
“I want to show I’m doing everything I can to help you without actually resolving the issue and sending you new gear out”
“I want to show I’m doing everything I can to help you without actually resolving the issue and sending you new gear out”
That's what it's looking like so far. Basicstero / "PHL Official" basically told me it's my fault (user error), no other customers have issues and try using different needles. LOL. This is despite several customers mentioning the same issue in this thread. As if using some kind of different needle even makes sense. I have these shit stoppers breaking pieces off into vials on batch dates 2020 and 2021 through expirations for several years. This isn't a one or two batch issue, it's more widespread. Last several orders all had these cheap stoppers. They got a deal somewhere on this junk. I just hope the most recent production are not using this garbage. The EO is way higher than 10% on some of these higher dose concentrations too. The lumps in my ass are evidence. Only happens with higher EO stuff, don't respond well to it. It's a sad day when I see Pharmacom ignoring customers and making excuses for clear corner cutting and cost saving attempts. Vials putting pieces of material into the oil is dangerous. I threw them out, not worth it.

I've talked with another rep here and provided photos, order numbers and batch numbers but I'm not holding my breath here. Most likely just for appearances.

If this were any other board like Pro Muscle, all these posts would have been deleted and I'd likely be banned. I have to give credit to Pharmacom for facing the music here though and even having a presence on this board. It's not for the faint of heart. Tough crowd, open mic night with no corrupt mods. Most shit labs won't even bother with a thread here bc they know they can't handle the criticism and heat or control the discussion/image. Pharmacom is still one of the more reliable UGL out there imo. It's a messy scene these days. Meso is also a very special place. Both deserve our support. This ain't Walmart. As Chinese drug dealers come, Pharmacom / basicstero are pretty fucking good. Let's be real. I Don't trust most stateside UGL out there. And there's only a handful of top tier international UGL like pharmacom with reasonable production standards and QC.


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Is it not possible to submit crypto payment Infos to an order at the Moment on the Website?
There always is a error message. It does not take my data. Now i send my Details by contact Us on the Website...hope its okay
EO in concentrations like that eat up and disintegrate rubber stoppers over time. They should be stood up at all times and unfortunately when you get these items shipped they are being tossed all over the place. Again why labs should not be using that poison in their gear.
Hello, I placed an order 12.22.21 and had not received my package nor a tracking number through email. Checking my order in my profile, I found my tracking number and it had been in the same tracking spot for 3 weeks now. I called the office and they said a package intercept was placed on by the sender and to call them? I have reached out through DM to you guys as well. Adding here for visibility.
Please contact the source's customer service directly to explore this situation.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
*Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.
@Kennyduwayne I also just saw your PM and send a reply to it.
Is it not possible to submit crypto payment Infos to an order at the Moment on the Website?
There always is a error message. It does not take my data. Now i send my Details by contact Us on the Website...hope its okay
I will write to the source and try to help bring attention to what you said here.
I do not have any order of my own to check the functionality of the site -- so I ma not able to describe any details etc.
But I will share a link to your post to help make the source aware there may be a technical issue.
Thank you
Why does everyone keep referring it to rubber stoppers if they only use silicon?
I think people just call them that -- I am not sure any stoppers from any source are actual rubber because true rubber may degrade from contact with oil.
Kinda like how people call any facial tissue "kleenex" -- it just becomes a slang or generalization; similarly, i think any material with that pliable "rubbery" texture are colloquially called "rubber." It is just how people talk when not being technical or super precises.
I will write to the source and try to help bring attention to what you said here.
I do not have any order of my own to check the functionality of the site -- so I ma not able to describe any details etc.
But I will share a link to your post to help make the source aware there may be a technical issue.
Thank you
Thanks for Your help.
it worked and the payment has already been confirmed. It was because you can only enter numbers without dots and commas. I separated the amount with a point.
In your response, you were referring to the damage stoppers as rubber. Did you mean to say silicon?
I never got an answer to this.
Hi, I'm sorry if I confused someone with my message, yes, I meant silicone.
Why does everyone keep referring it to rubber stoppers if they only use silicon?
Most likely, when speaking of a rubber stopper, most people simply mean soft stoppers that are pierced with a needle, and not plastic caps that are on top, they call them rubber simply because the word rubber is used more often and it will be clearer what it is about. That is, by saying rubber stopper, I mean silicone stopper, it is not an opposition (rubber or silicone), but simply the name of a soft stopper, more understandable for most people.
If anyone reads that thread where a member tested your product and it was over 100mg underdosed and sees the way you guys responded , they will see everything you wrote above is pretty false
You say that my words are "pretty false", but we have been on the market for many years, only in this topic there are 1466 pages with hundreds and thousands of reviews from satisfied customers. Every day people write that they like the quality of our products, it is written by people from different countries, on different forums around the world. I think many would agree that if we had poor quality products, it would be everywhere and with all goods, because it is unlikely that we do one thing well and the other badly. When thousands of people on different forums regularly write that they love our products, that they are satisfied with the quality of the goods, it is hardly an accident, it is extremely unlikely that people thank us just like that, if they write that they are satisfied, they probably really like our products.