MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

@PHL Official Hello, I recently got test E 350 from another UGL source using the MiG oil. Its giving me baseball size lumps in my glute and bad pip (apparently dont tolerate it well) thus rendering the 2 vials i bought useless. Im only using .5 ML per week if that tells you anything. Do you guys carry sesame or grapeseed based Test? Which oil does your test cyp use?

Thanks in advance
The carrier oil for Pharmacom oil products is GSO with small 5 to 10% EO.
This information and other details may be found on the source's site in the section linked below:
Update 1: After a brief back and forth, the source offered a 50% refund or a reship from W2 in a week. I chose the latter.

So probably another month delay before I get my tren. Guys, dont peddle $20 5 year old tren to someone whos paid full price and specifically avoided the expired stock promos ok. Its not what a "premium" brand does.

I am tentatively considering this issue resolved for now though.

Received the replacement order today. Everything is considered resolved now. Good service despite the original hiccup.

On a side note, the TREN-E is labelled with a manufacture date of April 2022. So looks like they are being a bit liberal with dates, something to keep in mind when considering expired stuff, it may be even older than what the label says
@RThoads will the ukraine war effect shipping times?
To the best of my understanding, there is not currently an active warehouse in the Ukraine.
But I do not know how this conflict may effect the postal service -- it is possible such things may effect shipping routes though Europe.
Such tragic times and any conflicts may effect even seemly unrelated things all over the entire world.
On a side note, the TREN-E is labelled with a manufacture date of April 2022. So looks like they are being a bit liberal with dates, something to keep in mind when considering expired stuff, it may be even older than what the label says
Please, do post pictures. That's comedy gold right there.
@PHL Official Hello, I recently got test E 350 from another UGL source using the MiG oil. Its giving me baseball size lumps in my glute and bad pip (apparently dont tolerate it well) thus rendering the 2 vials i bought useless. Im only using .5 ML per week if that tells you anything. Do you guys carry sesame or grapeseed based Test? Which oil does your test cyp use?

Thanks in advance
Hi, my colleague has already replied that we use grape seed oil, I also want to add that injections are usually completely painless and you can soon forget about them, but in the case of using highly concentrated drugs, we always recommend diluting them with other oil-based drugs.
@RThoads will the ukraine war effect shipping times?
Unfortunately, there is no exact information about this yet, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to say now whether it will affect or not, but I can assure you that we will do everything in our power to work as usual.
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Hi, my colleague has already replied that we use grape seed oil, I also want to add that injections are usually completely painless and you can soon forget about them, but in the case of using highly concentrated drugs, we always recommend diluting them with other oil-based drugs.

Would diluting it in sterile gso mitigate the swelling?
Received the replacement order today. Everything is considered resolved now. Good service despite the original hiccup.
Hi, I'm really glad to hear this, thanks for taking the time to leave a review, I hope you are satisfied, if in the future you have any questions or need help - please contact us, we will definitely help.
On a side note, the TREN-E is labelled with a manufacture date of April 2022. So looks like they are being a bit liberal with dates, something to keep in mind when considering expired stuff, it may be even older than what the label says
Please write me in private messages more information about this (your order number and batch number), we will definitely sort out the situation.
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Please, do post pictures. That's comedy gold right there.
Received the replacement order today. Everything is considered resolved now. Good service despite the original hiccup.

On a side note, the TREN-E is labelled with a manufacture date of April 2022. So looks like they are being a bit liberal with dates, something to keep in mind when considering expired stuff, it may be even older than what the label says
I used to support this brand. But after the aromasin incident and this I just can’t anymore with a clear conscience.
We have to be calm on this matter , we do business here , it does not matter if they are Russian or not , we must not enter the path of Russian phobia.

Right now there is a lot of anti-Russian propaganda telling only part of the story and they do not explain well why this conflict has been triggered

Putin has always been a very rational man who tries to get along with other countries, but the other countries keep provoking him and sending troops around Russia.

Do you think that Putin woke up one day and said let's attack ukraine? , you should inform yourself why all this started
We have to be calm on this matter , we do business here , it does not matter if they are Russian or not , we must not enter the path of Russian phobia.

Right now there is a lot of anti-Russian propaganda telling only part of the story and they do not explain well why this conflict has been triggered

Putin has always been a very rational man who tries to get along with other countries, but the other countries keep provoking him and sending troops around Russia.

Do you think that Putin woke up one day and said let's attack ukraine? , you should inform yourself why all this started
rational? I hope you're joking. rational and tanks are two different things. We do business with good people not with bad people.
We have to be calm on this matter , we do business here , it does not matter if they are Russian or not , we must not enter the path of Russian phobia.

Right now there is a lot of anti-Russian propaganda telling only part of the story and they do not explain well why this conflict has been triggered

Putin has always been a very rational man who tries to get along with other countries, but the other countries keep provoking him and sending troops around Russia.

Do you think that Putin woke up one day and said let's attack ukraine? , you should inform yourself why all this started
I think this thread if a token of how fucking much I hate gaslighting.

So do yourself a favor and kindly go get fucked.
Apologists of aggression are collaborators, whether intentional or not.
seeing what Russia is doing I think the time has come to throw this source out of the forum.

I think their shitty attempts at gaslighting (hello @RThoads) , diversion (muh russian athlete homoerotica), trying to switch the blame for fucking up, acting like everybody is conspiring against them ( @PHL Official ) and outright being full of shit ( future manufacture dates on the products ) is very representative. And hilarious, in a very Schadenfreude way.


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