MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

i hope it doesn’t turn out this way for me cuz I’ve been trying to work something out with support regarding a re-ship but i have specific conditions that i can’t change and from the looks of it, the likes of them making this right doesn’t look so bright tbh and i spent over $500 for my order..
Just out of curiosity, if you use your real name an address (cause you have no other choice) and ur pack gets seized, does your name and address get put on a watch list that impacts any future orders you place internationally ?, even if it’s not gear ?.
Hi, please don't worry, I received your message and sent the order information to my colleague, we will definitely sort out the situation and help you.
also, has pcom ever post test results on here of their pressed adex pills ?
If you are interested in the results of analyses of our products, you can see them on the official website of our company, in the section "analyses". I will also check if there are more recent analyses, but not yet published there.
I just spent 200 but I don't want my address to get flagged. So 2 got intercepted by customs to 2 different names and addresses. I'm just gonna take it as a loss and I am putting it on pharmacom and not the courier this time because I don't get this shit from turkey or bulgaria
Hi, I am very sorry to hear this, I understand that the situation is very unpleasant, unfortunately this sometimes happens, we do everything possible to make orders arrive without problems, but sometimes parcels can be confiscated, partly it always depends on luck, sometimes orders arrive without problems, and sometimes they are confiscated.
That's because you can't get away with those type of shenanigans here.

Members on paid forums, that's ALL the other forums that you're on, know better than to post openly about issues. They're encouraged to whisper to you in PM or they risk being banned by the money hungry mods that protect you.

The excuse that "no one else is complaining" is absolute bullshit, no matter which way you try to spin it.
Even if people do complain here, they just ignore it. They never touched on the letro/adex issue and just swept it all under the rug. Doesn't matter if there are complaints or not because it falls on deaf ears.
They don't ignore it. They just reply with a pic of one of their jacked Russians
even if i'm wrong and what i was taking was in fact tbol, this type of response is just not reflective of a source of your status. you basically said "well, people have been buying my shit since 2015 and no one has complained so fuck you".

honestly i don't really give a shit about the $100 but jeez, even roidbazaar was nicer than this.
They can try to "help" but all the do is just advertise here and answer questions. Its pretty much basic technical support with no real power.
Out of principal I'm not touching this source ever again.

There's plenty of other sources on these boards who actually care about their customers and fully address issues instead of fobbing them off.

Money talks, so stop giving these clowns your hard earned money.
Even if we wanted to, we would not be able to control the publication or deletion of messages in our topics. Each review is left by a person at his own request, if a person is satisfied, he leaves reviews less often, but if he expected more or there is some question, most likely he will write about it. Over the years, a lot of messages from different people have accumulated on this forum, there are good reviews and thanks, there are also questions and requests to help with this or that problem. It often happens that a person writes about a problem here, and then simply disappears, this is not because he was blocked or deleted, but because his problem has been solved and he does not see the point of writing about it in our branch anymore. Many people will confirm that we always do our best to help, resend orders, and also issue store credits or compensation. If people have questions, we answer them, and if it is not in our competence, we clarify the information of interest from the company's management directly. If our products were bad, we simply would not have worked all these years and there would be no positive feedback about our products on the forums at all, nevertheless, many people regularly thank us and write that thanks to our products they were able to achieve the desired results.

Is this your back up site?

Could not access your official site. Wanted to verify product codes.
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@gotheemz @ConfusedAF I will once again ask you to stop spreading provocations on political topics here! We are out of politics and do not hold any opinion on this topic! Our business around the world and we are not going to discuss it in detail here! Okay?
Hey bro thats nice and all, im not the one calling you ivan and making it political. Im making fun of a guy for doing it in a racialist way. Also my comment is pretty obviously tongue in cheek too.

Spare me the sanctimony! Okay?

Seems like your thread is already pretty contentious, and maybe the guy i was making fun of was right. Your comms team is absolute shit

"hey dude who stood up for me and my wildly overpriced, expired gear, with fucked up stoppers, FUCK YOU!"
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Hey bro thats nice and all, im not the one calling you ivan and making it political. Im making fun of a guy for doing it in a racialist way. Also my comment is pretty obviously tongue in cheek too.

Spare me the sanctimony! Okay?

Seems like your thread is already pretty contentious, and maybe the guy i was making fun of was right. Your comms team is absolute shit

Was my calling him Ivan a political faux pas?
It was the first Russian sounding name i thought of. Had nothing to do with politics. i would've called him Vladimir in that case. :D

Is this your back up site?
I never saw that address before. The URL is not correct.
Be careful with it until we get info from the source.
It appears to be a fake site (unless the source made some changes and did not announce it, but I have not heard of this); it may be a scammer.

The correct for Basicstero's website/store is:

Please make sure you are using this correct address to the real Basicstero store to get genuine Pharmacom Labs products.

Important: This source does not take orders via email.
I have previously been made aware of potential scammers sending emails to people pretending to by Pharmacom and offer "bulk pricing."
If anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email, it is a scam.


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Was my calling him Ivan a political faux pas?
It was the first Russian sounding name i thought of. Had nothing to do with politics. i would've called him Vladimir in that case. :D
Honestly, who cares. I think this source just illustrated the point you were trying to make perfectly. My bad for not listening to the vets.
Even if we wanted to, we would not be able to control the publication or deletion of messages in our topics. Each review is left by a person at his own request, if a person is satisfied, he leaves reviews less often, but if he expected more or there is some question, most likely he will write about it. Over the years, a lot of messages from different people have accumulated on this forum, there are good reviews and thanks, there are also questions and requests to help with this or that problem. It often happens that a person writes about a problem here, and then simply disappears, this is not because he was blocked or deleted, but because his problem has been solved and he does not see the point of writing about it in our branch anymore. Many people will confirm that we always do our best to help, resend orders, and also issue store credits or compensation. If people have questions, we answer them, and if it is not in our competence, we clarify the information of interest from the company's management directly. If our products were bad, we simply would not have worked all these years and there would be no positive feedback about our products on the forums at all, nevertheless, many people regularly thank us and write that thanks to our products they were able to achieve the desired results.
From my neutral perspective, most of your products are actually good, as Pharmacom is considered the one of the best brands in my country. However, there's no such thing as a perfect business, there will be some mistakes once in a while. I think most people here that bashed you did that because you didn't admit if you made a mistake.

Anyways, I don't really care about your behavior as Pharmacom's rep. As long as I make gains with your product, I'm good.

Please understand this source (like the vast majority of sources) is absolutely apolitical and has nothing to do with the politics or choices of one government or another.
We have all endured a lot in recent years -- it has been very difficult for most people in all nations.

Regular working-class people everywhere are similar and want the same things such as a decent life, home, food, hobbies, friends, family, and to be loved – 99% of humans on the planet are pretty much the same and just want peace so they may live their lives and pursue positive goals.

Please, think reasonably, this is not a difficult concept to understand; after all, do US domestic source have any control over what the US Government does?... clearly NOT, or they would end a lot of the government corruption that harms us all.

For example, I may have used high-quality Iranian Pharma products from another repeatable even though I may not personally agree with some of the political positions of the Iranian government -- because the source and their products have nothing to do with geopolitics or governments.

For those, such as myself, living in the USA, we do NOT have anything to do with the agenda and choices of politicians such as Biden, Harris, McConnell, Pelosi etc. make.
This is the same for the average working-class and poor in other nations as well.

You, your job / business / income / livelihood, and family should NOT have to suffer more than it may already endure just because others do not agree with the choices of corrupt politicians -- the political mess is NOT your fault and it is hurting everyone.

The ethnicity of some personnel in a business (such as this, or any other, source or where a source has distributors) is not at all associated with geopolitics of the actions of governments.
Pharmacom has/had distributors and warehouses in many other countries including Ukraine.

We all want peace and the opportunity to live our lives to the fullest – we are all the same in those regards -- and, sadly, the actions of governments and corrupt politicians are what create the divisions.
The regular everyday working-class men and woman, for all “side”, loose when the politicians create tragedies such as wars and racism – none of us “win” – we all suffer and endure hardships of which none of us controlled.

This is all much larger than our usual day-to-day topics – this is something with which we can all find common ground and unity.

Please, the source has politely asked that we do not turn the source thread into a political debate or foster more political and racial tensions and division (I would give the same respect to any and every source here); there are other section here on the forums for such topics.
The problem is this war was very clearly conceived of and initiated by one man: Putin. He controls everything there without opposition. And if it had been the two day victory he thought it would be there would be no outrage but now as the Russians are forced to hunker down and dig in outside the cities in the face of overwhelming opposition the bodies pile up, the cities get destroyed, the people suffer and get really angry and the longer this is drawn out it starts to look very bad for Putin.

So it's getting to the point that if you're taking a stance on this anything short of condemnation of Putin it is unacceptable to most people. And as the weeks and months go on it's going to be even more outrageous to say you stand by the people without condemning Putin.

Is this your back up site?

Could not access your official site. Wanted to verify product codes.
Hi, as far as I know we don't have a backup site, other domain names are scammers. Use the address with the .com domain, if it does not work, try to log in through another browser, device or provider, this usually helps immediately.
From my neutral perspective, most of your products are actually good, as Pharmacom is considered the one of the best brands in my country. However, there's no such thing as a perfect business, there will be some mistakes once in a while. I think most people here that bashed you did that because you didn't admit if you made a mistake.

Anyways, I don't really care about your behavior as Pharmacom's rep. As long as I make gains with your product, I'm good.
Hi, thank you for taking the time to leave a review, I'm really glad to hear that you think that most of our products are actually good and that Pharmacom is considered the one of the best brands in your country. If you need any help in the future, just write to us, we will always help. Be healthy and have a good day.
Pharmacom Testosterone Undecanoate

Available to purchase at Basicstero (direct link in the "code" box below):

Testosterone-Undecanoate Information*:
Testosterone undecanoate (primarily marketed and known from the trade-name “Nebido”), is a very slow-acting ester of testosterone. This is the active drug that is used in Andriol, but in that case it is part of an oral medication, not an injectable. Nebido is being marketed as a replacement for established injectable testosterone products like Delatestryl®, Depo-Testosterone®, and Sustanon®, which are actually much faster acting in comparison. It is designed to offer a much less frequent injection schedule, and, therefore, much greater comfort for the patient. Nebido is a drug developed under a similar focus as testosterone buciclate, which is another very slow-acting injectable ester of testosterone.

Nebido® was developed by international giant Schering AG, Germany (now Bayer). It first surfaced as a prescription drug in Finland and Germany in October and November of 2004, respectively. Within a year it had been approved for sale throughout Europe. Schering/Bayer has since also brought this product to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Colombia, Korea, Venezuela, and various countries in Eastern Europe (86 countries in total). In July 2005, the U.S. pharmaceuticals firm Indevus purchased the rights to market Nebido under the Aveed trade name. The FDA has since held up U.S. approval of the drug, however, focusing on a small number of adverse reports in Germany. These specifically involve post-injection anaphylactic reactions and pulmonary oil microembolism. Most of these reactions are likely not due to a problem with the drug itself, but incorrect administration of the high-volume injection. Future approval in the U.S. is expected, but unclear.

Nebido® was described by Schering as being the, “first long-acting injection for the treatment of male hypogonadism.” This may be a matter of perspective, as other slow-acting esters do exist. Schering, however, is taking the lead to market in most regions. The applications for Nebido® are extremely narrow, being approved for use in men as a long-term treatment option for low androgen levels only. It is not labeled for use in women, or in males for other uses. Given the growing acceptance of androgen replacement therapy, and the comfort advantage that Nebido® seems to offer male hormone replacement therapy patients (esters like enanthate and cypionate generally require between 13 and 26 injections per year), it may very well become a dominant testosterone product in the years to come, especially with the marketing support of a pharmaceutical giant like Bayer.

Structural Characteristics:
Testosterone undecanoate is a modified form of testosterone, where a carboxylic acid ester (undecanoic acid) has been attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group. Esterified forms of testosterone are less polar than free testosterone, and are absorbed more slowly from the area of injection. Once in the bloodstream, the ester is removed to yield free (active) testosterone. Esterified forms of testosterone are designed to prolong the window of therapeutic effect following administration, allowing for a less frequent injection schedule compared to injections of free (unesterified) steroid. Nebido® is designed to maintain physiological levels of testosterone for up to 14 weeks after injection.

Side Effects (Estrogenic):
Testosterone is readily aromatized in the body to estradiol (estrogen). The aromatase (estrogen synthetase) enzyme is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. Elevated estrogen levels can cause side effects such as increased water retention, body fat gain, and gynecomastia. Testosterone is considered a moderately estrogenic steroid. An anti-estrogen such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate may be necessary to prevent estrogenic side effects. One may alternately use an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex® (anastrozole), which more efficiently controls estrogen by preventing its synthesis. Aromatase inhibitors can be quite expensive in comparison to anti-estrogens, however, and may also have negative effects on blood lipids.

Estrogenic side effects will occur in a dose-dependent manner, with higher doses (above normal therapeutic levels) of testosterone more likely to require the concurrent use of an anti-estrogen or aromatase inhibitor. Since water retention and loss of muscle definition are common with higher doses of testosterone, this drug is usually considered a poor choice for dieting or cutting phases of training. Its moderate estrogenicity makes it more ideal for bulking phases, where the added water retention will support raw strength and muscle size, and help foster a stronger anabolic environment.

Side Effects (Androgenic):
Testosterone is the primary male androgen, responsible for maintaining secondary male sexual characteristics. Elevated levels of testosterone are likely to produce androgenic side effects including oily skin, acne, and body/facial hair growth. Men with a genetic predisposition for hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) may notice accelerated male pattern balding. Those concerned about hair loss may find a more comfortable option in nandrolone decanoate, which is a comparably less androgenic steroid. Women are warned of the potential virilizing effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids, especially with a strong androgen such as testosterone. These may include deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. In androgen-responsive target tissues such as the skin, scalp, and prostate, the high relative androgenicity of testosterone is dependent on its reduction to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The 5-alpha reductase enzyme is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. The concurrent use of a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as finasteride or dutasteride will interfere with site-specific potentiation of testosterone action, lowering the tendency of testosterone drugs to produce androgenic side effects. It is important to remember that anabolic and androgenic effects are both mediated via the cytosolic androgen receptor. Complete separation of testosterone’s anabolic and androgenic properties is not possible, even with total 5-alpha reductase inhibition.

Side Effects (Hepatotoxicity):
Testosterone does not have hepatotoxic effects; liver toxicity is unlikely. One study examined the potential for hepatotoxicity with high doses of testosterone by administering 400 mg of the hormone per day (2,800 mg per week) to a group of male subjects. The steroid was taken orally so that higher peak concentrations would be reached in hepatic tissues compared to intramuscular injections. The hormone was given daily for 20 days, and produced no significant changes in liver enzyme values including serum albumin, bilirubin, alanine-amino-transferase, and alkaline phosphatases.

Side Effects (Cardiovascular):
Anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol. This includes a tendency to reduce HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which may shift the HDL to LDL balance in a direction that favors greater risk of arteriosclerosis. The relative impact of an anabolic/androgenic steroid on serum lipids is dependent on the dose, route of administration (oral vs. injectable), type of steroid (aromatizable or non-aromatizable), and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and support left ventricular hypertrophy, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

Testosterone tends to have a much less dramatic impact on cardiovascular risk factors than synthetic steroids. This is due in part to its openness to metabolism by the liver, which allows it to have less effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol. The aromatization of testosterone to estradiol also helps to mitigate the negative effects of androgens on serum lipids. In one study, 280 mg per week of testosterone ester (enanthate) had a slight but not statistically significant effect on HDL cholesterol after 12 weeks, but when taken with an aromatase inhibitor a strong (25%) decrease was seen. Studies using 300 mg of testosterone ester (enanthate) per week for twenty weeks without an aromatase inhibitor demonstrated only a 13% decrease in HDL cholesterol, while at 600 mg the reduction reached 21%. The negative impact of aromatase inhibition should be taken into consideration before such drug is added to testosterone therapy.

Due to the positive influence of estrogen on serum lipids, tamoxifen citrate or clomiphene citrate are preferred to aromatase inhibitors for those concerned with cardiovascular health, as they offer a partial estrogenic effect in the liver. This allows them to potentially improve lipid profiles and offset some of the negative effects of androgens. With doses of 600 mg or less per week, the impact on lipid profile tends to be noticeable but not dramatic, making an anti-estrogen (for cardioprotective purposes) perhaps unnecessary. Doses of 600 mg or less per week have also failed to produce statistically significant changes in LDL/VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B/C-III, C-reactive protein, and insulin sensitivity, all indicating a relatively weak impact on cardiovascular risk factors. When used in moderate doses, injectable testosterone esters are usually considered to be the safest of all anabolic/androgenic steroids.

To help reduce cardiovascular strain it is advised to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates at all times during active AAS administration. Supplementing with fish oils (4 grams per day) and a natural cholesterol/antioxidant formula such as Lipid Stabil or a product with comparable ingredients is also recommended.

Administration (General):
Due to the large injection volume, prescribing guidelines recommend that each injection be given slowly, taking approximately 60 seconds to administer the full dose. Nebido® should always be injected deep in large muscle.

Testosterone undecanoate injection continues to increase in prominence as a pharmaceutical product. It is presently approved for sale in 86 countries worldwide. In reviewing some of the more popular products and changes on the global pharmaceutical market, we have made the following observations. Nebido gained approval for Europe-wide sales in 2005. The product has since been distributed throughout Europe, and is widely available in this region. Indevus, a subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals, has continued to push for FDA approval of Aveed in the United States.
*(credit: “ANABOLICS” 10th ed. by William Llewellyn)
Pharmacom Testosterone Undecanoate

Available to purchase at Basicstero (direct link in the "code" box below):

Testosterone-Undecanoate Information*:
Testosterone undecanoate (primarily marketed and known from the trade-name “Nebido”), is a very slow-acting ester of testosterone. This is the active drug that is used in Andriol, but in that case it is part of an oral medication, not an injectable. Nebido is being marketed as a replacement for established injectable testosterone products like Delatestryl®, Depo-Testosterone®, and Sustanon®, which are actually much faster acting in comparison. It is designed to offer a much less frequent injection schedule, and, therefore, much greater comfort for the patient. Nebido is a drug developed under a similar focus as testosterone buciclate, which is another very slow-acting injectable ester of testosterone.

Nebido® was developed by international giant Schering AG, Germany (now Bayer). It first surfaced as a prescription drug in Finland and Germany in October and November of 2004, respectively. Within a year it had been approved for sale throughout Europe. Schering/Bayer has since also brought this product to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Colombia, Korea, Venezuela, and various countries in Eastern Europe (86 countries in total). In July 2005, the U.S. pharmaceuticals firm Indevus purchased the rights to market Nebido under the Aveed trade name. The FDA has since held up U.S. approval of the drug, however, focusing on a small number of adverse reports in Germany. These specifically involve post-injection anaphylactic reactions and pulmonary oil microembolism. Most of these reactions are likely not due to a problem with the drug itself, but incorrect administration of the high-volume injection. Future approval in the U.S. is expected, but unclear.

Nebido® was described by Schering as being the, “first long-acting injection for the treatment of male hypogonadism.” This may be a matter of perspective, as other slow-acting esters do exist. Schering, however, is taking the lead to market in most regions. The applications for Nebido® are extremely narrow, being approved for use in men as a long-term treatment option for low androgen levels only. It is not labeled for use in women, or in males for other uses. Given the growing acceptance of androgen replacement therapy, and the comfort advantage that Nebido® seems to offer male hormone replacement therapy patients (esters like enanthate and cypionate generally require between 13 and 26 injections per year), it may very well become a dominant testosterone product in the years to come, especially with the marketing support of a pharmaceutical giant like Bayer.

Structural Characteristics:
Testosterone undecanoate is a modified form of testosterone, where a carboxylic acid ester (undecanoic acid) has been attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group. Esterified forms of testosterone are less polar than free testosterone, and are absorbed more slowly from the area of injection. Once in the bloodstream, the ester is removed to yield free (active) testosterone. Esterified forms of testosterone are designed to prolong the window of therapeutic effect following administration, allowing for a less frequent injection schedule compared to injections of free (unesterified) steroid. Nebido® is designed to maintain physiological levels of testosterone for up to 14 weeks after injection.

Side Effects (Estrogenic):
Testosterone is readily aromatized in the body to estradiol (estrogen). The aromatase (estrogen synthetase) enzyme is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. Elevated estrogen levels can cause side effects such as increased water retention, body fat gain, and gynecomastia. Testosterone is considered a moderately estrogenic steroid. An anti-estrogen such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate may be necessary to prevent estrogenic side effects. One may alternately use an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex® (anastrozole), which more efficiently controls estrogen by preventing its synthesis. Aromatase inhibitors can be quite expensive in comparison to anti-estrogens, however, and may also have negative effects on blood lipids.

Estrogenic side effects will occur in a dose-dependent manner, with higher doses (above normal therapeutic levels) of testosterone more likely to require the concurrent use of an anti-estrogen or aromatase inhibitor. Since water retention and loss of muscle definition are common with higher doses of testosterone, this drug is usually considered a poor choice for dieting or cutting phases of training. Its moderate estrogenicity makes it more ideal for bulking phases, where the added water retention will support raw strength and muscle size, and help foster a stronger anabolic environment.

Side Effects (Androgenic):
Testosterone is the primary male androgen, responsible for maintaining secondary male sexual characteristics. Elevated levels of testosterone are likely to produce androgenic side effects including oily skin, acne, and body/facial hair growth. Men with a genetic predisposition for hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) may notice accelerated male pattern balding. Those concerned about hair loss may find a more comfortable option in nandrolone decanoate, which is a comparably less androgenic steroid. Women are warned of the potential virilizing effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids, especially with a strong androgen such as testosterone. These may include deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. In androgen-responsive target tissues such as the skin, scalp, and prostate, the high relative androgenicity of testosterone is dependent on its reduction to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The 5-alpha reductase enzyme is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. The concurrent use of a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as finasteride or dutasteride will interfere with site-specific potentiation of testosterone action, lowering the tendency of testosterone drugs to produce androgenic side effects. It is important to remember that anabolic and androgenic effects are both mediated via the cytosolic androgen receptor. Complete separation of testosterone’s anabolic and androgenic properties is not possible, even with total 5-alpha reductase inhibition.

Side Effects (Hepatotoxicity):
Testosterone does not have hepatotoxic effects; liver toxicity is unlikely. One study examined the potential for hepatotoxicity with high doses of testosterone by administering 400 mg of the hormone per day (2,800 mg per week) to a group of male subjects. The steroid was taken orally so that higher peak concentrations would be reached in hepatic tissues compared to intramuscular injections. The hormone was given daily for 20 days, and produced no significant changes in liver enzyme values including serum albumin, bilirubin, alanine-amino-transferase, and alkaline phosphatases.

Side Effects (Cardiovascular):
Anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol. This includes a tendency to reduce HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which may shift the HDL to LDL balance in a direction that favors greater risk of arteriosclerosis. The relative impact of an anabolic/androgenic steroid on serum lipids is dependent on the dose, route of administration (oral vs. injectable), type of steroid (aromatizable or non-aromatizable), and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and support left ventricular hypertrophy, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

Testosterone tends to have a much less dramatic impact on cardiovascular risk factors than synthetic steroids. This is due in part to its openness to metabolism by the liver, which allows it to have less effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol. The aromatization of testosterone to estradiol also helps to mitigate the negative effects of androgens on serum lipids. In one study, 280 mg per week of testosterone ester (enanthate) had a slight but not statistically significant effect on HDL cholesterol after 12 weeks, but when taken with an aromatase inhibitor a strong (25%) decrease was seen. Studies using 300 mg of testosterone ester (enanthate) per week for twenty weeks without an aromatase inhibitor demonstrated only a 13% decrease in HDL cholesterol, while at 600 mg the reduction reached 21%. The negative impact of aromatase inhibition should be taken into consideration before such drug is added to testosterone therapy.

Due to the positive influence of estrogen on serum lipids, tamoxifen citrate or clomiphene citrate are preferred to aromatase inhibitors for those concerned with cardiovascular health, as they offer a partial estrogenic effect in the liver. This allows them to potentially improve lipid profiles and offset some of the negative effects of androgens. With doses of 600 mg or less per week, the impact on lipid profile tends to be noticeable but not dramatic, making an anti-estrogen (for cardioprotective purposes) perhaps unnecessary. Doses of 600 mg or less per week have also failed to produce statistically significant changes in LDL/VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B/C-III, C-reactive protein, and insulin sensitivity, all indicating a relatively weak impact on cardiovascular risk factors. When used in moderate doses, injectable testosterone esters are usually considered to be the safest of all anabolic/androgenic steroids.

To help reduce cardiovascular strain it is advised to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates at all times during active AAS administration. Supplementing with fish oils (4 grams per day) and a natural cholesterol/antioxidant formula such as Lipid Stabil or a product with comparable ingredients is also recommended.

Administration (General):
Due to the large injection volume, prescribing guidelines recommend that each injection be given slowly, taking approximately 60 seconds to administer the full dose. Nebido® should always be injected deep in large muscle.

Testosterone undecanoate injection continues to increase in prominence as a pharmaceutical product. It is presently approved for sale in 86 countries worldwide. In reviewing some of the more popular products and changes on the global pharmaceutical market, we have made the following observations. Nebido gained approval for Europe-wide sales in 2005. The product has since been distributed throughout Europe, and is widely available in this region. Indevus, a subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals, has continued to push for FDA approval of Aveed in the United States.
*(credit: “ANABOLICS” 10th ed. by William Llewellyn)
Is this in MCT oil?
Is this in MCT oil?
To the best of my understanding GSO the carrier used in all Pharmacom oil-based products.
More details are listed on the source's site in the section linked below:
I have not read anything from the source to make me think this product would be any different.
But I do not have any personal experience with this one myself; so I will email the source and ask if there is anything different for this specific product to confirm. If/when I know for sure, I will post another reply.
Today is my 5th pin of Pharmacom gear, and I noticed some particles in the oil. Are those from the rubber stopper? Are my vials still safe to use? I attached the pics of the 2 vials, and I marked the particles with red circles.

Also, when pinning the rubber stopper, do we need to pin it right in the center, or is any spot fine?Vial 1.jpgVial 1 - Marked.pngVial 2 -.jpgVial 2 - Marked.png
Today is my 5th pin of Pharmacom gear, and I noticed some particles in the oil. Are those from the rubber stopper? Are my vials still safe to use? I attached the pics of the 2 vials, and I marked the particles with red circles.

Also, when pinning the rubber stopper, do we need to pin it right in the center, or is any spot fine?View attachment 162687View attachment 162686View attachment 162689View attachment 162688
@ConfusedAF I do not know if those are from a stopper or not -- I am not coming to any conclusion regarding what that is or how it got into the vial.
It could be pieces of stopper (if so, I advise that you use a smaller draw needle) or something that was injected into a vial after it was opened...or any number or other possibilities; I just have no way to know.

But what I do know with 100% certainty is that you should NOT risk sucking up a particle and injecting it into your body.
Do not use anything with particles because a small solid particle may accidentally get drawn up into the shot.
It is NOT worth the health risk.

Please contact the source directly by using the "Contact Us" form on the source' site and tell their customer service about your observation. They can investigate the situation, help determine what may have occurred, and may offer a replacement etc. I hope you reach a positive resolution.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
*Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Also, even if they do replace it, if you have the experience and items needed (sterile .22 micro filter and sterile empty vial) to do so, you can filter the oil to save what is remaining.
But it appears to be such a small amount left that I would not find it worth it.
If it were mine, I would simply show the source and ask for a replacement.

Contact the source's customer service and they should take care of you -- I hope you get a positive resolution.
@ConfusedAF I do not know if those are from a stopper or not -- I am not coming to any conclusion regarding what that is or how it got into the vial.
It could be pieces of stopper (if so, I advise that you use a smaller draw needle) or something that was injected into a vial after it was opened...or any number or other possibilities; I just have no way to know.

But what I do know with 100% certainty is that you should NOT risk sucking up a particle and injecting it into your body.
Do not use anything with particles because a small solid particle may accidentally get drawn up into the shot.
It is NOT worth the health risk.

Please contact the source directly by using the "Contact Us" form on the source' site and tell their customer service about your observation. They can investigate the situation, help determine what may have occurred, and may offer a replacement etc. I hope you reach a positive resolution.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
*Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Also, even if they do replace it, if you have the experience and items needed (sterile .22 micro filter and sterile empty vial) to do so, you can filter the oil to save what is remaining.
But it appears to be such a small amount left that I would not find it worth it.
If it were mine, I would simply show the source and ask for a replacement.

Contact the source's customer service and they should take care of you -- I hope you get a positive resolution.
I used 23g needle to draw, so I don't think that the needle is the issue. This happens to all 3 vials that I used (Test, NPP, Primo).

I still have some new vials, but if I don't know the cause of the disintegrated rubber, those will end up the same as these vials.
Also, even if they do replace it, if you have the experience and items needed (sterile .22 micro filter and sterile empty vial) to do so, you can filter the oil to save what is remaining.
What about using filter needle like BD Blunt Fill Needle with 5-Micron filter (18G x 1 1/2")? Would that help preventing the stopper particles into my syringe when drawing?