MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

That's because you can't get away with those type of shenanigans here.

Members on paid forums, that's ALL the other forums that you're on, know better than to post openly about issues. They're encouraged to whisper to you in PM or they risk being banned by the money hungry mods that protect you.

The excuse that "no one else is complaining" is absolute bullshit, no matter which way you try to spin it.
When I first joined I was wondering why you were such a dick to them but kept my mouth shut as I didnt know. I had no idea what your problem was.

Now I know why.
i wish i wasn't that guy to post random accusations, but i'm pretty certain the tbol i got from you guys is dbol. within a few days of starting 40mg per day i started looking round and soft. morning weight is up 6lbs (194 - 200) in 1 week with no change to my diet or anything else. i thought it might have been an e2 flare up which happens to me sometimes, so i took arimidex and the scale is still going up.

i've taken a lot of tbol in the past, never dianabol though, and this is definitely not it. i'm getting all the common effects of dbol; rapid water weight gain, muscle fullness, great pumps, great mood, great strength and endurance. tbol is not that intense.

if i had actually wanted dbol and this was my first experience with it, i'd be really happy, but that's not the case here...
Interesting,do you have a batchnummer ?I have a couple blisters of tbol which i was about to use during my contest diet. Would suck if it turns to be dbol instead.
That's because you can't get away with those type of shenanigans here.

Members on paid forums, that's ALL the other forums that you're on, know better than to post openly about issues. They're encouraged to whisper to you in PM or they risk being banned by the money hungry mods that protect you.

The excuse that "no one else is complaining" is absolute bullshit, no matter which way you try to spin it.
Even if people do complain here, they just ignore it. They never touched on the letro/adex issue and just swept it all under the rug. Doesn't matter if there are complaints or not because it falls on deaf ears.
Even if people do complain here, they just ignore it. They never touched on the letro/adex issue and just swept it all under the rug. Doesn't matter if there are complaints or not because it falls on deaf ears.
They don't ignore it. They just reply with a pic of one of their jacked Russians
Hi, this topic was created in 2015 and during this time it has accumulated 1476 pages, hundreds of people regularly write here, anyone can leave their feedback about our products, we never pay for the publication or deletion of this information. Unfortunately, practice proves that satisfied people leave their reviews much less often, they just use the products and achieve the desired results, without seeing the point of writing somewhere about it, but if a person expected more or he has any questions, the chance that he will write about it is much higher. In any case, we are grateful if a person took the time to come in and write something in our topic, we are always ready to help if required.
even if i'm wrong and what i was taking was in fact tbol, this type of response is just not reflective of a source of your status. you basically said "well, people have been buying my shit since 2015 and no one has complained so fuck you".

honestly i don't really give a shit about the $100 but jeez, even roidbazaar was nicer than this.
even if i'm wrong and what i was taking was in fact tbol, this type of response is just not reflective of a source of your status. you basically said "well, people have been buying my shit since 2015 and no one has complained so fuck you".

honestly i don't really give a shit about the $100 but jeez, even roidbazaar was nicer than this.
They can try to "help" but all the do is just advertise here and answer questions. Its pretty much basic technical support with no real power.
Has Pharmacom ever fcked up their basic gear (Test, NPP, Primo)? I'm not purchasing any orals or unrealistically high-dosed gear (>300 mg/mL) from them, so I'm hoping the products I've purchased are good to go.

I plan to get my blood work in a few weeks and will probably post the result here, whether it's good or bad.
Has Pharmacom ever fcked up their basic gear (Test, NPP, Primo)? I'm not purchasing any orals or unrealistically high-dosed gear (>300 mg/mL) from them, so I'm hoping the products I've purchased are good to go.

I plan to get my blood work in a few weeks and will probably post the result here, whether it's good or bad.
Out of principal I'm not touching this source ever again.

There's plenty of other sources on these boards who actually care about their customers and fully address issues instead of fobbing them off.

Money talks, so stop giving these clowns your hard earned money.
They never touched on the letro/ (adex) issue
you know, whenever i tried their adex, it just never felt the same compared to adex i get from @pharmacist, like whenever i would take pharmacoms arimidex, i would still have like a puffy feeling in my hands an feet (indicator telling me my e2 is high)

and whenever i take pharmacists arimidex, i can notice the puffyness subsiding and it feels like it actually works compared to pcoms pressed adex

conclusion from my experience: pharmacom’s arimidex seems underdosed. also, has pcom ever post test results on here of their pressed adex pills ?
Out of principal I'm not touching this source ever again.

There's plenty of other sources on these boards who actually care about their customers and fully address issues instead of fobbing them off.

Money talks, so stop giving these clowns your hard earned money.
I know their customer service sucks, but I'm from a third-world country and there's not much options. I previously used a well-known Chinese source and got fcked up.

The reason I'm leaning to Pharmacom is they're the most popular brand in my country, and I could get it easily (quite expensive though) from a local source without dealing with international shipping. I have an irrational fear of the customs in my country.
you know, whenever i tried their adex, it just never felt the same compared to adex i get from @pharmacist, like whenever i would take pharmacoms arimidex, i would still have like a puffy feeling in my hands an feet (indicator telling me my e2 is high)

and whenever i take pharmacists arimidex, i can notice the puffyness subsiding and it feels like it actually works compared to pcoms pressed adex

conclusion from my experience: pharmacom’s arimidex seems underdosed. also, has pcom ever post test results on here of their pressed adex pills ?
Probably not's that it's the wrong compound completely. Their arimidex was tested by two different labs, and it tested as letrozole.
You pay scumbag money to scumbag board owners to have all bad or dubious reviews deleted. No wonder no one ever complains... except for on here. Must be a coincidence. NO! It's a Meso conspiracy! We're all out to get you!

They can have it tested? You scoffed at a Janoshik test and then a confirming L4T test that both showed your Adex was Letro. They can have it tested. You're too fucking much! Get outta here with that bullshit, Ivan.
bro stands with ukraine damnit, you gonn learn today IvAn
Serious question: Do Ukranian bodybuilders use Pharmacom? If yes, after being invaded, do they ditch Pharmacom as an attempt to boycott Russia?
No idea. All i know is i trippled my usual order in solidarity with tsar putin in his righteous struggle against reddit and the GAE
@gotheemz @ConfusedAF I will once again ask you to stop spreading provocations on political topics here! We are out of politics and do not hold any opinion on this topic! Our business around the world and we are not going to discuss it in detail here! Okay?

Please understand this source (like the vast majority of sources) is absolutely apolitical and has nothing to do with the politics or choices of one government or another.
We have all endured a lot in recent years -- it has been very difficult for most people in all nations.

Regular working-class people everywhere are similar and want the same things such as a decent life, home, food, hobbies, friends, family, and to be loved – 99% of humans on the planet are pretty much the same and just want peace so they may live their lives and pursue positive goals.

Please, think reasonably, this is not a difficult concept to understand; after all, do US domestic source have any control over what the US Government does?... clearly NOT, or they would end a lot of the government corruption that harms us all.

For example, I may have used high-quality Iranian Pharma products from another repeatable even though I may not personally agree with some of the political positions of the Iranian government -- because the source and their products have nothing to do with geopolitics or governments.

For those, such as myself, living in the USA, we do NOT have anything to do with the agenda and choices of politicians such as Biden, Harris, McConnell, Pelosi etc. make.
This is the same for the average working-class and poor in other nations as well.

You, your job / business / income / livelihood, and family should NOT have to suffer more than it may already endure just because others do not agree with the choices of corrupt politicians -- the political mess is NOT your fault and it is hurting everyone.

The ethnicity of some personnel in a business (such as this, or any other, source or where a source has distributors) is not at all associated with geopolitics of the actions of governments.
Pharmacom has/had distributors and warehouses in many other countries including Ukraine.

We all want peace and the opportunity to live our lives to the fullest – we are all the same in those regards -- and, sadly, the actions of governments and corrupt politicians are what create the divisions.
The regular everyday working-class men and woman, for all “side”, loose when the politicians create tragedies such as wars and racism – none of us “win” – we all suffer and endure hardships of which none of us controlled.

This is all much larger than our usual day-to-day topics – this is something with which we can all find common ground and unity.

Please, the source has politely asked that we do not turn the source thread into a political debate or foster more political and racial tensions and division (I would give the same respect to any and every source here); there are other section here on the forums for such topics.
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We are always absolutely apolitical and have nothing to do with Russia. Only we have a distributor there, as in many other countries including Ukraine. I'll ask you to stop the topic of politics in our forum thread, there is no need to turn it into a dust-hole. Please
@gotheemz @ConfusedAF I will once again ask you to stop spreading provocations on political topics here! We are out of politics and do not hold any opinion on this topic! Our business around the world and we are not going to discuss it in detail here! Okay?
I agree and share your sentiment.

I myself, as evident in past posts, am passionate and have strong feelings about some of these topics so I respect the value of political-discourse and expressing our opinions but I understand that this thread is not the place for this topic because it leads to ethnic/racial prejudices etc.

Source's are NOT political and ZERO affiliation with governments (actually even less of a chance than most businesses since, lets face it, the products are not legal in many places).

Out of respect for the board, you, the business, and the many millions/billions of innocent people everywhere (including all of us here) that are sick of the corrupt politicians and governments agenda, I plan on this being my last comment about this topic.

I hope everyone here will understand what I mean and stop with any political or ethnic/racial provocations.

I made my feelings clear regarding this political topic and will leave it at that.

I am 100% supportive of freedom of speech and there are other sections on this discussion board for political-discourse (please see forum linked below):
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