Please understand this source (like the vast majority of sources) is absolutely apolitical and has nothing to do with the politics or choices of one government or another.
We have all endured a lot in recent years -- it has been very difficult for most people in all nations.
Regular working-class people everywhere are similar and want the same things such as a decent life, home, food, hobbies, friends, family, and to be loved – 99% of humans on the planet are pretty much the same and just want peace so they may live their lives and pursue positive goals.
Please, think reasonably, this is not a difficult concept to understand; after all, do US domestic source have any control over what the US Government does?... clearly NOT, or they would end a lot of the government corruption that harms us all.
For example, I may have used high-quality Iranian Pharma products from another repeatable even though I may not personally agree with some of the political positions of the Iranian government -- because the source and their products have nothing to do with geopolitics or governments.
For those, such as myself, living in the USA, we do NOT have anything to do with the agenda and choices of politicians such as Biden, Harris, McConnell, Pelosi etc. make.
This is the same for the average working-class and poor in other nations as well.
You, your job / business / income / livelihood, and family should NOT have to suffer more than it may already endure just because others do not agree with the choices of corrupt politicians -- the political mess is NOT your fault and it is hurting everyone.
The ethnicity of some personnel in a business (such as this, or any other, source or where a source has distributors) is not at all associated with geopolitics of the actions of governments.
Pharmacom has/had distributors and warehouses in many other countries including Ukraine.
We all want peace and the opportunity to live our lives to the fullest – we are all the same in those regards -- and, sadly, the actions of governments and corrupt politicians are what create the divisions.
The regular everyday working-class men and woman, for all “side”, loose when the politicians create tragedies such as wars and racism – none of us “win” – we all suffer and endure hardships of which none of us controlled.
This is all much larger than our usual day-to-day topics – this is something with which we can all find common ground and unity.
Please, the source has politely asked that we do not turn the source thread into a political debate or foster more political and racial tensions and division (I would give the same respect to any and every source here); there are other section here on the forums for such topics.