Holy shit..
I really don't like talking shit on the Internet but gawtdamn ur begging me to just rip ur ass.. so since I tried dropping it more than once and u keep wanting to be a dick I will play into it for a moment. since I'm taking a shit and have nothing better to do with my time...
Fuck you, get the fuck off my nuts and get in the gym...
If you spent as much effort on training as u do being an unecessary smart-ass you would look like jay cutler..
(( I assume this is far from the first time you have been a fucking D-Bag)).. if ur going to act like ur well read and somewhat knowledgeable on a subject that is primarily focused on aesthetics you should at least look the part, and by the look of your avi pic you probably haven't dedicated more than a year to training..
and if I am wrong and u have been training for many years then maybe you should take your bitch ass too a thread more focused on training, workouts, dieting etc... and "read"
I could out lift ur fucking ass if I was dehydrated sleep deprived and had the flu.. and ur fuckING 8 years older than I am, and have the nerve to be condescending wowww...
so get off my nuts!! And go read ur fucking self ass hole.
learn how to train or just do absolutely nothing, but take a hint when someone kindly says "let's not go back and forth no 1 cares to see it"... don't continue to be a fuckface.. u been here less than a month I have read plenty more than ur stupid ass so stfu and stay in your own fucking lane....
quit being a fucking douche.. u been a member for like a week or two.I was reading this thread when it started months before u even joined..