I even don`t know why, but after reading this i remembered t-shirts like on photo
We put them into orders as well as other ones with our logo. And guys liked them. They are wearable-durable.
By the way,you know, I am surfing now our publiс in one of social networks (russian public, where it is legal); there is so many video there with our athletes, interviews, work out programs, advices, motivation videos, but all in Russian. It`s so pity that we can`t build something like this in the USA - a community, which wouldn`t be closed and guys there could motivate other guys for better results, provide advices in training, nutrition, pharmacy area, etc. We have specialists with deep knowledges in human medicine and hormonal system, which for free help people to recover after cycles, chose a proper approach to a cycle and many other things. Of course there is something like this in the USA, lot of motivation video from different competing bodybuilders and other stuff, but we wished to have our own team and public/board, youtube videos with our athletes in the USA and so on.
In CIS countries Pharmacom is not just a gear sourse, it`s a huge community helping people to reach best results and chose a more healthy way of life. Unfrotunately legal status/laws of the USA do not allow us to orginize something like this openly. It`s a pitty really.